Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

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Miasta na prawach powiatu z rozwiniętym przemysłem jako lokalne ośrodki rozwoju na obszarach peryferyjnych polskich regionów

Most of the growth factors is situated in big cities, especially in metropolitan areas. Questions arise: 1) Whether and what development factors are in the peripheral areas of voivodeships (i.e. outside the functional areas of their capitals)? 2) Can the industry be the driving force of the development of these areas? These questions are related to the discussion on the reindustrialisation of the European Union and the role of Poland in this process. This study aims to at least partially answer the questions mentioned above. The subject of research was cities with poviat (county) status in peripheries of voivodeships. The purpose was to check: 1) what is the level of industrial development in these cities, 2) whether specific development factors and their combinations are noticed and used in strategies for the development of 11 cities. The following research methods were used: statistical analysis of indicators, cartographic analysis and analysis of 11 cities’ development strategies. It has been found that specific development factors and their combinations are not properly recognised, exposed and used in most of the strategies studied.
