Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

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Ce site dilution effects in the antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeIn3

La-doped intermetallic single crystals of Ce1−xLaxIn3 were synthesized via an In self-flux method throughout the entire range (x = 0–1). The prototypical heavy-fermion compound CeIn3 shows an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 10.1 K and becomes superconducting near a critical pressure where TN is completely suppressed. As the La concentration increases, Ce moments are diluted, and the lattice constant increases linearly, satisfying Vegard’s law. The electrical resistivity of the high-quality single crystals of Ce1−xLaxIn3 shows a gradual suppression of TN to 0 K at approximately xc = 0.65. The sign of the slope of the low-temperature resistivity vs temperature changes from positive to negative in the vicinity of the critical concentration xc, indicating a change in the Kondo ground states from the Kondo lattice to the Kondo impurity state. In the Kondo lattice state (x < xc ), the coherence temperature (=50K) assigned as the peak in the resistivity is almost independent of the La concentration. In the Kondo impurity state (x > xc ), on the other hand, a kinklike feature in the resistivity appears at ∼50K and persists up to x = 0.97, indicating a change of the Kondo scattering owing to the crystalline electric field effects. These results suggest that the critical concentration is closely connected to the emergence of the Kondo coherence state.
