Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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A new finite element with variable Young's modulus

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique that is well-established in the field of engineering. However, in biological sciences, it is justtaking its first steps. Bone tissue is an example of biological material which isexposed to high loads in its natural environment. Practically every movementof the body results in changing stress levels in the bone. Nature copes with thisvery well but when human intervention is necessary (e.g., endoprosthesesimplants) bone strength has to be determined based on experience since bonetissue has a very heterogeneous structure. The goal of this paper is to demon-strate how standard FEM calculations may be readily modified to provide forvariable material properties of such materials as, for example, bone or wood.
