Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2013

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  • Testing a Variety of Features for Music Mood Recognition. Testowanie zestawu parametrów w celu rozpoznawania nastroju w muzyce
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Magdalena Piotrowska
    2013 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

    Music collections are organized in a very different way depending on a target, number of songs or a distribution method, etc. One of the high-level feature, which can be useful and intuitive for listeners, is “mood”. Even if it seems to be the easiest way to describe music for people who are non-experts, it is very difficult to find the exact correlation between physical features and perceived impressions. The paper presents experiments aimed at testing a variety of low-level features dedicated to music mood recognition. Musical excerpts to be tested comprise individual (solo) tracks and mixes of these tracks. First FFT- and wavelet-based analyses, performed on musical excerpts, are shown. A set of “energy-based” parameters is then proposed. These are mainly rms coefficients normalized over the total energy derived from wavelet- based decomposed subbands, variance and some statistical moments. They are then incorporated into the feature vector describing music mood. Further part of experiments consists in testing to what extent these features are correlated to the given music mood. Results of the experiments are shown as well as the correlation analysis between two main mood dimensions – Valence and Arousal assigned to music excerpts during the subjective tests.

  • Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications
    • Iwona Kochańska
    • Henryk Lasota

    Large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) being a multi-carrier modulation technique applied successfully in the latest standards of wireless communications, seems to be the most promising. The paper reviews general features of UAC channels, describes their statistics-based transmission model applied in wireless system design, and presents communication test performed by the authors with the use of a laboratory model of an OFDM data transmission system in both static and moving configurations of a receiver in a shallow lake. The effectiveness of matching the OFDM signaling schemes, channel coding, and transmission frame structure to current channel conditions was tested.

  • Testing Watermark Robustness against Application of Audio Restoration Algorithms
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Janusz Cichowski
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    The purpose of this study was to test to what extent watermarks embedded in distorted audio signals are immune to audio restoration algorithm performing. Several restoration routines such as noise reduction, spectrum expansion, clipping or clicks reduction were applied in the online website system. The online service was extended with some copyright protection mechanisms proposed by the authors. They contain low-level music features embedded as watermarks using the non-blind approach. After applying restoration algorithms, the watermark is extracted from the audio track. It was shown in experiments, that a watermark “attacked” by the restoration procedures may still be detected. However in some cases it is possible to retrieve only a binary information about the watermark presence in the audio carrier.

  • The 12 principles of green analytical chemistry and the SIGNIFICANCE mnemonic of green analytical practices
    • Agnieszka Gałuszka
    • Zdzisław M. Migaszewski
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    The current rapid development of green analytical chemistry (GAC) requires clear, concise guidelines in the form of GAC principles that will be helpful in greening laboratory practices. The existing principles of green chemistry and green engineering need revision for their use in GAC because they do not fully meet the needs of analytical chemistry. In this article we propose a set of 12 principles consisting of known concepts (i.e. reduction in the use of reagents and energy, and elimination of waste, risk and hazard) together with some new ideas (i.e. the use of natural reagents), which will be important for the future of GAC.

  • The 41Σ+ electronic state of LiCs molecule
    • Jacek Szczepkowski
    • Patryk Jasik
    • Anna Grochola
    • Włodzimierz Jastrzębski
    • Józef Eugeniusz Sienkiewicz
    • Paweł Kowalczyk
    2013 Full text The European Physical Journal-Special Topics

    The 41Σ+ state of LiCs molecule is observed experimentally for the first time. The inverted perturbation approach (IPA) method is used to derive the potential energy curve of the state from the measured spectra. The experiment is accompanied by theoretical calculations of adiabatic potentials for excited states in LiCs including 41Σ+, performed with the MOLPRO program package. The irregular shape of the 41Σ+ state potential predicted by theory is confirmed in the experiment.

  • The 5S methodology as a tool for improving organization of production
    • Paweł Falkowski
    • Przemysław Kitowski

    The chapter presents the 5S method as a tool for continuous improving lean management processes, whose task is to create a highly efficient, clean, and ergonomic working environment. The method is presented as a collection of 5 simple rules, and at the same time it is a tool that allows you to control the workplace visually. The history of the 5S tool originates from Japanese philosophy, namely the five basic elements of the system: Seiri (selection), Seiton (systematization), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (standardization) and Shitsuke (self-discipline)

  • The adaptive backstepping control of PMSM supplied by current source inverter for the field weakening region
    • Marcin Morawiec
    2013 International Review of Electrical Engineering-IREE

    The sensorless control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor PMSM supplied by current source inverter for field weakening operation is presented in this paper. The adaptive backstepping control system and the backstepping speed observer are presented. The control system is based on multi-scalar variables. The control variables are: dc-link voltage and the output current vector pulsation. The control system was named voltage control system because of the fact that the first control variable is voltage in dc-link. The machine inverter is treated as commutator. It works with constant modulation index. Proposed control system is robust on mechanical and electromagnetical parameters of the motor. The adaptive estimator of the stator resistance and stator inductance are introduced. Such an approach to control of PMSM motor gives better performance. It is robust to dynamic uncertainties and does not require knowledge of the system parameters. The mathematical equation was introduced. The field weakening with adaptive control was not well known. In field weakening the reference torque or current must be limited when the rotor speed is near nominal. The method of control variables limitation in the backstepping control system is shown. The mathematical dependences based on multi-scalar model for field weakening method are presented. The simulation and experimental tests are confirmed the good static and dynamic properties of PMSM supplied by a current source inverter with the adaptive backstepping control system.

  • The aluminium and polycarbonate covering to the roof over the stadium in Gdańsk
    • Dariusz Kowalski

    This paper presents information about structural elements of the roof covering to the stadium in Gdansk built for the 2012 European Football Championship in Poland and the Ukraine. The paper discusses elements of the polycarbonate covering, the supporting structure and the drainage system. It also provides information about tests and research performed prior to construction, which determined the solutions adopted as well as the roof's present and future condition.

  • The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer
    • Marzena Grzesiak
    • Anita Richert-Kaźmierska

    One of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries. The coordination of the task and achieving the expected results of the project in this part was the responsibility of the Gdańsk University of Technology (PP10). Due to the complexity of the data analysis process (the data is often available only in the vernaculars) and the need to define specific conditions for the implementation of individual solutions in different countries, all project partners participated in performing the task. This report focuses on presenting the diagnosis methodology related to the possibilities and the conditions of selected good practices implementation in BSR countries adopted in the course of the research, as well as on discussing the obtained results.

    • Władysław Koc
    • Cezary Specht
    • Piotr Chrostowski

    The paper presents results of satel lite surveying of the railway's rout es, which have been conducted just after starting in Poland (in 2008) the Active Geodesy Network ASG-EU POS. Afterwards it was possible to effectively utilize the GNSS survey ing results for the inventory of the (exploring) railways in service. Already at the beginning of 2009, the research team from Gdansk University of Technology and Naval Academy in Gdynia, with the cooperation of the Po lish Railway Lines - Railways Department in Gdynia and the Leica G.A. company, applied a method of conti nuous satellite surveying of the railway track with the use of GPS antennas installed on a railway vehicle. From the beginn ing of the resear ch until now, the method has been successfully improving. As it turned out, the measurements deliver very pr ecise information, which are useful in the railway route's horizontal layout assessment. It was basic in working out an original computer program. The implemented algorithm allows one to visualize the an alyzed route, as well as evaluate necessary geometrical parameters in order to assess both straight and curved tr ack sections. Moreover, the user obtains a polygon of the main direct ions of the analyzed route. On the basis of that research, the new method of the horizontal layout designing was established. The method is adapted to the satellite measurements and allows the representation of the whole intersection area between main directions (circula r arc with transition curves) by the mathematical formulas in a local coordinate system. And finally, such an approach allows one to genera te the coordinates of the designed layout in the global system of spatial reference.

  • The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas
    • Maciej Szczodrak
    • Józef Kotus
    • Andrzej Czyżewski
    • Bożena Kostek
    2013 Full text Computer Science

    The concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by the system prototype are depicted. The results in the form of noise maps obtained by a system are compared with some other solutions in order to investigate accuracy.

  • The Application of Fibres from Recycled Postconsumer Tyres for Concrete Reinforcement
    • Magdalena Pawelska-Mazur

    Poland as a Member State is obliged to implement the EU specific environmental legislation focused on the reduction, transport and treatment of waste. The Landfill Directive prohibited the landfilling of whole tyres and their by-products. Although the EU Directive of Waste limits the use of tyres as secondary fuel, Poland is still the EU leader in burning tyres in cement kilns. Post-consumer tyres are utilised in a number of engineering applications, which can be devided divided to those that use either whole or fragmented tyres. Looking for the methods of the valuable steel tyre-cord application in construction sector, became the main reason of research conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Concrete Structures at Gdansk University of Technology. The tests of recycled fibres in concrete show the improvement of the mechanical properties ofsuch modified concrete mechanical properties like as the increase of concrete strength comparable to industrial fibres.

  • The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
    • Marta Słomińska
    • Piotr Konieczka
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    In the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal decomposition of surface compound process was used. On the basis of the results obtained during preliminary tests the homogeneity of materials for benzene, toluene and o-xylene were determined.

  • The Attitude of Polish Entrepreneurs to the Fact of Staging the Mega Sport Event - the Case of Pomeranian SMEs Towards Euro 2012
    • Julita Wasilczuk
    • Krystian Zawadzki
    2013 Full text Przedsiębiorstwo we współczesnej gospodarce - teoria i praktyka

    In the course of preparations to the 2012 European Football Championship (Euro 2012) many doubts have arisen as to the actual cost-benefit balance affecting the hosting country. The event is accompanied by intense promotion of the agglomeration and the region, especially abroad. In effect, one can anticipate the competitive position of both the region and the businesses operating there to improve. The investigation whether the Euro 2012 will have an impact on the Pomeranian Region was conducted twofold. In the first area, the short run increase in business activities were investigated using the field research among the entrepreneurs. The second part of research was focused on the growth willingness of entrepreneurs.

  • The awareness of the profession and the self-reflection of the primary, secondary and upper secondary school teachers on their own practice in the light of empirical studies
    • Michał Tomasz Tomczak

    The article presents the issue of awareness of the profession and the self-reflection of the primary, secondary and upper secondary school teachers’ on their own practice. The text refers to data based on empirical studies.

  • The best practices transfer part I
    • Marzena Grzesiak
    • Magdalena Olczyk
    • Marzena Starnawska

    This expertise describes the possibilities of best practices implementation. These examples of best practices concern to improve the women’ entrepreneurship and were identified at the earlier stage of the project. One of the areas of activity within the QUICK IGA project was the selection of best practices related to strengthening the economic activity of women in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs. Due to the Scandinavian enterprises' considerable experience in this area, the best practices were sought among them with view to possible future implementation in the remaining BSR countries, mainly in Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and Poland. A comprehensive analysis of the solutions used mainly by Scandinavian companies and public organizations to combine the economic activity of women, as well as complex consultations with other partners of the project, allowed GUT to select 6 related to women's activity. It this expertise are presented transfer basic requirements, benefits and optimal conditions for implementation three identified solutions: Female future, Women into Technology, Fuuturi: Women entrepreneurs and management future.

  • The best practices transfer part II
    • Marzena Grzesiak
    • Magdalena Olczyk
    • Anita Richert-Kaźmierska
    • Marzena Starnawska

    This report has been produced within Work Package 4 of the EU-funded project QUICK IGA The project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013

  • The consideration to the dynamic systems parameter identification
    • Eligiusz Mieloszyk
    • Robert D. Gańko
    2013 International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control

    In this paper, a concept for continuous-time dynamic systems parameter identification using modulating function approach is presented. It refers to linear as well as selected non-linear systems. It shows the possibility of direct application without converting differential equation. In particular cases direct application can decrease the amount of computation in non-linear system identification, which generally requires Fourier and Hartley transforms and convolutions. Furthermore, it is shown that parameter identification of dynamic systems might be ambiguous due to the signals used in system identification. This ambiguity should be considered before determining the final mathematical model. During the computation we also focused on the online identification which enables to verify the results obtained consequently from updated data and abort the identification in appropriate moment.

  • The Crisis of Marketing Communication in the Era of Social Media
    • Wioleta Kucharska
    2013 Prace Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Gdańsku

    The articles examines the widely discussed in literature the problem of marketing communication crisis resulting from the changes of the environment. These changes generate both new problems and also new solutions, e.g. social media. The practicioners are pursuing both effective and efficient solutions, in relation to the difficulties encountered while achieving market objectives via traditional methods and channels. In accordance with the nowadays trends, thej allocate the resources available in social media. The purpose of this papier is answer the question to what extent social media marketing messages are response to the crisis. The author uses logical reasoning based on of the subject literatures as well as survey of marketing practicioners regarding the issue presented.