Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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A modern approach to an unmanned vehicle navigation

A traditional approach to manned vehicles navigation uses a data combined form a variety of navigation sensors like satellite, inertial and time-of-flight. With support of operators perception, chart and sensor, data are analyzed and navigation decisions are made. An unmanned platforms navigation needs an operators support, who is supervising a platforms decision process, basing on navigation data obtained via variety of electronic sensors. Majority of unnamed platform are equipped with a single visible light camera, in order to transmit an actual information on platforms surroundings. It helps operator to react on dynamically changing navigation situation. That fact lead us to a thesis, that a visual data generated by a single nonmetric camera can be a good source of navigation information for plotting own platform trajectory and support an autonomous navigation process.
