Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Improvements to the two-phase sandwich method for calculating the melting points of pure metals

The thermophysical properties of metal alloys are often investigated via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.An exact and reliable estimation of the thermophysical parameters from the MD data requires a properly and carefullyelaborated methodology. In this paper, an improved two-phase sandwich method for the determination of the metal meltingtemperature is proposed, based on the solid-liquid equilibrium theory. The new method was successfully implemented usingthe LAMMPS software and the C++11 Standard Libraries and then applied to aluminum and copper systems. The resultsshow that the proposed procedure allows more precise calculations of the melting temperature than the widely used one-phase boundary methods.
