Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Alternative approach for damping coefficient estimation in instrumented first-mode dominant steel frame buildings

An alternative approach geared towards estimating damping coefficients in steel frame buildings is presented and assessed. The proposed methodology is conceptually intuitive and its implementation is straightforward. It arises from fundamental principles of structural dynamics and utilizes actual seismic recordings from instrumented buildings. The presented approach is most suitable for low- and mid-rise shear-type structures, wherein the first mode is predominant. The performance of this method is firstly validated against experimental measurements retrieved from a shake table investigation conducted on a single- and a two-story steel frame models subjected to a suite of various low-amplitude ground motions. Then, the estimated values of damping coefficients are implemented into numerical analyses, wherein the single- and the two-story steel frame models are idealized as a 1-DOF and 2-DOF systems, respectively. In the next step, the methodology is applied for estimating damping coefficients in an instrumented three-story office building located in Richmond, California. Overall, the results indicate that the proposed approach is effective and well-suited for damping coefficient identification in the first-mode dominant steel frame structures under low-amplitude seismic excitations (i.e., in the linear elastic range). Lastly, limitations of the present investigation are critically discussed.
