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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2013

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    • Tomasz Minkiewicz
    • Andrzej Reński
    2013 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z możliwością pracy elektrowni jądrowej (EJ) również w charakterze źródła ciepła, a więc w warunkach skojarzonego wytwarzania energii elektrycznej oraz ciepła. Rozpatrzono dwa poziomy mocy cieplnych oddawanych do systemów ciepłowniczych. Przeprowadzone wstępnie badania techniczne i ekonomiczne dla lokalizacji elektrowni jądrowej nad Jeziorem Żarnowieckim potwierdziły potencjalną możliwość pracy EJ w charakterze podstawowego źródła ciepła w systemie ciepłowniczym, który zasilałby rejon Wejherowa i Gdyni.

  • M-Split Estimation in Laser Scanning Data Modeling
    • Artur Janowski
    • Jacek Rapiński
    2013 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

    Publikacja traktuje o wykorzystaniu estymacji M-Split do modelowania danych pozyskanych w wyniku skaningu laserowego. Autorzy prezentują rozwiązanie w oparciu o detekcję krawędzi dwóch płaszczyzn.

  • Multiacces quantum communication and product higher rank numerical range
    • Maciej Demianowicz
    • Paweł Horodecki
    • Karol Życzkowski

    In the present paper we initiate the study of the product higher rank numerical range. The latter, being a variant of the higher rank numerical range, is a natural tool for study- ing a construction of quantum error correction codes for multiple access channels. We review properties of this set and relate it to other numerical ranges, which were recently introduced in the literature. Further, the concept is applied to the construction of codes for bi–unitary two–access channels with a hermitian noise model. Analytical techniques for both outerbounding the product higher rank numerical range and determining its exact shape are developed for this case. Finally, the reverse problem of constructing a noise model for a given product range is considered.

  • Multibaem Sonar Records Data Decimation Using Hierarchical Spline Interpolation
    • Jerzy Demkowicz
    2013 Full text HYDROACOUSTICS

    Multibeam sonar records feature high vertical and horizontal resolution. Interpolating and approximating, eventually displaying of of high volume scattered 3D raster data leads to some difficulties related to a computer processing power. The paper presents some advantages of using hierarchical splines in the context. Such an approach facilitates real time 3D MBS data rendering.

  • Multibeam Sonar Characterisation of Seafloor in the Context of Visualisation and Dissemination of Marine Data
    • Zbigniew Łubniewski
    • Andrzej Stepnowski
    • Marek Moszyński

    The paper presents the seafloor characterisation method based on multibeam sonar data. it relies on using three types of multibeam seafloor sensing data: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms) of seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consists of high resolution bathymetric data, 3) the set of time domain bottom echo envelopes received in the consecutive sonar beams. The classification is performed by utilisation of several statistical methods applied to analysis of a set of seafloor descriptors derived from multibeam data. In the second part of the paper, the use of a real-time, remotely accessible GIS for implementation of imaging, spatial analysis and mapping (including the 3D model) of seafloor and other marine data is presented. The marine GIS is capable of integrating the data from various sources related to off-shore as well as coastal area and has been developed to deliver multi-resolution maps designed for different scale observations of marine environment and various ecosystem components.

  • Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
    • Joanna Szłapczyńska
    2013 Full text TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

    The Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization in case of route finding are described. The paper describes the notion of Pareto-optimality of routes along with a simplified, easy to follow, example. It also discusses a choice of the most suitable ranking method for MEWRA (a comparison between Fuzzy TOPSIS and Zero Unitarization Method is presented). In addition to that the paper briefly outlines a commercial application of MEWRA.

  • Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Applied to Music Mood Recognition
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Magdalena Piotrowska

    The paper presents two experiments aimed at categorizing mood associated with music. Two parts of a listening test were designed and carried out with a group of students, most of whom where users of online social music services. The initial experiment was designed to evaluate the extent to which a given label describes the mood of the particular music excerpt. The second subjective test was conducted to collect the similarity data for the MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) analysis. Results were subject of various MDS and correlation analysis. Obtained MDS representation is relevant and remains coherent with acclaimed 2-dimensional Thayer’s model as well as with evaluation using six mood labels.

  • Multilevel inverter neutral-point voltage sensor diagnostic based on the Extended Kalman Filter
    • Paweł Szczepankowski
    • Piotr Kołodziejek

    A new algorithm for neutral point voltage imbalance estimation in DC link of the three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage source inverter (VSI) is proposed. Application of the proposed algorithm does not require any additional sensors. The unbalanced voltage calculation is based on the information derived from the inverter output measured currents and from the knowledge of the load model parameters. In order to estimate the unbalanced voltage extended Kalman filter is used to model non-stationary object. Proposed algorithm can be used for sensorless operation without voltage sensor at the neutral point and can be used also for the voltage sensor diagnostic purposes by comparison of the estimated and measured values. Proposed algorithm implementation provides redundancy and improved reliability of the inverter.

  • Multilevel model order reduction with generalized compression of boundaries for 3-d FEM electromagnetic analysis
    • Grzegorz Fotyga
    • Krzysztof Nyka
    • Michał Mrozowski
    2013 Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER

    This paper presents a multilevel Model Order Reduction technique for a 3-D electromagnetic Finite Element Method analysis. The reduction process is carried out in a hierarchical way and involves several steps which are repeated at each level. This approach brings about versatility and allows one to efficiently analyze complex electromagnetic structures. In the proposed multilevel reduction the entire computational domain is covered with macro-elements which are subsequently nested, in such a way that size of the problem which has to be reduced at each level is relatively small. In order to increase the speed of the reduction at each level, the electric ¯eld at the macro-elements' boundaries is projected onto the subspace spanned by Legendre polynomials and trigonometric functions. The results of the numerical experiments confirm the validity and efficiency of the presented approach.

  • Multimodal English corpus for automatic speech recognition
    • Bartosz Kunka
    • Adam Kupryjanow
    • Piotr Dalka
    • Piotr Bratoszewski
    • Maciej Szczodrak
    • Paweł Spaleniak
    • Marcin Szykulski
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    A multimodal corpus developed for research of speech recognition based on audio-visual data is presented. Besides usual video and sound excerpts, the prepared database contains also thermovision images and depth maps. All streams were recorded simultaneously, therefore the corpus enables to examine the importance of the information provided by different modalities. Based on the recordings, it is also possible to develop a speech recognition system which analyzes many modalities at the same time. The paper describes the process of multimodal material collection and the post-processing procedure applied to this material. Parameterization methods of signals belonging to different modalities are also proposed.

  • Multimodal human-computer interfaces based on advanced video and audio analysis
    • Andrzej Czyżewski
    • Piotr Dalka
    • Łukasz Kosikowski
    • Bartosz Kunka
    • Adam Kupryjanow
    • Michał Lech
    • Piotr Odya

    Multimodal interfaces development history is reviewed briefly in the introduction. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces to education software and for the disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and the audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people. The Smart Pen providing a tool for supporting therapy of developmental dyslexia is presented and results achieved with its application are discussed. The eye-gaze tracking system named “Cyber-Eye” developed at the Multimedia Systems Department employed to many kinds of experiments is presented including analysis of visual activity of patients remaining in vegetative state and their awareness evaluation. The scent emitting multimodal computer interface provides an important supplement of the polysensoric stimulation process, playing an essential role in education and therapy of children with certain developmental disorders. A new approach to diagnosing Parkinson's disease is shown. The progression of the disease can be measured employing the UPDRS (Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale) scale which is used to evaluate motor and behavioral symptoms of Parkinson's disease, based on the multimodal interface called Virtual-Touchpad (VTP) used for supporting medical diagnosis. The paper is concluded with some general remarks concerning the role of multimodal computer interfaces applied to learning, therapy and everyday usage of computerized devices.

  • Multimodal Surveillance Based Personal Protection System
    • Józef Kotus
    • Piotr Dalka
    • Maciej Szczodrak
    • Grzegorz Szwoch
    • Piotr Szczuko
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    A novel, multimodal approach for automatic detection of abduction of a protected individual, employing dedicated personal protection device and a city monitoring system is proposed and overviewed. The solution is based on combining four modalities (signals coming from: Bluetooth, fixed and PTZ cameras, thermal camera, acoustic sensors). The Bluetooth signal is used continuously to monitor the protected person presence, and in case of abduction attempt it reports an alert accompanied with GPS coordinates. The video monitoring algorithm analyses streams from cameras closest to the event coordinates, examines the direction of objects’ movement and detects situations such as invaliding cars and road blocking. Thermal camera images are used for the detection of explosions and tracing cars in difficult lighting conditions. The audio monitoring subsystem uses acoustic sensors for the detection and localization of important sounds, such as shouts and gunshots. As a result, the combined modalities allow for the detection of important security threats, i.e. a person abduction in some studied case scenarios.

  • Multi-objective optimization of water quality, pumps operation, and storage sizing of water distribution systems
    • Wojciech Kurek
    • Avi Ostfeld

    A multi-objective methodology utilizing the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) linked to EPANET for trading-off pumping costs, water quality, and tanks sizing of water distribution systems is developed and demonstrated. The model integrates variable speed pumps for modeling the pumps operation, two water quality objectives (one based on chlorine disinfectant concentrations and one on water age), and tanks sizing cost which are assumed to vary with location and diameter. The water distribution system is subject to extended period simulations, variable energy tariffs, Kirchhoff's laws 1 and 2 for continuity of flow and pressure, tanks water level closure constraints, and storage-reliability requirements. EPANET Example 3 is employed for demonstrating the methodology on two multi-objective models, which differ in the imposed water quality objective (i.e., either with disinfectant or water age considerations). Three-fold Pareto optimal fronts are presented. Sensitivity analysis on the storage-reliability constraint, its influence on pumping cost, water quality, and tank sizing are explored. The contribution of this study is in tailoring design (tank sizing), pumps operational costs, water quality of two types, and reliability through residual storage requirements, in a single multi-objective framework. The model was found to be stable in generating multi-objective three-fold Pareto fronts, while producing explainable engineering outcomes. The model can be used as a decision tool for both pumps operation, water quality, required storage for reliability considerations, and tank sizing decision-making.

  • Multi-Objective Water Distribution Systems Control of Pumping Cost, Water Quality, and Storage-Reliability Constraints
    • Wojciech Kurek
    • Avi Ostfeld

    This work describes a multi-objective model for trading-off pumping cost and water quality for water distribution systems operation. Constraints are imposed on flows and pressures, on periodical tanks operation, and on tanks storage. The methodology links the multi-objective SPEA2 algorithm with EPANET, and is applied on two example applications of increasing complexity, under extended period simulation conditions and variable energy tariffs. The proposed approach enables decision makers to take full advantage of the obtained information on a multi-objective scale for trading off, cost, water quality, and storage-reliability requirements. Verification of the model outcomes through engineering judgment on all runs for both example applications confirmed the model suitability as a decision tool. Limitations of the proposed model reside in using variable speed pumps with assumed constant efficiency as representing an entire pumping station operation, the storage reliability constraint as an u-priori set parameter, and in the computational intensity required to obtain solutions for real sized systems.

  • Multiple-channel frequency-adaptive active vibration control using SONIC
    • Michał Meller
    • Maciej Niedźwiecki

    SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller) is an acronym of a new approach to rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discretetime stable linear plant with unknown and possibly timevarying dynamics. The paper presents two frequency-adaptive extensions of the multivariate SONIC algorithm. The efficacy of the proposed solutions is tested using our laboratory-scale active vibration control plant.

  • Multiprocessor Implementation of Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Allocation of Chlorination Stations in Drinking Water Distribution System – a New Water Quality Model Approach
    • Grzegorz Ewald
    • Tomasz Zubowicz
    • Mieczysław Brdyś

    The Critical Infrastructure Systems (CISs) have received in recent years a considerable attention due to their heavy impact on sustainable development of modern societies. Most CISs may be classied as large scale complex systems of network structure, in uenced by strong interactions form the surrounding environment, internal and external interconnections. The later is a result of inter-CIS dependencies. The control, monitoring and control of these system is crucial to guaranty safe access to the resources distributed by the means of CIS. Among those systems the Drinking Water Distribution System (DWDS) may be found { a nonlinear dynamic carrier-load networked system. To handle these systems in a proper (robustly feasible) manner one needs to consider a nontrivial control task complimented by a set of input and state constraints. This surely points to model predictive optimal control schemes. To carry on the control a set of actuators { disinfectant booster stations { needs to be allocated within the DWDS to enable the control system to be robustly feasible. The task of optimised allocation has been addressed within this paper based on old (linear) and new (nonlinear) quality models in order to determine the impact of model structure and thus precision on the allocation results. The allocation task is formulated as a multiobjective, nonlinear/linear mixed-integer optimisation problem to be solved by a genetic algorithm (implementation of NSGA-II) due to nature of the problem. The newly obtained numerical examples are to illustrate the results. For this purpose a Chojnice (city in northern Poland) DWDS case study plant was utilised.

  • Multi-residue method for the determination of 16 recently used pesticides from various chemical groups in aqueous samples by using DI - SPME coupled with GC-MS
    • Maciej Tankiewicz
    • Calum Morrison
    • Marek Biziuk
    2013 TALANTA.The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry

    A simple and solvent-free multi-residue method has been optimized to determine 16 currently used pesticides from different chemical groups in aqueous samples. The extraction of analytes was carried out with direct immersion solid-phase microextraction (DI-SPME) and for the identification and quantitative determination gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was applied. Two commonly used adsorbent coatings have been applied and compared: 100 µm of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and 85 µm of polyacrylate (PA). The method development parameters of DI-SPME, analyte desorption and GC-MS analysis have been outlined along with the final experimental conditions. When the optimum extraction conditions were applied (extraction time 60 min, 10 % (w/v) NaCl solution, 45 ºC) the limits of detection (LODs) were in the range of 0.015 - 0.13 µg L-1 and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were between 1.9 - 9.6 %. The developed analytical method was successfully applied to the analysis of natural water samples from the following sources: river, sea, canal and rain.

  • Multi-sensor monitoring of the corrosion rate and the assessment of the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor in utility water installations
    • Juliusz Orlikowski
    • Kazimierz Darowicki
    • Stanisław Mikołajski

    This paper presents an implementation of the monitoring of the corrosion rate and the assessment of the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor in a utility water installation using an automated corrosion monitoring system. Due to the fact that the corrosion inhibitor was added to water intended for human consumption, it was necessary to build a multi-sensor monitoring system. In order to implement corrosion monitoring using a linear polarization and resistometric methods, the system was subjected to lab testing, which allowed for determining the commensurability of measurements using both techniques. Based on the research, an automatic utility water monitoring system was implemented, both before and after the application of an inhibitor. The research has shown, that the inhibitor, when used, is effectively limiting the corrosion rate, though the characteristics of the measurement require a detailed analysis of the changes in the corrosion rate as a function of time and water temperature fluctuations.

  • Multisensor System for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure of Seaport
    • Mariusz Kastek
    • Rafał Dulski
    • Marek Życzkowski
    • Mieczysław Szustakowski
    • Piotr Trzaskawka
    • Wiesław Ciurapiński
    • Piotr Markowski
    • Mateusz Karol
    • Grażyna Grelowska
    • Ignacy Gloza
    • Stanisław Milewski
    • Karol Listewnik

    There are many separated infrastructural objects within a harbor area that may be considered “critical”, such as gas and oil terminals or anchored naval vessels. Those objects require special protection, including security systems capable of monitoring both surface and underwater areas, because an intrusion into the protected area may be attempted using small surface vehicles (boats, kayaks, rafts, floating devices with weapons and explosives) as well as underwater ones (manned or unmanned submarines, scuba divers). The paper presents the concept of a multisensor security system for harbor protection capable of complex monitoring of selected critical objects within the protected area. The proposed system consists of a command centre and several different sensors deployed in key areas providing effective protection from land and sea, with special attention focused on monitoring of the underwater zone. The initial project of such systems is presented, its configuration and initial tests of selected components. The protection of surface area is based on medium-range radar and LLTV and infrared cameras. Underwater zone is monitored by a sonar and acoustic and magnetic barriers combined into an integrated monitoring system. Theoretical analyses concerning the detection of fast small surface objects (such as RIB boats) by a camera system and real test results in various weather conditions are also presented.

  • Multi-source-supplied parallel hybrid propulsion of the inland passenger ship STA.H. Research work on energy efficiency of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode
    • Wojciech Litwin
    • Wojciech Leśniewski
    • Jakub Kowalski
    2013 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    In the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, design has recently been developed of a small inland ship with hybrid propulsion and supply system. The ship will be propelled by a specially designed so called parallel hybrid propulsion system. The work was aimed at carrying out the energy efficiency analysis of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode and at performing the noise pollution measurements. The performed investigations have shown that a significant impact on the efficiency and on the acoustic emission has the type of belt transmission applied.