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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

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Development of a simple biogas analyzer module (BAM) for real-time biogas production monitoring

Anaerobic digestion (AD) relies on the cooperation of specific microbial communities, making it susceptible to process disruptions that could impact biogas production. In this regard, this study presents a technological solution based on the Arduino platform, in the form of a simple online monitoring system that can track the produced biogas profile, named as biogas analyzer module (BAM). The applicability of the BAM focused on monitoring the biogas produced from sugarcane vinasse inoculated with sewage sludge biodigestion processed in mesophilic conditions (38 oC), in a pH range of 6.5–7.5, and following a three-stage operational model: (i) an adaptation (168 h), (ii) complete mixing (168 h), and (iii) bio-stimulation with glycerol (192 h). Then, the lab-made BAM was used to trace the produced biogas profile, which registered a total biogas volume of 8,719.86 cm3 and biomethane concentration of 95.79% (vol.), removing 90.8% (vol) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 65.2% (vol) of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). In conclusion, the results ensured good accuracy and efficiency to the device created by comparisons with established standards (chromatographic and colorimetric methods), as well as the cost reduction. The developed device would likely be six times cheaper than what is available in the market.


  • Luciano de Melo,
  • Ianny Andrade Cruz,
  • Lucas Tadeu Fuess,
  • Carlos Eduardo Maynard Santana,
  • Ram Naresh Bharagava,
  • Sikandar I. Mulla,
  • dr Muhammad Bilal,
  • Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale,
  • Renan Tavares Figueiredo,
  • Luiz Fernando Romanholo Ferreira