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Tlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe wykorzystujące wysokotemperaturowe przewodniki protonowe
- Sebastian Lech Wachowski
Przewodniki protonowe są materiałami cieszącymi się dużym zainteresowaniem badaczy. w monografii zebrano infomacje doczytącze tej grupy materiałów, omówiono ich właściwości oraz potencjalne zastosowania techniczne.
Topological model of aptitude of the measurement circuits of main subassemblies of an internal combustion engine crankshaft-piston assembly
- Piotr Bzura
The paper presents a topological model allowing to determine the probability of aptitude of the diagnosing system (SDG) individual measuring circuits and also to determine to what degree they influence the assessment of the technical condition of an arbitrary main subassembly of crankshaft-piston assemblies as a diagnosed system (SDN).
Total restrained bondage in graphs
- Joanna Raczek
- Roslan Hasni
- Nader Jafari Rad
- Lutz Volkmann
Podzbiór D zbioru wierzchołków grafu nazywamy zewnętrznie totalnym dominującym w grafie, jeśli każdy wierzchołek spoza D ma sąsiada zarówno w D jak i poza D. Moc najmniejszego zbioru o tej własności nazywamy liczbą dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego. W artykule badamy wpływ usuwania krawędzi na liczbę dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego, czyli liczbę zewnętrznego totalnego zniewolenie w grafach.
- Aleksander Orłowski
- Edward Szczerbicki
This article presents our continuing efforts to develop a model of the Internet-based mortgage market in Poland. It sums up modeling research done over the last 4 years, also showing the stages and the process of building and verifying the proposed model consisting of three submodels. The submodels are described for three market situations; that is, a stable market, financial crisis, and economic boom. The proposed model variables are analyzed statistically and the submodels are verified. The article presents the most current stage of model development and concludes with suggestions for further research in this area leading to the ultimate application of the proposed model in a real-life prognosis process.
Toward Mechanosynthesis of Diamondoid Structures: X. Commercial Capped CNT SPM Tip as Nowadays Available C2 Dimer Placement Tool for Tip-Based Nanofabrication
- Aleksander Herman
According to Drexler, advanced mechanosynthesis will employ advanced nano-machines, but advanced nano-machines will themselves be products of advanced mechanosynthesis. This circular relationship must be broken via TBN technology development. In this article, the possibility of using easily available commercial CNT tips to assemble carbon-based intermediate generations of nano-devices is considered. Mechanosynthesis of a target class of carbon-based nano-devices will require molecular tools capable of transferring C2 molecules to reaction sites that have binding energies in the range of –6.9 to –7.4 eV per carbon atom or –7.6 to – 8.6 eV per C2 molecule. Desirable properties of tools include approximately exoergic transfer of moieties to these structures; good geometrical exposure of moieties; and structural, electronic and positional stability. The results presented in this paper suggest that the CNT tips now available on the market have adequate properties to become tools for C2 molecule transfer into a reaction site during positional mechanosynthesis. The surpassing features of the commercial single/double wall capped CNT tips such as, small tip radii, extreme aspect ratio, excellent wear-out behavior and the average low temperature binding energy of C2 ∼ –5.0±1.2 eV make them the ideal tools for bridging the gap between present-day tip-based nanofabrication (TBN) and future implementation of advanced nanotechnology.
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury
- Nicola Pirrone
- Wenche Aas
- Sergio Cinnirella
- Ralf Ebinghaus
- Ian M. Hedgecock
- Józef Pacyna
- Francesca Sprovieri
- Elsie M. Sunderland
Mercury is a global pollutant that is ubiquitous in the environment. Enrichment of mercury in the biosphere as the result of human activities and subsequent production of methylmercury (MeHg) has resulted in elevated concentrations in fish, wildlife and marine mammals globally. Elemental mercury (Hg0) is the most common form of mercury in the atmosphere, and the form that is most readily transported long distances from its emission source. Most mercury deposition from the atmosphere is in the highly soluble, oxidised inorganic form HgII. Thus, understanding atmospheric transport and oxidant distribution is essential for understanding mercury inputs to ecosystems. Methylmercury (MeHg) is the most toxic form of mercury that accumulates in aquatic food web and can cause a variety of negative health effects such as long-term IQ deficits and cardiovascular impairment in exposed individuals. Humans are predominately exposed to MeHg by consuming fish. Hg0 emitted from anthropogenic sources has a long (6 monthse1 year) atmospheric residence time allowing it to be transported long distances in the atmosphere. It is eventually oxidised to the highly soluble HgII (likely by atomic Br and/or OH/O3) and rapidly deposited with precipitation. Some of the mercury deposited to terrestrial and marine ecosystems is converted to MeHg, which is the only form that bioaccumulates in aquatic food webs. Recent studies suggest that there is a first-order relationship between the supply of inorganic mercury to ecosystems and production of MeHg, thus implying that declines in deposition will translate directly into reduced concentrations in biota and human exposures. However, one of the major uncertainties in this cycle is the time scale required for these changes to take place and this is known to vary from years to centuries across different environmental compartments depending on their physical and biogeochemical attributes. Thus, a key challenge in the case of mercury pollution is understanding the link between the magnitude of mercury emissions and the concentrations found in the fish that we consume.
Towards Agile Development of Critical Software
- Janusz Górski
- Katarzyna Łukasiewicz
The paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant with the software assurance requirements imposed by the application domain. We describe the tasks performed by the participants and the results of these tasks together with the overall conclusions derived during the workshop summarizing the case study.
Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations
- Sebastian Cygert
- Joanna Porter-Sobieraj
- Daniel Kikoła
- Jan Sikorski
- Marcin Słodkowski
Relativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory. Numerical experiments show an unprecedented increase in the computing power compared to a CPU.
Towards More Realistic Probabilistic Models for Data Structures: The External Path Length in Tries under the Markov Model
- Kevin Leckey
- Ralph Neininger
- Wojciech Szpankowski
Tries are among the most versatile and widely used data structures on words. They are pertinent to the (internal) structure of (stored) words and several splitting procedures used in diverse contexts ranging from document taxonomy to IP addresses lookup, from data compression (i.e., Lempel- Ziv'77 scheme) to dynamic hashing, from partial-match queries to speech recognition, from leader election algorithms to distributed hashing tables and graph compression. While the performance of tries under a realistic probabilistic model is of signicant importance, its analysis, even for simplest memoryless sources, has proved dicult. Rigorous ndings about inherently complex parameters were rarely analyzed (with a few notable exceptions) under more realistic models of string generations. In this paper we meet these challenges: By a novel use of the contraction method combined with analytic techniques we prove a central limit theorem for the external path length of a trie under a general Markov source. In particular, our results apply to the Lempel-Ziv'77 code. We envision that the methods described here will have further applications to other trie parameters and data structures
- Paweł Kalinowski
- Ewa Ardanowska
- Anna Strzelczyk
- Grzegorz Jasiński
The need for precise detection of toxic gases drives development of new gas sensors structures and methods of processing the output signals from the sensors. In literature, artificial neural networks are considered as one of the most effective tool for the analysis of gas sensors or sensors arrays responses. In this paper a method of toxic gas components identification using a electrocatalytic gas sensor as a detector and an artificial neural network as a classifier is presented.
Toxicity of ionic liquid cations and anions towards activated sewage sludge organisms from different sources – Consequences for biodegradation testing and wastewater treatment plant operation
- Marta Markiewicz
- Magdalena Piszora
- Nelson Caicedo
- Christian Jungnickel
- Stefan Stolte
Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted great interest in academia and industry during the last decade. So far, several ILs have been used in technological processes, from small scale to industrial applications, which makes it more and more likely that they will be released into the environment. Researches have been actively studying the environmental and toxicological bevaviour of ILs, but their influence on the activated sewage sludge communities.
Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens as tools for serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis: current status of studies
- Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
Toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic protozoan which is the cause of toxoplasmosis. Although human toxoplasmosis in healthy adults is usually asymptomatic, serious disease can occur in the case of congenital infections and immunocompromised individuals. Furthermore, despite the exact recognition of its etiology, it still presents a diagnostic problem. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is mainly based on the results of serological tests detecting anti-T. gondii-specific antibodies in the patient’s serum sample. The specificities and sensitivities of serology tests depend mostly on the diagnostic antigen(s) used. Most of the commercial serological kits currently available are based on Toxoplasma lysate antigens (TLAs). In recent years, many studies showed that recombinant antigenic proteins of T. gondii may be an alternative source of antigens which are very useful for the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis. This article presents a review of current studies on the application and usefulness of different T. gondii recombinant antigens in serological tests for the diagnosis of human toxoplasmosis.
Tożsamość struktur klastrowych- rozważania teoretyczne i praktyczne implikacje
- Adrian Lis
- Anna Lis
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba zastosowania pojęcia „tożsamości” do analizy zjawisk i procesów związanych z powstawaniem i funkcjonowaniem klastrów oraz inicjatyw klastrowych. Struktury klastrowe stanowią formę grupy społecznej, dlatego winny podlegać tym samym tendencjom, pod których wpływem pozostają wszystkie inne grupy społeczne. Za jedną z takich najistotniejszych prawidłowości (bezpośrednio powiązanych z tożsamością) obserwowanych szczególnie wśród grup, których celem jest długie trwanie uznać należy chęć wykształcenia mechanizmów – z jednej strony – wydzielających z rzeczywistości daną grupę i jej członków oraz – z drugiej strony – budujących wewnętrzną spójność i poczucie przywiązania uczestników danej struktury do siebie nawzajem i struktury jako całości.
Trade differentiation and the characteristics of new imported and exported products - international panel data analysis
- Aleksandra Parteka
Drawing on o large panel of international economies we have shown how the set of imported and exported products evolves in economic growth process. Strong activity at the extensive margin, manifested through the rise in the number of active export and import lines, is typical for early stages of development. Trade diversification tendency, typical for a predominant mass of observations in our panel, is associated with changes in the quality content of newly traded goods. Economic growth goes in line with the rise in the number of traded products and introduction of new goods with increasing human capital content and decreasing natural resource intensity.
Trade diversity and stages of development - evidence on EU countries.
- Aleksandra Parteka
The paper presents the dynamics of trade diversification with respect to stages of development in the European context. The analysis focuses on EU27 countries observed across the years 1988–2010 and compared to a sample of 136 international economies at all levels of income per capita. We will use product level statistics (six digit HS0) and confront export and import patterns of absolute diversification/concentration. The results show that in line with \‘stages of diversification\’ approach [Imbs and Wacziarg, 2003], EU27 countries are characterized by a high degree of trade diversity (on average, EU27 countries export 78% and import 90% of goods effectively exported and imported at the world level) and within the analyzed period most of them registered a reconcentration of trade structures. Obtained estimation results confirm a positive relationship between trade diversity and economic development levels (conditional mainly upon the size of the country) with a possibility of reconcentration at higher stages of development (observable in nonparametric estimates).
Traffic Model of IMS/NGN Architecture with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Magdalena Kosek
- Maciej Sac
Growing expectations for a fast access to information create strong demands for a universal telecommunication network architecture, which provides various services with strictly determined quality. Currently it is assumed that these requirements will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN), which consists of two stratums and includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) all NGN stratums have to be correctly designed and dimensioned. For this reason appropriate traffic models must be developed and applied, which should be efficient and simple enough for practical applications. In the paper such a traffic model of a single domain of NGN with transport stratum based on Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology is presented. The model allows evaluation of mean transport stratum response time and can be useful for calculating time of processing requests in the entire NGN architecture. Results obtained using the presented model are described and discussed. As a result of the discussion, elementary relationships between network parameters and transport stratum response time are indicated.
Traffic Type Influence on Performance of OSPF QoS Routing
- Michał Czarkowski
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Maciej Wolff
Feasibility studies with QoS routing proved that the network traffic type has influence on routing performance. In this work influence of self-similar traffic for network with DiffServ architecture and OSPF QoS routing has been verified. Analysis has been done for three traffic classes. Multiplexed On-Off model was used for self-similar traffic generation. Comparison of simulation results was presented using both relative and non-relative measures for three traffic classes. Results were commented and analyzed. The basic conclusion is that performance for streaming and best-effort class for self-similar traffic is higher than performance for the same class with exponential traffic (Poisson). The other important conclusion is relation between performance differences and offered traffic amount.
Traffic Type Influence on QoS Network Performance of Streaming Traffic Class
- Michał Czarkowski
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Maciej Wolff
Feasibility study on QoS routing proved that the traffic type influence the network performance. The performance is defined here as a number of packets serviced by the network. In the paper additional element - buffers lengths used in service system was verified in terms of dependencies with routing performance. We present results obtained by simulation for many simulation scenarios. Analysis was done for two different network topologies and for two traffic types (Poisson and self-similar) and for two traffic classes (streaming and best-effort) as a function of buffer lengths within streaming traffic class and for many proportions between these traffic classes. Analysis was done for two routing algorithms: OSPF and DUMBRA. To generate self-similar traffic multiplexed ON-OFF model was used. Relative measure was used for comparison of network performance for given traffic type. Received results in some cases were hard to comment and difficult to fit into regular pattern which points that the subject is complex and very complicated at the time. One of basic conclusion is that relative difference between these two networks structures and its performance depends on the buffer lengths in the service systems however with some exceptions.
Trailing-Edge Separation Control of a NACA 0015 Airfoil Using Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuators
- R. D. Whalley
- A. Debien
- J. Podliński
- T. N. Jukes
- K.-S. Choi
- N. Benard
- E. Moreau
- Artur Berendt
- J. Mizeraczyk
This paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 3.1), where the trailing-edge flow separation of a NACA 0015 airfoil has been controlled using four different dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuator types at three institutions across Europe. The results show that it is possible to enhance the aerodynamic performance of aircraft at speeds up to 40 m/s. Dielectric-barrier-discharge vortex generators (DBD VGs) have been used to create streamwise vortices that entrain the high-speed fluid from outside the boundary layer into the separated region causing flow reattachment. The DBD VGs have shown the ability of flow separation control by reducing the drag of the NACA 0015 airfoil up to 45%. Single dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) and multi dielectric barrier discharge (MDBD) plasma actuators have been used to re-energize the separated region by introducing high streamwise velocity close to the wall. The novel MDBD actuators create an induced velocity above 10 m/s. This significant improvement in actuator authority has yielded flow separation control at a Reynolds number of Rec = 1.33×106, where a drag reduction of 10% was observed.