Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2014

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  • Assessment of tensile forces in Sopot Forest Opera membrane by in situ measurements and iterative numerical strategy for inverse problem
    • Jacek Chróścielewski
    • Mikołaj Miśkiewicz
    • Łukasz Pyrzowski
    • Krzysztof Wilde

    Assessment of tensile forces in newly build Sopot Forest Opera roofing membrane is presented. The procedure is based on in situ measurements and solution of the inverse problem by an iterative procedure. The goal of the analysis is to determine whether the stress state of the membrane is consistent with the design assumptions. The paper contains the description of measurements, used instruments, applied loadings, numerical investiga-tions and final conclusions.

  • Assessment of the water quality of Kłodnica River catchment using self-organizing maps
    • Ewa Olkowska
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Stefan Tsakovsky
    • Marek Ruman
    • Vasil Simeonov
    • Żaneta Polkowska

    Risk assessment of industrial areas heavily polluted due to anthropogenic actions is of increasing concern worldwide. So is the case of Polish Silesia region where mostly heavy industry like smelters, mining, chemical industries as well as heat and electricity production facilities are being located. Such situation raises numerous questions about environmental state of local water bodies with special attention paid to the Kłodnica Catchment which is receiving waste waters from numerous industrial plants. The efforts have been undertaken to describe the situation (spatial and temporal distribution of pollution) in the area of interest with the help of self-organizing maps – modern non-parametric data mining method – yet still rarely applied in environmental studies where numerous input parameters have to be considered. As a result of studies clear distinction into 3 pollution groups could be obtained as well as the seasonal variation of pollution could be distinguished.

  • Assessment of under power ed propulsion machinery in electrically driven small inland waterway passenger ships from classification society point of view
    • Czesław Dymarski
    • Marek Narewski

    Paper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have seriou s influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do not provide any requirements or guidelines on prediction of air or hydrodynamic resistan ce or propulsion power computations to be assessed by third party in design process. In the opinion of authors , the case is particularly important when electrical or hybrid propulsion is considered as prime mover. Existing knowledge allows for engineering analysis to be conducted to provide better knowledge on the selection and construction of innovative propulsion machinery for ships wher e passengers safety is major factor of concern by wate rways administration, class societies and insurance institutions .

    • Czesław Dymarski
    • Marek Narewski
    2014 Full text Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    Paper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have serious influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do not provide any requirements or guidelines on prediction of air or hydrodynamic re sistance or propulsion power computations to be assessed by third party in design process . In the opinion of authors , the case is particularly important when electrical or hybrid propulsion is considered as prime mover. Existing knowledge allows for engine ering analysis to be conducted to provide better knowledge on the selection and construction of innovative propulsion machinery for ships wher e passengers safety is major factor of concern by wate rways administration, class societies and insurance institu tions

  • Assestment of the anti-cancer activity of the copper complexes with imidazole and pivalato ligands
    • Sylwia Godlewska
    • Anna Dołęga
    • Ewa Augustin
    • Katarzyna Kazimierczuk
    • Harald Kelm

    Despite the development of science and technology progress so far there have not been found effective drugs for cancer. Many coordination compounds were investigated due to their antitumor potential. The most known cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) is used as anti-cancer therapeutic agent. The copper complexes are the coordination compounds possessing anti-tumour properties. Their capability to kill cancer cells is mainly linked to the induction of oxidative stress. [1] Among various copper complexes tested as potential anti-cancer drugs, strong antitumor activity was found in the bis(acetato)bis(imidazole)copper(II) complex. In the 50% inhibition dose (ID50) of the cell growth tests using the mouse cancer cell line B16 melanoma, the cytotoxic effect of this compound (20 ng/mL) was equivalent to that of the therapeutic drug cis-DDP (8 ng/mL) and better than that of mitomycin C (100 ng/mL). [2] Previously investigated copper complexes with imidazole ligand showed moderate, concentration dependent cytotoxic effects. [3] We have synthesized and investigated the anti-cancer effect of copper (II) complex with (4(5)-methylimidazole) and pivalato ligands. The compound is more lipophilic than bis(acetato)bis(imidazole)copper(II) so we have expected greater cytotoxic activity than in case of previously investigated compound. The investigation has been limited due to small solubility of the examined compound in ethanol. The influence of the compound to cell line growth is noticeable. References: 1. S. Tardito, L. Marchiò (2009) Curr. Med. Chem. 16: 1325-1348. 2. H. Tamura, H. Imai (1987) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109: 6870-6871. 3. S. Godlewska, J. Jezierska, K. Baranowska, E. Augustin, A. Dołęga (2013) Polyhedron 65:288-297

    • Jacek Stefański
    2014 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    W artykule przedstawiono nową metodę lokalizowania samolotów w multilateracyjnych systemach dozorowania obszarowego WAM (Wide Area Multilateration). Metoda ta, nazwana AWAM (Asynchronous Wide Area Multilateration), umożliwia estymację położenia samolotu bez znajomości różnicy w rytmie pracy RTD (Relative Time Difference) pomiędzy stacjami naziemnymi (sensorami). Metoda AWAM znacząco upraszcza proces lokalizowania samolotów w rzeczywistych systemach dozorowania obszarowego.

  • Asynchronous Wide Area Multilateration System
    • Jacek Stefański

    A new method for a location service in the wide area multilateration (WAM) system is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous WAM (AWAM), enables calculation of the geographical position of an aircraft without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring ground stations (sensors). The AWAM method is based on the measurement of round trip times (RTTs) between the aircraft and the serving ground station, and the solution of a nonlinear system of equations with ten variables. The elimination of the RTD parameters significantly simplifies the localization process in real-life WAM system. The proposed asynchronous method could be an alternative solution for the synchronous one as a backup method during a system fails or as an independent method. The paper concentrates on the description of the method, solving the nonlinear system of equations with ten variables and simulation results.

  • Ataki ddos - przegląd zagrożeń i środków zaradczych
    • Tomasz Gierszewski
    • Wojciech Molisz
    2014 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    W artykule zaprezentowano aktualny stan wiedzy związany z tematyką rozproszonych ataków odmowy świadczenia usług - DDoS. Tematyka jest o tyle aktualna, że współcześnie nie istnieje przyjęty funkcjonujący sposób obrony przed atakami tego rodzaju. Jednocześnie obserwowana tendencja wzrastającej liczby ataków, a także coraz bardziej wyrafinowany ich charakter powoduje, że na rynku pojawiają się urządzenia i usługi, które mają zabezpieczyć potencjalne czy potwierdzone ofiary.

  • Atomistic Surrogate-Based Optimization for Simulation-Driven Design of Computationally Expensive Microwave Circuits with Compact Footprints
    • Piotr Kurgan
    • Adrian Bekasiewicz

    A robust simulation-driven design methodology for computationally expensive microwave circuits with compact footprints has been presented. The general method introduced in this chapter is suitable for a wide class of N-port un-conventional microwave circuits constructed as a deviation from classic design solutions. Conventional electromagnetic (EM) simulation-driven design routines are generally prohibitive when applied to numerically demanding microwave circuits with highly miniaturized and complex topologies. The key idea of the approach proposed here lies in an iterative redesign of a conventional circuit by a sequential modification and optimization of its atomic building blocks. The speed and accuracy of the presented method has been acquired by solving a number of simple optimization problems through surrogate-based optimization (SBO) techniques. Two exemplary designs have been supplied to verify the proposed method. An abbreviated wideband quarter-wave impedance matching transformer (MT) and a miniaturized hybrid branch-line coupler (BLC) have been developed. Diminished dimensions of the constructed circuits have been achieved by means of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs). In the given examples, an implicit space mapping (ISM) technique has been utilized as a SBO engine. In general, the proposed method is compatible with other SBO routines as well. The final results have been acquired in only a fraction of time that is necessary for a direct EM optimization to generate competitive results. Numerical results have been validated experimentally.

    • Hubert Denda
    • Witold Lewandowski
    • Michał Ryms
    • Patrycja Wcisło-Kucharek
    • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska

    In this paper a new method for determining heat transfer coefficients using a gradient method has been developed. To verify accuracy of the proposed method vertical isothermal heating plate with natural convection mechanism has been examined. This configuration was deliberately chosen, because of the fact that such case is historically the earliest and most thoroughly studied and its rich scientific documentation - the most reliable. New method is based on temperature field visualization made in perpendicular plane to the heating surface of the plate using infrared camera. Because the camera does not record temperature of air itself but the surface only, therefore plastic mesh with low thermal conductivity has been used as a detector. Temperature of each mesh cell, placed perpendicular to the vertical heating surface and rinsed with convection stream of heated air could be already recorded by infrared camera. In the same time using IR camera surface of heating plate has been measured. By numerical processing of the results matrix temperature gradient on the surface ∂T/∂x│x=0, local heat transfer coefficients αy, and local values of Nusselt number Nuy, can be calculated. After integration the average Nusselt number for entire plate can be calculated. Obtained relation characteristic numbers Nu = 0.647 Ra 0.236 (R2 = 0.943), has a good correlation with literature reports and proves usefulness of the method.

  • Auditory Display Applied to Research in Music and Acoustics . Obrazowanie dźwiękowe w muzyce i akustyce.
    • Bożena Kostek
    2014 Full text Archives of Acoustics

    This paper presents a relationship between Auditory Display (AD) and the domains of music and acoustics. First, some basic notions of the Auditory Display area are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation and acoustics that are within the scope of AD are discussed. Finally, an example of AD solution based on gaze tracking that may facilitate music annotation process is shown. The paper concludes with a few remarks about directions for further research in the domains discussed.

  • Audyt komunikacji wewnętrznej w przedsiębiorstwie: propozycja narzędzia diagnostycznego
    • Jerzy Grabosz

    W pracy przeanalizowano możliwości stworzenia narzędzia diagnostycznego do audytu systemu komunikacji wewnętrznej oraz oceny przepływów informacyjnych między stanowiskami pracy. Podstawą rozważań stały się wymagania norm dotyczących ustanawiania i oceny zintegrowanych systemów zarządzania: jakością, bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, środowiskiem oraz bezpieczeństwem informacji odniesione do komunikacji wewnętrznej w przedsiębiorstwie. Eksperckie narzędzie diagnostyczne do audytowania komunikacji wewnętrznej w przedsiębiorstwie ma służyć zbieraniu dowodów potwierdzających spełnianie zawartych w normach wymagań stawianych komunikacji wewnętrznej oraz ocenie poziomu przepływów informacyjnych między stanowiskami pracy. Celem wyróżnienia głównych czynników wpływających na funkcjonalność przepływów informacyjnych zaproponowano ujęcie procesowe poszerzone o ilościową ocenę funkcjonalności komunikacji wewnętrznej. Ponadto uwzględniono potrzeby i oczekiwania pracowników w zakresie preferowanych narzędzi komunikacji oraz źródeł informacji. Ocena ilościowa funkcjonalności komunikacji wewnętrznej pozwala na identyfikację i dobór odpowiednich do kontekstu organizacyjnego wariantów rozwiązań. Audyt to nie tylko kompleksowa diagnoza, sprzyja on wyborowi wariantów rozwiązań prowadzących do wzrostu organizacyjnego.

  • Audyt techniczny budowy przez Stocznię NAUTA S.A. statku naukowo badawczego „OCEANOGRAF” dla Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego na podstawie umowy A120-211-137/12/GR wraz z aneksami do tej umowy
    • Zbigniew Górski
    • Janusz Kozak
    • Jakub Kowalski

    Audyt techniczny statku naukowo badawczego wykonany przez Zespól Katedry Technologii Obiektów Pływających , Systemów jakości i Materiałoznawstwa odbywała się na podstawie umowy zlecenia zawartej w Gdańsku, w dniu 14.11.2014, pomiędzy Uniwersytetem Gdańskim a Politechniką Gdańska reprezentowaną przez Dziekana Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa. Zakres audytu obejmował analizę dokumentacji związanej z realizacją UMOWY NR A120-211-137/12/GR zawartej pomiędzy Uniwersytetem Gdańskim a Konsorcjum (Stocznia „NAUTA”S.A I CRIST S.A) na wykonania zadania zaprojektowania (projekt techniczno – klasyfikacyjny) i wybudowania statku naukowo – badawczego w zakresie niezbędnym do oceny stopnia zaawansowania realizacji umowy wraz z przeprowadzeniem oględzin statku w budowie i oceny stanu faktycznego jej zaawansowania. Potrzeba przeprowadzenia Audytu na zlecenie Uniwersytetu tj. strony zamawiającej statek spowodowana była znacznymi opóźnieniami realizacji ww. UMOWY. Pierwotny termin opiewający zdanie statku na dzień 30.04.2013 nie został dotrzymany. Audyt nie obejmował oceny prawidłowości rozwiązań techniczno- konstrukcyjnych projektu statku a skupiał się na ocenie stopnia zaawansowania jego budowy.

    • Janusz Cieśliński
    • Katarzyna Ronewicz

    The main aim of the proposed study is therefore recognition of the phenomena accompanying nucleate boiling crisis of selected nanofluids during boiling on horizontal tubes of various outside diameters. Of particular interest is impact of contact angle and tube diameter on the value of critical heat flux. The results obtained should give more light on the nature of nucleate boiling crisis and will serve as a basis for future theoretical modeling of the nucleate boiling crisis.

  • Augmented Reality for Privacy-Sensitive Visual Monitoring
    • Piotr Szczuko

    The paper presents a method for video anonymization and replacing real human silhouettes with virtual 3D figures rendered on the screen. Video stream is processed to detect and to track objects, whereas anonymization stage employs fast blurring method. Substitute 3D figures are animated accordingly to behavior of detected persons. Their location, movement speed, direction, and person height are taken into account during the animation and rendering phases. This approach requires a calibrated camera, and utilizes results of visual object tracking. In the paper a procedure for transforming objects visual features and bounding boxes into a script for animated figures is presented. This approach is validated subjectively, by assessing a correspondence between real image and the augmented one. Conclusions and future work perspectives are provided.

  • Au-RE-TiO2 nanocomposites: Surface characteristics and photoactivity
    • Anna Krukowska
    • Joanna Reszczyńska
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
    2014 Full text Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing

    The photocatalysts based on TiO2 co-doped with rare earth metal (RE) and gold nanoparticles have been prepared using a sol-gel method and followed by gold reduction. Specific surface areas of the modified photocatalysts were calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET). Diffuse reflectance spectra of the obtained photocatalysts were recorded in a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (DRS UV-Vis). The influence of the type of rare earth metal on photoactivity of Au-RE-TiO2 nanocomposites in model reaction manifested by toluene photodegradation in a gas phase was investigated. The obtained results showed that photodegradation of toluene in the gas phase is possible over Au-RE-TiO2 irradiated by UV or Vis light. The Au-RE-TiO2 photocatalysts relative to undoped TiO2, did not caused an increase of toluene degradation in the air under visible light. The samples doped with Er3+ or Pr3+ presented the highest activity in solar light among of Au-RE-TiO2. It was observed that both metal dopants affected the surface area of TiO2. The Au-RE-TiO2 photocatalysts relative to undoped TiO2 exhibited the absorption properties under Vis light.

  • Ausstellung=Wystawa
    • Janusz Osicki

  • Auto adaptation of mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions
    • Józef Kotus
    • Andrzej Ciarkowski
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    The proposed methodology of auto adaptation of the mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions is presented in the paper. The first goal of this study was to determine the parameters of the acoustic path of the mobile device, for both transmitting (speaker) and receiver (microphone). Results of the measurement of characteristics of mobile devices were presented. Information about characteristics of individual parts of the sound path were used to design and to develop a technique of linearization of the device frequency response characteristics. Preliminary results obtained with the proposed methodology are presented. The performed research evolved into the design of an adaptive self-linearization method which compensates for the changing of acoustic conditions through continuous monitoring and regulating the audio settings.

  • Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis = Wymiarowanie Konstrukcji Stalowych i Żelbetowych : Przyklady Obliczeń
    • Andrzej Ambroziak
    • Paweł Kłosowski

    W pracy przedstawiono przykłady wymiarowania konstrukcji stalowych i żelbetowych z wykorzystaniem programu Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional.

  • Automated Design of Linear Phase Filters
    • Natalia Leszczynska
    • Łukasz Szydłowski
    • Michał Mrozowski

    This paper presents a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters with linear phase. The proposed method exploits the cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of the filter’s transfer and reflection function. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with two illustrative examples.