Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Paving the way for green cross-linker substances for the fabrication of polymer membranes — a review

Chemical cross-linking in membrane fabrication aims to face limitations of polymer membranes, including poor chemical resistance, low mechanical stability, swelling, etc. Typical cross-linkers do not fit green chemistry and sustainable principles due to their toxicity. Thus, this article discusses the successful application of green cross-linkers (including organic acids — citric, gallic, ferulic, and tannic acid, calcium chloride, deep eutectic solvents, pectin) and less toxic substances in polymer membranes (including biopolymeric ones based on chitosan or cellulose) fabrication. This article also mentions how to make it ‘greener’. Important areas for these developments include food biopackaging materials, 3D printing materials, and biomedical items.
