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Potential fertilizing properties of sewage sludge treated in the Sludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRB)
- Katarzyna Kołecka
- Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak
In research the fertilizer value of sludge from reed beds is evaluated based on the sampling sludge on different depths from 4 Danish STRB after long periods of stabilization. The dewatering efficiency of sewage sludge in the STRB is comparable to mechanical dewatering. The long-term stabilization of sewage sludge progressively decreases the concentration of organic matter due to the process of humification. The aim of the work was to determine the changes of organic matter concentration, nutrients concentrations as well as speciation of selected heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn) in vertical profile of the sewage sludge stabilized in the STRBduring7–15years. The analyzedsewage sludge was collected from the STRB treating sludge systems from four municipal WWTPs located in Denmark serving from 9,000 to 40,000 p.e. Analyzed heavy metals (except for Zn) were mostly bound with the most stable – residual fraction. The most stable metals were: Pb and Cr where the share of residual fraction exceeded 80.0%. Themostmobilemetalwas Znwhere the share of mobile fractions (calculated as the sum of I, II and III fraction) exceeded 85.0%. The high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus is the decisive factor in the high valuation of sludge stabilized in the STRB as fertilizer.
Powodzie miejskie – planowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego
- Ziemowit Suligowski
Strategia przeciwdziałaniom powstawaniu powodzi miejskich. Działania niezbędne na etapie planowania zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Aktualne zasady planowania, miejsce wód opadowych. Braki w istniejącej dokumentacji. Strategia postepowania.
Pozyskiwanie wiedzy zewnętrznej przez pomorskie firmy z sektora MSP w świetle badań empirycznych.
- Krzysztof Zięba
- Małgorzata Zięba
W opracowaniu przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pozyskiwaniem wiedzy zewnętrznej przez firmy z sektora MSP działające na terenie województwa pomorskiego. W pierwszej części zaprezentowano krótki przegląd kwestii dotyczących wiedzy i jej znaczenia dla MSP, w drugiej omówiono czynniki determinujące wzrost popytu na usługi doradcze wśród tego rodzaju przedsiębiorstw, w następnej określono potencjalny wpływ korzystania z tego rodzaju usług na funkcjonowanie MSP, a w ostatniej przedstawiono wyniki badań empirycznych.
Prace geodezyjne podczas budowy tuneli komunikacyjnych
- Marta Milewska
- Michał Wymysłowski
Opis prac geodezyjnych w trakcie realizacji tuneli metodą odkrywkową oraz metodą tarczową.
Practical aspects of design and operation of amphibious craft for rescue purposes
- Mateusz Gerigk
- Teresa Abramowicz-Gerigk
- Zbigniew Burciu
The paper presents the selected problems of design and operation of amphibious craft for rescue purposes. The result of research on the amphibious rescue units allowed formulating the general conclusions with respect to the proper selection of the main design parameters, program of model tests and full scale trials for the amphibious craft. The most important design problems related to the water characteristics are presents and discussed.
- Marek Olesz
W artykule omówiono zasady wykonywania uziomów fundamentowych i sztucznych. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów prądów w instalacji zawierającej stal zbrojeniową w fundamencie, połączoną z układem uziomu sztucznego w ziemi wykonanym z stali ocynkowanej.
Pr-doped TiO2: The effect of metal content on photocatalytic activity
- Joanna Reszczyńska
- Daniel Arenas Esteban
- Maria Gazda
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
The Pr-TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by using the sol-gel method. As-prepared samples were characterized by BET measurements, X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD) and UV-Vis spectra. Visible and ultraviolet light photocatalytic activity of the sample was studied by photodegradation of phenol while considering the influence of the dopant concentration. TiO2 doped with 0.25 mol% of praseodymium showed the highest photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. Pr-TiO2 had anatase structure. The surface area was higher for powders with higher content of rare earth metal ion, and ranged from 121 to 150 m2/g. Red shifts of the absorption edge toward the visible region were observed for the doped samples compared to pure TiO2.
Precypitacja kulistych cząstek węglanu wapnia w układzie gaz-ciecz
- Donata Konopacka-Łyskawa
CaCO3 strącano podczas karbonatyzacji roztworu zawierającego CaCl2 i trietanoloaminę (TEA). Dla stężeń TEA w zakresie od 0,1 do 0,25 mol/dm3 otrzymano kuliste cząstki kalcytu z niewielką domieszką cząstek sześciennych o średniej średnicy około 17 μm. Mieszane cząstki kalcytu i waterytu były wytwarzane, gdy stężenie TEA wynosiło 0,3 mol/dm3. Wielościenne cząstki kalcytu o średniej średnicy 6 μm otrzymywano podczas precypitacji prowadzonej z roztworu TEA wcześniej nasyconego CO2.
Precypitacja kulistych cząstek węglanu wapnia w układzie gaz-ciecz
- Donata Konopacka-Łyskawa
CaCO3 strącano podczas karbonatyzacji roztworu zawierającego CaCl2 i trietanoloaminę (TEA). Dla stężeń TEA w zakresie od 0,1 do 0,25 mol/dm3 otrzymano kuliste cząstki kalcytu z niewielką domieszką cząstek sześciennych o średniej średnicy około 17 μm. Mieszane cząstki kalcytu i waterytu były wytwarzane, gdy stężenie TEA wynosiło 0,3 mol/dm3. Wielościenne cząstki kalcytu o średniej średnicy 6 μm otrzymywano podczas precypitacji prowadzonej z roztworu TEA wcześniej nasyconego CO2.
Prediction based on integration of Decisional DNA and a feature selection algorithm Relief-F
- Peng Wang
- Cesar Sanin
- Edward Szczerbicki
The paper presents prediction model based on Decisional DNA and Set of experienced integrated with Relief_F algorithm for feature selection
Prediction of Processor Utilization for Real-Time Multimedia Stream Processing Tasks
- Henryk Krawczyk
- Jerzy Proficz
- Bartłomiej Daca
Utilization of MPUs in a computing cluster node for multimedia stream processing is considered. Non-linear increase of processor utilization is described and a related class of algorithms for multimedia real-time processing tasks is defined. For such conditions, experiments measuring the processor utilization and output data loss were proposed and their results presented. A new formula for prediction of utilization was proposed and its verification for a representative set of tasks was performed.
Predyspozycje zawodowe artysty a cechy przedsiębiorcze
- Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
- Barbara Geniusz-Stepnowska
Artykuł stanowi analizę porównawczą cech osobowości przypisywanych artystom z charakterystyką skutecznego przedsiębiorcy. Podstawą zestawienia jest profil osobowości twórczej, typy osobowości zawodowych oraz profil osobowości przedsiębiorcy. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie zakresu kompetencji, które mogą być niedostępne dla twórców, a które warunkują realizację przedsięwzięć biznesowych. Potwierdzeniem konieczności integracji sylwetki artysty i przedsiębiorcy są zaprezentowane przykłady czterech znanych artystów, którzy potrafili generować spektakularne zyski dzięki swojej twórczości.
Pregnane X receptor dependent up-regulation of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 in tumor cells by antitumor acridine agents, C-1748 and C-1305, selectively diminished under hypoxia
- Magdalnea Niemira
- Jarosław Dastych
- Zofia Mazerska
Induction of proteins involved in drug metabolism and in drug delivery has a significant impact on drug-drug interactions and on the final therapeutic effects. Two antitumor acridine derivatives selected for present studies, C-1748 (9-(2’-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine) and C-1305 (5-dimethylaminopropylamino-8-hydroxy-triazoloacridinone), expressed high and low susceptibility to metabolic transformations with liver microsomes, respectively. In the current study, we examined the influence of these compounds on cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and 2C9 (CYP2C9) enzymatic activity and gene expression in HepG2 tumor cells. Luminescence and HPLC examination, real-time RT-PCR and western blot analyses along with transfection of pregnane X receptor (PXR) siRNA and CYP3A4 reporter gene assays were applied. We found that both compounds strongly induced CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 activity and expression as well as expression of UGT1A1 and MDR1 in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. C-1748-mediated CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 mRNA induction equal to rifampicin occurred at extremely low concentrations (0.001 and 0.01μM), whereas 10 μM C-1305 induced three-times higher CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 mRNA levels than rifampicin did. CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 expressions were shown to be PXR-dependent; however, neither compound influenced PXR expression. Thus, the observed drug-mediated induction of isoenzymes occurs on a PXR-mediated regulatory level. Furthermore, C-1748 and C-1305 were demonstrated to be selective PXR agonists. These effects are hypoxia-inhibited only in the case of C-1748, which is sensitive to P450 metabolism. In summary, PXR was found to be a new target of the studied compounds. Thus, possible combinations of these compounds with other therapeutics might lead to the PXR-dependent enzyme-mediated drug-drug interactions.
Preliminary investigations of effect of conditions of FCAW process on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
- Aleksandra Świerczyńska
- Jacek Tomków
- Dariusz Fydrych
One of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper the state of the art of considered issues was described and results of preliminary investigations were presented. The level of diffusible hydrogen was determined by a glycerin test. Five factors were considered: the flow rate of shielding gas, the welding current, the arc voltage, the welding speed and the electrode stickout. All factors were optimized using a Plackett-Burman design to get the most relevant variables. The results of the experiment indicate that appropriate choice of welding parameters may reduce diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal.
Prenatal exposure to substance of abuse: A worldwide problem
- Sylwia Narkowicz
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Marek Biziuk
- Jacek Namieśnik
Substance abuse during pregnancy is an important public health issue affecting the mother and the growing infant. Preterm labor, miscarriage, abruption and postpartum hemorrhage are obstetric complications which have been associated with women who are dependent on abused substances. Moreover, women are also at an increased risk of medical problems such as poor nutrition, anemia, urinary tract infections as well as sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis, HIV and problems related to infection. Intrauterine growth restriction, prematurity, stillbirth, neonatal abstinence syndrome, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome represent only some of fetal effects. Later on, during childhood, it has been shown that in utero exposure to substances of abuse is associated with increased rates of respiratory infections, asthma, ear and sinus infections. Moreover, these children aremore irritable, have difficulty focusing their attention, and have more behavioral problems. Therefore, the assessment of in utero exposure to abused substance is extremely necessary and is relevant for the care of the mother and the offspring. In this sense, several approaches are possible; however, recently the evaluation of in utero exposure to abused drugs has been achieved by testing biological specimens coming from fetus or newborn, pregnant or nursing mother, or from both the fetus and the mother. Maternal and neonatal biological materials reflect exposure in a specific time period and each of them has different advantages and disadvantages in terms of accuracy, time window of exposure and cost/benefit ratio. The methodology for identification and determination of abused substances in biological materials are of great importance. Consequently, sensitive and specific bioanalytical methods are necessary to accurately measure biomarkers. Different immunoassays methods are used as screening methods for drug testing in the above reported specimens, however, the results from immunoassays should be carefully interpreted and confirmed by a more specific and sensitive chromatographic methods such as GC-MS or LC-MS. The interest in the development and optimization of analytical techniques to detect abused substances in different specimens is explained by the several possibilities and information that they can provide.
Preparation and physicochemical characterization of ceramic supports for supported liquid membranes
- Iwona Cichowska-Kopczyńska
- Monika Joskowska
- Anna Wojciechowska
- Robert Aranowski
Immobilizowane membrany ciekłe stały się przedmiotem intensywnych badań w ostanich latach, głównie w procesach oczyszczania strumieni gazowych. Kluczowym czynnikiem mającym wpływ na efektywność tych procesów ma czas życia układu membranowego, a zatem odpowiedni dobór nośnika i fazy membranowej. W porównaniu do nośników polimerowych, ceramiczne charakteryzują się większą grubością, jednak są bardziej stabilne termicznie. Praca ta opisuje sposób otrzymywania i wpływ warunków wytwarzania na właściwości nośnika ceramicznego oraz charakteryzuje jego właściwości pod kątem zastosowania w technologii membran ciekłych immobilizownych cieczami jonowymi.
Preparation and structure of nanocrystalline sol-gel derived Cu doped LiTi2O4 powders
- Marcin Stanisław Łapiński
Among the spinel oxides materials, lithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4 where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.33) could be very interested from pratical applications point of view. Lithium titanate is a II type spinel oxide superconductor with relatively high (~13 K for x = 0) superconducting transition temperature Tc. Above Tc lithium titanate shows metallic behaviour and can be used e.g. as electrodes for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Since the discovery of superconductivity in LTO by Johnston, many scientific attention have been devoted to improve the transition temperature by doping by other atoms. Substitution of Ti atoms in lithium titanate by for example Al, B, Cr, Ge, Mn, Ni or V have no effect in enhanced of Tc. As it was discovered, only Cu dopand gives hope to increase od transition temperature. Investigated samples were manufactured by sol – gel method. Lithium acetate dehydrate and titanum (IV) butoxide 97% were used as reagents. Additionaly copper (II) nitrate was used as a source of Cu dopant. XRD investigations showed lithium titanate spinel phase of manufactured samples. Patterns for samples with larger amount of Cu revealed a mixture of lithium titanate and copper oxide. Presence of the CuO in samples with excess of copper could be related with inability to substitute a larger number of titanium atoms.
Preparation, composition and properties of fish silage produced with post-coagulation sludge
- Renata Tomczak-Wandzel
- Krystyna Mędrzycka
Post-coagulation sludge was added to fish fydrolyzates (silage). Silage was prepared using whole sprats. Technology of the process has been modified and sulphuric acid was replaced with phosphoric acid. The objective was to evaleuate the quality of produced silage during storage, particulary the changes of peroxide value and amount of free acids in silage fat.
Pressure losses and power balance in the unloaded satellite pump
- Paweł Śliwiński
This paper presents the results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels of unloaded satellite pump pumping tap water. Also shows the characteristics of the increase of pressure in the working chamber of the pump. It has been shown that after reaching cavitation, increase pump speed will increase in torque. This is the moment of inertia caused by the increase of the operating mechanism and the liquid contained in the working chambers. The results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels compared with numerical calculation. The paper also presents the unloaded pump power balance.
- Paweł Śliwiński
This paper presents the results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels of unloaded satellite pump pumping tap water. Also shows the characteristics of the increase of pressure in the working chamber of the pump. It has been shown that after reaching cavitation, increase pump speed will increase in torque. This is the moment of inertia caused by the increase of the operating mechanism and the liquid contained in the working chambers. The results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels compared with numerical calculation. The paper also presents the unloaded pump power balance.