Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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A Concept of Thermal Effort for Heat-Induced Metal Plasticity

This paper proposes a new concept of material effort that considers heat-induced plasticity for heat-resistant steels. These steels indicate a strength differential effect, a stress shearness effect, pressure sensitivity, and other features. Therefore, a three-parameter, temperature-dependent yield function was presented and, next, analytically and geometrically researched. To validate the accuracy of the formulated yield function, experiments were conducted with the designed specimens to characterize the heat-resistant steels St12T and 26H2MF, which underwent simple shear, uniaxial strain tension, and compression tests. The yield function was calibrated by using a simple analysis. Next, the calibrated constitutive equations were used to numerically determine the load–stroke responses of different tests. The numerical analysis showed that the proposed yield function based on three parameters could accurately describe the thermal effort in various loading conditions from the onset of yielding to the ultimate rupture. Accordingly, the proposed yield function is recommended to model material strength under various thermal loading conditions.
