Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2014

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  • Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Microwave (915 MHz) Plasma in Atmospheric Pressure Nitrogen with Addition of Ethanol Vapour
    • Robert Miotk
    • Mariusz Jasiński
    • Jerzy Mizeraczyk
    2014 Full text ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A

    In this paper results of optical emission spectroscopic study of microwave 915 MHz plasma in atmospheric pressure nitrogen with an addition of ethanol vapour are presented. The plasma was generated in waveguide- -supplied cylinder-type nozzleless microwave plasma source. The aim of research was to determine the rotational Trot and vibrational Tvib temperatures of CN and C2. A method called bubbling was employed to introduce alcohol (ethanol) into the plasma. The Trot and Tvib were determined by comparing the measured and simulated spectra. Obtained rotational and vibrational temperatures of CN and C2 were ranged from 4400 to 5400 K and from 2800 to 3400 K, respectively, depending on the location in the plasma and the microwave absorbed power PA.

  • Optical emission spectroscopy of plasma generated by a waveguide-supplied microwave plasma source operated at 915MHz
    • Robert Miotk
    • Mariusz Jasiński
    • Jerzy Mizeraczyk

    In this paper we present the results of an optical emission spectroscopic study of an atmospheric pressure microwave (915 MHz) nitrogen and nitrogen with carbon dioxide (1%) plasma at high working gas flow rate. This study was aimed at determining rotational Trot and vibrational Tvib temperatures of N+2 ions and N2, CN molecules. The plasma was generated in a waveguide-supplied cavity-resonant type microwave plasma source. All experimental tests were performed with working gas flow rates QN2 between 80 and 320 l min−1 and a power PA absorbed by the plasma microwave varied from 1.5 to 3kW. The Trot and Tvib temperatures of selected heavy species were determined by comparing the measured and simulated spectra. The measured temperatures of N+2 ions and N2, CN molecules were 6800 to 7500K (±250 K), 5000 to 5200K (±150 K) and 6100 to 6600K (±100 K), respectively, depending on the PA.

  • Optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
    • Daria Majchrowicz
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    • Michał Sobaszek

    The optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films, coated using Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) system, were analyzed by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Diamond films were deposited on silicon substrates. The ellipsometry data (refractive index (n(λ)), extinction coefficient (k(λ)) were modeled using dedicated software. Evolution of the optical structure with boron doping was observed with wavelength in the range of 258 to 826 nm. The results demonstrated strong shift of optical properties under the influence of boron concentration in the nanocrystalline diamond films.

  • Optimization issues in distributed computing systems design
    • Krzysztof Walkowiak
    • Jacek Rak

    In recent years, we observe a growing interest focused on distributed computing systems. Both industry and academia require increasing computational power to process and analyze large amount of data, including significant areas like analysis of medical data, earthquake, or weather forecast. Since distributed computing systems – similar to computer networks – are vulnerable to failures, survivability mechanisms are indispensable to provide the uninterrupted service. Therefore, in this paper we propose a novel 1 + 1 protection mechanism. We formulate an ILP model related to optimization of survivable distributed computing systems. The objective is to allocate computational tasks to computing nodes and dimension network capacity in order to minimize the operational cost of the computing system and satisfy survivability constraints. To facilitate high computational complexity caused by NP-completeness in solving the ILP problem, we propose additional cut inequalities that can be applied for the branch-and-cut algorithm.We consider the cut-and-branch variant of the B&C algorithm. To construct additional cut inequalities we use the idea of cover inequalities and mixed integer rounding (MIR) inequalities. Results of experiments conducted using CPLEX solver are provided and discussed.

  • Optimization model of agile team’s cohesion
    • Irena Bach-Dąbrowska
    • Paweł Pawlewski
    2014 Full text Procedia Computer Science

    Team’s cohesion is one of the most important factors of IT project execution effectiveness. Optimization of team’s cohesion gives the possibility of reducing the risk of project failure. It also allows to increase the teamwork efficiency and thus optimize time of tasks execution, increase the guarantee of maintaining the scope of the project and the chance of achieving a given level of products quality. This article presents determination model of team’s cohesion, in particular for teams working in Agile frameworks. Presented model is based on so called ‘role patterns’ and paradigm of fuzzy logic. It also presents optimization model of team members selection based on decision making in the so-called fuzzy environment.

  • Optimization of Automata
    • Jan Daciuk

    This book is conceived as an effort to gather all algorithms and methods developed by the author of the book that concern three aspects of optimization of automata: incrementality, hashing and compression. Some related algorithms and methods are given as well when they are needed to complete the picture.

  • Optimization of capillary isotachophoretic method for determination of major macroelements in blue honeysuckle berries (Lonicera caerulea L.) and related products
    • Tomasz Chmiel
    • Dionna Abogado
    • Waldemar Wardencki

    A reliable and repeatable isotachophoretic method for the simultaneous determination of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and ammonium in berries of different blue honeysuckle cultivars was developed. The usefulness of the complex-forming equilibria in determining the cations mentioned above was studied. The addition of 7.5 mM 18-crown-6 and 2 mM α-hydroxyisobutyric acid to sulfuric acid enhanced the separation capacity of the leading electrolyte. The terminating electrolyte of 10 mM TRIS buffered to pH 4.30 was chosen as most appropriate for these studies. An ultrasound-assisted procedure for the extraction of macroelements from dried fruit of Lonicera caerulea L. was investigated using response surface methodology. The Box-Behnken experimental design showed the optimal extraction conditions as follows: temperature of 36 °C, extraction time of 42.3 min and solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:800 v/w. Detection limits for the method ranged from 0.030 to 0.097 mg/l with precision expressed by RSD ranging from 1.4% for Mg to 4.4% for Na. The results showed that blue honeysuckle berries are good source of potassium, from 199 to 402 mg/100 g FW, especially ‘Zielona’ and ‘Zojka’ cultivars. The average content of other analytes in these berries was 5.2 mg Na, 24.8 mg Ca, 7.5 mg Mg and 52.0 mg ammonium per 100 g FW. The berry products contained lower amounts of minerals especially Mg and K. However, a glass of freshly squeezed juice can provide almost 20% of the RDI of potassium. The results obtained using both the developed isotachophoretic method and ion chromatographic procedure did not differ significantly.

  • Optimization of Chemical Functionalities of Indole-2-carboxamides To Improve Allosteric Parameters for the Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1)
    • Leepakshi Khurana
    • Hamed I. Ali
    • Teresa Olszewska
    • Kwang H. Ahn
    • Aparna Damaraju
    • Debra A. Kendall
    • Dai Lu

    5-Chloro-3-ethyl-N-(4-(piperidin-1-yl)phenethyl)-1H-indole-2-carboxamide (1; ORG27569) is a prototypical allosteric modulator for the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1). Here, we reveal key structural requirements of indole-2-carboxamides for allosteric modulation of CB1: a critical chain length at the C3-position, an electron withdrawing group at the C5-position, the length of the linker between the amide bond and the phenyl ring B, and the amino substituent on the phenyl ring B. These significantly impact the binding affinity (KB) and the binding cooperativity (α). A potent CB1 allosteric modulator 5-chloro-N-(4-(dimethylamino)phenethyl)-3-propyl-1H-indole-2-carboxamide (12d) was identified. It exhibited a KB of 259.3 nM with a strikingly high binding α of 24.5. We also identified 5-chloro-N-(4-(dimethylamino)phenethyl)-3-hexyl-1H-indole-2-carboxamide (12f) with a KB of 89.1 nM, which is among the lowest KB values obtained for any allosteric modulator of CB1. These positive allosteric modulators of orthosteric agonist binding nonetheless antagonized the agonist-induced G-protein coupling to the CB1 receptor, yet induced β-arrestin mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation.

  • Optimization of Execution Time under Power Consumption Constraints in a Heterogeneous Parallel System with GPUs and CPUs
    • Paweł Czarnul
    • Paweł Rościszewski

    The paper proposes an approach for parallelization of computations across a collection of clusters with heterogeneous nodes with both GPUs and CPUs. The proposed system partitions input data into chunks and assigns to par- ticular devices for processing using OpenCL kernels defined by the user. The sys- tem is able to minimize the execution time of the application while maintaining the power consumption of the utilized GPUs and CPUs below a given threshold. We present real measurements regarding performance and power consumption of various GPUs and CPUs used in a modern parallel system. Furthermore we show, for a parallel application for breaking MD5 passwords, how the execution time of the real application changes with various upper bounds on the power consumption.

  • Optimization of Nuclear Power Share in the Structure of Electricity Production in Poland in Time Perspective by 2060
    • Marcin Jaskólski
    2014 Full text Acta Energetica

    The author of this paper presented the results of a system analysis using MARKAL model, aiming at the optimization of nuclear power share in power generation structure in Poland in time perspective by 2060. Optimization criterion is the minimization of the objective function, i.e. the total cost of energy system, taking into account constraints related to CO2, SOx and NOx emissions and obligatory shares of electricity from renewable energy sources and generated in high-efficiency cogeneration. The results of model runs include the least-cost structure of both electricity generation and installed capacity, with emphasis put on nuclear power

  • Optymalizacja długości krzywych przejściowych przy budowie i modernizacji linii kolejowych
    • Mirosław Jan Nowakowski

    W drogach szynowych przy obliczaniu długości krzywych przejściowych analizowane są jedynie warunki na ich długość minimalną. Odmienna sytuacja występuje przy projektowaniu dróg, gdzie rozpatrywane są też warunki na długość maksymalną. Spośród nich szczególną rangę ma warunek poprawności geometrycznej układu. W artykule zawarto jego adaptację do specyfiki trasy kolejowej. Sformułowano cel optymalizacji przy obliczaniu długości krzywej przejściowej i omówiono przebieg realizacji takiego projektu. Przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania w konkretnym projekcie oraz propozycje zmian w przepisach.

  • Optymalizacja nastaw regulatorów PID do sterowania suwnicą 3D
    • Tomasz Dziendziel
    • Michał Gruk
    • Robert Piotrowski
    2014 Full text Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka

    Suwnica stanowi ciekawy, a zarazem skomplikowany obiekt sterowania, który znajduje zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. W artykule przedstawiono obiekt sterowania wraz jego układami sterowania wykorzystującymi regulatory PID. Następnie dobrano parametry regulatorów wybranymi metodami inżynierskimi i optymalizacyjnymi. Przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę porównawczą zaproponowanych rozwiązań.

  • Optymizm przedsiębiorców a ich postawy wobec zmian
    • Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka

    Artykuł dotyczy postaw przedsiębiorców wobec wprowadzania zmian w zarządzanych przez nich firmach. Celem podjętych badań była weryfikacja hipotezy, że poziom optymizmu przedsiębiorcy wpływa na akceptację sytuacji zmian w organizacji i otwartość na jej wdrażanie. Badaniom kwestionariuszowym poddano przedsiębiorców działających na terenie Trójmiasta. Wykorzystano Skalę Orientacji Pozytywnej oraz adaptację Skali Postaw Pracowniczych wobec Zmian. Analiza statystyczna wyników wykazała istotne korelacje pomiędzy poziomem trzech komponentów postawy wobec zmian

  • Ordered TiO2 nanotubes: the effect of preparation parameters on the photocatalytic activity in air purification process
    • Michał Nischk
    • Paweł Mazierski
    • Maria Gazda
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    Vertically ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodic oxidation of titanium foil in glycerol, ethylene glycol and water-based electrolytes. The effect of electrolyte composition, anodization voltage, ultrasonic treatment and calcination time on the morphology of the resulting thin films, as well as on their photocatalytic activity in toluene removal, used as a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over TiO2 nanotube arrays using xenon lamp and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in four subsequent cycles. The results showed that toluene could be mostly removed from the air after 30 min of irradiation over TiO2 nanotubes (NTs), even using LEDs (375 nm) as a irradiation source. TiO2 nanotube arrays formed in ethylene glycol-based electrolyte by applying voltage of 40 V, followed by 1-hour calcination at 450°C, revealed the highest photoactivity and may be used several times without any significant decrease in activity.

  • Ordinal Pattern Statistics for RR Intervals during Head-Up Tilt Test in Patients with the History of Vasovagal Syncope
    • Beata Graff
    • Grzegorz Graff
    • Agnieszka Kaczkowska
    • D. Makowiec
    • Szymon Budrejko
    • Dariusz Kozłowski
    • Krzysztof Narkiewicz

    We apply ordinal pattern analysis to quantify differences in distribution of patterns of length 3 and 4 in basal state and during head-up tilt test (HUTT) in patients with the history of syncope and positive (HUTT(+)) or negative (HUTT(-)) responses to the test. We identify the patterns related to prevalence of sympathetic or parasympathetic cardiac modulation as well as describe the relations between the response to the test and distribution of the patterns.

  • ORF Approximation in Numerical Analysis of Fractional Point Kinetics and Heat Exchange Model of Nuclear Reactor
    • Tomasz Nowak
    • Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz
    • Robert Piotrowski

    This paper presents results concerning numerical solutions of the fractional point kinetics (FPK) and heat exchange (HE) model for a nuclear reactor. The model consists of a nonlinear system of fractional and ordinary differential equations. Two methods to solve the model are compared. The first one applies Oustaloup Recursive Filter (ORF) and the second one applies Refined Oustaloup Recursive Filter (RORF). Simulation tests have been performed and the results presented.

  • ORF Approximation in Numerical Analysis of Fractional Point Kinetics and Heat Exchange Model of Nuclear Reactor
    • Tomasz Nowak
    • Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz
    • Robert Piotrowski

    This paper presents results concerning numerical solutions of the fractional point kinetics (FPK) and heat exchange (HE) model for a nuclear reactor. The model consists of a nonlinear system of fractional and ordinary differential equations. Two methods to solve the model are compared. The first one applies Oustaloup Recursive Filter (ORF) and the second one applies Refined Oustaloup Recursive Filter (RORF). Simulation tests have been performed and the results presented.

  • Organic Rankine as bottoming cycle to a combined Brayton and Clausius-Rankine cycle
    • Dariusz Mikielewicz
    • Jan Wajs
    • Elżbieta Żmuda
    2014 Key Engineering Materials

    This paper presents an enhanced approach, as it will be considered here that the ORC installation could be extra-heated with the bleed steam, a concept presented by the authors. In such way the efficiency of the bottoming cycle can be increased and an amount of electricity generated increases. A thermodynamic analysis and a comparative study of the cycle efficiency for a simplified steam cycle cooperating with ORC cycle will be presented. The most commonly used organic fluids will be considered, namely R245fa, R134a, toluene, and 2 silicone oils (MM and MDM). Working fluid selection and its application area is being discussed based on fluid properties. The thermal efficiency is mainly determined by the temperature level of the heat source and the condenser conditions. The influence of several process parameters such as turbine inlet and condenser temperature, turbine isentropic efficiency, vapour quality and pressure, use of a regenerator (ORC) will be presented. Finally, some general and economic considerations related to the choice between a steam cycle and ORC are discussed.

  • Organisatorische Probleme des Niederschlagwasser – Management in Polen
    • Ziemowit Suligowski
    • Agnieszka Tuszyńska
    2014 KA: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall : Organ der DWA

    In Polen dominiert in der Kanalisation das Trennsystem. Nur im Zentrum größerer Städte herrscht hauptsächlich das Mischsystem vor. Bezüglich Niederschlagswasser gibt es in Polen keine Festlegungen. Es gibt keine Definition der Verantwortlichkeiten für die Niederschlagswasserentsorgung sowie deren Finanzierung. Trotz Änderungen im Gesetz über die öffentliche Wasserver-und Abwasserentsorgung wurde dieses Problem bislang nicht gelöst. Einzelne Gemeinden ergreifen durch Einrichtung spezieller operativer Strukturen individuelle Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung der schadlosen Niederschlagswasserentsorgung in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich. Diese haben gewöhnlich die Gesellschaftsform eines kommunalen Eigenbetriebs. Ein Problem stellt die Finanzierung von Maßnahmen aus dem Gemeindehaushalt dar. Dies erfordert Verständnis für die Bedeutung dieses Bereiches und die Notwendigkeit, sich dieser Aufgabe zu widmen.

  • Organizacja i funkcjonowanie systemu biblioteczno-informacyjnego w Centrum Wiedzy i Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej
    • Anna Wałek

    W artykule opisano genezę oraz przedstawiono proces powstawania Centrum Wiedzy i Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej na Politechnice Wrocławskiej. Przeanalizowano akty prawne, na podstawie których jednostka realizuje swoje zadania, w szczególności zadania związane z funkcjonowaniem na Uczelni systemu biblioteczno-informacyjnego, którego podstawę stanowią Biblioteki Politechniki Wrocławskiej oraz Oddziały Centrum Wiedzy i Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej przy Wydziałach i Studiach.