Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Abuse or contamination? Ratio determination of clenbuterol enantiomers to distinguish between doping use and meat contamination

Clenbuterol has been detected in urine of several athletes during routine doping control in the past years. Athletes claimed that the clenbuterol was ingested by eating contaminated meat. Providing analytical prove for this claim is difficult. clenbuterol consists of two enantiomers, R(-) and S(+)-clenbuterol. Currently available human and veterinary preparations were found to consist of a racemic mixture of both enantiomers. When clenbuterol is administered to animals this ratio may change in meat and other edible products of the animal. It is hypothized that consumption of contaminated meat with an altered ratio will also change the ratio in the urine of the athlete. To prove this a controlled human trial was permformed in which subjects were administered clenbuterol by ingestion of drug preparations or by eating contaminated meat and liver. Urine samples of the subjects were collected and analyzed with chiral LC-MS/MS and SFC-MS/MS methods to measure the ratio of R(-)- and S(+)-clenbuterol.
