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RNDM 2016 Workshop and 2nd Meeting of COST CA15127-RECODIS: Highlights from the Resilience Week in Halmstad, Sweden
- Magnus Jonsson
- Jacek Rak
- Dimitri Papadimitriou
- Arun Somani
Leading network resilience researchers took part in the Resilience Week on Sept. 12-15, 2016 at Halmstad University, SE by Prof. Magnus Jonsson from the Centre for Research on Embedded Systems (CERES), Halmstad University, SE, and Prof. Jacek Rak from Gdansk University of Technology, PL. It included two major events: - The 2nd Meeting of COST CA15127–RECODIS Action (Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures, held on Sept. 12-13, 2016. - RNDM 2016-8th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling on Sept. 13-15, 2016.
- Robert Smyk
- Maciej Czyżak
An experimental high-level synthesis (HLS) of the residue number system (RNS) to two’s-complement system (TCS) converter in the Vivado Xilinx FPGA environment is shown. The assumed approach makes use of the Chinese Remainder Theorem I (CRT I). The HLS simplifies and accelerates the design and implementation process, moreover the HLS synthesized architecture requires less hardware by about 20% but the operational frequency is smaller by 30% than that for the VHDL designed converter.
Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Poland
- Marcin Budzyński
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Wojciech Kustra
- Lech Michalski
- Stanislaw Gaca
The objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be identified, assessed and mitigated. Road transport safety is significantly less developed than that of rail, water and air transport. The average individual risk of being a fatality in relation to the distance covered is thirty times higher in road transport that in the other modes. This is mainly because the different modes have a different approach to safety management and to the use of risk management methods and tools. In recent years Poland has had one of the European Union's highest road death numbers. In 2016 there were 3026 fatalities on Polish roads with 40,766 injuries. Protecting road users from the risk of injury and death should be given top priority. While Poland's national and regional road safety programmes address this problem and are instrumental in systematically reducing the number of casualties, the effects are far from the expectations. Modern approaches to safety focus on three integrated elements: infrastructure measures, safety management and safety culture. Due to its complexity, the process of road safety management requires modern tools to help with identifying road user risks, assess and evaluate the safety of road infrastructure and select effective measures to improve road safety. One possible tool for tackling this problem is the risk-based method for road infrastructure safety management. EU Directive 2008/96/EC regulates and proposes a list of tools for managing road infrastructure safety. Road safety tools look at two criteria: the life cycle of a road structure and the process of risk management. Risk can be minimized through the application of the proposed interventions during design process as reasonable. The proposed methods of risk management bring together two stages: risk assessment and risk response occurring within the analyzed road structure (road network, road stretch, road section, junction, etc.). The objective of the methods is to help road authorities to take rational decisions in the area of road safety and road infrastructure safety and understand the consequences occurring in the particular phases of road life cycle
Road safety inspection as a tool for road safety management – the polish experience
- Marcin Budzyński
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Wojciech Kustra
In Poland, road inspections were implemented in June 2014 on all national roads. Previously conducted traffic surveys mainly related to the technical condition of roads, signs and markings; other safety issues were overlooked. The main problem that occurs during inspection is an inspector’s subjective qualitative assessment which affects the classification of the sources of hazard on the road.. The paper presents an analysis of the variability of the qualitative assessments of defects on the road, classified by different teams of inspectors. On this basis, the guidelines were developed for the classification of risks based on the relationship between sources of hazard on the road and the personal and economic losses of road accidents. These relationships are quantified using mathematical models to simulate the impact of the variability of a set of sources of hazard on the effects of selected causes of road accidents on the sections of road network
Road surface roughness estimation employing integrated position and acceleration sensor
- Maciej Szczodrak
- Karolina Marciniuk
- Andrzej Czyżewski
Assessment of a surface quality being an essential task for the authorities supervising the roads provides the subject of the paper. Information about riding quality of a pavement, important for drivers, both in terms of their comfort and safety is collected during experiments employing mobile sensors. The paper describes the use of a miniature position and acceleration sensor for evaluation of the roughness of the road surface. The device designed for the installation in vehicles includes a built-in multi-axis accelerometer and a GPS receiver. Measurement data were collected on the basis of road trip records with regards to diversified roughness of the surface and to varied vehicle speed on each investigated road section. Data were gathered for various vehicle body types and then attempts were made to the classification of the road surface based on the created algorithm.
Road texture influence on tyre rolling resistance
- Jerzy Ejsmont
- Grzegorz Ronowski
- Beata Świeczko-Żurek
- Sławomir Sommer
Tyre performance, one of the critical factors for vehicle users, is strongly related to theroad surface characteristics, most notably to the pavement texture. Phenomena that occur at the tyre/road interface affect tyre friction (skid resistance), rolling resistance, tyre wear and tyre/road noise. This article deals with relationship between surface texture and rolling resistance of light and heavy vehicle tyres. Mean profile depth (MPD) is one of the most common descriptors of road surfaces and in many studies it is correlated with rolling resistance of tyres. Results of measurements performed by the Technical University of Gda´nsk show that although the correlation exists, it is not very strong and regression between MPD and rolling resistance is not linear. The key reason for this is partial enveloping of the tyre tread interacting with pavement texture. The article presents results of laboratory and road measurements of rolling resistance performed on road surfaces characterised by MPD from 0.20 up to 4.75 mm and the correlation of the rolling resistance coefficient with MPD. Certain aspects of texture enveloping and influence of this phenomenon on rolling resistance are discussed.
Robust identification of quadrocopter model for control purposes
- Krzysztof Armiński
- Tomasz Zubowicz
The paper addresses a problem of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (so-called X4-flyer or quadrocopter) utility model identification for control design purposes. To that goal the quadrotor model is assumed to be composed of two abstracted subsystems, namely a rigid body (plant) and four motors equipped with blades (actuators). The model of the former is acquired based on a well-established dynamic equations of motion while the latter is to be identified as a static relationship from laboratory experiments data. Moreover, the actuator model is to account for the on-flight battery power source voltage drop effects. The actuator parameter identification algorithm is kept in a set-membership framework. In addition a mechanism to reduce the conservativeness of the solution is proposed and applied. Numerical illustration of the results is provided.
Robustness of contact-less optical method, used for measuring contact wire position in changeable lighting conditions
- Jacek Skibicki
The article presents verification of robustness of contactless method based on 2D image camera, which is used to measure catenary contact wire position in changeable ambient lighting conditions. Robustness in changeable lighting conditions is ensured through the combination of advanced image processing for background information removal and the algorithm of error correction. This algorithm detects incorrect images and substitutes information from these images with proper measurement data obtained from correct images which precede and follow the incorrect one. The paper presents and discusses the processing algorithms used, as well as shows examples of measurement results obtained on a full scale laboratory stand.
Rodniki, utleniacze i przeciwutleniacze
- Izabela Sinkiewicz
Liczne procesy chemiczne, enzymatyczne i mikrobiologiczne, zachodzące podczas przechowywania i przetwarzania, mają wpływ na kształtowanie jakości żywności. Istotne znaczenie ma utlenianie przy udziale wolnych rodników i reaktywnych form tlenu (RFT). Zmiany powodowane utlenianiem pogarszają sensoryczne właściwości i wartość odżywczą żywności oraz mogą wywoływać zagrożenia zdrowotne wynikające ze szkodliwości niektórych produktów utleniania. Reakcje utleniaczy i przeciwutleniaczy z innymi składnikami żywności w różnym stopniu mogą wpływać na te zmiany. W wyniku utleniania zmniejsza się wartość biologiczna lipidów, sacharydów i białek, powstaje wiele związków odpowiedzialnych za zjełczały, niepożądany zapach i smak produktu oraz pogarsza się barwa, tekstura i wartość odżywcza żywności.
Rola komunikacji bezprzewodowej w życiu współczesnego człowieka
- Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
- Ryszard Katulski
W artykule omówiono rolę komunikacji bezprzewodowej w życiu współczesnego człowieka. Dokonano analizy wybranych technologii w zakresie pełnionych funkcji. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na grupie 100 osób, uwzględniając aspekty społeczne, ekonomiczne oraz techniczne, w zestawieniu z globalnymi trendami na rynku usług oraz sprzętu mobilnego i bezprzewodowego.
Rola obiektów muzealnych w przestrzeni publicznej miasta
- Dorota Wojtowicz-Jankowska
Pytanie zadane przez Jean Claira o to, czemu dziś służy muzeum, jest kluczowe dla jego miejsca w miejskiej przestrzeni. Pierwotne cele, jakie postawiono muzeum, polegające na gromadzeniu historycznych arcydzieł w oderwaniu od ich miejsca pochodzenia i zapominaniu o czasie, w jakim powstały, należą do przeszłości . Współczesne muzea przejęły szereg nowych ról, które uczyniły z nich niezbędne komponenty ponowoczesnych miast. Ich obecność jest równie ważna jak obiektów sakralnych, usługowych czy produkcyjnych. Stało się to możliwe dzięki metamorfozie, jaka się dokonała w sposobie ich funkcjonowania, który postawił na aspekt komercyjny. Powierzone im role zmierzają do tego, by pełniły funkcje centro twórczą, publiczną
Role of MnO in manganese–borate binary glass systems: a study on structure and thermal properties
- Tomasz Lewandowski
- Marcin Stanisław Łapiński
- Michalina Walas
- Marta Prześniak-Welenc
- Leszek Wicikowski
Structural and thermal properties of x MnO−(100−x)B2O3 (where x=40, 50 and 60 mol%) glass samples have been investigated with the employment of various techniques. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results revealed the influence of MnO on glass matrix. Decrease of B–O bond-related band intensities has been observed. MnO addition was found to introduce broken [BO2O−]n chains. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements presented decreasing Tg that indicates depolymerization of glass matrix in the considered compositional range. Moreover, thermal stability (TS) parameter has been evaluated using the DSC technique. It slightly decreased with MnO content. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results provided the evidence for Mn2+ and Mn3+ presence. Multiplet splitting, close to that of MnO, has been observed. It has been concluded that most of the manganese ions existed in the divalent state. Photoluminescence study revealed that manganese ions are tetragonally co-ordinated in a glassy matrix.
Role of Sports Facilities in the Process of Revitalization of Brownfields
- Lucyna Nyka
- Karolina Taraszkiewicz
The paper gives an evidence that building a large sports facility can generate beneficial urban space transformation and a significant improvement in the dilapidated urban areas. On the basis of theoretical investigations and case studies it can be proved that sports facilities introduced to urban brownfields could be considered one of the best known large scale revitalization methods. Large urban spaces surrounding sport facilities such as stadiums and other sports arenas create excellent conditions for designing additional recreational function, such as parks and other green areas. Since sports venues are very often located on brownfields and post-industrial spaces, there are usually well related with canals, rivers and other water routes or reservoirs. Such spaces become attractors for large groups of people. This, in effect initiate the process of introducing housing estates to the area and gradually the development of multifunctional urban structure. As research shows such process of favourable urban transformation could be based on implementing several important preconditions. One of the most significant one is the formation of the new communication infrastructure, which links newly formed territories with the well-structured urban core. Well planned program of the new sports facilities is also a very important factor. As research shows multifunctional large sports venues may function in the city as a new kind of public space that stimulates new genres of social relations, offers entertainment and free time activities, not necessarily related with sport. This finally leads to the creation of new jobs and more general improvement of a widely understood image of the district, growing appreciation for the emerging new location and consequently new investments in the neighbouring areas. The research gives new evidence to the ongoing discussion on the drawbacks and benefits of placing stadiums and sports arenas in the urban core.
Role of the disulfide bond in stabilizing and folding of the fimbrial protein DraE from uropathogenic Escherichia coli
- Justyna Pilipczuk
- Beata Zalewska-Piątek
- Piotr Bruździak
- Jacek Czub
- Miłosz Wieczór
- Marcin Olszewski
- Marta Wanarska
- Bogdan Nowicki
- Danuta Augustin-Nowacka
- Rafał Piątek
Dr fimbriae are homopolymeric adhesive organelles of uropathogenic Escherichia coli composed of DraE subunits, responsible for the attachment to host cells. These structures are characterized by enormously high stability resulting from the structural properties of an Ig-like fold of DraE. One feature of DraE and other fimbrial subunits that makes them peculiar among Ig-like domain-containing proteins is a conserved disulfide bond that joins their A and B strands. Here, we investigated how this disulfide bond affects the stability and folding/unfolding pathway of DraE. We found that the disulfide bond stabilizes self-complemented DraE (DraE-sc) by ∼50 kJ mol-1 in an exclusively thermodynamic manner, i.e. by lowering the free energy of the native state and with almost no effect on the free energy of the transition state. This finding was confirmed by experimentally determined folding and unfolding rate constants of DraE-sc and a disulfide bond-lacking DraE-sc variant. Although the folding of both proteins exhibited similar kinetics, the unfolding rate constant changed upon deletion of the disulfide bond by 10 orders of magnitude, from ∼10-17 s-1 to 10-7 s-1 Molecular simulations revealed that unfolding of the disulfide bond-lacking variant is initiated by strands A or G and that disulfide bond-mediated joining of strand A to the core strand B cooperatively stabilizes the whole protein. We also show that the disulfide bond in DraE is recognized by the DraB chaperone, indicating a mechanism that precludes the incorporation of less stable, non-oxidized DraE forms into the fimbriae.
Rolling resistance and tyre/road noise on rubberised asphalt pavement in Poland
- Beata Świeczko-Żurek
- Piotr Jaskuła
- Jerzy Ejsmont
- Agnieszka Kędzierska
- Paweł Czajkowski
The paper presents results of tyre/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone mastics asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberised asphalt, developed and produced by a refinery in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and addition of crumb rubber. The first observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger car tyres was measured by test trailer R2 Mk.2. Tyre/road noise was measured by a Tiresonic Mk.4 trailer using the close proximity method. Measurements were performed for 50 and 80 km/h and the results obtained on test and reference sections covered with conventional SMA 11 were compared.
Rosyjskaja Federacja w gasudarstwennych strategijach bezopastnosti Armenii,Gruzji, i Azerbejdżanu
- Krystyna Gomółka
На втором десятилетии после получения независимости Грузия, Армения и Азербайджан создали стратегии национальной безопасности. В документах трех государств были показаны угрозы безопасности: опасение за суверенитет и независимость государств, угроза этнических конфликтов, развитие контрабанды и организованной преступности, экономическая зависимость, а также ухудшение состояния окружающей среды. Проводимая государствами внешняя политика и предпринимаемые действия были направлены, в частности, на обеспечение безопасности. Цель статьи - показать место России в системе безопасности Армении, Азербайджана и Грузии в стратегиях этих государств. Для Армении Российская Федерация является гарантом безопасности ее границ и стратегическим партнером. В первой стратегии национальной безопасности Грузии не подчеркивалась очевидная угроза со стороны России. Зато в тексте второй стратегии, принятой после войны 2008 г., были обозначены реальные опасения перед российской агрессией. Грузия искала союзников в тесных контактах с США. В стратегии национальной безопасности Азербайджана России посвящено совсем немного внимания. Этот документ провозглашает мирное соседство с приграничными государствами. Азербайджан требует также, чтобы в районе Южного Кавказа не было атомного оружия, противостоит нелегальной транспортировке оружия и военного оборудования, а также поддерживает демилитаризацию Каспийского моря.
Rozdrobione odpady polimerowe- nowy problem i świadek historii wpływu człowieka na najnowsze dzieje ziemi.
- Agnieszka Gałuszka
- Zdzisław M. Migaszewski
- Jacek Namieśnik
Syntetyczne polimery są nieodłącznym towarzyszem współczesnego człowieka i dowodem jego działalności obecnym w osadach, szczególnie od połowy XX wieku. Przeciętny konsument wprowadza dziennie do środowiska około 2,4 mg mikroplastiku. Terminem "mikroplastik" określa się odpady z tworzyw sztucznych, ktorych wielkość nie przekracza 5 mm.
Rozproszona dostawa usług systemowych
- Paweł Bućko
Jednym z wyzwań technicznych i organizacyjnych przed jakimi stanął system elektroenergetyczny w uwarunkowaniach rynkowych jest zorganizowanie rynku systemowych usług regulacyjnych. Rosnący udział rozproszonych, niespokojnych źródeł wytwarzania energii oraz zmiana rynkowej pozycji odbiorców, powodują zapotrzebowanie na rozproszone dostarczanie usług regulacyjnych. W tym celu poszukuje się możliwości wykorzystania zdolności do działań regulacyjnych: rozproszonych wytwórców, odbiorców, prosumentów lub układów wykorzystujących zasobniki energii. Za najważniejsze próby, omówione w referacie, należy uznać: - rozwiązania organizacyjne tworzenia grup bilansujących lub wirtualnych elektrowni, - wykorzystanie działań regulacyjnych odbiorców (np. w ramach DSM/DSR), - poszukiwanie efektywnych technologii magazynowania energii.
Rozproszona dostawa usług systemowych
- Paweł Bućko
Rosnący udział rozproszonych, niespokojnych źródeł wytwarzania energii oraz zmiana rynkowej pozycji odbiorców, powodują zapotrzebowanie na rozproszone dostarczanie usług regulacyjnych. W tym celu poszukuje się możliwości wykorzystania zdolności do działań regulacyjnych: rozproszonych wytwórców, odbiorców, prosumentów lub układów wykorzystujących zasobniki energii. Za najważniejsze próby, omówione w referacie, należy uznać: - rozwiązania organizacyjne tworzenia grup bilansujących lub wirtualnych elektrowni, - wykorzystanie działań regulacyjnych odbiorców (np. w ramach DSM/DSR), - poszukiwanie efektywnych technologii magazynowania energii.
- Eligiusz Mieloszyk
- Anita Milewska
- Sławomir Grulkowski
Przy ciągle rosnącej wielkości kolejowych przewozów towarowych z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych, coraz większego znaczenia nabiera bezpieczeństwo tych przewozów. W przypadku katastrofy należy minimalizować jej skutki. Jest to możliwe tylko wtedy, gdy zostanie rozpoznany mechanizm rozprzestrzeniania się skutków katastrofy z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych. Pomocne tu jest modelowanie tych zjawisk.