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Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram
- Krzysztof Czarnecki
- Marek Moszyński
- Mirosław Rojewski
The paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded acoustic signals such as sound of the Stradivarius violin, a humpback whale song and a theoretical signals such as impulse response of a rigid and tungsten carbide sphere confined in water are employed to test the novel approach.
Tinnitus Therapy Based on High-Frequency Linearization
- Tomasz Poremski
- Bożena Kostek
The aim of this work was to present problems related to tinnitus symptoms, its pathogenesis, hypotheses on tinnitus causes, and therapy treatments to reduce or mask the phantom noise. In addition, the hypothesis on the existence of parasitic quantization that accompanies hearing loss was recalled. The paper contains a description of experiments carried out with the application of high-frequency dither having specially formed spectral characteristics. Report, discussion on results obtained and conclusions are also included.
TiO2-based photocatalysts in indoor swimming pool air purification
- Andreas Hänel
- Aleksandra Korkosz
- Jan Hupka
Wzrastająca ilość basenów kąpielowych i aquaparków jest obecnie wyzwaniem dla naukowców zajmujących się badaniem i kontrolowaniem powietrza hali basenowej. Mikroorganizmy powstałe w powietrzu hali stanowią ogromne zagrożenie dla zdrowia. Ponadto, w fazie gazowej obecne są także uboczne produkty dezynfekcji (DBP), które mogą mieć szkodliwy wpływ zarówno na kąpiących się, jak i personel. W pracy omówiono potencjalne zagrożenia spowodowane obecnością mikroorganizmów i DBP. Dodatkowo uwzględniono askpekt fotodegradacji LClZO i mikroorganizmów w powietrzu hali basenów rekreacyjnych. Fotoreaktory oraz warunki jego prawidłowego funkcjonowania omówiono z punktu widzenia zastosowań naukowych i praktycznych
Tlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe ze stalowym interkonektorem
- Sebastian Molin
Praca obejmuje szeroki zakres zagadnień związanych z polepszeniem właściwości stosowanych obecnie materiałów lub konstrukcji ogniw paliwowych wykorzystujących elementy metaliczne w postaci litego interkonektora lub porowatego elementu nośnego. Wykonana praca ma charakter eksperymentalny i interdyscyplinarny, swoim zasięgiem obejmuje zagadnienia elektroniki ciała stałego, chemii, fizyki oraz inżynierii materiałowej.
TMSCL as a rate accelerating additive in acylations of amines with 5-(α- amino-α'-hydroxy)methylene meldrum's acids
- Karolina Janikowska
- Sławomir Makowiec
Aspects are presented of the acylation of amines, alcohols and thiols with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids. We placed special emphasis on the acylation reaction of secondary amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids, which, due to their basicity, caused problems concerning salt formation with a Meldrum acid derivative. We found that secondary amines, which react at the slowest rate and with a low yield with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acid, react quickly and with high yields with the same reagent in the presence 1 to 3 equivalents of TMSCl. Acylation with this derivative of Meldrum acid were optimized for such factors as: reaction temperature, solvent polarity and acidity of the environment. We have prepared a wide range of non-symmetrical malononic acid diamids, esters and thioesters of malonamic acid.
TMSCl Promoted Acylation of Amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's Acids - Elucidation of Mechanism.
- Karolina Janikowska
- Sławomir Makowiec
- Paweł Punda
- Natalia Pawelska
- Janusz Rachoń
Recently we have observed accelerating influence of trimethyl silyl chloride addition on the rate of the reactions of 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's Acids with amines, particularly in the case of highly basic amines. However the nature of the aforementioned process remain unexplained. In proposed communication we wish to report insightful elucidation of this mechanism. The reaction under investigation involves simply addition of the trimethyl silyl chloride to the mixture of amine and carbamoyl Meldrum's acid derivative. We considered three potentially possible ways for the TMSCl action. The first possibility is formation of the O-silylated Meldrum's acid, which would exclude formation of salt Meldrum's acid with amine, what undoubtedly hindered this reaction. The next way for the acceleration of the process is silylation of amine and subsequent reaction of silylated amine with carbamoyl Meldrum's acid. The last possibility is connected with the formation of equimolar amount of HCl during the reaction of TMSCl with carbamoyl Meldrum's acid or amine, which should speed up the rate of decomposition of the Meldrum's acid derivative. The NMR monitored experiments as well classical experiments in which predicted intermediate were added to the reaction mixtures excluded formation of O-silylated Meldrum's acid as well as influence of formed HCl as a reason of the acceleration investigated reaction. Our experiments revealed that silylated amine is responsible for rate acceleration of the reaction amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's Acids in the presence of TMSCl.
Tolerancje wymiarowe w dokumentacji rysunkowej konstrukcji stalowych
- Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
W artykule przedstawiono cechy charakterystyczne obecnego systemu określania tolerancji w budowlanych konstrukcjach stalowych. Wskazano na niedoskonałości sytemu oraz na możliwości jego udoskonalenia poprzez uwzględnianie w dokumentacji projektowej tolerancji wymiarowych i wprowadzenie pojęcia pętli montażowej.
Torsional elasticity and energetics of F1-ATPase
- Jacek Czub
- Helmut Grubmueller
FoF1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein synthesizing ATP from ADP driven by a cross-membrane proton gradient. The proton flow through the membrane-embedded Fo generates the rotary torque that drives the rotation of the asymmetric shaft of F1. Mechanical energy of the rotating shaft is used by the F1 catalytic subunit to synthesize ATP. It was suggested that elastic power transmission with transient storage of energy in some compliant part of the shaft is required for the observed high turnover rate. We used atomistic simulations to study the spatial distribution and structural determinants of the F1 torsional elasticity at the molecular level and to comprehensively characterize the elastic properties of F1-ATPase. Our fluctuation analysis revealed an unexpected heterogeneity of the F1 shaft elasticity. Further, we found that the measured overall torsional moduli of the shaft arise from two distinct contributions, the intrinsic elasticity and the effective potential imposed on the shaft by the catalytic subunit. Separation of these two contributions provided a quantitative description of the coupling between the rotor and the catalytic subunit. This description enabled us to propose a minimal quantitative model of the F1 energetics along the rotary degrees of freedom near the resting state observed in the crystal structures. As opposed to the usually employed models where the motor mechanical progression is described by a single angular variable, our multidimensional treatment incorporates the spatially inhomogeneous nature of the shaft and its interactions with the stator and offers new insight into the mechanoenzymatics of F1-ATPase.
Total electron-scattering cross section measurements for tetrahydropyran, (CH2)5O, molecules
- Czesław Szmytkowski
- Elżbieta Ptasińska-Denga
Zmierzono całkowity przekrój czynny (TCS) na rozproszenie elektronów na drobinach tetrahydropyranu. Pomiary przeprowadzono metodą transmisyjną w zakresie energii zderzenia 1 - 400 eV. Otrzymana zależność energetyczna TCS wskazuje na obecność procesów rezonansowych w zakresie 3 - 15 eV. Wyniki porównano z całkowitymi przekrojami czynnymi dla drobin tetrahydrofuranu i alkoholu alfa-tetrahydrofurfurylowego.
total number and biomass of bacteria in drinking water distribution systems.
- Aleksandra Sokołowska
- Katarzyna M Jankowska
- Aneta Łuczkiewicz
- Krystyna Olańczuk-Neyman
In the vast water supply network using traditional methods of treatment it is often impossible to maintain a constant and acceptable microbiological quality of water. In Poland the main reason of bacterial re-growth is presence of organic matter and nutrients in the circulating water and prolonged water retention in the network systems due to the decrease of water consumption, which has been observed for the last 20 years. In the paper the total number and biomass of bacteria were determined in three drinking water networks, one supplied by surface water and two by groundwater intakes. The studied supply systems are characterized by a low ratio of the contact area to volume of a transmitted water (S/V≈ 0.65).
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid sructures: viii. quantum-chemical molecular dynamics simulations of hexagonal silicon-iv structure synthesis with stm
- Aleksander Herman
w tej publikacji badano metodami kwantowo-chemicznymi różne strategie mechanosyntezy heksagonalnego krzemu iv. określono przybliżone warunki mechanosyntezy krzemu w formie lonsdaleitu za pomocą uhv-spm.
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: vii. simple strategy of building atomically perfect spm tip through attachment of c60 molecule to commercial silicon tip by controlled hydrogen atom desorption from tip asperity si(111) silicon surface
- Aleksander Herman
Zaproponowano strategię unieruchomienia cząsteczki c60 na ostrzu chandlowego czujnika spm zbudowanego z krzemu. strategia składa się z czterech prostych etapów i prowadzi do ostrza spm o atomowo zdefiniowanej budowie. modelowanie właściwości ostrza sugeruje, że mogło by ono mieć zastosowanie w mechanosyntezie.
Traffic Modeling in IMS-based NGN Networks
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Maciej Sac
In the modern world the need for accurate and quickly delivered information is becoming more and more essential. In order to fulfill these requirements, next generation telecommunication networks should be fast introduced and correctly dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must be identified, which is the subject of this paper. In the paper standardization of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) concept and IMS-based NGN (Next Generation Network) solutions is presented. Elements responsible for controlling transport resources and utilized resource control modes are described. Requirements on traffic models for IMS-based Next Generation Networks are stated. Review of papers concerning traffic modeling is done. As a result of the review, conclusions regarding traffic models for NGN are presented.
Transformacje krajobrazów wiejskich i zasad ich kształtowania
- Anna Górka
Na skutek zmian relacji pomiędzy wsią i rolnictwem dochodzi dziś do transformacji krajobrazu wiejskiego, który jest agresywnie penetrowany przez nowe funkcje. W przyspieszonym tempie znika specyfika krajobrazu kulturowego wsi. Powinniśmy zatem zastanawiać się, w jaki sposób chronić i rozwijać kulturowe dziedzictwo i różnorodność regionalną krajobrazów.
Transformacje osnów pomiarowych: Zastosowanie transformacji w procesie odnowienia osnowy pomiarowej podczas modernizacji zbiorów zintegrowanego systemu informacji o nieruchomościach
- Paweł Wysocki
Publikacja prezentuje rozwiązanie polegające na wykorzystaniu transformacji współrzędnych do wyznaczania położenia zniszczonych, utraconych punktów starej osnowy pomiarowej w układzie nowej mapy. Celem opisanych badań było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki rodzaj i stopień transformacji (lub też korekt post-transformacyjnych) zastosować, aby uzyskać jak najkorzystniejsze efekty dla celów geodezyjnych.
Transformacje przestrzeni portowych w wybranych miastach skandynawskich
- Ziemowit Suligowski
Problemy przekształceń przestrzeni w miastach portowych. Ewolucja portów skandynawskich. Transformacje przestrzeni powstałej po nieczynnych terenach portowo - stoczniowych. Różne strategie postępowania - charakterystyczne różnice pomiędzy Kopenhagą a Malmoe.
Transformation of the countryside into an open-air museum as a way to rescure its spatial layout and to improve the quality of live = Przekształcenie wsi w muzeum na wolnym powietrzu jako sposób ratowania jej układu przestrzennego i poprawy jakości życia mieszkańców
- Dorota Wojtowicz-Jankowska
Since the first open-air museums until today, the exposition subject-matter has been specialized (ethnographic, archeological, industrial and technical skansens). But idea of the existence of such objects remains unchanged. Still, the goal is to show the collection of wooden buildings in the environment as close to their origin as possible or in the home environment. These distinguish the skansens and make them different then municipal museums, where the exposition is usually placed in specially created places. However, despite the characteristic of the exposition, localization and presentation space of the collections, skansens and museums face the same challenges. One of them is the necessity to adjust the museum institutions to current needs of customers: the expansion of the space for servicing guests, the search for making the exhibition more attractive and increasing the number of visitors. What is currently crucial in museums is mixing the exposition and recreation spaces (cafes, restaurants, souvenirs shops, etc). The creation of the rest areas is equally important as the exposition itself.The same situation is in Skansens where people expect many amenities. The interesting example of the village where partly adopted for skansen is Swołowo – the village in Pomeranian province. The layout of the village is original but proposed features are modern.
Transmission parameters of underwater communication channels
- Henryk Lasota
- Iwona Kochańska
The underwater environment is tough and demanding as a communication channel for ultrasonic signals. The channel transmission characteristics in marine and inland waters depend much on local bathymetry and changing weather conditions. The architecture and performance of a reliable underwater acoustic communication (UAC) system should allow real-time adaptation of its transmission parameters to a large variety of possible channel characteristics. The paper presents an adaptation procedure based on the WSS-US statistical model developed for wireless telecommunication systems. The channel is there characterized by measurements of instantaneous channel impulse response being then a basis for estimation of the channel statistical characteristics and extraction of related parameters in the phase of communication handshake, and next used in the adaptive design of digital communication system transmission settings recorded at the physical and link layers of the communication protocol.