Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2022

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  • Mission impossible for cellular internalization: When porphyrin alliance with UiO-66-NH2 MOF gives the cell lines a ride
    • Sepideh Ahmadi
    • Vahid Jajarmi
    • Milad Ashrafizadeh
    • Ali Zarrabi
    • Józef Haponiuk
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Eder C. Lima
    • Mohammad Rabiee
    • Navid Rabiee

    Is it possible to accelerate cell internalization by hybridization of nanomaterials? Herein we support the realization of using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with the assistance of rigid porphyrin structure (H2TMP) aimed at drug loading, drug release, relative cell viability, and targeted in vitro drug delivery. There are several MOFs, i.e., UiO-66-NH2 (125 ± 12.5 nm), UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP (160 ± 14 nm), UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP@DOX, and UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP@DOX@RO were synthesized and characterized applying HEK-293, HT-29, MCF-7, and MCF-10A cell lines. MTT investigations proved a significantly higher relative cell viability for H2TMPaided leaf-extract-coated nanocarriers (above 62 % relative cell viability). Furthermore, the rigid H2TMP structure improved drug loading capacity by 24 % through an enhanced hydrogen bond, van der Waals, and π-π interactions. The in vitro targeted drug delivery experiments were conducted on HT-29 and MCF-7 cell lines. First, nanocarriers were treated with HT-29 cells, where UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP@DOX@RO appeared as the best nanocarrier. Then, the selected nanocarrier was extracted from the HT-29 cell line and treated with the MCF-7 cell line. For the first time, the DOX remained inside the UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP@DOX@RO after successful delivery to the HT-29 cell lines was observed on the MCF-7 cell line, and the second targeted drug delivery was performed. The results of this survey can enlighten the future ahead of cell internalization in MOF-based hybrid nanostructures.

  • Mitigating Traffic Remapping Attacks in Autonomous Multi-hop Wireless Networks
    • Jerzy Konorski
    • Szymon Szott
    2022 Full text IEEE Internet of Things Journal

    Multihop wireless networks with autonomous nodes are susceptible to selfish traffic remapping attacks (TRAs). Nodes launching TRAs leverage the underlying channel access function to receive an unduly high Quality of Service (QoS) for packet flows traversing source-to-destination routes. TRAs are easy to execute, impossible to prevent, difficult to detect, and harmful to the QoS of honest nodes. Recognizing the need for providing QoS security, we use a novel network-oriented QoS metric to propose a self-enforcing game-theoretic mitigation approach. By switching between TRA and honest behavior, selfish nodes engage in a noncooperative multistage game in pursuit of high QoS. We analyze feasible node strategies and design a distributed signaling mechanism called DISTRESS, under which, given certain conditions, the game produces a desirable outcome: after an upper bounded play time, honesty tends to become a selfish node’s best reply behavior, while yielding acceptable QoS to most or all nodes. We verify these findings by Monte Carlo and ns-3 simulations of static and mobile nodes.

  • Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Off-Body BAN Scenarios
    • Manuel M. Ferreira
    • Filipe D. Cardoso
    • Sławomir Ambroziak
    • Kenan Turbić
    • Luis M. Correia

    In this paper, a measurement campaign for off body communications in an indoor environment is investigated for a set of on-body antennas. The channel impulse response was measured with the user approaching and departing from an off-body fixed antenna using two user dynamics, standing at fixed positions and walking. The processing of the measurement data allowed to evaluate system loss statistics. Different antenna configurations are classified in terms of mobility and visibility depending on the on-body antenna placement. A dependence on distance is found for the antennas with the lowest mobility (chest and head), while no significant dependence is found for the antennas with the highest mobility (arms and legs). Regarding the standard deviation of system loss, higher values are found in walking scenarios (above 2.6 dB) compared to the standing ones (below 0.6 dB); standard deviation also shows a clear dependence on mobility, 1.6 dB for walking and 0.5 dB for standing scenarios.

  • Moda na lastrico
    • Sylwia Świątek-Żołyńska
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Władysław Ryżyński
    2022 Full text Builder

    W oresie renesansu posadzek betonowych typu ;astrico oraz zainteresowania tym rodzajem posadzek wśród inwestorów warto zwrócić uwagę na zagadnienia materiałowe i technologiczne w kontekście eksploatacji oraz napraw. W artykule na przywołanych przykładach przedstawiono rózne warianty napraw posadzek typu lastrico

  • Modal FEM Analysis of Ferrite Resonant Structures
    • Małgorzata Warecka
    • Grzegorz Fotyga
    • Piotr Kowalczyk
    • Rafał Lech
    • Michał Mrozowski
    • Adam Pacewicz
    • Bartlomiej Salski
    • Jerzy Krupka

    The finite-element method (FEM) is applied for modal analysis of ferrite-loaded spherical resonators. To improve the efficiency of the numerical calculations, the body-of-revolution (BOR) technique is utilized. Due to the frequency-dependent ferrite permeability, FEM leads to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that is challenging to solve. To this end, Beyn’s method is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by comparing with the results obtained analytically and with the measured data.

  • Model prodłużniczy i model prowierzycielski – porównanie skuteczności prawa upadłościowego
    • Przemysław Banasik
    • Małgorzata Godlewska
    • Sylwia Morawska
    • Piotr Kędzierski
    • Jolanta Turek

    Bankruptcy in court proceedings has been of interest to researchers for many years. Researchers look for internal and external factors which influence the effectiveness and efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings; for example, the impact of the country’s level of development on the efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings, a system of incentives for the active participation of creditors in bankruptcy proceedings to increase their recovery rate, and mechanisms which encourage the early filing of an application for bankruptcy. Against the background of the research to date, a research gap was identified in the scope of the impact of the bankruptcy (pro-debtor/pro-creditor) law model on the effectiveness of the calculated recovery rate for creditors. The research fills a cognitive gap in New Institutional Economics by examining formal institutions in action, i.e. whether bankruptcy law meets its objectives in practice.

  • Model tests of cast-in-place piles formed by using different types of auger
    • Adam Krasiński
    • Paweł Więcławski
    • Mateusz Wiszniewski
    • Tomasz Kusio

    Model tests are still a popular research tool used to observe and determine the mechanisms of pile-soil interaction. Due to the significant scale effect, the results of model tests performed in the 1g system can only be analysed from the qualitative side. This article describes and presents the results of 1g pile model tests carried out for comparative purposes. There were tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various types of drilling augers forming cast-in-place piles in non-cohesive soil. The SDP and prototype DPDT augers were mainly tested. The tests were performed in fine, moist and fully saturated sand. The screwing resistance of individual drills and Q-s characteristics of pile models were analysed, with its division into the shaft and base resistances. Pile test results were correlated with CPT results. Comparative analyses have shown some advantages and disadvantages of the DPDT auger versus the SDP drill in relation to the screwing torque, load-bearing capacity and settlement characteristic of piles formed by both augers.

  • Model-based identification of the dominant N2O emission pathway in a full-scale activated sludge system
    • Mojtaba Maktabifard
    • Kati Blomberg
    • Ewa Zaborowska
    • Anna Mikola
    • Jacek Mąkinia

    Activated sludge models (ASMs), extended with an N2O emission module, are powerful tools to describe the operation of full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Specifically, such models can investigate the most contributive N2O production pathways and guide towards N2O and carbon footprint (CF) mitigation measures. A common practice is to develop and validate models using data from a single WWTP. In this study, a successfully validated model in one plant (Slupsk / Poland) was extrapolated to another full-scale WWTP (Viikinmäki / Finland). For this purpose, the previously developed ASM No. 2d with the N2O module was used. Moreover, the results of calibration and validation of that model were compared with those obtained on the basis of the ASM No. 3 with an N2O module. A novel, rigorous calibration protocol, based on the system engineering approach, was implemented to minimize the number of adjusted parameters without compromising the accuracy of model predictions. The validated model accurately predicted the behavior of the system in terms of the liquid N2O production in the bioreactor and gaseous N2O emissions. Model-based identification of N2O production pathways revealed the key role of heterotrophs duo to their high abundance in the microbial community. The N2O emission factor (EF) at the studied plant was found between 0.9 to 0.94% of the influent TN-load for the validation and calibration period, respectively. Based on the model predictions, it was estimated that the aerobic zones contributed to over 93% of the N2O emitted to the atmosphere, while the remaining portion (7%) resulted from the N2O liquid-gas transfer in the non-aerated zones. The difference between the predicted N2O EF and the empirical EF calculation would lead to almost 1000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent reduction of the annual CF of the plant, which highlights the importance of model applications in CF studies.

  • Model-free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning, the Intersection of Learning and Planning
    • Piotr Januszewski

    My doctoral dissertation is intended as the compound of four publications considering: structure and randomness in planning and reinforcement learning, continuous control with ensemble deep deterministic policy gradients, toddler-inspired active representation learning, and large-scale deep reinforcement learning costs.

  • Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
    • Bartosz Szeląg
    • Adam Kiczko
    • Ewa Zaborowska
    • Giorgio Mannina
    • Jacek Mąkinia

    Activated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system under sensitivity and uncertainty. The actual data from the wastewater treatment plant in Slupsk (northern Poland) were used for the analysis. Global sensitivity analysis methods accounting for interactions between kinetic parameters were compared with the local sensitivity approach. An extensive procedure for estimation of kinetic parameters allowed to reduce the computational effort in the uncertainty analysis and improve the reliability of the computational results. Due to high costs of measurement campaigns for model calibration, a modification of the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty method was applied considering the location of measurement points. The inclusion of nutrient measurements in the aerobic compartment in the uncertainty analysis resulted in percentages of ammonium, nitrate, ortho-phosphate measurements of 81%, 90%, 78%, respectively, in the 95% confidence interval. The additional inclusion of measurements in the anaerobic compartment resulted in an increase in the percentage of ortho-phosphate measurements in the aerobic compartment by 5% in the confidence interval. The developed procedure reduces computational and measurement efforts, while maintaining a high compatibility of the observed data and model predictions. This enables to implement activated sludge models also for the facilities with a limited availability of data.

  • Modeling of capillary fluid flow in concrete using a DEM-CFD approach
    • Marek Krzaczek
    • Michał Nitka
    • Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski

    Sformułowano połączone podejście do modelowania dwufazowego przepływu wody napędzanego hydraulicznie i kapilarnie w nienasyconym betonie. Proces przepływu analizowano numerycznie w mezoskali w warunkach dwuwymiarowych (2D), łącząc metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w warunkach izotermicznych. Przeprowadzono w pełni sprzężone hydromechaniczne testy symulacyjne na małych próbkach betonu o uproszczonej mezostrukturze cząstek stałych. Obliczenia DEM/CFD wykonano kolejno dla próbek czystej osnowy cementowej, osnowy cementowej z kruszywem oraz osnowy cementowej z kruszywem i strefą przejściową międzyfazową (ITZ) o określonej grubości.

  • Modeling of Electrodynamic Phenomena in an Ultra-Rapid Inductive–Dynamic Actuator as Applied to Hybrid Short-Circuit Breakers - A Review Study
    • Damian Hallmann
    • Piotr Jankowski
    • Janusz Mindykowski
    • Kazimierz Jakubiuk
    • Mikołaj Nowak
    • Mirosław Wołoszyn
    2022 Full text ENERGIES

    This article is a study of the research development of electrodynamic phenomena occurring in ultra-fast electrodynamic drives. These types of linear drives are among the fastest, not only because of the huge accelerations achieved, but, above all, because of the extremely short reaction time. For this reason, electrodynamic drives are used in hybrid short-circuit breakers. The phenomena occurring in this type of drive are actually magneto-thermo-elastic in nature, but the coupling of these phenomena should be considered weak if the criteria for repeatable operation in a hybrid circuit breaker system are met. The authors have been researching this type of drive for many years through not only experimental studies, but also primarily simulation studies developing models of such drives. The authors present the history of the development starting from the first works of Thomson, and Kesserling and ending with the most current models, including mainly their own. This article presents mainly works studying electrodynamic phenomena. Thermal and mechanical phenomena were comprehensively presented by the authors in previous papers.

  • Modeling the Structure, Dynamics, and Transformations of Proteins with the UNRES Force Field
    • Adam K. Sieradzan
    • Cezary Czaplewski
    • Paweł Krupa
    • Magdalena Mozolewska
    • Agnieszka S. Karczyńska
    • Agnieszka G. Lipska
    • Emilia Lubecka
    • Ewa Gołaś
    • Tomasz Wirecki
    • Mariusz Makowski
    • Stanisław Ołdziej
    • Adam Liwo

    The physics-based united-residue (UNRES) model of proteins ( ) has been designed to carry out large-scale simulations of protein folding. The force field has been derived and parameterized based on the principles of statistical-mechanics, which makes it independent of structural databases and applicable to treat nonstandard situations such as, proteins that contain D-amino-acid residues. Powered by Langevin dynamics and its replica-exchange extensions, UNRES has found a variety of applications, including ab initio and database-assisted protein-structure prediction, simulating protein-folding pathways, exploring protein free-energy landscapes, and solving biological problems. This chapter provides a summary of UNRES and a guide for potential users regarding the application of the UNRES package in a variety of research tasks.

  • Modelling and Analysis of the Positioning Accuracy in the Loading Systems of Mobile Cranes
    • Wojciech Kacalak
    • Zbigniew Budniak
    • Maciej Majewski
    2022 Full text Materials

    In this work, the authors analyse the influence of the order and range of sequential movements of a crane's working members on the accuracy of the final cargo positioning. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a specially developed method in which the authors proposed the introduction of a geometrical indicator of positioning the load in the intermediate positions (after completing each movement sequence) and in the target position, depending on the adopted control strategy and the accuracy of kinematic input of the working mechanisms (powered mechanisms). A mathematical model was presented to enable the accuracy of unidirectional positioning of the crane's working members when conducting sequential movements controlled through the rotation of the crane column, inner and outer boom, and retractable stages of the six-section telescopic boom. Sample results of the numerical simulations showing the influence of the assumed kinematic inputs of the crane members on the accuracy of unidirectional angular and linear positioning and, consequently, on the accuracy of the final positioning of the transported cargo, were presented. Moreover, an indicator of the cargo positioning accuracy dependent on the location of an operator or a video camera and the trajectory of the cargo was developed, allowing the formulation of application conclusions.

  • Modelling of Longitudinal Elastic Wave Propagation in a Steel Rod Using the Discrete Element Method
    • Magdalena Knak
    • Michał Nitka
    • Erwin Wojtczak
    • Magdalena Rucka
    2022 Full text Materials

    The paper deals with the issue of modelling elastic wave propagation using the discrete element method (DEM). The case of a longitudinal wave in a rod with a circular cross-section was considered. A novel, complex algorithm consisting of the preparation of models and simulation of elastic waves was developed. A series of DEM models were prepared for simulations, differing in discretisation and material parameters. Additional calculations with the finite element method (FEM) were performed. Numerical wave signals were obtained from each simulation and compared with experimental results to choose the best DEM model based on the correlation between the waveforms. Moreover, dispersion curves were prepared for each model to verify the agreement with the Pochhammer-Chree wave propagation theory. Both experimental and theoretical approaches indicated the same model as the most suitable. The analysis results allowed stating that DEM can be successfully used for modelling wave propagation in structural rods.

  • Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
    • Lidia Anita Dzierzbicka-Glowacka
    • Dawid Dybowski
    • Maciej Janecki
    • Ewa Wojciechowska
    • Beata Szymczycha
    • Dawid Potrykus
    • Artur Nowicki
    • Adam Szymkiewicz
    • Piotr Zima
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    • Stefan Pietrzak
    • Grażyna Pazikowska-sapota
    • Dominika Kalinowska
    • Nicole Nawrot
    • Paweł Wielgat
    • Grażyna Dembska
    • Karolina Matej-Łukowicz
    • Katarzyna Szczepańska
    • Tadeusz Puszkarczuk

    The changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In particular, surface water and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) are dominant pathways of nutrient loads. The main aim of this study is to present the capabilities and results of an innovative and complex toolkit that enables researchers to identify the sources of nutrient and pesticide pollution, calculate their flux via rivers and SGD, and directly assess the influence of pesticides and nutrient flux on the coastal ecosystem. We combined the in situ sampling of surface water, groundwater, soil, SGD, and seawater with a model study to create a set of tools for assessing the influence of agriculture on the marine environment. The maximum concentrations of nitrates and phosphates were measured in the drainage ditches and were equal to 15.5 mg N-NO L−1 and 7.7 mg P-PO L−1 respectively. The nutrients concentrations varied from 0.1 to 12.9 mg N-NO L−1 and from 0.0 to 0.5 mg P-PO L−1 in all freshwater samples. In contrast, the lowest concentrations were observed in seawater with maximum levels of 0.8 mg N-NO L−1 and 0.1 mg P-PO L−1 respectively. The collected data were used to establish an innovative and interdisciplinary online toolkit in which surface run-off was modelled with Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), groundwater flow with Modflow, and marine waters using the EcoPuckBay model. Additionally, the tool includes two interactive calculators for calculation of the nutrient balance and nitrogen leaching for single fields on farms.

  • Modelowanie 3D zabytkowego obiektu sakralnego za pomocą stacjonarnego skaningu laserowego na podstawie analizy światła naturalnego
    • Paweł Tysiąc
    • Anna Sieńska
    • Marta Tarnowska
    • Piotr Kędziorski
    • Marcin Jagoda
    2022 Full text Materiały Budowlane

    Technologia skanowania laserowego jest powszechnie stosowana w inwentaryzacji obiektów kultury. Ciągły wzrost technologiczny pozwala na wykorzystanie złożonych modeli cyfrowych 3D przez coraz większą liczbę odbiorców. Jedną z odmian zastosowania modeli jest tzw. HBIM (HistoricalBIM/ HeritageBIM). W artykule skupiliśmy się na pierwszym z etapów zarządzania takim projektem, jak inwentaryzacja. Celem pracy jest określenie przydatności stosowania modelowania 3D na potrzeby analizy obiektów kultury oraz analiza dokładności modelu. Na podstawie wykonanego modelu przeprowadzono analizę oświetlenia kościoła. Przedstawiona metoda może być interpretowana pod kątem technicznym oraz humanistycznym (w przypadku analizy sacrum).

  • Modelowanie emisji z wykorzystaniem symulacji mikroskopowych
    • Jacek Oskarbski
    • Konrad Biszko
    2022 Full text Transport Miejski i Regionalny

    W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane z modelowaniem emisji spalin z wykorzystaniem mikroskopowych symulacji ruchu drogowego. Celem pracy było opracowanie modelu ruchu, na podstawie którego możliwe jest obliczenie emisji z pojazdów z uwzględnieniem typu skrzyżowania oraz wartości natężeń ruchu. W artykule skupiono się na wartościach zużycia paliwa i emisji dwutlenku węgla. Przeanalizowano literaturę w zakresie czynników wpływających na emisję, które zależne są od człowieka, pojazdu i infrastruktury. Dokonano przeglądu matematycznych modeli pozwalających na obliczenie wartości chwilowych, często związanych ze zużyciem paliwa, które stanowią podstawę do oszacowania emisji. Wybrany model został zaimplementowany do modułu oprogramowania mikrosymulacyjnego w celu analizy wielkości emisji, w zależności od natężenia ruchu na skrzyżowaniu o ruchu okrężnym i skrzyżowaniu z pierwszeństwem przejazdu. Przedstawiono wyniki badań z uwzględnieniem wariantów modeli sieci obejmujących jedynie dojazd i przejazd przez skrzyżowanie oraz niezależnie uwzględniających rozpędzanie pojazdów za skrzyżowaniem. W końcowym fragmencie artykułu objęto dyskusją wybrane założenia, możliwe do uwzględnienia w analizach i mające wpływ na osiągnięte wyniki, omówiono kwestie dokładności modelu oraz zaproponowano rozwiązania pozwalające na zwiększenie poziomu szczegółowości osiąganych wyników.

  • Modelowanie wymiany ciepła przy wrzeniu w przepływie w warunkach podwyższonego ciśnienia zredukowanego dla R1233zd(E) jako potencjalnego czynnika w układach ORC [w:] Postępy w badaniach wymiany ciepła i masy
    • Michał Pysz
    • Dariusz Mikielewicz
    2022 Full text

    Proces wrzenia w wysokotemperaturowych pompach ciepła oraz układach ORC zachodzi przy temperaturach wyższych niż 80˚C. W literaturze występuje luka w wiedzy dla podwyższonych temperatur nasycenia oraz korespondujących wysokich ciśnień zredukowanych. Większość istniejących danych doświadczalnych dotyczy temperatur niższych niż 40 ˚C, co związane jest z zastosowaniami chłodniczymi czynników niskowrzących. Dla temperatur wyższych niż 120 ˚C większość czynników pracuje w okolicach termodynamicznego punktu krytycznego, gdzie występują gwałtowne zmiany lepkości oraz gęstości faz ciekłej oraz parowej, co ma znaczący wpływ na oddziaływania międzyfazowe. Większość modeli literaturowych opiera się na konkretnych parametrach eksperymentalnych i nie ma charakteru ogólnego dla zastosowań dla płynów i warunków termodynamicznych nie będących przedmiotem eksperymentu. Przedstawiony w pracy model ma solidne podstawy fizyczne i dużą ogólność, będąc niezależnym od rodzaju czynnika. Celem przetestowania modelu w warunkach podwyższonych ciśnień zredukowanych zbudowano dedykowane stanowisko eksperymentalne. W powyższym badaniu przeprowadzono systematyczne badania eksperymentalne dla wrzenia w przepływie czynnika R1233zd(E). Dane uzyskano dla cylindrycznego pionowego minikanału o średnicy wewnętrznej 2 mm oraz długości 300 mm. Zakres ciśnień zredukowanych przedstawionych w badaniu zawiera się w zakresie od 0,2 do 0,7, prędkość masowa od 400 do 1000 kg/m2s, a gęstość strumienia ciepła od 20 do 45 kW/m2. Przedstawiono wpływ struktury przepływu na uzyskane trendy wymiany ciepła. Dane eksperymentalne zostały również porównane z najbardziej znanymi modelami literaturowymi.

  • Modification of TiO2 nanotubes by graphene–strontium and cobalt molybdate perovskite for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic medium
    • Mariusz Szkoda
    • Anna Ilnicka
    • Malgorzata Skorupska
    • Marcin Wysokowski
    • Jerzy P. Lukaszewicz
    2022 Full text Scientific Reports

    Herein, we demonstrate that modification of TiO2 nanotubes with graphene–strontium and cobalt molybdate perovskite can turn them into active electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). For this purpose, a simple method of hydrothermal synthesis of perovskites was developed directly on the TiO2 nanotubes substrate. Moreover, the obtained hybrids were also decorated with graphene oxide (GO) during one-step hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis. Catalytic properties were verified by electrochemical methods (linear voltammetry, chronopotentiometry). The obtained hybrids were characterized by much better catalytic properties towards hydrogen evolution reaction compared to TiO2 and slightly worse than platinum. The optimized hybrid catalyst (decorated by GO) can drive a cathodic current density of 10 mA cm−2 at an overpotential of 121 mV for HER with a small Tafel slope of 90 mV dec−1 in 0.2 M H2SO4.