Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2022

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  • Physical and sealing properties of BaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CaO–V2O5 glasses for solid oxide fuel cell applications
    • Sea-Fue Wang
    • Yung-Fu Hsu
    • Yi-Le Liao
    • Yuan-Jie Yang
    • Piotr Jasiński

    In this study, the properties of BaO–Al2O3–SiO2 (SAB) glasses incorporated with CaO and V2O5 as the network modifier and additive, respectively, are evaluated. The electrical resistivities of the glasses decrease upon the addition of CaO but increase upon increasing their V2O5 content because the V5+ species lower the ionic mobility of the glasses. The addition of V2O5 improves the wettability of the glasses on the Crofer 22 APU substrate, and thus, increases the fracture strength at the glass–Crofer 22 APU couple. Among the glasses evaluated, the SAB glass with a CaO content of 20 wt% and V2O5 content of 2 wt% (SAB-Ca20V2) present excellent sealing properties because it adheres well to both the Zr0·92Y0·08O2-δ (YSZ) and Crofer 22 APU substrates; no pores, cracks, or interfacial phases are present at the interfaces, confirming the good chemical and thermal compatibility of the glass–substrate pairs at high temperatures. After SAB-Ca20V2 is sealed on the Crofer 22 APU substrate at 850 °C, the leakage rate of the glass is low (<0.015 sccm⋅cm−1 at 800 °C for 200 h), indicating negligible deterioration of its sealing efficiency and revealing its remarkable potential for use in solid oxide fuel cell applications.

  • Physical models in the education of architectural history
    • Szymon Kowalski
    • Piotr Samól
    • Jakub Szczepański
    2022 Full text World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education

    In this article, the authors present the long tradition and common use of physical models in the process of teaching the history of architecture in higher education institutions. The research described in the article is focused on the use of physical models and mock-ups as stimulants during architectural history classes to support lectures and increase the learning capabilities of students. The authors also cover the general use of such models across the history of mankind as the main carrier of the designer’s ideas. The presence of these models in public spaces and their artistic values are also touched upon, as well as the models’ positive impact on the general sightseeing public. The findings confirmed that both physical and digital models help architecture students to visualise abstractions and space, thus increasing their learning capabilities. The broader public also benefits through the popularisation of models in public spaces.

  • Physicochemical properties of Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 spinel coating deposited on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel and exposed to high-temperature oxidation under thermal cycling conditions
    • Łukasz Mazur
    • Sebastian Molin
    • Jarosław Dąbek
    • Karol Durczak
    • Michał Pyzalski
    • Tomasz Brylewski

    The Crofer 22 H ferritic steel substrate was coated with an Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 spinel by means of electrophoresis. After high-temperature oxidation under thermal cycling conditions, the physicochemical properties of the obtained system were evaluated. During 48-h cycles that involved heating the samples up to temperatures of either 750 or 800 °C, the oxidation kinetics of both coated and unmodified steel approximately obeyed the parabolic rate law. The unmodified steel was oxidized at a higher rate than the system consisting of the substrate and the coating. In its bulk form, the spinel consisted entirely of the cubic phase and it exhibited high electrical conductivity. The Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 coating, on the other hand, was compact and consisted of two phases—the cubic and the tetragonal one—and it was characterized by good adhesion to the metallic substrate. After cyclic oxidation studies conducted for the two investigated temperatures (750 or 800 °C), the coat- ing was determined to provide a considerable improvement in the electrical properties of the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel, as demonstrated by the area-specific resistance values measured for the steel/coating system. The evaporation rate of chromium measured for these samples likewise indicates that the coating is capable of acting as an effective barrier against the formation of volatile compounds of chromium. The Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 spinel can therefore be considered a suitable material for a coating on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel, with intermediate-temperature solid oxide electrolyzer cells as the target application.

  • Physics augmented classification of fNIRS signals
    • Felipe Orihuela-Espina
    • Michelle Rojas-Cisneros
    • Samuel A. Montero-Hernández
    • Jesus Garcia Salinas
    • Bibiana Cuervo-Soto
    • Javier Herrera-Vega

    Background. Predictive classification favours performance over semantics. In traditional predictive classification pipelines, feature engineering is often oblivious to the underlying phenomena. Hypothesis. In applied domains such as functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), the exploitation of physical knowledge may improve the discriminative quality of our observation set. Aims. Give exemplary evidence that intervening the physical observation process can augment classification. Methods. We manipulate the observation process in four ways independently. First, sampling and quantization are designed to enhance class related contrast. Second, we show how selection of optical filters affects the cross-talk in turn affecting classification. Third, we regularize the inverse problem to maximize sensitivity to any gradient that would later support the classification. And fourth, we introduce a catalyst covariate during experiment design to exarcebate response differences. Results. For each of the proposed manipulations, we show that the performance of the classification exercise is altered in some way or another. Conclusions. Exploitation of physics knowledge even before acquisition can support classification alleviating otherwise blind feature engineering. This can also enhance interpretability of the classification model.

  • Phytoextraction and recovery of rare earth elements using willow (Salix spp.)
    • Muhammad Mohsin
    • Mir Md Abdus Salam
    • Nicole Nawrot
    • Daniel J Lane
    • Ewa Wojciechowska
    • Niko Kinnunen
    • Mikko Heimonen
    • Arja Tervahauta
    • Sirpa Peräniemi
    • Olli Sippula
    • Ari Pappinen
    • Suvi Kuittinen

    Soil and water contaminations are caused by rare earth elements (REEs) due to mining and industrial activities, that threaten the ecosystem and human health. Therefore, phytoremediation methods need to be developed to overcome this problem. To date, little research has been conducted concerning the phytoremediation potential of Salix for REEs. In this study, two Salix species (Salix myrsinifolia and Salix schwerinii) and two Salix cultivars (Klara and Karin) were hydroponically exposed to different concentrations of six–REE for 4 weeks. The treatments were: T1 (Control: tap water), T2 (La: 50 mg/L) and T3 (La 11.50 + Y 11 + Nd 10.50 + Dy 10 + Ce 12 and Tb 11.50 in mg L−1). The effects of the REE on Salix growth indicators (height, biomass, shoot diameter and root length), concentrations of REE in the produced biomass, and accumulation of REE in different parts of the Salix (stem, root, and leaf) tissues, were determined. In addition, the retention of REE in ashes following Salix combustion (800 and 1000 °C) was determined. The result indicates that with La and REE exposure, the height growth, dry biomass, shoot diameter and root length of all Salix remained equivalent to the control treatment excluding Klara, which displayed relatively higher growth in all parameters. Further, among the REE studied, the highest La concentration (8404 μg g−1 DW) and La accumulation (10,548 μg plant−1) were observed in Karin and Klara root respectively. Translocations and bioconcentration factors were discovered at <1 for all Salix, which indicates their phytostabilization potential. The total REE concentrations in bottom ashes varied between 7 and 8% with retention rates between 85 and 89%. This study demonstrates that Salix are suitable candidates for REE phytostabilization and the remediation of wastewater sites to limit metals percolating to the water layers in the ecosystem.

  • Pilot-Scale Studies of WO3/S-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunction toward Photocatalytic NOx Removal
    • Marta Kowalkińska
    • Agnieszka Fiszka Borzyszkowska
    • Anna Grzegórska
    • Jakub Karczewski
    • Paweł Głuchowski
    • Marcin Łapiński
    • Mirosław Sawczak
    • Anna Zielińska-Jurek
    2022 Full text Materials

    Due to the rising concentration of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air, effective methods of NOx removal have been extensively studied recently. In the present study, the first developed WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 nanocomposite was synthesized using a facile method to remove NOx in air efficiently. The photocatalytic tests performed in a newly designed continuous-flow photoreactor with an LED array and online monitored NO2 and NO system allowed the investigation of photocatalyst layers at the pilot scale. The WO3/S-doped-g-C3N4 nanocomposite, as well as single components, were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analysis (BET), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method (XPS), UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV–vis), and photoluminescence spectroscopy with charge carriers’ lifetime measurements. All materials exhibited high efficiency in photocatalytic NO2 conversion, and 100% was reached in less than 5 min of illumination under simulated solar light. The effect of process parameters in the experimental setup together with WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 photocatalysts was studied in detail. Finally, the stability of the composite was tested in five subsequent cycles of photocatalytic degradation. The WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 was stable in time and did not undergo deactivation due to the blocking of active sites on the photocatalyst’s surface.

  • plakat wystawy pt. "Zaspa Nova: osiedle i otoczenie | perspektywa 2030 | studium potencjału miejsca"
    • Agnieszka Kurkowska

    Plakat jest autorskim projektem plastycznym opartym o fotografię bloku mieszkalnego z Zaspy

  • Planning a Cost-Effective Delay-Constrained Passive Optical Network for 5G Fronthaul
    • Abdulhalim Fayad
    • Manish Jha
    • Tibor Cinkler
    • Jacek Rak

    With the rapid growth in the telecommunications industry moving towards 5G and beyond (5GB) and the emergence of data-hungry and time-sensitive applications, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are faced with a considerable challenge to keep up with these new demands. Cloud radio access network (CRAN) has emerged as a cost-effective architecture that improves 5GB performance. The fronthaul segment of the CRAN necessitates a high-capacity and low-latency connection. Optical technologies presented by Passive Optical Networks (PON) have gained attention as a promising technology to meet the fronthaul challenges. In this paper, we proposed an Integer Linear Program (ILP) that optimizes the total cost of ownership (TCO) for 5G using CRAN architecture under different delay thresholds. We considered the Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network (TWDM-PON) as a fronthaul with different splitting ratios.

  • Planowane krajowe laboratorium badawcze sieci i usług 5G wraz z otoczeniem
    • Burakowski Wojciech
    • Andrzej Bęben
    • Maciej Sosnowski
    • Dariusz Więcek
    • Igor Michalski
    • Józef Woźniak
    • Krzysztof Gierłowski
    • Michał Hoeft
    • Schauer Patryk
    • Arkadiusz Warzyński
    • Marek Natkaniec
    • Piotr Boryło
    • Artur Binczewski
    • Bartosz Belter
    • Maksymilian Furmann
    2022 Full text Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    Przedstawiono koncepcję infrastruktury PL-5G pt. Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G wraz z otoczeniem. Laboratorium to będzie ważną infrastrukturą badawczą w kraju, która powinna w istotny sposób przyczynić do ukierunkowania praktycznych badań dotyczących nowych generacji dla infrastruktur sieciowo-obliczeniowych Internetu. Laboratorium to będzie zlokalizowane w czterech miastach, tj. Gdańsku, Krakowie, Poznaniu i Wrocławiu i będzie miało wspólny system sterowania eksperymentami. Korzystanie z laboratorium będzie zdalne, co umożliwi zespołom krajowym z innych lokalizacji efektywne korzystanie z jego zasobów. Przewiduje się, że będzie również wykorzystywane w procesie dydaktycznym realizowanym przez uczelnie techniczne. Termin zakończenia budowy przewiduje się na koniec 2023r.

  • Płeć jako determinanta w podejmowaniu decyzji menedżerskich w sytuacjach kryzysowych
    • Igor Gielniak
    2022 Full text

    Problem badawczy niniejszej rozprawy określona pytanie: „czy i w jaki sposób płeć wpływa na skuteczność podejmowania decyzji w sytuacjach kryzysowych?”. Analiza literatury z dziedziny zarządzania wykazała małą liczbę badań, dlatego rozszerzoną ją na psychologię, psychologię ewolucyjną, psychologię edukacji, neuropsychologię i socjologię. Przedmiotem pracy są decyzje menedżerskie podejmowane zarówno bezpośrednio przed zaistnieniem, jak i w czasie trwania kryzysu. Jako podmiot badań zostały wybrane małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa z terenu Polsce. Zostały postawione dwie hipotezy: • kobiety na stanowiskach menedżerskich, wcześniej niż mężczyźni w takich samych okolicznościach, dostrzegają zbliżający się kryzys i bez zwłoki podejmują działania, • mężczyźni na stanowiskach kierowniczych nie dostrzegają kryzysu w momencie jego zbliżania się, czy już pojawienia się, do czasu, gdy dalsze prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej staje się prawie niemożliwe. Celem utylitarnym pracy jest opracowanie zaleceń metodycznych uwzględniających inne sposoby podejmowania decyzji przez menedżerów obu płci. Do zbadania przedmiotu pracy zostały wybrane badania ilościowe i jakościowe. Te ostatnie podzielono na obserwację uczestniczącą i wywiad pogłębiony. Wyniki badań pozytywnie zweryfikowały obie hipotezy. Badania wykazały również, że menedżerowie mężczyźni przejawiają znacznie większe zdolności do podejmowania decyzji w skrajnie trudnych sytuacjach niż menedżerowie kobiety.

  • Podsumowanie
    • Karolina Krośnicka
    • Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung

    Zawiera syntezę i ocenę projektów architektoniczno-urbanistycznych Centrum Kompetencji Energetyki Odnawialnej w Rumi i jego otoczenia.

  • Polish tax reform "Polski Ład" – consequences of introducing changes on the example of selected flat-rate tax forms for micro and small companies
    • Piotr Kasprzak
    • Danuta Boike
    • Ewa Łączek-Tarazewicz
    • Jarosław Wróblewski

    This article describes aspects related to the introduction of the latest tax reform in Poland. The changes initiated in January 2022, under the name Polski Ład, concern a wide range of tax changes in Poland. Reform, in a broad sense, is a multidimensional government development program, which is primarily aimed at getting out of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and a smooth transition to financing strategic goals in investment areas. The main aim of the article is to present the most important aspects regarding issues related to the consequences of introducing changes in selected flat-rate tax forms for micro and small companies. The detailed objectives of the article are to present issues that affect the tax records using the tax card, and to show what restrictions are introduced by the Polish order in the tax card records system.

    • Agnieszka Leszczewicz
    2022 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    W artykule przedstawiono w jaki sposób Politechnika Gdańska funkcjonuje w literaturze pięknej. Politechnika ukazywana jest jako miejsce nauki, ale także miejsce wydarzeń historycznych i kulturalnych, jej istnienie jest zakorzenione w świadomości gdańszczan, a przede jest to miejsce w którym spędziło się najlepiej wspominany okres w życiu – okres studiów i pracy zawodowej. Wymienione zostały publikacje informacyjne, ale przede wszystkim skupiono się na literaturze historycznej, naukowej, wspomnieniach i oczywiście na literaturze obyczajowej. W referacie poświęcono szczególną uwagę Wydziałowi Elektrotechniki i Automatyki.

  • Polscy inżynierowie elektrycy w 1936 r.
    • Dariusz Świsulski
    2022 Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne

    Na podstawie notek biograficznych ponad 1000 osób przedstawiono stan kadry inżynierskiej w zakresie elektrotechniki w 1936 r. Podano uczelnie, w których wykształcenie zdobywali polscy inżynierowie elektrycy. Omówiono liczbę osób z dyplomem inżyniera elektryka zamieszkujących poszczególne rejony przedwojennej Polski. Podano miejsca pracy w różnych dziedzinach działalności inżynierskiej. Omówiono zaangażowanie w działalność Związku Polskich Inżynierów Elektryków oraz liczbę kobiet inżynierów elektryków.

  • Polska gospodarka na tle trendów w globalnych łańcuchach wartości
    • Aleksandra Kordalska
    • Magdalena Olczyk

    Celem artykułu jest ocena stopnia i charakteru zaangażowania Polski w globalne łańcuchy wartości na tle ogólnoświatowych trendów. Analiza przeprowadzona jest na poziomie całej gospodarki oraz na poziomie jej sekcji i działów. Badanie z użyciem tablic przepływów międzygałęziowych dla lat 2000-2014 wykorzystuje dekompozycję produkcji finalnej i wartości dodanej zaproponowaną przez Wanga i in (2017). Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż zaangażowanie Polski w globalne łańcuchy wartości jest znacząco niższe w porównaniu do krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Większą dynamiką wzrostu charakteryzują się powiązania polegające na sprzedaży polskich produktów pośrednich za granicę, niż te dotyczące ich zakupu z zagranicy. Polska dostarcza produkty pośrednie raczej lokalnie niż globalnie. Ponadto wykazano, iż w badanych latach znacząco zwiększa się udział Polski w złożonym handlu wartością dodaną. Analiza na poziomie działów gospodarki wskazuje, że polski przemysł przetwórczy jest sekcją najsilniej angażującą się w globalne łańcuchy wartości, niezależnie od typu powiązania, a udział polskich usług w globalnych sieciach jest nadal niezadawalający.

  • Polydopamine Biomaterials for Skin Regeneration
    • Mohsen Khodadadi Yazdi
    • Mehrak Zare
    • Ali Khodadadi
    • Farzad Seidi
    • S. Mohammad Sajadi
    • Payam Zarrintaj
    • Ahmad Arefi
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Masoud Mozafari
    2022 ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

    Designing biomaterials capable of biomimicking wound healing and skin regeneration has been receiving increasing attention recently. Some biopolymers behave similarly to the extracellular matrix (ECM), supporting biointerfacial adhesion and intrinsic cellular interactions. Polydopamine (PDA) is a natural bioadhesive and bioactive polymer that endows high chemical versatility, making it an exciting candidate for a wide range of biomedical applications. Moreover, biomaterials based on PDA and its derivatives have near-infrared (NIR) absorption, excellent biocompatibility, intrinsic antioxidative activity, antibacterial activity, and cell affinity. PDA can regulate cell behavior by controlling signal transduction pathways. It governs the focal adhesion behavior of cells at the biomaterials interface. These features make melanin-like PDA a fascinating biomaterial for wound healing and skin regeneration. This paper overviews PDA-based biomaterials’ synthesis, properties, and interactions with biological entities. Furthermore, the utilization of PDA nano- and microstructures as a constituent of wound-dressing formulations is highlighted.

  • Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) as a biodegradable binder in a negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries
    • Andrzej Nowak
    • Konrad Trzciński
    • Zuzanna Zarach
    • Jinjin Li
    • Daria Roda
    • Mariusz Szkoda

    In this work, graphite-based negative electrode for lithium-ion battery consisting a novel and biodegradable binder poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is compared with standard graphite electrode with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as a binder. The rate and cycling performance of lithium ion insertion/extraction of electrodes with PHBV in a half-cell configuration are evaluated. Moreover, on the basis of the electrochemical tests it is concluded that the electrode with PHBV binder is characterized by similar specific capacity and diffusion coefficient of lithium ions as conventional graphite electrode with PVDF binder.

  • Poly-L-Lysine-functionalized fluorescent diamond particles: pH triggered fluorescence enhancement via surface charge modulation
    • Monika Janik
    • Maciej Głowacki
    • Mirosław Sawczak
    • Anna Wcisło
    • Paweł Niedziałkowski
    • Kacper Jurak
    • Mateusz Ficek
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    2022 Full text MRS BULLETIN

    Recently, the interest in applying fluorescent diamond particles (FDPs) containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers for enhancing the mechanical and chemical properties of some materials, biological imaging, and sensing has been expanding rapidly. The unique properties of NV centers such as intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli, such as pH, make them a perfect candidate for a quantum-effect-based sensing platform. However, monitoring of the local changes with the use of the nonmodified diamond particles has certain limitations; therefore, to enhance their sensing properties, in this article, the covalent functionalization of the FDPs’ surfaces with poly-L-Lysine (pLys) (NV-pLys) is presented. The FDPs’ surface is functionalized in an anhydrous environment, and successful attachment is confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). As the pLys undergoes pH-triggered changes of conformation, it also induces changes in the diamonds’ surface charge, therefore modulating the fluorescence, and finally as a result enhances NV-pLys pH-sensitivity. Further investigation of the zeta potential, particle size, and contact angle reveals remarkable colloidal stability and superior wettability of the NV-pLys over a wide range of pH, which also may significantly affect NV-pLys biocompatibility. These findings open new possibilities for the construction of biocompatible, stable, and highly sensitive nanosensors.

  • Polylysine for Skin Regeneration: A Review of Recent Advances and Perspectives
    • Payam Zarrintaj
    • Sadegh Ghorbani
    • Mahmood Barani
    • Narendra Pal Singh Chauhan
    • Mohsen Khodadadi Yazdi
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Joshua D. Ramsey
    • Michael R. Hamblin
    • Masoud Mozafari
    • Ebrahim Mostafavi
    2022 Full text Bioengineering & Translational Medicine

    There have been several attempts to find promising biomaterials for skin regeneration, among which polylysine (a homopolypeptide) has shown benefits in the regeneration and treatment of skin disorders. This class of biomaterials has shown exceptional abilities due to their macromolecular structure. Polylysine-based biomaterials can not only be used as tissue engineering scaffolds for skin regeneration, but also as drug carriers or even gene delivery vectors for the treatment of skin diseases. In addition, polylysine can play a preservative role in extending the lifetime of skin tissue by minimizing the appearance of photodamaged skin. Research on Polylysine is growing today, opening new scenarios that expand the potential of these biomaterials from traditional treatments to a new era of tissue regeneration. This review aims to address the basic concepts, recent trends, and prospects of polylysine-based biomaterials for skin regeneration. Undoubtedly, this class of biomaterials needs further evaluations and explorations, and many critical questions have yet to be answered.

  • Polynomial Algorithm for Minimal (1,2)-Dominating Set in Networks
    • Joanna Raczek
    2022 Full text Electronics

    Dominating sets find application in a variety of networks. A subset of nodes D is a (1,2)-dominating set in a graph G=(V,E) if every node not in D is adjacent to a node in D and is also at most a distance of 2 to another node from D. In networks, (1,2)-dominating sets have a higher fault tolerance and provide a higher reliability of services in case of failure. However, finding such the smallest set is NP-hard. In this paper, we propose a polynomial time algorithm finding a minimal (1,2)-dominating set, Minimal_12_Set. We test the proposed algorithm in network models such as trees, geometric random graphs, random graphs and cubic graphs, and we show that the sets of nodes returned by the Minimal_12_Set are in general smaller than sets consisting of nodes chosen randomly.