Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

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Coordination of planning regulations at the edge of water and land. Conflicts within planning policy for urban blue space in small and medium-sized Polish port cities and possible directions of change

Land-sea integration is crucial for effective marine spatial planning and coastal zone management. Coordination of marine and land planning should ensure ecological sustainability of the coastal area, enable cross-coast investments and promote well-being of the society. A critical element for achieving sustainable development of marine and coastal area is the integration of marine and land planning on the verge of sea waters and the coast. In Poland, the spatial planning system consists of separate legal documents for land and sea, which falls under the competence of various authorities on different administrative levels. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the state of planning coordination within public spaces at the interface of sea and land in the context of current legal status. Planning provisions for chosen public spaces were analyzed in six small port cities in Poland, for which marine spatial plans are being developed. The research confirm, that in case of Polish port cities, the coordination of MSP and LZP is not satisfactory. Conducted analysis regarding coordination of planning documents at sea-land interface in six small port cities in Poland highlighted some significant problems. Some possible directions of changes towards achieving holistic planning approach within coastal area were indicated. The proposed solutions focus on: enhancing the cooperation between marine and municipal authorities, increasing the effectiveness of the planning procedure through public consultations and expert meetings, unifying establishment of the plans’ boundaries and rethinking the functional catalogue applied to marine and land spatial plans.
