Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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A Multifunctional Microwave Filter/Sensor Component Using a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line

This research is focused on the design and realiza2 tion of a microwave component with multifunctional filter/sensor 3 operation using a resonator-loaded transmission line (TL). It is 4 shown that while the structure acts as a bandstop filter, the 5 phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading resonator(s) 6 on a movable layer can be used for displacement sensing, thus 7 allowing for combining filtering with sensing in one device. 8 The proposed multifunctional mechanism is validated through 9 electromagnetic (EM) simulation of the structure. The concept 10 and the performance of the proposed device are further examined 11 through the fabrication and measurement of a multifunctional 12 filter/sensor component based on a microstrip TL loaded with 13 movable split ring resonators (SRRs).
