Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2013

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  • The usefulness of Toxoplasma gondii MIC1-MAG1-SAG1 chimeric antigen in the serodiagnosis of ovine toxoplasmosis
    • Bartłomiej Ferra
    • Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
    2013 Annals of Parasitology

    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, which infects humans and most warm-blooded animals throughout the world. Although human toxoplasmosis in healthy adults is usually asymptomatic, a serious disease can occur in the case of congenital infection and immunocompromised individuals. Among food animals, sheep, along with goats and pigs, possess the highest incidence of T. gondii cysts in meat, and play a major role as a source of human infection. Moreover, prevention and control of T. gondii infection is of economic importance in sheep production, because it also causes abortions and neonatal deaths of sheep. The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sheep is usually based on the detection of specific antibodies. Most commercial kits use prepared tachyzoites grown in mice or tissue culture to prepare Toxoplasma lysate antigen (TLA) for antibody detection. These antigens may contain varying amounts of host material and therefore affect the specificity and reproducibility of the test results. The use of recombinant antigens could avoid these drawbacks and permit the development of an improved diagnostic test. This study is the first evaluation of the use of T. gondii MIC1-MAG1-SAG1 recombinant chimeric antigen for the serodiagnosis of ovine toxoplasmosis. Previously, this recombinant protein has been successfully used for detection of T. gondii infection in humans (1). The diagnostic efficiency of MIC1-MAG1-SAG1 antigen was assessed in IgG ELISA test with the use of 150 reference sheep sera (100 seropositive and 50 seronegative) previously tested using a commercial agglutination test (Toxo-ScreenDA, bioMérieux). The results obtained for chimeric antigen were compared with those of IgG ELISAs using a TLA and a combination of three recombinant antigens (MIC1+MAG1+SAG1). The sensitivity of the IgG ELISA calculated from all of the positive serum samples was the same for the chimeric antigen and the TLA (100%), whereas the sensitivity of the mixture of recombinant proteins used were definitely lower (78%). Therefore, the present study shows that the MIC1-MAG1-SAG1 chimeric antigen is a very useful tool for the detection of anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies in sheep sera, giving far better results than a mixture of three antigens.

  • The value of less Light – Sustainable architectural lighting design
    • Karolina M. Zielińska-Dąbkowska

    Since its beginning, the art of external illumination has substantially influ-enced the creation and the perception of architecture and the night-time urban environment. In her lecture, the author examines and defines the significant interdisciplinary conditions related to architectural lighting design that have evolved over the years, starting from the first simple exterior lighting projects to the more modern, complex concepts of illumination. The first artistic experi-ments with the effects of lighting on ar-chitecture date back to the ancient times. However, the more mature intentions of lighting building facades for usability as well as aesthetic and artistic purposes appeared on a larger scale in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This went hand-in-hand with the inven-tion of the electric light bulb. The signifi-cant role in the search for new directions on how to illuminate buildings played a central role at various world exhibitions, the experiences of building form using light performed by architects of modern-ism era as well as experiments inspired from theatre, primarily driven by Stanley McCandless, Abe Feder and Richard Kelly. These experiments conducted mainly in the 1950s and 60s led to the birth of a new discipline called architectural lighting design. Since then many creative visions of architectural lighting started to appear in urban environments at night. When this concept of "painting with light" seemed to be reaching its peak, a number of limitations associated with architectural lighting design emerged. The energy crisis of the 1970s forced the need to reduce the costs of lighting and led to the abandonment of costly and unneces-sary elements such as exterior lighting. Later research in seemingly distant and unrelated disciplines to architectural lighting design such as biology, medicine, ecology and environmental protection has highlighted a number of conditions and restrictions which exterior lighting projects should take into considera-tion. Inappropriately designed exterior lighting in cities has been identified as one of the reasons for climate change and disorders in the integrity of ecosystems. Attempts to address these interdisci-plinary conditions in today's projects of external illumination are not an easy task.

  • Theoretical and Architectural Framework for Contextual Knowledge Bases
    • Krzysztof Goczyła
    • Aleksander Waloszek
    • Wojciech Waloszek
    • Teresa Zawadzka

    The paper presents the approach aimed at building modularized knowledge bases in a systematic, context-aware way. The paper focuses on logical modeling of such knowledge bases, including an underlying SIM metamodel. The architecture of a comprehensive set of tools for knowledge-base systems engineering is presented. The tools enable an engineer to design, create and edit a knowledge base schema according to a novel context approach presented elsewhere by the authors. It is explained how a knowledge base built according to SIM (Structured-Interpretation Model) paradigm is processed by a prototypical reasoner S-Pellet, which is a custom version of widely known Pellet reasoner extended with support for modules of ontologies called tarsets (also introduced elsewhere under the name of conglomerates). The user interface of the system is a plug-in to Protégé ontology editor that is a standard tool for development of Semantic Web ontologies. Possible applications of the presented framework to development of knowledge bases for culture heritage and scientific information dissemination are also discussed.

  • Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule
    • Piotr Łobacz
    • Patryk Jasik
    • Józef Eugeniusz Sienkiewicz

    Semi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis set functions. The spectroscopic constants of the calculated electronic states agree well with experimental data, including the recent ones from Lee et al., and with available theoretical results.

  • Theoretical study of the photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate: Ab initio and density functional theory investigation
    • Marta Łabuda
    • Julien Guthmuller
    2013 Full text The European Physical Journal-Special Topics

    The first ionization energy and associated photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate are investigated with quantum chemistry calculations. The geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies and first ionization energy are computed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and at the second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). Moreover, accurate ionization energies are obtained with the Coupled-Cluster theory including singles and doubles excitations (CCSD) as well as singles, doubles and perturbative triples excitations (CCSD(T)). Then, these ab initio results are assessed with respect to experimental values. Additionally, the ionization energies are also calculated with the computationally attractive density functional theory (DFT). In this case the accuracy of several exchange-correlation functionals is evaluated by comparison with the ab initio and experimental results. In a next step, the vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectrum is simulated at the HF, MP2 and DFT levels via the calculation of the Franck-Condon factors. These simulations are compared to the experimental photoelectron spectrum and allow an accurate reproduction of the vibrational progression

  • Theoretical study of thermofrictional oscillations due to negative friction-temperature characteristic
    • Oleksii Nosko
    • Takuo Nagamine
    • Hiroki Mori
    • Yuichi Sato

    Analytical study on oscillations of a body on a moving counterbody has been done by assuming imperfect frictional thermal contact and friction that decreases with contact temperature. It has been shown that stick-slip oscillation occurs due to decrease of friction coefficient when the body moves in the opposite direction to the counterbody. Dynamical characteristics, such as conditions for stable sliding and limit cycles, have been studied. Normal force between the bodies has significant effect on sliding stability.

  • Theory and implementation of a virtualisation level Future Internet defence in depth architecture
    • Jerzy Konorski
    • Piotr Pacyna
    • Grzegorz Kolaczek
    • Zbigniew Kotulski
    • Krzysztof Cabaj
    • Paweł Szalachowski
    2013 International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications

    An EU Future Internet Engineering project currently underway in Poland defines three parallel internets (PIs). The emerging IIP system (IIPS, abbreviating the project’s Polish name), has a four-level architecture, with level 2 responsible for creation of virtual resources of the PIs. This paper proposes a three-tier security architecture to address level 2 threats of unauthorised traffic injection and IIPS traffic manipulation or forging. It is argued that the measures to be taken differ in nature from those ensuring classical security attributes. A combination of hard- and soft-security mechanisms produces node reputation and trust metrics, which permits to eliminate or ostracise misbehaving nodes. Experiments carried out in a small-scale IIPS testbed are briefly discussed.

  • Thermal ablation modeling via bioheat equation
    • Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk
    • Henryk Leszczyński
    • Artur Poliński

    We consider Pennes’ bioheat equation and discuss an implicit numerical scheme which has better stability properties than other approaches. Our discussion concerns Carthesian geometry problems, however it carries over to spherical geometry models and more complicated shapes.

  • Thermal decomposition of [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 to CdS “micro-noodles”
    • Anna Mietlarek-Kropidłowska
    • Michał Strankowski
    • Maria Gazda
    • Barbara Becker

    This work presents studies on thermal degradation of novel heteroleptic complex possessing mixed S-donor ligands, [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 using TGA, DSC, TGA-IR, SEM and XRD methods.

  • Thermal Self-Action Effects of Acoustic Beam in a Gas with Reversible or Irreversible Chemical Reaction
    • Anna Perelomova

    Thermal self-action of acoustic beam in a gas where an exothermic chemical reaction takes place, is studied. This kind of thermal self-action differs from that in a newtonian fluid. In dependence on the type of a chemical reaction, reversible or not, heating or cooling of a medium occurs. A beam in the case of the irreversible reaction may be unusually self-focusing. The self-action effects relating to wave beams containing shock fronts, are discussed. Stationary and non-stationary kinds of self-action are considered.

  • Thermal treatment of montmorillonite modified with Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+ from two polymorphic salts
    • Anna Mietlarek-Kropidłowska
    • Michał Strankowski
    • Bogusława Kohnke-Baranowska
    • Maria Gazda

    Montmorillonite(MMT)/CdS nanocomposites can be obtained using simple ionic exchange between Na(I)-MMT and Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+∙2NO3. The resulting products may be annealed to give (MMT)/CdS nanocomposites as it was proved by XRD analysis.

  • Thermodynamic analysis of the double Brayton cycle with the use of oxy combustion and capture of CO2
    • Paweł Ziółkowski
    • Witold Zakrzewski
    • Oktawia Kaczmarczyk
    • Janusz Badur
    2013 Full text Archives of Thermodynamics

    In this paper, thermodynamic analysis of a proposed innovative double Brayton cycle with the use of oxy combustion and capture of CO2, is presented. For that purpose, the computation flow mechanics (CFM) approach has been developed. The double Brayton cycle (DBC) consists of primary Brayton and secondary inverse Brayton cycle. Inversion means that the role of the compressor and the gas turbine is changed and firstly we have expansion before compression. Additionally, the workingfluid in the DBC with the use of oxy combustion and CO2 capture contains a great amount of H2O and CO2, and the condensation process of steam (H2O) overlaps in negative pressure conditions. The analysis has been done for variants values of the compression ratio, which determines the lowest pressure in the double Brayton cycle.

  • Three-dimensional representation of geographic data in a Web-based GIS
    • Marcin Kulawiak
    2013 Full text HYDROACOUSTICS

    Presenting geographic data in a web environment has been a long standing problem. For many years the low performance of web browsers has limited the visualization of spatial data to only two dimensions. More recently, the introduction of open standards for 3D acceleration of web applications sparked the emergence of new methods of presenting three-dimensional data in a web browser without using third-party extensions. However, these solutions are relatively young and not yet fit for use in a production environment. This work presents a method of three-dimensional representation of geospatial data in the context of two-dimensional map. The presented system uses the well-proven OpenLayers library as well as HTML5 and WebGL technologies to display three-dimensional geospatial data in the web without the need for additional web browser plug-ins. The presented application may thus constitute a viable solution until the more robust solutions mature.

  • Three-fast-searchable graphs
    • Dariusz Dereniowski
    • Oznur Yasar Diner
    • Danny Dyer

    In the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates a larger number of searchers. We examine this model, and characterize graphs for which 2 or 3 searchers are sufficient. We prove that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete.

  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier
    • Karol Draszawka
    • Julian Szymański

    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the classification performance can be improved with the use of new class-specific thresholding methods, which set decision values depending on each candidate class separately

  • Throughput-Coverage Characteristics for Soft and Partial Frequency Reuse in the LTE Downlink
    • Sławomir Gajewski

    The paper presents results of simulation and evaluation of throughput-coverage characteristics for the OFDMA-based LTE network with Soft Frequency Reuse or Partial Frequency Reuse. Firstly, simulation results of throughput characteristics for a single user connection are presented, which allow the evaluation of the stability and availability of bit rate achieved in different areas of a cell. Secondly, the capacity characteristics are shown in order to evaluate available capacity in various regions of a cell. Research results can be used to determine the manner of cell division into two areas of different way of use the assigned frequency band. In addition, the research shows advantages and disadvantages of both the SFR and PFR. The paper is useful for the design of the LTE mobile network taken into a ccount both the throughput for a single connection as well as the capacity of a cell.

  • Tilting pad thrust bearing with novel material selection - experimental comparison of low and medium speed operation
    • Michał Wasilczuk
    • Michał Wodtke
    • Wolfgang Braun

    The advances in material engineering led to the development of hard carbon based coatings applied in numerous applications in order to prevent or minimize wear of the parts in contact. With Triondur® coatings, the bearing company Schaeffler has succeeded in halving the friction losses in the valve trains of passenger cars. The coatings are optimized for high abrasive wear protection and low sliding friction moments. Altogether an ideal starting position to apply such surfaces also in fluid film bearings, in which rubbing surfaces are normally separated by a fluid film, but also in case of overload or especially during start-ups and stopping mixed friction may occur increasing rapidly wear rate of the bearing surfaces. Therefore the use of Triondur® may substantially increase the durability of tilting pad thrust bearings used in applications with low speeds and/or frequent starts and stops. In some cases probably the novel surface thrust bearings may substitute roller element bearings. Since no detailed, efficient and reliable calculation methods for mixed friction exist and such conditions are probable in the regime of low speed/high load and starts/stops), therefore in order to test and prove the new material concept it was decided to carry out experimental research. Search of the literature proved that experimental results of fluid film bearings tested in the high load and low speed regime are also infrequent, probably because this is not the usual area of operation of the fluid film bearings.

  • Time-domine Dipole Fields in acoustic and Elektromagnetics
    • Henryk Lasota

    The ultrawideband (UWB) radio technique presents a challenge not just for technology. The UWB carrier-free pulses act at a close distance, their electromagnetic fields being very different from classic monochromatic plane wave. The author proposes to adapt a time-domian approach to analysis of broadband spherical fields, both acoustic and electromagnetic, in fundamental cases of quasi-point physical sources.

  • Tip-Based Nanofabrication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology
    • Aleksander Herman
    2013 Reviews in Theoretical Science

    Tip-Based Nanofabication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology discusses the development of cantilevered nanotips techniques of quantum devices prototyping and how they evolved from scanning probe microscopy. Also covered are the advantages and future prospects of atomic resolution capability and how to use this enabling technology as a rapid prototyping tool for quantum science and technology.

  • Tlenek cynku: synteza, właściwości oraz zastosowanie
    • Marta Prześniak-Welenc

    Tlenek cynku posiada szczególne właściwości optyczne, elektryczne oraz termiczne. Ze względu na te właściwości, tlenek ten znajduje zastosowanie w różnorodnych dziedzinach.