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Uwarunkowania obsługi transportowej miast elektrobusami na przykładzie Sopotu
- Krzysztof Grzelec
Pojazdy o napędzie elektrycznym stanowią jeden z filarów realizacji polityki zrównowa-żonej mobilności w miastach i aglomeracjach. Ponad stuletnie doświadczenia w eksploatacji tramwajów, trolejbusów i miejskich kolei elektrycznych zdeterminowały kierunki rozwoju technologicznego tych środków transportu oraz zakres ich wykorzystania w realizacji potrzeb przewozowych mieszkańców obszarów zurbanizowanych. Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii magazynowania energii elektrycznej stworzył nowe możliwości wykorzystania pojazdów elektrycznych – elektrobusów – w obsłudze transportowej miast i aglomeracji miejskich. Aspekty ekologiczne, brak konieczności budowy sieci trakcyjnej wzdłuż tras elektrobusów i większa elastyczność obsłudze w porównaniu z tramwajami i trolejbusami, są najczęściej wymienianymi determinantami wprowadzenia tego nowego rodzaju pojazdów elektrycznych do eksploatacji. Sopot jako miasto uzdrowiskowe jest w szczególnym stopniu predestynowany do obsługi pojazdami elektrycznymi. Jednocześnie funkcjonująca na obszarze tego miasta komunikacja trolejbusowa stwarza określone warunki dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju elektrobusów. Z dru-giej strony rozwijająca się, lecz wciąż pozbawiona długoletnich doświadczeń eksploatacyjnych technologia napędów bateryjnych, wskazuje na szereg uwarunkowań i zagrożeń dla pewności obsługi komunikacyjnej miast, zwłaszcza przy intensywnej eksploatacji w zróżnicowanych warunkach terenowych i klimatycznych. Celem niniejszego referatu jest analiza uwarunkowań techniczno-technologicznych, eksploatacyjnych, ekonomicznych i ekologicznych wprowadzenia elektrobusów do obsługi komunikacyjnej Sopotu. Jest także próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o efektywne wykorzystanie istniejących rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych przy wprowadzaniu do obsługi elektrobusów w tym mieście.
Uwarunkowania zastosowania metodyk zwinnych w przedsiębiorstwie
- Marek Wirkus
- Piotr Zejer
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja uwarunkowań zastosowania metodyk zwinnych oraz zaproponowanie kryteriów ich oceny. Pomoże czytelnikom poznać i zrozumieć znaczenie poszczególnych uwarunkowań. . Na podstawie studium przypadku, badań i doświadczenia autorów jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie dotyczące warunków koniecznych w odniesieniu do opisanych uwarunkowań, aby móc podjąć skuteczną decyzję o wdrożeniu metodyki zwinnej. Zaproponowano również obszary do dalszych badań i dyskusji.
Uwarunkowania związane z wykorzystaniem outsourcingu w systemach zakładowej kontroli produkcji
- Piotr Grudowski
- Magdalena Kałużna
- Mateusz Muchlado
Outsourcing znajduje coraz częściej zastosowanie w polskich przedsiębiorstwach jako koncepcja służąca poprawie skuteczności i efektywności procesów, w tym w organizacjach sektora budowlanego stosujących Zakładową Kontrolę Produkcji (ZKP). Celem autorów, przyjętym w niniejszym opracowaniu, jest identyfikacja newralgicznych obszarów ZKP narażonych na zagrożenia wynikające z wykorzystania outsourcingu, a także określenie podstawowych sposobów ograniczania ryzyka związanego z outsourcingiem. Przedstawione sugestie są wynikiem badań przeprowadzonych przez Autorów wśród wybranych producentów sektora budowlanego
- Stanisław Wojtas
- Józef Jacek Zawodniak
Praca zawiera szerokie omówienie oraz porównanie właściwości statycznych i udarowych uziemień stosowanych w systemie elektroenergetycznym do ochrony przeciwprzepięciowej. W końcowych rozdziałach dokonano analizy konstrukcji systemów uziemień z punktu widzenia skuteczności w systemie ochrony układu izolacyjnego od przepięć oraz podano szereg wskazówek dotyczących właściwego doboru uziemień stanowisk słupowych głowic kablowych
- Artur Karczewski
- Janusz Kozak
Ship designing is a complex process, as the ship itself is a complex, technical multi-level object which operates in the air/water boundary environment and is exposed to the action of many different external and internal factors resulting from the adopted technical solutions, type of operation, and environmental conditions. A traditional ship design process consists of a series of subsequent multistage iterations, which gradually increase the design identification level. The paper presents problems related to the design of a small untypical vessel with the aid of variant methodology making use of optimisation algorithms. The computer-aided design methodology has been developed which does not need permanent reference to already built real ships and empirical-statistical relations. Possibilities were indicated for integrating together early design stages, and parallel designing of hull shape and parameters.
Various types of semiconductor photocatalysts modified by CdTe QDs and Pt NPs for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase under visible light
- Martyna Marchelek
- Ewelina Grabowska
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- W. Lisowski
- A. Zaleska-Medynska
A novel synthesis process was used to prepare TiO2 microspheres, TiO2 P-25, SrTiO3 and KTaO3 decorated by CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs. The effect of semiconductor matrix, presence of CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs on the semiconductor surface as well as deposition technique of Pt NPs (photodeposition or radiolysis) on the photocatalytic activity were investigated. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence spectrometry (PL), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectra, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and BET surface area analysis. The photocatalytic decomposition of toluene in gas phase, activated by light-emitting diodes (LEDs), with the CdTe/Pt nanoparticles-modified TiO2 microspheres, P25, SrTiO3 and KTaO3 semiconductors was investigated under UV–vis and visible irradiation.The results showed that the photoactivity depends on semiconductor matrix. The highest photoactivity under Vis light was observed for KTaO3/CdTe-Pt(R) sample (56% of toluene was decompose after 30 min of irradiation). The efficiency of the most active sample was 3 times higher than result for P25 and two times higher than for unmodified KTaO3.
Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors
- Stanislav Mišák
- Štefan Hamacek
- Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
This paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the above mentioned faults was developed. After having tested its operation, the system has already been implemented to protect mediumvoltage overhead lines built of covered conductors.
Verification of Selected Calculation Methods Regarding Shear Strength in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Beams
- Krystyna Nagrodzka-Godycka
- Marta Hirsz
The purpose of this article was an attempt to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 [1], ACI 318- 14 [2] and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 [3]. The analysis also consists of methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based on experimental works found in literature. The shear strength ratios Vtest/Vcalc were chosen to be the yardstick of comparison, where Vtest is the experimental shear strength and Vcalc is the calculated shear strength. A wide range of variables including shear span/depth ratio, compressive strength of concrete, longitudinal steel percentage helped to verify the applicability of calculation methods. Although most of authorial techniques proved to be unstable, they succeeded to show that codes' formulas for calculating shear strength could still be improved.
Virtual designs and reconstructions of amber works: Amber craftsman simulator
- Jacek Lebiedź
- Jerzy Redlarski
- Jacek Rumiński
This paper presents the concept of visualization of amber works in a virtual reality cave. It describes problems encountered during the acquisition, modeling and rendering of geometrical objects distinguished by heterogeneous transparency.
Visible light photocatalytic activity of ionic liquid-TiO2 spheres: effect of the ionic liquid's anion structure
- Justyna Łuczak
- Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron
- Marta Długokęcka
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Ewelina Grabowska
- Samanta Makurat
- Janusz Rak
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
The effect of the ionic liquid’s (IL) anion type ([BIMIM][X], where X= [Br], [PF6] or [OctSO4]) and content on the morphology, surface properties and photoactivity of TiO2 obtained by solvothermal method has been systematically investigated. Our results revealed that the presence of [Br], [OctSO4] anions favors formation of anatase phase, while presence of [PF6] anion causes formation of mixture of anatase and Ti(OH)PO4 phases. The highest photocatalytic activity under visible radiation (approximately four times higher than pristine TiO2) was observed for the TiO2 sample grown in a presence of [BMIM][Br] ionic liquid for IL to TiO2 precursor molar ratio 1:2. Visible light induced phenol degradation was found to be realized mainly by oxygen radical anions, whereas the contributions of the other processes, involving reactions with trapped electrons, holes and hydroxyl radical, are limited in the overall reaction mechanism. Quantum chemical calculations concerning model of anatase vacancy suggest that charge transfer between the bromide anion and molecular oxygen interacting with the vacancy is a source of photoreactivity induced by visible photons.
Visualization of a lifeboat motion during lowering along ship’s side
- Aleksander Kniat
This paper presents description of a computer program for motion visualization of a lifeboat lowered along ship’s side. The program is a post-processor which reads results of numerical calculations of simulated objects’ motions. The data is used to create scene composed of 3D surfaces to visualize mutual spatial positions of a lifeboat, ship’s side and water waving surface. Since the numerical data contain description of a simulation as a function of time it is possible to screen a static scene showing the simulated objects in an arbitrary instance of time. The program can also reproduce a sequence of scenes in the form of animation and control its speed. The static mode allows to view an arbitrary crosssection of the scene, rotate and enlarge specific details and make the image more realistic by hiding invisible lines or shading. The application of the program is aimed at making it possible to assess and analyze numerical calculation results in advance of their experimental verification.
Visualization of events using various kinds of synchronized data for the Border Guard
- Bartosz Czaplewski
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Jacek Andrzej Litka
- Mariusz Miszewski
STRADAR project is dedicated to streaming real-time data in a distributed dispatcher and teleinfor-mation system of the Border Guard. The Events Visualization Post is a software designed for simultaneous visualization of data of different types in BG headquarters. The software allows the operator to visualize files, images, SMS, SDS, video, audio, and current or archival data on naval situation on digital maps. All the visualized data can be synchronized in time.
Visualization of short-term heart period variability with network tools as a method for quantifying autonomic drive
- Danuta Makowiec
- Beata Graff
- Agnieszka Kaczkowska
- Grzegorz Graff
- Dorota Wejer
- Joanna Wdowczyk-Szulc
- Marta Żarczyńska-Buchowiecka
- Marcin Gruchała
- Zbigniew R. Struzik
We argue that network methods are successful in detecting nonlinear properties in the dynamics of autonomic nocturnal regulation in short-term variability. Two modes of visualization of networks constructed from RR-increments are proposed. The first is based on the handling of a state space. The state space of RR-increments can be modified by a bin size used to code a signal and by the role of a given vertex as the representation of events occurring in a signal. The second mode relies on the matrix representation of the network on the two-dimensional plane. This approach is similar to the accepted method, known as the Poincaré plot representation of time series for evaluation of heart rate variability. The methods introduced will be applied to nocturnal Holter signals recorded from healthy young people and from cardiac transplant recipients. Thus, we obtain a way to filter out the intrinsic heart rate variability from the autonomic drive and then to quantify complexity in the short-term RR-interval variability related to nocturnal rest. Changes in RR-increments in a heart deprived of autonomic control provide insight into beat-to-beat dependences in forces governing the intrinsic heart dynamics
Visualizing Carotid Bodies With Doppler Ultrasound Versus CT Angiography: Preliminary Study
- Dominik Swieton
- Mariusz Franciszek Kaszubowski
- Anna Szyndler
- Marzena Chrostowska
- Krzysztof Narkiewicz
- Krzysztof Narkiewicz
- Edyta Szurowska
- Zoar Engelman
- Maciej Piskunowicz
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the utility of ultrasound in identifying carotid bodies (CBs) in patients with drug-resistant arterial hypertension. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. We enrolled 13 patients with drug-resistant hypertension into a trial for surgical CB excision. CT angiography (CTA) and Doppler ultrasound (DUS) of the cervical arteries were performed before surgery. CBs were identified in a blind manner at both CTA and DUS. CBs were defined at CTA as ovoid avidly enhancing structures at the inferomedial aspect of the carotid bifurcation. At DUS, CBs were defined as ovoid solid structures in the inferomedial aspect of the bifurcation. RESULTS. CBs were identified in 12 of 13 patients (23/26 sides) using CTA and in 11 of 13 patients (18/26 sides) using DUS. Identification of CB with DUS and CTA correlated in 17 of 18 cases; in one instance, CB was identified with DUS but not CTA. There was no statistically significant difference in size and volume of CB measured by both methods. CONCLUSION. Noncarcinogenic CBs can be visualized using DUS, with good correlation of size and location compared with CTA. The findings show that DUS can be reliably used to further examine the role of CBs in cardiovascular disorders and can be used in conjunction with therapies that target CBs.
Visualizing spatially decomposed intermolecular correlations in the infrared spectra of aprotic liquids
- Maciej Śmiechowski
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is commonly used to study intermolecular interactions in the liquid phase, including solvation phenomena. On the other hand, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations offer the possibility to obtain IR spectra from first principles. Surpassing the experiment, AIMD simulations can deliver additional information on the spatial intermolecular correlations underlying the IR spectrum of the liquid. Although such correlations contribute significantly to the IR spectra of associated liquids, such as water, they are equally important in the case of aprotic solvents, where dipole–dipole interactions are dominant. Here, the extent and non-trivial character of the spatial correlations in the IR spectra are demonstrated on the example of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), an important solvent in the rechargeable cell industry.
Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System
- Grazina Korvel
- Bożena Kostek
A voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the limit between the frequency ranges is determined. A new limit point searching three-step algorithm is given in this paper. Within this framework, the input of the low-frequency component is equal to one, and the impulse response generates the whole component. The high-frequency component appears when the system is excited by semi-periodic impulses. The filter impulse response of this component model is single period and decays after three periods. Application of the proposed modelling framework for the voiceless stop consonant phoneme has shown that the quality of the model is sufficiently good. Acknowledgments: Polish National Commission for UNESCO Scheme (fellowship grant financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and the Polish National Science Centre, Dec. No. 2015/17/B/ST6/01874 keywords: speech synthesis; consonant phonemes; phoneme modelling framework; MISO system
Volatile Organohalogen Compounds Determination with Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Applying Solvent Lighter than Water
- Paulina Bigus
- Alicja Szalkiewicz
- Jacek Namiesnik
- Marek Tobiszewski
Background: Volatile organohalogen compounds (VOX) are a group of environmental pollutants that risk the quality of drinking water. These compounds are characterized by certain acute and chronic toxicities, possessing mutagenic properties. Because of these potential risks factors that these compounds cause, the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) have been established by respective organizations. The abundance of VOX, their potential hazards and legislation are driving factors to develop analytical procedures for their determination in water samples. Objective: The aim of the study is to develop greener DLLME technique for VOX determination in water samples, incorporating extraction solvent lighter than water. To achieve this goal the design of new extraction device is required. Methods: The DLLME-GC-ECD procedure was developed to perform an analysis of water samples in order to determine VOX. The sample preparation step was performed by applying the solvent lighter than water (pentane). Results: The best results regarding sample preparation are obtained when 70 µ L of pentane is used as extractant solvent, 0.5 mL acetone is used as dispersive solvent. The analytical procedure is characterized by good analytical performance with limit of detection within 0.0010 - 0.30 µ g L-1 and precision within 2.4 - 6.6% range. Conclusion: Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction is a suitable technique for determination of VOX. The newly designed extraction device is suitable for extraction of organic compounds as the area of polymeric parts is greatly reduced in comparison to similar home-made extraction devices. It allows for application of pentane - solvent lighter than water and safer in use than carbon disulfide.
Voltage Conditions in Low Voltage Grid with Connected Mictogeneration
- Robert Kowalak
The introduction of distributed generation into a low voltage grid may cause voltage problems in it. The paper discusses the effect of microgeneration on voltage levels in a low voltage grid. A real low voltage grid of considerable length was selected for the analysis. The grid primarily supplies residential buildings in a rural area. Results of tests that consider potential measures which could be applied in this grid to improve its voltage conditions are also presented.
Wartości dla klientów i organizatorów sympozjum naukowego. Perspektywa modelu biznesu
- Tadeusz Falencikowski
- Bogdan Nogalski
Prezentowane w pracy wyniki badań są efektem kontynuowania przez nas badań nad modelem biznesu sympozjum naukowego . Ponieważ podstawą każdego modelu biznesu, w ujęciu aksjologicznym, są wartości, przeto obecnie dążyliśmy do sformułowania odpowiedzi na postawione uprzednio pytanie problemowe: jakie wartości są możliwe do osiągnięcia przez organizatorów i uczestników sympozjum naukowego? Dążąc do osiągnięcia tego celu zbudowaliśmy kwestionariusz ankiety w dwóch wersjach. Wersję pełną (zał. 1) skierowano do organizatorów cyklu sympozjów naukowych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu. Cykl ten jest realizowany przez Instytut Zarządzania Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie wespół z Komitetem Nauk o Zarządzaniu PAN pod wspólnym tytułem „Współczesne problemy zarządzania”. Natomiast do uczestników tego sympozjum skierowaliśmy wersję ujmującą tylko wartości dla klienta (zał. 2). Poza metodą ankietową korzystaliśmy z wnioskowania logicznego oraz analizy porównawczej.