Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2024

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  • 3D-Breast System for Determining the Volume of Tissue Needed for Breast Reconstruction
    • Gabriela Małyszko
    • Julia Czałpińska
    • Andżelika Janicka
    • Katarzyna Ostrowska
    • Mariusz Kaczmarek

    3D imaging systems can be used to effectively determine breast volumes for surgical applications. This article presents methods for surface reconstruction and volume determination based on the point cloud created by 3D imaging. Such a system would be used to accurately estimate breast volume in patients classified for breast reconstruction surgery at plastic surgery centers. To develop such a system, various methods of determining volume, based on images from the Intel D435i camera, were tested. In addition, an application and a measuring station tailored to clinical needs were developed

  • 9,10-Dioxoanthracenyldithiocarbamates effectively inhibit the proliferation of non-small cell lung cancer by targeting multiple protein tyrosine kinases
    • Mateusz Olszewski
    • Maryna Stasevych
    • Viktor Zvarych
    • Natalia Maciejewska

    Anthraquinones have attracted considerable interest in the realm of cancer treatment owing to their potent anticancer properties. This study evaluates the potential of a series of new anthraquinone derivatives as anticancer agents for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The compounds were subjected to a range of tests to assess their cytotoxic and apoptotic properties, ability to inhibit colony formation, pro-DNA damage functions, and capacity to inhibit the activity of tyrosine kinase proteins (PTKs). Based on the research findings, it has been discovered that most active derivatives (i84, i87, and i90) possess a substantial capability to impede the viability of NSCLC while having mostly a negligible effect on the human kidney cell line. Moreover, the anthraquinones displayed pro-apoptotic and genotoxic attributes while blocking the phosphorylation of multiple PTKs. Collectively, our findings indicate that these derivatives may demonstrate promising potential as effective anticancer agents for lung cancer treatment.

  • A 0.5 V Nanowatt Biquadratic Low-Pass Filter with Tunable Quality Factor for Electronic Cochlea Applications
    • Jacek Jakusz
    • Waldemar Jendernalik
    2024 Full text Electronics

    A novel implementation of an analogue low-power, second-order, low-pass filter with tunable quality factor (Q) is presented and discussed. The filter feature is a relatively simple, buffer-based, circuit network consisting of eleven transistors operating in a subthreshold region. Q tuning is accomplished by injecting direct current into a network node, which changes the output resistance of the transistors and, as a result, modifies the filter network’s loss, and thus its Q. Q tuning is independent of a filter cut-off frequency (ω0). The filter, with a nominal ω0 of 1 kHz, was fabricated using a 0.18 μm CMOS technology, and features a Q range of 2–11, power consumption of up to 52 nW, and a 59 dB dynamic range when using a 0.5 V supply. The ω0 can be tuned from 0.5 to 2.5 kHz using a traditional method by changing the transistor transconductances, but this process partially affects the quality factor.

  • A Closed Bipolar Electrochemical Cell for the Interrogation of BDD Single Particles: Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation
    • Anna Dettlaff
    • Joshua Tully
    • Georgia Wood
    • Deep Chauhan
    • Ben Breeze
    • Lijiang Song
    • Julie V. Macpherson
    2024 Full text ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA

    A closed bipolar electrochemical cell containing two conductive boron-doped diamond (BDD) particles of size  250 – 350 m, produced by high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) synthesis, has been used to demonstrate the applicability of single BDD particles for electrochemical oxidative degradation of the dye, methylene blue (MB). The cell is fabricated using stereolithography 3D printing and the BDD particles are located at either end of a solution excluded central channel. Platinum wire electrodes placed in each of the two outer solution compartments are used to drive electrochemical reactions at the two BDD particles, which, under bipolar conditions do not require direct electrical connection to a potential source. Experiments using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) show that the anodic pole BDD particle is able to electrochemically remove > 99% of the dye (originally present at 1  10-4 M) to undetectable UHPLC-MS products in 600 s. Monitoring of the time dependant change in MB peak area, from the UHPLC chromatograms, enables a pseudo first order rate constant of 0.54 min-1 to be determined for MB removal. Given the large scale at which such particles can be produced (tonnes), such data bodes well for scale up opportunities using HPHT-grown BDD particles, where the particles can be assembled into high surface area electrode formats.

  • A closer look at how the dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method works. Investigation of the effect of solvent mixture composition on the quality and stability of the cloudy state
    • Serhii Zaruba
    • Michaela Ovšonková
    • Patrycja Makoś-Chełstowska
    • Vasil Andruch
    2024 Full text Frontiers in Chemistry

    The dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) is one of the most popular miniaturized extraction procedures. In this paper, the degree of dispersion and dispersion stability were studied with the aim to assess the correlations of these parameters with efficiency for the selected analytical application. The dependence between the degree of dispersion (cloudy state quality) and its stability obtained by various emulsification procedures, such as solvent-assisted emulsification (using various dispersive solvents) and mechanical emulsification (using auxiliary energies), is investigated and discussed. It was found out that the degree of dispersion depends on the type of emulsification procedure and decreases in the series: solvent-assisted (SA-) = ultrasound-assisted (UA-) > air-assisted (AA-) > vortex-assisted (VA-) emulsification. The emulsion stability depends on the degree of dispersion and there were 1810 and 2070 s for the most effective emulsification procedures, such us solvent-assisted and ultrasound-assisted emulsification, respectively. A comparison between the sensitivity of the analytical methods (using spectrophotometric determination of the anionic surfactants) and the degree of dispersion have been made. The sensitivity of the methods was ranked as follows: DLLME > UA-LLME > VA-LLME > AA-LLME.

  • A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection
    • Khansa Gulshad
    • Michał Szydłowski
    • Andaleeb Yaseen
    • Rana Waqar Aslam

    The site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), and multi-criteria models and tools, are discussed in detail. A comparative analysis of these methods is then conducted based on ten different criteria. These criteria include the number of variables, data properties, the scale of analysis, benefits maximization approach, multi-attribute decision analysis, user-friendliness, community and stakeholder participation, and the validation methods. This comparison reveals limitations in each method. These include inadequate data availability and quality, lack of evaluation methods, comprehensive assessment criteria and spatial explicitness. These challenges underscore the need for future research to prioritize spatial clarity, broaden criteria, improve data quality through standardization, incorporate field visits and remote sensing for robust results, integrate big data, and develop web-based, open-source tools for enhanced accessibility. These key strategies provide valuable insights for advancing LID site selection methods.

  • A comparative analysis of numerically simulated and experimentally measured static responses of a floating dock
    • Jianan Zhang
    • Xueliang Wen
    • Aleksander Kniat
    • Muk Chen Ong
    2024 Ships and Offshore Structures

    Two numerical methods, dynamic and static analyses, are proposed to calculate the static responses of a floating dock under different ballast water distributions. Model-scale experimental tests were conducted to compare with these numerical methods. The dynamic analysis includes a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) model, a hydrostatic force model and a hydrodynamic force model to simulate the dock's freely floating processes. The dock's equilibrium position is identified when the difference in the dock’s motions between two successive time steps is below a specified tolerance value. In the static analysis, the static equilibrium equations in draught, heel, and trim are solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Both dynamic and static results of the draughts at the four corners, heel, and trim are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results, which shows the reliability of the proposed numerical methods. Moreover, the static analysis exhibits quicker convergence, requiring fewer iteration steps than the dynamic analysis.

  • A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
    • Gamal K. Hassan
    • Montaser Y. Ghaly
    • Ghada E. Ahmed
    • Rehab M. Mohamed
    • Heba A. El-Gawad
    • Przemysław Kowal
    • Hussein Al-Hazmi
    • Ahmed A. Afify
    2024 Water

    This exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically conducted for both Fenton and photo-Fenton processes to realize maximum COD and color removal. Under ideal conditions (0.4 g/L photocatalyst, 1 mL/L H2O2, and 75-Watt UV intensity for 60 min), the photo-Fenton process realized 80% COD elimination and complete decolorization, meeting industrial discharge limits without needing extra biological treatment. Statistical models correlating process parameters to treatment efficiency were developed, giving important design insights. For Fenton, effluent COD exceeded discharge thresholds, so a post-biological treatment using activated sludge was essential to comply with regulations. This integrated Fenton–biological scheme utilizes synergism between chemical and biological processes for enhanced overall treatment. Notable economic benefits were achieved by photo-Fenton over conventional UV-only and UV/H2O2 methods regarding energy consumption and operating costs. Overall, this pioneering work successfully proves integrated advanced oxidation–biological systems as a superior, sustainable alternative to traditional techniques for economically removing obstinate pollutants, such as azo Dichlorotriazine dye, as it is a simulated textile wastewater treatment used to satisfy environmental standards.

  • A Comprehensive Review: Applications of the Kozeny–Carman Model in Engineering with Permeability Dynamics
    • Maryam Rehman
    • Muhammad Bilal Hafeez
    • Marek Krawczuk

    In this review article, we investigate the dynamic nature of the Kozeny–Carman Model concerning permeability and its application in engineering contexts. Providing insights into the changing dynamics of permeability within mining, petroleum, and geotechnical engineering, among other engineering applications. While some are complex and require additional modifcations to be applicable, others are simple and still function in specifc situations. Therefore, having a thorough understanding of the most recent permeability evolution model would help engineers and researchers in fnding the right solution for engineering issues for prospects. The permeability evolution model Kozeny–Carman (KC) put forth by previous and current researchers is compiled in this paper, with a focus on its features and drawbacks

    • Semahat Merve Top
    • Jan Cudzik
    2024 Full text Journal of Green Building

    The agenda of Industry 4.0 strongly affects design and construction at all its phases, and three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) is an essential part of it. The emerging technology has the potential to become a more valid and accepted form of construction. This research is based on a literature review regarding the relationships between the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and energy efficiency for 3DP in construction research to understand the developments. Systematic bibliometric and scientometric analyses are used as data analysis techniques to make a detailed comparison. The comparison allowed for assessing and determining the current state, benefits, limitations, and future outlook. Current research is based on insights examining materials first (80%), followed by walls (15%), buildings (11%), and 3DP technology (6%). The findings highlight that 3DP technology offers significant advantages in terms of time efficiency, reliability, ecological impact, and sustainability within the construction industry. However, several challenges, such as the complexity of material mixture content design, the lack of standardized 3DP materials and codes, and the limited availability of experts in the field, prevent its widespread adoption. Further advancement of 3DP requires the development of standards, policies, training and materials for its full implementation in the construction industry.

  • A Comprehensive Review of Reactive Flame Retardants for Polyurethane Materials: Current Development and Future Opportunities in an Environmentally Friendly Direction
    • Paulina Parcheta-Szwindowska
    • Julia Habaj
    • Izabela Krzemińska
    • Janusz Datta

    Polyurethanes are among the most significant types of polymers in development; thesematerials are used to produce construction products intended for work in various conditions. Nowa-days, it is important to develop methods for fire load reduction by using new kinds of additivesor monomers containing elements responsible for materials’ fire resistance. Currently, additiveantipyrines or reactive flame retardants can be used during polyurethane material processing. Theuse of additives usually leads to the migration or volatilization of the additive to the surface of thematerial, which causes the loss of the resistance and aesthetic values of the product. Reactive flameretardants form compounds containing special functional groups that can be chemically bonded withmonomers during polymerization, which can prevent volatilization or migration to the surface of thematerial. In this study, reactive flame retardants are compared. Their impacts on polyurethane flameretardancy, combustion mechanism, and environment are described.

  • A comprehensive review on economic, environmental impacts and future challenges for photovoltaic-based electric vehicle charging infrastructures
    • Haseeb Rashid
    • Liu Ming Hua
    • Lyu Guanghua
    • Rija Hasan
    • Abdulrahman AlKaseem
    • Aqsa Ali
    • Syed Hadi Hussain Shah
    • Shoaib Shaikh
    • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar
    • Piotr Musznicki
    2024 Frontiers in Energy Research

    In this paper, a comprehensive review of the impacts and imminent design challenges concerning such EV charging stations that are based on solar photovoltaic infrastructures is presented, which is based on state-of-the-art frameworks for PV-powered charging stations and the latest case studies. The main factors that are targeted in this review are the management of an EV charging system that is a composite of PV and public grid, as well as a charging system business model that can affect consumer behavior by charging at different rates and the best design infrastructure for a PV electric vehicle charging services. The economic, environmental, and social impacts caused by the installation of PVdriven charging infrastructures are also compared. Moreover, the framework for recently emerging vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home services, as well as the integration of these frameworks, is discussed. Finally, survey results for future EV demand and its public acceptance are presented. Appertaining to these issues, the case studies highlight that EV transportation between parking lots and charging stations is necessary to make the best use of the available charging stations. Statistically, in this study, it was inferred that there are no limitations on the amount of EV battery capacity that can be stored, and users of EVs can charge in both slow and fast modes. Furthermore, V2G systems are not suitable for widespread industrial use. Moreover, finding solutions and overcoming numerous obstacles remain unaddressed issues, and the size of the EV industry must reach a certain level to make profitable sales of V2B, V2H, V2G, and other V2X systems. The collected statistics indicate that although respondents generally have a favorable opinion of the mobility applications powered by photovoltaic cells, it seems unlikely that they will use them anytime soon.

  • A dissimilar welded joint of grade 92 steel and AISI 304L steel obtained using IN82 buttering and IN617 fller: relationship of microstructure and mechanical properties
    • Hardik Sanjay Surkar
    • Amit Kumar
    • Sachin Sirohi
    • Shailesh M. Pandey
    • Aleksandra Świerczyńska
    • Dariusz Fydrych
    • Chandan Pandey
    2024 Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

    Unfavourable operating conditions of equipment in the energy industry resulting from high-temperature loads determine the need to use special materials and technological solutions, including welding procedures. In this article, buttering using IN82 (ERNiCr-3) consumables was proposed as a method to improve the weldability of grade 92 steel joined by the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with AISI 304L (IN617 fller). The microstructural characterization of samples was carried out using an optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The welded joint was further characterized by hardness, tensile (room temperature and at 620 °C temperature) and impact tests. Additionally, the fracture surfaces of tensile and impact tests were studied by SEM. Despite the confrmation of the difusion of alloying elements and signifcant changes in their concentration, which indicates the formation of Ti and Nb-rich phases, no welding imperfections were detected and favourable joint structures and acceptable properties were obtained. In particular, this concerns the limitation of the formation of brittle structures and the elimination of the untempered martensitic layer. At the same time, there was a signifcant decrease in the maximum hardness of heat-afected zone (HAZ) on the grade 92 steel side to a relatively low value of 310 HV, and a minimum tensile strength criterion of 600 MPa was achieved with a simultaneous increase in ductility (35% elongation) of the joint. Comparatively, when compared to a non-buttered welded joint, the joint produced with a buttering layer exhibited an increase in the elongation and impact toughness of the welded joint without any compromise in ultimate tensile strength (Sut). The fracture surface of tensile and impact-tested specimens was also characterized using SEM/EDS. Summarizing all the results, it can be concluded that the proposed GTAW procedure of grade 92 and 304L steels can be used in extreme working conditions, in ultra-supercritical power units or the petrochemical and chemical industries.

  • A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
    • Arkadiusz Żak

    This book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the development of modern science and numerical methods. The principles of wave phenomena are clearly presented to the reader as well as the necessary background for understanding the finite element method, which is the following chapter of the book is viewed from the modeller point-of-view. Apart from the principles the book also addresses more advanced topics and problems including the use of the spectral-finite element method, the spline-based finite element method as well as the problems of undesired and hidden properties of discrete numerical models.

  • A framework for risk matrix design: A case of MASS navigation risk
    • Cunlong Fan
    • Jakub Montewka
    • Di Zhang
    • Zhepeng Han

    Risk matrix, a tool for visualizing risk assessment results, is essential to facilitate the risk communication and risk management in risk-based decision-making processes related to new and unexplored socio-technical systems. The use of an appropriate risk matrix is discussed in the literature, but it is overlooked for emerging technologies such as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). In this study, a comprehensive framework for developing a risk matrix based on fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is proposed. In this framework, a linear function is defined where the risk index is treated as a response variable, while the probability and consequence indices are explanatory variables, with weights of these two indices representing their importance on given risk level. This significance is assessed by experts and quantified using AHP in interval type 2 fuzzy environment. A continuous risk diagram is then created and converted into a risk matrix that can be improved. To verify the feasibility of the proposed framework, a risk matrix is designed in the context of MASS grounding. The results show that the proposed approach is feasible. Our discussion results can provide new insights for the design of risk matrices and promote the management of MASS navigational risks.

  • A framework to analyse the probability of accidental hull girder failure considering advanced corrosion degradation for risk-based ship design
    • Krzysztof Wołoszyk
    • Floris Goerlandt
    • Jakub Montewka

    Ship’s hull girder failure could result from maritime accident that can cause human life loss, environmental disaster, and major economic impacts. In risk-based ship design paradigm, accounting for rare phenomena (e.g. ship-ship collision or grounding) is important to provide safe and durable structure. In-service corrosion-induced hull degradation should be considered at the design stage, as it can significantly affect structural strength. The current study presents a novel framework to estimate the probability of ship hull girder failure, accounting for novel corrosion modelling techniques and accidental damage. The associated uncertainties are considered using statistical sampling from evidence-based distributions. A state-of-the-art deterministic model for ultimate strength calculation is applied using Monte Carlo simulation approach, resulting in the probability of hull failure through a reliability assessment. Wave and still-water bending moments are considered random variables. Two case studies of tanker ships with varying sizes are executed to show the applicability of the proposed framework. The results indicate that proper consideration of corrosion is of high importance, as ageing can significantly increase the probability of failure if accidental damage happens. Therefore, whereas future research and model refinement are discussed, the presented framework can serve for risk-based ship design tool and assess existing structures’ safety.

  • A gap waveguide-based mechanically reconfigurable phase shifter for high-power Ku-band applications
    • Ali Farahbakhsh
    • Davood Zarifi
    • Michał Mrozowski
    2024 Scientific Reports

    This paper presents a novel design of a low-loss, reconfgurable broadband phase shifter based on groove gap waveguide (GGW) technology. The proposed phase shifter consists of a folded GGW and three bends with a few pins forming the GGW and one bend attached to a movable plate. This movable plate allows for adjustments to the folded waveguide length, consequently altering the phase of electromagnetic waves. The advantage of GGW technology is that it does not require electrical contact between diferent parts of a structure. Therefore, it enables the moving parts to slide freely without electromagnetic energy leakage, resulting in improved insertion loss in high-power applications. In addition, in the proposed design, the position of the input and output waveguide ports of the phase shifter remains fxed, which is advantageous from a practical point of view. As shown by measurement and simulation results, there is nearly 37% impedance bandwidth with the highest insertion loss of 0.6 dB, and the developed device has a maximum phase shift of 770° at the center frequency of 13GHz. The phase shifter can be used for various radar and satellite applications that require phase control, such as beamforming networks and phased array antennas.

  • A hierarchical observer for a non-linear uncertain CSTR model of biochemical processes
    • Mateusz Czyżniewski
    • Rafał Łangowski
    2024 Full text International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

    The problem of estimation of unmeasured state variables and unknown reaction kinetic functions for selected biochemical processes modelled as a continuous stirred tank reactor is addressed in this paper. In particular, a new hierarchical (sequential) state observer is derived to generate stable and robust estimates of the state variables and kinetic functions. The developed hierarchical observer uses an adjusted asymptotic observer and an adopted super-twisting sliding mode observer. The stability of the proposed hierarchical observer is investigated under uncertainty in the system dynamics. The stability analysis of the estimation error dynamics is carried out based on the methodology associated with linear parameter-varying systems and sliding mode regimes. The developed hierarchical observer is implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment and its performance is validated via simulation. The obtained satisfactory estimation results demonstrate high effectiveness of the devised hierarchical observer.

  • A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
    • Md Yeakub Ali
    • Ali Lalbakhsh
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Łukasz Gołuński
    • Foez Ahmed
    • Mohsen Asadnia
    2024 Full text Scientific Reports

    In order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized design approach makes the metastructure planar, low-profile, light in weight, and compatible with additive printing technology. For the proof-of-concept, such metastructure is developed and numerically verified to enhance the radiation performance of a resonant cavity antenna (RCA). With the proposed metastructure, the peak directivity of the RCA is improved by 8.6 dBi (from 11.4 dBi to 20 dBi) at the operating frequency of 12.4 GHz. The aperture efficiency and 3-dB directivity bandwidth of the RCA with the metastructure are 41.46% and 16.5%, respectively. Using readily accessible thermoplastics or polymers and copper with cost-effective fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3-D printing technology, the proposed planar hybridized metastructure can be prototyped commercially.

  • A Low-Profile Metal-backed Dipole Loaded with Closely Coupled Arc-shaped Open Stubs for On-metal Tag Design with Wide Frequency Tuning Capability
    • Fuad Erman
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Eng-Hock Lim
    • Leifur Leifsson
    • Effariza Hanafi
    • Muthukannan Murugesh

    This research has presented a single-layer metal-backed dipole antenna, which consists of a feedline loaded with two pairs of closely-coupled arc-shaped open stubs, for designing a metal-mountable tag that features tuning capability over a wide range of frequency. Here, the stubs can generate sufficient inductive reactance for bringing down the tag resonant frequency tunable in both the regulated UHF RFID passbands (North American (NA) and Lower European (LEu) standards). Adjusting the stubs’ length can be utilized as a simple and effective tuning mechanism, enabling broadband frequency adjustment in between the two major spectra in a straightforward manner, while maintaining a maximum power transmission coefficient (τ=1). In addition, the proposed antenna structure is easy to construct. The tuning mechanism has enabled the antenna to match well with any commercial RFID chips, and it does not require the use of any external lumped components or shorting elements (vias or stubs). The proposed tag can be easily fabricated using an inexpensive flexible polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) substrate, which is broadly adopted by the RFID industry. Stable read performance is achievable, providing freedom of frequency tuning without the need to modify the radiator structure. The volume of the tag is reasonably small:   (28)2  1.5 mm3. It has a measured detection distance is 9.75 m (4 W EIRP) on metal surface in the NA RFID passband while 8.41 m (3.24 W EIRP) in the LEu passband.