Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2014

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  • Energia słoneczna – źródło energii odnawialnej – niedostatecznie wykorzystane w Polsce
    • Waldemar Sołtyka
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    2014 Konsulting Polski

    Biorąc pod uwagę wpływ na środowisko, energia słoneczna ma niezwykle czysty charakter. W porównaniu jednak ze stopniem wykorzystania energii słonecznej w innych krajach Europy, w Polsce obserwujemy bardzo słabe zaangażowanie tego źródła. Stan ten jest w artykule zwięźle scharakteryzowany poprzez analizę aktualnych i prognozowanych osiągnięć w zakresie wielkości energii słonecznej pozyskiwanej w kraju i Europie – ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sąsiadów Polski. Wynikiem tej analizy jest negatywna ocena kierunku rozwoju energetyki oraz krytyczna kwalifikacja strategii rozwoju realizowanych przez państwo

  • Energooszczędne urządzenia w instalacjach chłodniczych i klimatyzacyjnych
    • Rafał Andrzejczyk
    • Tomasz Muszyński
    2014 Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja

    Zmiany przepisów i obostrzenia wymagań w odniesieniu do ochrony środowiska wymagają radykalnych działań zarówno w stosunku do stosowanych czynników chłodniczych, jak i konstrukcji stosowanych urządzeń. Wiele z tych przepisów będzie prawdopodobnie podwyższać koszt budowy i zakupu nowych układów. Aby ograniczyć szkodliwe oddziaływanie na środowisko naturalne wprowadzane są nowe, alternatywne czynniki robocze. Jednak zmieniane są też materiały i konstrukcja sprężarek chłodniczych. Jedną z wprowadzanych obecnie metod na zmniejszenie energochłonności układów klimatyzacyjnych jest wprowadzenie regulacji obciążenia urządzeń za pomocą przemienników częstotliwości. Metoda ta oczywiście nie jest pozbawiona wad. Należy więc szczegółowo omówić korzyści ekonomiczne i komfort użytkowania, tak aby konsumenci mogli podejmować dobre, świadome decyzje w odniesieniu do inwestycji w urządzenia HVAC.

  • Energooszczędny kontroler systemu pomiarowego na bazie sieci Ethernet
    • Grzegorz Lentka
    • Mariusz Chilmon
    2014 Full text Measurement Automation Monitoring

    Współpraca wielu urządzeń pomiarowych czy długotrwała akwizycja danych napotyka problemy: brak jednolitego interfejsu umożliwiającego użytkownikowi proste zarządzanie zbieraniem danych i przejrzystą ekspozycję danych, zużycie energii komputera nadzorującego ciągłą pracę sieci przyrządów pomiarowych. Rozwiązaniem może być zastosowanie autonomicznego kontrolera procesu akwizycji danych umożliwiającego konfigurację parametrów pracy i odczyt wyników.

  • Energy Consumption Analysis Methods in Industry
    • Izabela Sadowska
    2014 Full text Acta Energetica

    This paper overviews applied methods to evaluate energy consumption in Industry. The most important law regulations are presented, which decide on the necessity to conduct an effec - tive energetic economy. Basic assumptions are defined to calculate direct and cumulative energy consumption. The pros and cons of using each method are presented.

  • Energy recovery effectiveness in trolleybus transport
    • Stefan Hamacek
    • Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
    • Roman Hrbac
    • Stanislav Mišák
    • Vitezlav Styskala

    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest whichis connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the pricesof fuel and electricity. One of the possibilities to reduce energy consumption in urban public transport isto increase the extent of regenerative braking energy utilization. This can be achieved by its accumulationin the supercapacitors or a change in the topology of the power supply system in order to facilitate itsflow. The article presents an analysis of applying these two options for increasing recovery energy usageon the example of the trolleybus network in the Polish city of Gdynia. For the purpose of the analysis therewas used a simulation model of trolleybus traction power system based on the Monte Carlo simulationmethod. The research results and findings can be applied in other similar trolley or tram networks.

  • Energy savings by application of supercapacitor storage in trolleybus supplying station - analysis of experimental results
    • Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
    • Leszek Jarzębowicz

    Storage devices can be divided into two groups: on-board energy storage devices, which are placed in the vehicles and off-board energy storage devices situated in traction substations or between them. Current research is focused mainly on two objectives. The first is to reduce the energy demand by introducing on-board energy storages in light electric vehicles like trams, trolleybuses or electrobuses. The latter is to provide a supplying system for heavy electric vehicles (trains, metro) with an off-board energy storage. In contrast to this, a lack of research in field of off-board storage energy systems for light electric vehicles can be noticed. Tram and trolleybus transportation is highly developed in plenty of European cities. Many tram and trolleybuses operators consider to put into service off-board energy storage systems. This motivated the present authors to analyze the efficiency of regenerative breaking in trolleybus supplying system using off-board energy storage.

    • Damian Jakowski
    • Marek Dzida
    2014 Full text Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    This article presents a brief description of a power system, the current national power system daily load, the use of wind power as a renewable energy source and its share in the national load. It also discusses the methods for storing energy, their characteristics and possible solutions. The power storage and generation solution proposed in the article is based on the collaboration between a gas turbine and an air storage system. The last chapter contains a visualization of a conceptual compressed air tank that could be used for offshore wind turbines

  • Enhanced switched parasitic antenna with switched active monopoles for indoor positioning systems
    • Mateusz Rzymowski
    • Krzysztof Nyka
    • Łukasz Kulas

    This paper presents the concept of enhanced reduced-size steerable antenna array with two rows of switched active and passive elements. Designed array is similar to ESPAR antenna but it has a set of switched monopoles instead of central one. It is intended for 2.4 GHz ISM applications with emphasis on indoor positioning systems (IPS). Proposed antenna provides improved radiation parameters and reduced dimensions in comparison to ESPAR antennas. Theoretical background and simulation results are discussed in this article.

  • Enhancing Security of Advanced Metering Infrastructure by Introducing Threshold Attendance Protocol
    • Artur Makutunowicz
    • Jerzy Konorski
    2014 Full text Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology

    The industry pushes towards smart grid systems in order to resolve current limitations of the unidirectional legacy power grid infrastructure. By introducing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as an integral part of the smart grid solution, the utility company obtains an invaluable tool to optimize its network, lower the operational costs, and improve quality of service. Unfortunately, introducing two-way communication poses a security risk to the power grid infrastructure. In this paper we consider a Threshold Attendance Protocol (TAP) acting in a reverted security paradigm. Its main idea is to keep the network load at a predictable level at all times. We embed TAP in AMI environment and validate the solution using real-life simulation parameters.

  • Entasis- shape of beauty
    • Michał Gołębiewski
    • Anna Wancław
    2014 Full text The Journal of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics

    Two algorithms for the construction of entasis given by [2,3] are examined in this study. It has been shown, that those shapes are not an ellipse for which they were considered by the authors, but another curves.

  • Environmental aspects of shale gas recovery in Baltic Basin
    • Anna Mykowska
    • Michał Kowalski
    • Jan Hupka
    2014 International Proceedings of Chemical Biological and Environmental Engineering

    Factors limiting shale gas exploration and exploitation in Pomorskie Voivodeship are presented. In particular, ground and surface water availability and land/community impact is discussed. Production from unconventional reservoirs requires proper well completion through hydraulic fracturing, hence voluminous streams of water are needed – in total 8000 to 20000 m3 per 1000 m of borehole length. 17 major groundwater basins were characterized. Spatial planning related to the management of production areas and protected areas in Pomerania is also addressed. Population density in Pomorskie Voivodeship is 125 person per 1 km2 and there is 32,7% of protected areas which may interfere with drilling pad site planning. Availability of water in Pomorskie should not hinder shale gas production

  • Environmental degradation of Ti alloys in artificial saliva and a role of fluorides
    • Andrzej Zieliński
    • Beata Świeczko-Żurek
    • Agnieszka Ossowska
    2014 Inżynieria Materiałowa

    The titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization and cathodic current result in brittle cracking. Either hydride-related embrittlement or fluoride-related stress corrosion cracking are considered as potential sources.

  • Environmental Fate of Two Psychiatric Drugs, Diazepam and Sertraline: Phototransformation and Investigation of their Photoproducts in Natural Waters
    • Anna Jakimska-Nagórska
    • Magdalena Śliwka-Kaszyńska
    • Piotr Nagórski
    • Agata Kot-Wasik
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    2014 Full text Journal of Chromatography & Seperation Techniques

    Experimental studies were conducted to investigate the photodegradation of diazepam and sertraline, two of the most frequently used psychiatric drugs, induced by xenon lamp irradiation, which overlap the sunlight spectra, and natural sunlight. Degradation kinetics was established indicating the occurrence of autocatalytic reactions. The application of liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry allowed for accurate mass measurements and proper fragmentation of target compounds enabling structure elucidation of various photoproducts of diazepam and sertraline formed during the forced photolysis. As a result, phototransformation pathways were proposed including the compounds and routes of degradation described here for the first time. In the final step, the presence of parent and identified compounds was examined in various environmental water samples. Although, the analytes were non-detected it was assumed that they may undergo different process in the environment such as adsorption, dilution, advection or rapid photodegradation of all compounds.

  • Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies
    • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska

    Nowadays, fossil fuels are the main sources energy from which electricity is obtained. But these sources will not last forever, so in due course renewable energies will have to replace them in this role. All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels — coal, oil, and natural gas — do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. A brief overview of the potential for release of some global warming substances, hazardous materials into the environment and the land and water use for different renewable energy utilization devices is presented.

  • Equivalent 4-node enhanced assumed strain and hybrid stress shell elements in 6-parameter theory
    • Jacek Chróścielewski
    • Karol Daszkiewicz
    • Wojciech Witkowski

    We discuss the equivalence of semi-enhanced assumed strain (EAS) and semi-hybrid stress (SEM) shell finite elements. We use the general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with kinematics composed of generalized displacements composed of the translation field and the rotation field. Due to the presence of rotation tensor the elements have naturally six nodal engineering degrees of freedom. We propose interpolation for a strain field and then we construct corresponding interpolation for a stress field. The key point of the present formulation is the asymmetry of membrane strain and stress field and application of EAS and SEM approach not only to minimize membrane locking but also for shear locking.

  • Equivalent temperature for design of airport pavements using mechanistic-empirical methods
    • Marek Pszczoła
    • Józef Judycki

    The paper presents implementation of equivalent temperature for design of airport asphalt pavements. The calculation methods of equivalent temperature: the Shell method, the French method and method that use the Asphalt Institute fatique criteria were presented. An example of calculations of equivalent temperature for Gdansk Airport was introduced and discussed. It was shown that methods of calculation of equivalent temperature that are usually used in the design process of road pavements can be also implemented with success in design process of airport pavements.

  • Ergonomics in Polish outpatient clinics
    • Agnieszka Gębczyńska-Janowicz

    Outpatient clinics are structures In which ergonomics play a key role. This fact is associated with an often occurring risk of developing hospital-acquired infection. The risk increases with mistakes made in wrong planning the functional and spatial lay-out is subordinated to high utilitarian requirements, including hygienic and sanitary, and technological requirements. A properly planned structure allows to reduce dangers more efficiently for its users: patients and medical staff. The aim of this article is to show the role of ergonomics in planning the safe space in medical facilities. It will present current regulations concerning the spatial planning of outpatient clinics as structures offering medical services in time not exceeding 24 hours, as well as analyses of practical solutions on architecture, technology and ergonomics, which increase user safety in Polish medical facilities offering primary care.

  • Error analysis of calculating average d-q current components using Regular Sampling and Park transformation in FOC drives
    • Leszek Jarzębowicz

    In electric drives using voltage source inverters, motor currents contain ripple component resulting from pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage. The frequency range of the ripples is much higher than the bandwidth of current control. Therefore the control is performed on the basis of a fundamental current component, i.e. average value with the averaging time being the PWM period. In majority of cases the average current is measured without low-pass filtering, with the use of Regular Sampling method. The method enables extraction of the current fundamental component by sampling current instantaneous value once in a PWM period, synchronously with peaks or valleys of PWM carrier signal. Regular Sampling is widely used in industry in combination with field-oriented motor control algorithms. In such a case motor flux and torque are controlled by current components expressed in a rotating reference frame d-q. The feedback signals for current controllers are calculated on the basis of sampled motor phase currents, with the use of Clarke and Park transformations. However, transforming samples of average phase currents into the rotating reference frame does not result in exact values of average d- and q- current components. This influences motor torque and flux. The error reaches considerable values in high-speed drives operating at relatively low PWM frequency. The value of the error was derived analytically, followed by simulation verification.

  • Esej o człowieku
    • Przemysław Parszutowicz
    2014 Full text Ruch Filozoficzny

    Artykuł ma za zadanie przybliżenie życia i twórczości Ernsta Cassirera, ważnej filozoficznej postaci pierwszej połowy XX wieku. Twórca teorii form symbolicznych, wybitny historyk filozofii i idei, teoretyk poznania naukowego w jego rozmaitych formach wart jest przypomnienia szczególnie w obliczu niedawnej publikacji jego bardzo obszernej spuścizny rękopiśmienniczej. Osiemnastotomowe wydanie ineditów znacząco zmienia dotychczasowe poglądy na temat dorobku tego myśliciela. Sprawia, że utarte i utrwalone opinie na jego temat zawarte w podręcznikach i encyklopediach filozoficznych, a nawet w zaawansowanych opracowaniach i interpretacjach jego myśli muszą zostać poddane koniecznej i gruntownej korekcie.

  • Estimation and modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate based on the batch respirometric tests in activated sludge systems
    • Jakub Drewnowski
    • Marcin Marcinkowski

    Nowadays, appropriate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionation together with degradation kinetics of organic compounds have a prime importance on the design and operation of activated sludge systems. Batch respirometric tests based on the oxygen uptake rates (OUR) and corresponding COD is accepted method to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but still isn't known enough about the effects of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) on OUR. However, due to high costs of commercial compounds, the effective use of internal biodegradable substrates should be preferred. According to literature data, municipal wastewater after primary treatment contain readily & slowly biodegradable substrates in the amount of approx. 10-30% & 40-60% total COD, respectively. The biodegradation of X S is initiated by hydrolysis which is an integral part of activated sludge models, such as the Activated Sludge Model no. 2d (ASM2d) (Henze et al., 1999). This process is slower than heterotrophic growth and becomes the rate-limiting step for the biodegradation of organic compounds. The aim of this study was to estimate adequate parameters for modeling hydrolysis process of XS based on the OUR tests using the original and modified version of ASM2d. Results of batch respirometric tests obtained at a large biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in northern Poland, presented earlier by Drewnowski (2013), provided the experimental database for comparative study of the model predictions. The experimental investigations were supported by both lab-scale and full-scale simulations using a newly developed model as modification of ASM2d.