Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

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Inline Waveguide Filter With Transmission Zeros Using a Modified-T-Shaped-Post Coupling Inverter

This letter reports the design techniques for a class 2 of inline waveguide bandpass filters with sharp-rejection capabil3 ities at the lower stopband based on a novel nonlinear-frequency4 variant-coupling (NFVC) structure. The proposed NFVC consists 5 of a modified-T-shaped metallic post (MTP) that is placed at the 6 center of the waveguide broad wall with its open arms lying 7 along the waveguide width. The engineered NFVC structure 8 produces a first-order bandpass filtering transfer function with 9 a pair of transmission zeros (TZs) located below the passband 10 range. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed NFVC 11 inverter, a 9.9-GHz third-order inline waveguide bandpass filter 12 prototype with two TZs is developed and tested. It consists of 13 two half-wavelength cavity resonators coupled together via the 14 conceived MTP coupling structure. The measured results are in 15 close agreement with the electromagnetic (EM) simulated ones, 16 thus validating the devised waveguide filter design principle
