Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Treść strony

Analysis of the relationship between the length of eye fixation and the parameters of advertisements visible from the road

In Poland, many advertising signs addressed to motorists are located along the roadside. Advertisements do not serve any traffic related purpose and can distract drivers making them less reliable and as a consequence, reduce road safety. The existing regulations only apply to the carriageway. The research is conducted as part of the RID project. The objective of the RID project is to create a "Manual for positioning roadside advertising signs". The research aims to establish whether drivers look at roadside advertising and for how long. An additional goal is to investigate the correlation between the number and duration of the driver's eye fixation and the parameters of advertising media. In their work the authors use a mobile eye tracker. The study included a group of 60 drivers who drove on a section of about 110 km which included roads of various technical classes, different cross-sections and featured a varied roadside development pattern. 2,900 advertising carriers were inventoried on the route. Almost 30% of all advertising media drew the gaze. The billboards on which fixations were registered in the studied group were inventoried in detail for their geometrical, location or content parameters. The authors of the article present the relations between the parameters and their ability to attract the attention of drivers depending on the number of fixations and their duration.
