Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Treść strony

Accelerated Re-Design of Antenna Structures Using Sensitivity-Based Inverse Surrogates

The paper proposes a novel framework for accelerated re-design (dimension scaling) of antenna structures using inverse surrogates. The major contribution of the work is a sensitivity-based model identification procedure, which permits a significant reduction of the number of reference designs required to render the surrogate. Rigorous formulation of the approach is supplemented by its comprehensive numerical validation using a triple-band uniplanar dipole antenna and a dual-band monopole antenna re-designed with respect to operating frequencies as well as the substrate parameters (thickness and dielectric permittivity). It is demonstrated that—for the considered test cases—the reliable inverse model can be set up using a significantly smaller (by a factor of three) number of reference points as compared to the original version of the method, whereas the dimension scaling process itself requires up to four EM simulations of the antenna structure.
