Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • LS-DYNA simulations of the impacts of a 38-ton Heavy Goods Vehicle into a road cable barrier
    • Krzysztof Wilde
    • Dawid Bruski
    • Stanisław Burzyński
    • Jacek Chróścielewski
    • Łukasz Pachocki
    • Wojciech Witkowski

    Nowadays, more and more attention is being paid to safety on roads and motorways. It is due to the continuous development of road and motorway network and a significant increase of the number of vehicles on roads. To meet the expectations of improving road safety in Poland, the Road Innovations Development (RID) research programme was implemented in 2016. The aim of the RID 3A - Road Safety Equipment (RoSE) project is a comprehensive analysis of various road restraint systems and various types of road safety equipment installed on roads and bridges. The RID 3B - Effect of time and operating conditions of the durability and functionality of the elements of road safety (LifeRoSE) complementary project is aimed at developing innovative and comprehensive road management methodology for road safety equipment and traffic management measures. Part of the aforementioned projects is a thorough study of safety barriers based, among others, on full-scale crash tests and a number of numerical simulations using LS-DYNA. The aim of the paper is to assess the crashworthiness of a road cable barrier during an impact of a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) weighing 38 tons. A numerical model of the safety device was developed and validated with a full-scale crash test. Based on this computational model, a series of virtual crash tests were carried out in which the HGV collides with the barrier under various impact conditions. Some of the cases will be compared with real accident outcome that took place on highway in Poland.

    • Michał Grochowski
    • Michał Wąsowicz
    • Agnieszka Mikołajczyk
    • Mateusz Ficek
    • Marek Kulka
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Małgorzata Szczerska
    2019 Full text Metrology and Measurement Systems

    In this paper the authors propose a decision support system for automatic blood smear analysis based on microscopic images. The images are pre-processed in order to remove irrelevant elements and to enhance the most important ones - the healthy blood cells (erythrocytes) and the pathologic (echinocytes). The separated blood cells are analyzed in terms of their most important features by the eigenfaces method. The features are the basis for designing the neural network classifier, learned to distinguish between erythrocytes and echinocytes. As the result, the proposed system is able to analyze the smear blood images in fully automatic manner and to deliver information on the number and statistics of the red blood cells, both healthy and pathologic. The system was examined on two case studies, the canine and human blood, and then confronted with the experienced medicine specialists. The accuracy of red blood cells classification into erythrocytes and echinocytes reaches 96%.

  • Machine Learning Techniques in Concrete Mix Design
    • Patryk Ziółkowski
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    2019 Full text Materials

    Concrete mix design is a complex and multistage process in which we try to find the best composition of ingredients to create good performing concrete. In contemporary literature, as well as in state-of-the-art corporate practice, there are some methods of concrete mix design, from which the most popular are methods derived from The Three Equation Method. One of the most important features of concrete is compressive strength, which determines the concrete class. Predictable compressive strength of concrete is essential for concrete structure utilisation and is the main feature of its safety and durability. Recently, machine learning is gaining significant attention and future predictions for this technology are even more promising. Data mining on large sets of data attracts attention since machine learning algorithms have achieved a level in which they can recognise patterns which are difficult to recognise by human cognitive skills. In our paper, we would like to utilise state-of-the-art achievements in machine learning techniques for concrete mix design. In our research, we prepared an extensive database of concrete recipes with the according destructive laboratory tests, which we used to feed the selected optimal architecture of an artificial neural network. We have translated the architecture of the artificial neural network into a mathematical equation that can be used in practical applications.

    • Magdalena Piotrowska
    • Grazina Korvel
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Tomasz Ciszewski
    • Andrzej Czyżewski
    2019 Full text International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

    Automatic classification methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and selforganizing maps (SOMs), are applied to allophone analysis based on recorded speech. A list of 650 words was created for that purpose, containing positionally and/or contextually conditioned allophones. For each word, a group of 16 native and non-native speakers were audio-video recorded, from which seven native speakers’ and phonology experts’ speech was selected for analyses. For the purpose of the present study, a sub-list of 103 words containing the English alveolar lateral phoneme /l/ was compiled. The list includes ‘dark’ (velarized) allophonic realizations (which occur before a consonant or at the end of the word before silence) and 52 ‘clear’ allophonic realizations (which occur before a vowel), as well as voicing variants. The recorded signals were segmented into allophones and parametrized using a set of descriptors, originating from the MPEG 7 standard, plus dedicated time-based parameters as well as modified MFCC features proposed by the authors. Classification methods such as ANNs, the kNN and the SOM were employed to automatically detect the two types of allophones. Various sets of features were tested to achieve the best performance of the automatic methods. In the final experiment, a selected set of features was used for automatic evaluation of the pronunciation of dark /l/ by non-native speakers.

  • Macromodels for Efficient Analysis of Open-Region Problems Using the Finite Element Method
    • Damian Szypulski
    • Martyna Mul
    • Krzysztof Nyka
    • Grzegorz Fotyga

    This paper presents a local model-order reduction, called macromodeling, applied to speed-up the simulations of open-region problems, analyzed by means of finite element method. This technique is illustrated by a numerical example, which deals with a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA). The obtained results show that the proposed approach is reliable and can significantly increase the standard finite element method efficiency.

  • Magnetic photocatalysts for water treatment
    • Anna Zielińska-Jurek
    • Szymon Dudziak
    • Zuzanna Bielan
    • Agnieszka Sulowska
    • Izabela Malinowska
    • Izabela Wysocka

    The concept of magnetic photocatalysts with separation function requires ferromagnetic material with high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field to enable recycling of composite nanoparticles. Currently, much attention is devoted to functionalization of photocatalyst using MFe2O3, where M =Fe, Zn, Co, Mn. However direct contact between photocatalyst and magnetic iron oxide particles leads to photodissolution of iron ions into the solution during irradiation and, as a consequence, nanocomposite poisoning as well loosing the magnetic and photocatalytic properties. In order to overcome leaching of iron ions into the solution core addition of silica, polymer or carbon inert layer between the magnetic core and the TiO2 shell is applied (Fig. 1-b). In this regard, the aim of present study is to better understand the effect of the preparation procedure on magnetic properties and photocatalytic activity of spinel MFe2O3 ferrites. The pH of the solution and corresponding zeta potential was found to be essential for appropriate formation of ferrite core/silica interlayer/TiO2 shell nanocomposite, since the electrical charge controls interactions during functionalization of the magnetic core particles (see in Fig. 2). Further, Pt-Cu metallic particles were deposited on magnetic photocatalyst surface using photodeposition and chemical reduction methods. The correlation between surface properties of magnetic nanocomposites and photocatalytic activities was studied. The effect of the metal loadings on carbamazepine oxidation pathways, and finally its mineralization, measured as total organic carbon (TOC) reduction was investigated. The obtained magnetic photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) analysis. The highest photooxidatation rate of carbamazepine, measured as TOC reduction was observed for Pt-modified magnetic photocatalysts. The enhanced activity was related to a decrease in metal particle size, an increase in the adsorption sites and efficient separation of char ge carriers.

    • Anna Perelomova
    2019 Full text TASK Quarterly

    Nonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. Plasma is assumed to be an ideal gas with a finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic filed orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. the excitation of non-wave modes in the filed of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations, i.e., magnetoaciustic heating and streaming, is discussed. The analysis includes a derivation if instantaneous dynamic equations independent of the spectrum and peridicity of sound.

  • Magnetyczne fotokatalizatory na bazie TiO2 do degradacji zanieczyszczeń w fazie wodnej
    • Zuzanna Bielan
    • Anna Zielińska-Jurek

    Fotokataliza stanowi alternatywę dla tradycyjnych metod oczyszczania wód i ścieków z trudno degradowalnych zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Zastosowanie TiO2 umożliwia efektywne usuwanie związków chloroorganicznych, alkoholi, kwasów organicznych, pestycydów, barwników, węglowodorów aromatycznych oraz związków powierzchniowo czynnych z fazy wodnej. Poważnym ograniczeniem zastosowania TiO2 na szeroką skalę w procesach oczyszczania ścieków jest zakres promieniowania niezbędny do wzbudzenia fotokatalizatora. Tlenek tytanu(IV) absorbuje prawie wyłącznie promieniowanie UVA. w związku z tym przyjmuje się, że w procesie fotokatalizy z zastosowaniem TiO2 wykorzystane może zostać jedynie 3-5% światła słonecznego. Drugim ważnym aspektem technologicznym jest separacja fotokatalizatora z zawiesiny po procesie oczyszczania. Ze względu na wielkość ziaren stosowanych fotokatalizatorów, zazwyczaj poniżej 100 nm, trudno jest przeprowadzić efektywnie separację, zaś koagulacja, ultrafiltracja bądź też separacja membranowa mogą generować dodatkowe koszty dla operacji jednostkowej odzysku fotokatalizatora. Przedstawiona metodyka otrzymywania warstwowych fotokatalizatorów o strukturze rdzeń-otoczka, bazujących na różnicy ładunków powierzchniowych pozwala na rozwiązanie problemu separacji za pomocą wykorzystania zewnętrznego pola magnetycznego. Dodatkowo stanowi ona punkt wyjścia do dalszych modyfikacji, np. niemetalami bądź metalami, które pozwolą na zwiększenie aktywności TiO2 w świetle widzialnym.

  • Makroskopowe modele ruchu potoku pojazdów na odcinkach międzywęzłowych autostrad i dróg ekspresowych
    • Aleksandra Romanowska
    2019 Full text

    Autostrady i drogi ekspresowe stanowią rdzeń sieci drogowej kraju, zapewniając podstawowe międzynarodowe i międzyregionalne połączenia transportowe. Dynamiczny rozwój sieci tych dróg w Europie i USA w drugiej połowie XX wieku spowodował. że inżynierowie ruchu drogowego i naukowcy zaczęli obserwować ruch pojazdów na tych drogach poszukując: modeli opisujących ruch potoku pojazdów, metod szacowania przepustowości i metod oceny warunków ruchu na tych drogach. W rezultacie powstała szeroka dziedzina wiedzy zwana teorią ruchu potoku pojazdów , która przez lata zyskała solidne podstawy teoretyczne i empiryczne. Tymczasem w Polsce o systematycznym rozwoju sieci autostrad i dróg ekspresowych można mówić dopiero od kilkunastu lat. Stąd też dotychczas zainteresowanie badaczy badaniem ruchu potoku pojazdów na autostradach i drogach ekspresowych było raczej niewielkie. Traktując zależność fundamentalną ( zależność między natężeniem, prędkością i gęstością potoku pojazdów) jako podstawę teorii ruchu potoku pojazdów, polskie badania ograniczają się właściwie do badań prof. Krystka z lat 70. i 80. ubiegłego wieku. Zainteresowanie zagadnieniem wróciło dopiero w ostatnich latach, w rezultacie rozpoczęcia projektu RID-2B. Pozostała jednak ogromna luka w krajowych badaniach względem badań zagranicznych. Wypełnianie powstałej luki powinno się zacząć od podstaw, a więc badania fundamentalnej zależności pomiędzy natężeniem, prędkością i gęstością. Taki też cel postawiono w pracy, badając i modelując ruch potoku pojazdów na odcinkach międzywęzłowych autostrad i dróg ekspresowych w Polsce.

  • Maksymalna elastyczność pracy bloków parowych
    • Badur Janusz
    • Kowalczyk Tomasz
    • Mateusz Bryk
    • Kamil Banaś
    • Michał Stajnke
    • Bartosz Kraszewski
    • Paweł Ziółkowski
    • Piotr Ziółkowski
    2019 Energetyka, problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo - energetycznej

    W artykule przedstawiono propozycję przyspieszenia startów turbiny parowej poprzez właściwe doprowadzanie pary w trakcie stanów niestacjonarnych. Badano najbardziej wytężone miejsca w urządzeniu, przy uwzględnieniu tradycyjnej hipotezy Hubera-Missesa-Hencky, jak i hipotezy Burzyńskiego. W przypadku licznych startów coraz większe znaczenie odgrywają naprężenia termiczne, dla których najważniejsze są składowe normalne naprężeń, w odróżnieniu od składowych stycznych konwencjonalnie, będących podstawą obliczeń naprężeń zredukowanych na podstawie hipotezy Hubera-Missesa-Hencky. Obliczenia nakierowane na uzyskanie maksymalnej elastyczności przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem numerycznego narzędzia thermal-FSI, które jednocześnie analizują płyn i konstrukcję, tak aby w pełni sprzęgnąć ze sobą pola temperatury i tym samym dokładniej wyznaczyć naprężenia w konstrukcji.

  • Manifest prysznicowy: jakiej chciałbym sztuki, wideo, wystawa Wolne pokoje: Fiks, Gdańsk 2019
    • Patryk Różycki

    FIKS (wystawa zbiorowa) Przemiany współczesnych społeczeństw i zachwianie poczucia bezpieczeństwa mają swoje odbicie w pewnych zachowaniach jednostek. Wynika to nie rzadko z frustracji, poczucia winy lub lęku. Gdzieś tam na innym poziomie świadomości nawykowe mechanizmy obronne niekoniecznie muszą być patologiczne. Codzine rytualy, metody, różnorodność osobistych tarczy, systemów i amuletów, fazy, cykle, niekończący sie kołowrotek. Zwykły rytm spanko- jedzonko- do pracy/na zajęcia/na bezrobocie. Właściwie wszystko ok dopóki ma się pewność, że jeszcze jest to zdrowa rutyna, a nie błędne koło z którego nie można się wyrwać. Klasyczna forma powtarzalności, bo jakoś trzeba żyć. Jednak telefon nie skrolluje się sam co 15 min. Jak zahipnotyzowani nawet nie pamiętamy, kiedy zaczęliśmy grać w grę, gotowi jednak grać do końca, jak orkiestra na Tytanic’u, kolekcjonować naklejki z Biedronki, a bez pomalowanych paznokci nie wychodzić z domu. Biegnąc jednolitą ścieżką, nie patrzy się na boki i powtarza słowa, którym nigdy nie bylo okazji przysłuchać się uważnie. Niezła wkrętka. Czy setny raz wykonane czynności swoje znaczenie tracą, czy na znaczeniu zyskują? Czym jest forma do której dążymy? Na czym się skupiamy? Czemu się poświęcamy? Co próbujmy kontrolować? O czym zapomnieć? Czym są te przyzwyczajenia? Może mantrą codzienności, która pozwala utrzymać zdrowy rozsądek? Może tracimy zmysły, bo w nawyk weszła kompletnie irracjonalna czynność-niepojęta ale za nic nie mozna z niej zrezygnowac?

  • Mapping knowledge risks: towards a better understanding of knowledge management
    • Susanne Durst
    • Małgorzata Zięba
    2019 Full text Knowledge Management Research & Practice

    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyze potential knowledge risks organizations might face. With the growing complexity of organizational environments and the plethora of new knowledge risks emerging, this critical but under-researched field of knowledge management (KM) deserves closer attention. The study is based on a critical analysis of the extant literature devoted to knowledge risks, discusses potential outcomes of these risks and proposes a concept map of knowledge risks. The map shows a number of knowledge risks organizations should be aware of. Knowledge risks can be assigned to three categories: human, technological and operational. The research is the first systematic and comprehensive review of knowledge risks at the organizational level. By aggregating and consolidating the knowledge risks covered, the study does not only provide a knowledge risk taxonomy but also promising directions for future research. The study also contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of KM.

  • Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration
    • Tomasz Zubowicz
    • Krzysztof Armiński
    • Anna Witkowska
    • Roman Śmierzchalski
    2019 Full text IFAC-PapersOnLine

    This paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.

  • Marine propeller shaft bearings under low-speed conditions: water vs. oil lubrication
    • Wojciech Litwin

    The bearings used in shipbuilding, hydropower, and water pumps have undergone a metamorphosis in recent decades. Because of environmental regulations, lubrication with grease or mineral oil is prohibited. Thus, the standard solutions include water-lubricated bearings with polymer bushings or sealed systems lubricated with oil. When properly designed, assembled, and operated, bearings can operate reliably for years. However, specific operating conditions, such as a low rotational speed of the shaft, may result in intensive wear and premature failure. In this study, four sliding bearings approved for use in shipbuilding were experimentally tested. The test results showed that the choice of the bearing type has a key effect on friction during low-speed operation. Some of the tested bearings had significant static friction with intense slip-stick phenomena; they should not be used in applications requiring low-speed operation.

  • Maritime Communication and Sea Safety of the Future - Machnine-type 5G Communication Concept
    • Małgorzata Gajewska
    2019 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej

    The article presents the concept of a system based on 5G network and M2M communication increasing maritime safety. Generally, the focus was on presenting a proposal for a hierarchical, hybrid, cooperative system with M2M communication coordinated with BAN networks. The possi-ble applications of M2M communication at sea were also presented.

  • Maritime heritage of small port towns of the Polish coast
    • Karolina Krośnicka
    2019 PORTUSPlus

    The article describes problems of the gradual disappearance of real maritime heritage in small Polish port cities. The maritime heritage of small port cities was shaped by coastal processes and urban historical conditions what has led to creation of specific types of landscapes. Special architectural objects of the post-port heritage of small ports of the Polish coast are hydrotechnical constructions (i.e. breakwaters, quays), buildings related to the technical support of ports (masters and bosuns’ offices, SAR buildings, lighthouses), buildings related to the transhipment and shipbuilding activities of ports (warehouses and hangars, silos). Due to the strong tourist pressure, these facilities should be given special attention.

  • Market knowledge and new product performance: the mediating effects of new product performance
    • Dariusz Dąbrowski
    2019 Full text Journal of Business Economics and Management

    Market knowledge is recognised as an important predictor of new product performance, which existing studies have proven. However, a missing link in this relationship is creativity, and specifically, as a natural process in product innovation. This study aims to examine a model that includes two mediating mechanisms between market knowledge scope and two new product outcomes, respectively: a new product’s competitive advantage and its commercial success. In both cases two mediators are used that represent dimensions of creativity – i.e. a product’s meaningfulness and novelty. The model was tested on a sample of 374 Polish medium-high- and high-technology companies using structural equation modelling. The results indicated that market knowledge is transferred to both new product outcomes through new product creativity, albeit somewhat differently. The first mediating mechanism, which explains the factor of competitive advantage, operates only through the indirect effects of both the product’s meaningfulness and its novelty. The second mechanism works directly, through the market knowledge’s effect on commercial success, as well as indirectly, through product meaningfulness. Subsequently, theoretical and managerial implications as well as indications for future research are provided based on these findings.

  • Market orientation and hotel performance: The mediating effect of creative marketing programs
    • Dariusz Dąbrowski
    • Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś
    • Edyta Gołąb-Andrzejak
    • Agnieszka Firgolska
    2019 Full text Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

    This work investigates the indirect effects between market orientation and hotel performance through creative marketing programs. The focus is on exploring the indirect effects between 1) customer orientation, competitor orientation, and cross-functional integration; and 2) hotel financial performance through two aspects of creative marketing programs, namely, novelty and meaningfulness. Through an empirical analysis using structural equation modeling, we discovered four mediation phenomena in the hotel industry: customer orientation positively correlates to a hotel's financial performance through the meaningfulness and novelty of marketing programs, but competitor orientation and cross-functional integration contribute to the hotels' performance only via the meaningfulness of such programs. Furthermore, it was observed that customer orientation plays the most important role in market orientation, in terms of how well a hotel performs. These findings are used to discuss managerial implications and future research directions.

  • Markowitz’s portfolio theory – optimal length of estimation window for gold and the biggests companies on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
    • Marcin Potrykus

    The following article is dedicated to the construction of an investment portfolio consisting of 3 investments from the Polish capital market found in the WIG20 index and from investment in gold. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal length of the estimation window for building a portfolio with minimal risk and maximum efficiency. The length of the estimation window was also assessed in terms of the rate of return and the maximum cumulative loss. Data from 2017 was used to build the portfolio, and the weightings determined for the portfolio based on these data were evaluated using data from 2018 (from January to October). Based on the research, it was found that the optimal length of the estimation window ranges from 144 to 160 daily observations from the past. However, depending on the investment objective (risk minimization or maximization of efficiency) and the characteristics describing the portfolio, other lengths of the estimation window may also be appropriate.

  • Mass Spectrometry-Based Direct Analytical Techniques
    • Renata Marcinkowska
    • Klaudia Pytel
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    Direct analysis of samples is considered as one of the most environmentally sustainable solutions in analytical chemistry. In the ideal case, such solutions do not require sample preparation and analytes separation steps, therefore do not consumpt harmful substances (or consumpt only minimum amounts of them) and do not generate hazardous waste. Technical solutions for direct analysis also offer miniaturized and field-portable analyzers or allow for remote measurements, posing no risk for human health. Among available direct analytical techniques, mass spectrometry-based solutions evolved tremendously in recent years and therefore gained a huge popularity, which fostered their implementation in a wide range of areas of interest. In this chapter, MS-based direct analytical techniques providing environmentally friendly analysis of samples of even complex matrix composition were discussed. They were characterized in the context of principles of measurement, advantages, and limitations as well as fields of their applications. Also, important aspects of their applicability were highlighted. Finally, some future trends in direct analysis field were indicated.

  • Mass transfer in Spinning Fluids Reactor — Measurement and prediction
    • Przemysław Wojewódka
    • Robert Aranowski
    • Christian Jungnickel

    Specific mass transfer area (a) and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) are mass transfer parameters commonly used in the description and comparison of various chemical reactors’ constructions. Determination of these was performed for Spinning Fluids Reactor (SFR). Sodium sulfite oxidation in the presence of cobalt ion catalyst was used for the determination of a and kLa. The a and kLa were successful predicted. Overall, the a and kLa is one order of magnitude larger than any gas liquid contactor to date.

  • Matematyczne spojrzenie na reakcje chemiczne
    • Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk
    2019 Delta

    Modelowanie matematyczne jest pewnego rodzaju sztuką opisywania świata — zarówno w skali mikro jak i makro — za pomocą równań matematycznych (równań różniczkowych, różnicowych czy stochastycznych).

    • Tomasz Kolerski
    • Dominika Kalinowska
    2019 Full text Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus

    Aim of the study This study analyses the efficiency of flood protection in a small urban catchment, based on a system of small reservoirs. Material and methods To assess the flood routing and surge reduction, a mathematical model of the river catchment was implemented. This was a lumped hydrological model, based on the SCS-CN method. Channel routing was performed, using kinematic wave equation. The sub-catchments have been determined based on the topographic maps and rain sewage systems. In the paper, the hydrological model of the water system of Potok Oruński (Oruński Stream) is presented with particular focus on the new and renovated retention structures. Hydrological modelling system of HEC HMS was used to simulate the catchment’s response to precipitation. Thanks to the recently established monitoring system of the Oruński Stream, it was possible to calibrate and validate the model. Single rain episode from April 2018 was used to perform model calibration, proving its high compatibility. The calibrated model was then used to reproduce the flood surge of July 2001, using historical catchment data. The peak discharge demonstrated a need for additional retention in the studied catchment. Theoretical scenarios were also modelled. The precipitation volume was calculated based on the IFS. As a worst-case scenario, the rain producing the most intense surface runoff was included. In all simulations, historical conditions as well the current state (2018) and projected further urbanisation of the catchment were taken into consideration. Results and conclusions Results of the study have shown reduction of the historical flood surge from July 2001 by nearly 60% when all existing flood protection systems were used.

  • Mathematical modeling of hydrogen production performance in thermocatalytic reactor based on the intermetallic phase of Ni3Al
    • Janusz Badur
    • Michał Stajnke
    • Paweł Ziółkowski
    • Paweł Jóźwik
    • Zbigniew Bojar
    • Piotr Ziółkowski
    2019 Full text Archives of Thermodynamics

    The main goal of the following work is to adjust mathematical modelling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 oC at the walls regions. The results of the experiment were compared with CFD calculations to calibrate the constants of the model’s UDFs (User Defined Functions). These extensions allow to transform the calculations mechanisms and algorithms of commercial codes adapting them for the microflows cases and increased chemical reactions rate on an interphase between fluid and solid, specific for catalytic reactions. Results obtained on the way of numerical calculations have been calibrated and compared with the experimental data to receive satisfactory compliance. The model has been verified and the performance of the thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels under hydrogen production regime has been investigated.

  • Mathematical Modeling of Ice Thrusting on the Shore of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and the Proposed Artificial Island
    • Tomasz Kolerski
    • Piotr Zima
    • Michał Szydłowski
    2019 Full text Water

    Coastal lagoons are inland and shallow water bodies, separated from the ocean by a barrier. In cold regions, ice phenomena in shallow water coastal lagoons occur every winter season. Ice is predominantly formed on the surface due to density stratification and surface cooling. The ice dynamics in such areas are dominantly affected by winds. Water dynamics also cause ice movement, but due to the large areal scale of lagoons, the effect is usually limited to the direct vicinity of river estuaries. For open lagoons, which are connected to the sea by straits, tides will also cause significant movement of the ice inside the lagoon. Due to the limitation of ice outflow from a lagoon, ice fields will form ridges or hummocks on the shores. In this paper, the case of the Vistula Lagoon, located on the southern Baltic coast, is analyzed. Currently, the project of a new strait connecting the Baltic Sea with the Vistula Lagoon is in progress. As an effect of extensive dredging for the waterway to the port of Elblag, the material will be disposed of at a Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), which will form an artificial island. The island will be located on the western part of the lagoon, limiting the cross-section by about 20%. In consequence, ice cover pushed by winds blowing along the lagoon will create significant force action on the island banks. The DynaRICE mathematical model has been used to evaluate the ice dynamics and to determine the force produced by the ice on the coasts of the lagoon and the artificial island.

  • Mathematical models of process quality on the example of the bakery industry
    • Radosław Drozd
    • Jan Piwnik
    2019 Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna

    This article presents a new approach to quantitative dimensionless assessment of the efficiency and competitiveness of production processes. New concepts of process quality and relative product quality have been introduced. Process quality was expressed in vector and scalar. The process quality vector ono was expressed by the product of reliability by the vector from the sum of three components taking into account the composition of grammage repeatability and the minimum cost. Two new scalar measures of process quality as a quality vector module and the mixed product of three process base vectors are proposed. A new concept of relative product quality (WJP) was also highlighted. Separability and relationship of both concepts is presented. The assessment method is illustrated by calculations on the example of baking processes carried out at the bakery in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The usefulness of robotization leading to a significant increase in process quality indicators has been demonstrated. New quantitative and vector measures of process quality have been developed that provide the opportunity to build technological, economic and organizational algorithms that lead to innovation and increase in the efficiency of production processes.

  • Matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) as simple and useful sample preparation technique for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust
    • Monika Śmiełowska
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    In the present study a novel analytical procedure for the determination of polybrominated diphenylethers in dust samples was developed.The main aim of the research was the selection of the optimum conditions of the matrix solid-phasedispersion before thefinal determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dust samples. In order toassess the best usefulness of this technique, a favourable ratio of sample amount to the mass ofdispersing sorbent, as well as the type of this sorbent used has been tested. The type of sorbentresponsible for additional purification (clean-up sorbent) of the extract during matrix solid-phasedispersion was also selected. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry will be used at thefinal determination step.Preliminary results indicate that the use of matrix solid-phase dispersion can be a promising alter-native to other time-consuming and multi-stage analytical procedures. The proposed method providedsatisfactory recoveries (76e119%) and limits of detection: 2.1e4.4 pg/mikrogram for tri-heptaBDE in linear rangeof 5e100 pg/mikrogram; 480 pg/mikrogrm for decaBDE in linear range of 500e2000 pg/mikrogram from only 0.05 g of a dustsample. Finally, the method was applied to study the content of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethersin real dust samples.

  • Maturity curve for estimating the in-place strength of high performance concrete
    • Aleksandra Kuryłowicz-Cudowska
    • Marzena Kurpińska
    • Krzysztof Wilde
    2019 Full text MATEC Web of Conferences

    The paper presents the maturity curve for estimating the in-place early-age compressive strength of concrete. The development of appropriate maturity curve is a complex process. It is important to correctly determine the datum temperature and activation energy, which can be obtained in mortar tests. This paper describes an investigation of the accuracy of the maturity method to estimate the strength when different way to rate constant and maturity function are analysed. High performance concrete used for construction of extradosed bridge was tested. The developed curve was implemented to predict the concrete strength at three construction stages, in summer, autumn and early spring.

  • Mądre podejmowanie decyzji w sytuacjach problematycznych poprawiajace wybór rozwiązań
    • Henryk Krawczyk
    • Andrzej Targowski

    Przedstawiono klasyfikację problemów od precyzyjnie zdefiniowanych do intuicyjnie zrozumiałych. Dla tych drugich zaproponowano nowy model wyboru rozwiązań uwzględniający ocenę ich zalet i wad. Rozpatrzono zarówno indywidualne jak i zespołowe procedury podejmowania takich decyzji. Zasygnalizowano możliwości występowania nierozstrzygalnych sytuacji, które wymagają mądrych ludzkich działań. Sprowadzają się one do wyboru właściwej metody uzgadniania ocen analizowanych rozwiązań, jak też do otwartości pozwalającej na uwzględnienie w takiej ocenie wszystkich racjonalnych kontrargumentów. Podkreślono,ze świat wirtualny daje szanse na pozyskanie wiedzy o tego typu działaniach, co może ułatwić poznawanie ludzkiej madrości.

  • Measurement Stand and Methodology for Research of the Off-Body and Body-to-Body Radio Channels in WBANs with Different Diversity Schemes
    • Sławomir Ambroziak
    2019 Full text International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

    The concept of an experimental test bed for system loss and channel impulse response measurements for off-body and body-to-body radio channels in wireless body area networks (WBANs) is fully described. The possible measurement scenarios that may occur in investigation of off-body and body-to-body channels are classified and described in detail. Additionally, an evaluation is provided of the standard and expanded uncertainties of the presented measurement stand and methodology. Finally, the exemplary results are presented and discussed, in order to point out the need for further investigations of different diversity schemes and their applications in WBANs.

  • Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening
    • Andrzej Ambroziak
    2019 Full text Archives of Civil Engineering

    The aim of the research is laboratory investigation of aluminium brackets employed to fasten lightweight curtain walls to building facilities. Tensile loads perpendicular to end plates (vertical) were applied here. The author focused on the solutions intended to increase the load-carrying capacity of aluminium brackets applying the plain washer form A (DIN 125; ISO 7089), plain washer with an outer diameter about 3d (DIN 9021; ISO 7093) and additional cover plates (straps) in the location of bolt anchoring on the base plate. The aluminium brackets were tested on a steel base and concrete substrate. The flexibility of anchoring strongly affects the increase of the end plate middle point displacement and movable crosshead displacement.

  • Mechanical properties of the human stomach under uniaxial stress action
    • Grzegorz Rotta
    • Jarosław Kobiela
    • Szymon Grymek
    • Magdalena Karczewska-Wysocka
    2019 Full text CURRENT SCIENCE

    The aim of this study was to estimate the range of mechanical properties of the human stomach in order to use the collected data in numerical modelling of surgical stapling during resections of the stomach. The biomedical tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine. Twenty-two fresh human stomach specimens were used for the experimental study of its general strength. The specimens were obtained from morbidly obese patients on whom sleeve gastrectomy was performed. Finally, data on mechanical properties of the stomach wall with detailed analysis of anatomical regions of the stomach have been presented.

  • Mechanical properties of two-stage concrete modified by silica fume
    • Hakim Abdelgader
    • Roman Fediuk
    • Marzena Kurpińska
    • Jamal Elkhatib
    • G. Murali
    • A.v. Baranov
    • R.a. Timokhin
    2019 Full text Magazine of Civil Engineering [ Инженерно-строительный журнал (Inzhenerno-stroitelnyy zhurnal) ]

    Abstract. Two-stage concretes, despite the fact that they have proven themselves in various types of construction, have not been studied to the same extent as traditional heavy concretes. Therefore, the article developed the composition of frame concrete with various additives in the composition of the cement-sand mortar. A comparison of the mechanical characteristics of the developed compositions with the addition of silica fume (SF) and superplasticizer (SP) in various combinations. In addition, test specimens were prepared with combinations of water/cement ratios of 0.45, 0.55, and 0.85, and cement/sand ratios of 0.5, 1, and 1.5. A total of 36 mixtures were prepared, silica fume was introduced as a partial replacement of cement in the amount of 6 wt.%. And a superplasticizer equal to 1.2 % of the cement content was added to the water. Compressive strength tests on two-stage concrete cylinders were carried out in accordance with ASTM-C873 and ASTM-C943. Tensile strength was also tested on 3 samples of each composition in accordance with the procedure described in ASTM-C496/C496M. As a result, the development of the strength of two-stage concrete for 7, 28 and 120 days was studied. It was found that the overall compressive strength of the twostage concrete based on SF, SP and SF + SP was higher than in concrete without any additives. At the same time, the modified concrete has higher strength properties, because it provides better contact due to expansion, as well as by reducing the water-cement ratio in grout. The results obtained allow to design a cement-sand mortar capable of filling all the voids between the coarse aggregate, thereby creating a dense structure of two-stage concrete.

  • Mechanics of mesh implanted into abdominal wall under repetitive load. Experimental and numerical study
    • Agnieszka Tomaszewska
    • Izabela Lubowiecka
    • Czesław Szymczak

    There are a number of papers discussing medical and mechanical aspects of ventral hernia management. Despite intensive work on the problem understanding, recurrences of the sickness still happen too often. For that reason new aspects of the problem must be considered. In this paper, a change in the abdominal implant’s stiffness is discussed, which is caused by cyclic loading. Such loading influence abdominal implant e.g. while patient’s coughing or exercising. For the first time this stiffness change is quantitatively described for a selected knitted mesh. The influence of mesh stiffness changes on repaired hernia persistence is studied. Then, ex vivo experiments on a repaired hernia model under cyclic pressure loading are performed. Finally, numerical simulations of the experiments are made in which stresses and forces in the system are calculated. The two following cases are considered. In the first case, the mesh has its baseline stiffness, and in the second case, the mesh is preconditioned by former loading; thus, it is stiffened. Reaction forces at the mesh fixation points appear to be approximately two-fold higher in the second case than in the first case. That may be a reason for a fixation damage in operated hernia system. The results presented shed new light on the necessary strength of mesh fixation in the abdominal wall. They enlarge the state of the art on laparoscopic hernia management with the use of a synthetic implant.

  • Mechanizmy mocowe na rynkach energii elektrycznej
    • Paweł Bućko
    2019 Full text Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    W artykule scharakteryzowano rozliczenia mocowe związane z dostawą energii elektrycznej. Opisano najważniejsze mechanizmy mocowe, skupiając się głównie na rozwiązaniach stosowanych w krajach europejskich. Na tym tle przedstawiono zasady funkcjonowania rynku mocy w Polsce. Omówiono wyniki pierwszych aukcji krajowych. Wskazano na możliwy wpływ funkcjonowania rynku mocy na rynek energii elektrycznej.

  • Mechatronics design, modelling and controlling of the Stewart-Gough platform
    • Dawid Owoc
    • Krzysztof Ludwiczak
    • Robert Piotrowski

    This paper presents a mechatronics design of a low cost Stewart-Gough platform (SGP) with rotary actuators. The designed SGP is supposed to be applied in a ball & plate control system. The synthesis of the ball & plate control system is also within the subject of the paper. A mechatronics design process of the SGP was conducted with computer-aided design (CAD) software. Unique analytical solutions of an inverse kinematics problem (IKP) of the SGP were presented for both prismatic actuators and rotary actuators. Five geometry constants which affect the final range of movement of the SGP were defined. An interactive movable 3D model of the SGP was created. The 3D model was used to test a range of movement of the SGP and to detect a potential crossing of elements during their motion. A mathematical model of a ball & plate system was designed. A control synthesis was conducted with rapid control prototyping using the MATLAB environment. A prototyped and implemented control law was based on two proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers.

  • Medical-Grade PCL Based Polyurethane System for FDM 3D Printing—Characterization and Fabrication
    • Agnieszka Haryńska
    • Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
    • Agnieszka Sulowska
    • Iga Gubańska
    • Marcin Kostrzewa
    • Helena Janik
    2019 Full text Materials

    The widespread use of three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies in medicine has contributed to the increased demand for 3D printing materials. In addition, new printing materials that are appearing in the industry do not provide a detailed material characterization. In this paper, we present the synthesis and characterization of polycaprolactone (PCL) based medical-grade thermoplastic polyurethanes, which are suitable for forming in a filament that is dedicated to Fused Deposition Modeling 3D (FDM 3D)printers. For this purpose, we synthesized polyurethane that is based on PCL and 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) with a different isocyanate index NCO:OH (0.9:1, 1.1:1). Particular characteristics of synthesized materials included, structural properties (FTIR, Raman), thermal (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)), mechanical and surfaces (contact angle) properties. Moreover, pre-biological tests in vitro and degradation studies were also performed. On the basis of the conducted tests, a material with more desirable properties S-TPU(PCL)0.9 was selected and the optimization of filament forming via melt-extrusion process was described. The initial biological test showed the biocompatibility of synthesized S-TPU(PCL)0.9 with respect to C2C12 cells. It was noticed that the process of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) filaments forming by extrusion was significantly influenced by the appropriate ratio between the temperature profile, rotation speed, and dosage ratio.

  • Medium-sized cyclic bis(anisylphosphonothioyl)- disulfanes and their corresponding cyclic sulfane-structures and most characteristic reactions
    • Witold Przychodzeń
    • Jarosław Chojnacki
    • Łukasz Nierzwicki

    Cyclic 8-, 9-, 10-, and 12-membered bis(anisylphosphonothioyl)disulfanes were synthesized. Next, structurally related 7 to 9-membered cis and trans sulfanes were isolated as a result of sulfur atom extrusion from the parent cyclic disulfanes. The results of the desulfurization of the disulfanes were compared to the results obtained for desulfurization of the respective bis(anisylphosphodithioates). Cyclic disulfanes predominantly provide trans-sulfanes, and the expansion of their ring sizes causes the cis/trans isomer ratio of the cyclic sulfanes to increase. Moreover, bis(anisylphosphodithioates) mainly afford cis-sulfanes, and the cis/trans isomer ratio is greater than 3 : 1. Mechanistic and stereochemical aspects of cyclic disulfane desulfurization have been presented. Although cis-sulfanes are more stable than their respective trans isomers, the cyclisation is a kinetically controlled reaction, which results in predominance of trans-sulfanes in the case of trans-disulfane desulfurization. Disulfanes exhibit thermal and solvolytic stability. A characteristic persistent deep-blue coloration of methanolic ammonia solutions is an unusual feature of cyclic disulfanes. The mechanism of their ammonolysis has been studied and has been compared to that of the respective reaction performed on acyclic disulfanes. Ammonia solution of an acyclic disulfane is colourless. Detailed X-ray analysis was performed for all trans-disulfanes and cis- and trans-sulfanes. They were compared to each other and to their acyclic or cyclic known analogs that comprise common subunits. 8-, 9-, 10-, and 12-membered disulfanes exist as trans isomers exclusively both in the solid state and in solution. They are more stable than their hypothetical cis isomers. The PSSP torsion angles of cyclic disulfanes lie in the range of 94 - 125o and increase with the size of the ring. The greater stability of the cis-sulfanes can be ascribed to the characteristic anisyl–anisyl stacking. Weak hydrogen bonds (CH. . .O/S) play a role in conformational stabilization and intermolecular interactions. The conformations of cyclic disulfanes and cyclic sulfanes were also preserved in solution. A Karplus relationship has been established between the dihedral angles and vicinal H–P coupling constants for all disulfanes and sulfanes. The effects of solvent on the 1H NMR chemical shifts (ASIS) were associated with the dipole moments of the sulfanes.

  • Meeting Modernisms in Gdynia
    • Robert Hirsch
    • Ana Maria Zachariade
    • Karol Giełdon
    2019 Full text Studies in History and Theory of Architecture-Studii de Istoria si Teoria Arhitecturii

    The paper focused on the architectural heritage of the city of Gdynia, in Poland, built in 1920s and 1930s. The city was established (founded) on the seaside of the Baltic Sea as the only port of Poland – a country that regained independence after Versailles Treaty. The history of the city, built from scratch is outstanding in Europe. Modernist architecture of the city is represented by buildings built for different purposes: housing, public and industrial. The main part of the city is the City Centre, protected as the Monument of History (the highest distinction in Polish law) and inscribed in Tentative List of UNESCO in 2019. Due to the history, the urban layout of the City Centre, designed in 1920s, is the unique example of modernist ideas embodied in reality.

  • Meso‐scale analyses of size effect in brittle materials using DEM
    • Jan Suchorzewski
    • Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
    • Michał Nitka
    • Jerzy Bobiński
    2019 Full text GRANULAR MATTER

    The paper describes numerical meso-scale results of a size effect on strength, brittleness and fracture in brittle materials like concrete. The discrete element method (DEM) was used to simulate the size effect during quasi-static splitting tension with the experimental-based meso-structure. The two-dimensional (2D) calculations were carried out on concrete cylindrical specimens with two diameters wherein two different failure modes occurred (quasi-brittle and very brittle with the snap-back instability). Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and macro-voids, based on x-ray micro-CT-images of the real concrete meso-structure. Attention was paid to the effect of the different specimen diameter on both the strength, brittleness and fracture pattern. Each internal energy component was analyzed in the fracture process zone and beyond it, and compared for the different post-peak behaviour of concrete. The evolutions of the number of broken contacts, coordination number, crack displace - ments and normal contact forces were also shown. Of specific interest was the fracture initiation and formation of two dif - ferent failure modes. Next, the 2D DEM results of a size effect for 4 different specimen diameters were directly compared with corresponding experiments from the research literature. The experimental size effect was realistically reproduced in numerical calculations, i.e. the concrete strength and ductility decreased with increasing concrete specimen diameter. The calculated decreasing strength approached an asymptote with increasing cylindrical specimen diameter within the considered specimen size range.

  • Method for Clustering of Brain Activity Data Derived from EEG Signals
    • Adam Kurowski
    • Katarzyna Mrozik
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    A method for assessing separability of EEG signals associated with three classes of brain activity is proposed. The EEG signals are acquired from 23 subjects, gathered from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes. Data are processed by applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the signal analysis and an autoencoder neural network for the brain activity separation. Processing involves 74 wavelets from 3 DWT families: Coiflets, Daubechies and Symlets. Euclidean distance between clusters normalized with respect to the standard deviation of the whole set of data are used to separate each task performed by participants. The results of this stage allow for an assessment of separability between subsets of data associated with each activity performed by experiment participants. The speed of convergence of the training process employing deep learning-based clustering is also measured.

  • Method of Decision-Making Logic Discovery in the Business Process Textual Data
    • Nina Rizun
    • Aleksandra Revina
    • Vera Meister
    2019 Full text

    Growing amount of complexity and enterprise data creates a need for novel business process (BP) analysis methods to assess the process optimization opportunities. This paper proposes a method of BP analysis while extracting the knowledge about Decision-Making Logic (DML) in a form of taxonomy. In this taxonomy, researchers consider the routine, semi-cognitive and cognitive DML levels as functions of BP conceptual aspects of Resources, Techniques, Capacities, and Choices. Preliminary testing and evaluation of developed method using data set of entry ticket texts from the IT Helpdesk domain showed promising results in the identification and classification of the BP Decision-Making Logic.

  • Method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without nuisance tripping of RCDs in 3-phase low-voltage circuits
    • Stanisław Czapp
    2019 Full text Metrology and Measurement Systems

    Verification of electrical safety in low-voltage power systems includes the measurement of earth fault loop impedance. This measurement is performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against indirect contact. The widespread classic methods and meters use a relatively high value of the measuring current (5–20) A, so that they are a source of nuisance tripping of residual current devices (RCDs). The meters dedicated to circuits with RCDs usually use an extremely low value of current (lower than 15 mA), which in many cases it is not acceptable in terms of the measurement accuracy. This paper presents a method of earth fault loop impedance measurement in 3-phase circuits, without nuisance tripping of RCDs – the concept of measurement, the meter structure and the experimental validation. The nuisance tripping is avoided in spite of the use of measuring current value many times higher than that of the rated residual current of RCDs. The main advantage of the proposed method is the possibility of creating values of measuring current in a very wide range, what is very important with regard to accuracy of the measurement.

  • Method of selecting programming practices for the safety-critical software development projects
    • Katarzyna Łukasiewicz
    2019 Full text

    In recent years a plan-driven approach traditionally used in safety-critical software development has been put to a test by rapidly changing technologies, more diverse group of clients and volatile market requirements. The need to deliver good quality systems, faster and at lower cost in comparison to competitors encouraged companies to look for more efficient solutions. Agile methodologies are known to successfully address these issues for small, non-critical projects. Presumably agile practices can reduce both cost and time to market when applied to safety-critical projects as well. While benefits can be significant, the main concern are quality and safety assurance. Plan-driven methodologies provide tools for such purpose, which agile methodologies in their pure form lack. The challenge that arises is to elaborate a more easily available and ready-to-use solution that would help safety-critical organizations to streamline their processes with agile practices and to maintain accordance with safety standards and certifications. The goal of the research described in this work was to develop an approach aimed at facilitating the introduction of a more agile approach to the software development process, depending on the characteristics of the project, while maintaining compliance with the required safety standards and regulations, and the AgileSafe method presented in this thesis is the main result of this research. The information about project and about the regulatory context constraining the project and its product are the inputs to the method. User is guided through two main processes of AgileSafe: process which selects the specifications of software development practices to be applied in the Project and a process which results in the set of assurance arguments corresponding to the regulations included in the regulatory context. The two main processes of AgileSafe reflect the main objectives of AgileSafe: to support a hybrid approach to software development based on the tailored practices and to support continuous monitoring of conformance to the mandatory regulatory requirements. In order to further improve the method and tailor its advice to the User’s needs more accurately, the knowledge stored in the method should be reviewed and updated regularly. To validate the proposed AgileSafe method, in the course of the research, three case studies have been conducted in addition to interviews and questionnaires with participation of experts.

  • Method-Dependent Epidemiological Cutoff Values for Detection of Triazole Resistance in Candida and Aspergillus Species for the Sensititre YeastOne Colorimetric Broth and Etest Agar Diffusion Methods
    • A. Espinel-Ingroff
    • J. Turnidge
    • A. Alastruey-Izquierdo
    • F. Botterel
    • E. Canton
    • C. Castro
    • Y.-C. Chen
    • Y. Chen
    • E. Chryssanthou
    • E. Dannaoui
    • G. Garcia-Effron
    • G. M. Gonzalez
    • N. P. Govender
    • J. Guinea
    • S. Kidd
    • M. Lackner
    • C. Lass-Flörl
    • M. J. Linares-Sicilia
    • L. López-Soria
    • R. Magobo
    • T. Pelaez
    • G. Quindós
    • M. A. Rodriguez-Iglesia
    • M. A. Ruiz
    • F. Sánchez-Reus
    • M. Sanguinetti
    • R. Shields
    • Piotr Szweda
    • A. Tortorano
    • N. L. Wengenack
    • S. Bramati
    • C. Cavanna
    • C. DeLuca
    • M. Gelmi
    • A. Grancini
    • G. Lombardi
    • J. Meletiadis
    • C. E. Negri
    • M. Passera
    • J. Peman
    • A. Prigitano
    • E. Sala
    • M. Tejada

    Although the Sensititre Yeast-One (SYO) and Etest methods are widely utilized, interpretive criteria are not available for triazole susceptibility testing of Candida or Aspergillus species. We collected fluconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole SYO and Etest MICs from 39 laboratories representing all continents for (method/agent-dependent) 11,171 Candida albicans, 215 C. dubliniensis, 4,418 C. glabrata species complex, 157 C. guilliermondii (Meyerozyma guilliermondii), 676 C. krusei (Pichia kudriavzevii), 298 C. lusitaniae (Clavispora lusitaniae), 911 C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 3,691 C. parapsilosis species complex, 36 C. metapsilosis, 110 C. orthopsilosis, 1,854 C. tropicalis, 244 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 1,409 Aspergillus fumigatus, 389 A. flavus, 130 A. nidulans, 233 A. niger, and 302 A. terreus complex isolates. SYO/Etest MICs for 282 confirmed non-wild-type (non-WT) isolates were included: ERG11 (C. albicans), ERG11 and MRR1 (C. parapsilosis), cyp51A (A. fumigatus), and CDR2 and CDR1 overexpression (C. albicans and C. glabrata, respectively). Interlaboratory modal agreement was superior by SYO for yeast species and by the Etest for Aspergillus spp. Distributions fulfilling CLSI criteria for epidemiological cutoff value (ECV) definition were pooled, and we proposed SYO ECVs for S. cerevisiae and 9 yeast and 3 Aspergillus species and Etest ECVs for 5 yeast and 4 Aspergillus species. The posaconazole SYO ECV of 0.06 µg/ml for C. albicans and the Etest itraconazole ECV of 2 µg/ml for A. fumigatus were the best predictors of non-WT isolates. These findings support the need for method-dependent ECVs, as, overall, the SYO appears to perform better for susceptibility testing of yeast species and the Etest appears to perform better for susceptibility testing of Aspergillus spp. Further evaluations should be conducted with more Candida mutants.

  • Methodology for assessing end-user requirements in the Ella4Life project: elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring
    • Mariusz Kaczmarek
    • Magdalena Velciu
    • Luiza Spiru
    • Adam Bujnowski
    • Aleksey Andrushevich
    • Edith Birrer

    The purpose of this paper is to explore elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring and using specially developed sensor technology for measuring health indicators. The qualitative research method is focus-groups with guidelines that were designed for understanding elder’s requirements about monitoring health indicators. We present them two devices: the first sensor is a device for monitoring of cardiac action potential fixed into an armchair, the second sensor for monitoring vital signs is placed in a bathtub. The people express their needs and expectations regarding the idea of having sensors for monitoring health indicators and body movement in their own house.

  • Methodology for Processing of 3D Multibeam Sonar Big Data for Comparative Navigation
    • Andrzej Stateczny
    • Wioleta Błaszczak-bąk
    • Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska
    • Weronika Motyl
    • Marta Wiśniewska
    2019 Full text Remote Sensing

    Autonomous navigation is an important task for unmanned vehicles operating both on the surface and underwater. A sophisticated solution for autonomous non-global navigational satellite system navigation is comparative (terrain reference) navigation. We present a method for fast processing of 3D multibeam sonar data to make depth area comparable with depth areas from bathymetric electronic navigational charts as source maps during comparative navigation. Recording the bottom of a channel, river, or lake with a 3D multibeam sonar data produces a large number of measuring points. A big dataset from 3D multibeam sonar is reduced in steps in almost real time. Usually, the whole data set from the results of a multibeam echo sounder results are processed. In this work, new methodology for processing of 3D multibeam sonar big data is proposed. This new method is based on the stepwise processing of the dataset with 3D models and isoline maps generation. For faster products generation we used the optimum dataset method which has been modified for the purposes of bathymetric data processing. The approach enables detailed examination of the bottom of bodies of water and makes it possible to capture major changes. In addition, the method can detect objects on the bottom, which should be eliminated during the construction of the 3D model. We create and combine partial 3D models based on reduced sets to inspect the bottom of water reservoirs in detail. Analyses were conducted for original and reduced datasets. For both cases, 3D models were generated in variants with and without overlays between them. Tests show, that models generated from reduced dataset are more useful, due to the fact, that there are significant elements of the measured area that become much more visible, and they can be used in comparative navigation. In fragmentary processing of the data, the aspect of present or lack of the overlay between generated models did not relevantly influence the accuracy of its height, however, the time of models generation was shorter for variants without overlay.

  • Methodology of research on the impact of ramp metering on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
    • Jacek Oskarbski
    • Karol Żarski

    The methods currently used to assess the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services on traffic safety and efficiency are mainly based on expert assessments, statistical studies or traffic models that need further development. There is no structured, uniform evaluation method to compare the impact of different ITS services and their different configurations. The impact of ITS deployment on the road network adjacent to motorways or expressways is usually not taken into account for simulation studies. The approach presented in the paper takes into account the impact of ITS deployment on road traffic efficiency and safety in areas including major roads and alternative routes. The paper presents a methodology for testing the effectiveness of the implementation of a selected ITS service, which is ramp metering. An approach has been applied in which the impact of ITS services is analyzed with the use of a test road network in macro, meso and microscopic transport models. The evaluation of solutions was carried out on the basis of key traffic efficiency indicators. Surrogate measures were used for the assessment of the impact of ramp metering on road traffic safety.

  • Methods of assaying volatile oxygenated organic compounds in effluent samples by gas chromatography—A review
    • Patrycja Makoś
    • Andrzej Przyjazny
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    The paper is a review of the procedures for the determination of volatile and semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds (O-VOCs) in effluent samples by gas chromatography. Current trends and outlook for individual steps of the procedure for the determination of O-VOCs in effluents are discussed. The available sample preparation techniques and their limitations are described along with GC capillary columns used for O-VOCs separation and selective and universal detectors used for their determination. The results of determination of O-VOC content in various types of real effluents are presented. The lack of legal regulations regarding the presence of the majority of O-VOCs is pointed out as well as the availability of just a few procedures allowing a comprehensive evaluation of the O-VOC content in effluents.

  • Methods of Assessing Degradation of Supercapacitors by Using Various Measurement Techniques
    • Stanisław Galla
    • Arkadiusz Szewczyk
    • Janusz Smulko
    • Patryk Przygocki
    2019 Full text Applied Sciences-Basel

    This article presents the qualitative analyses of the construction of supercapacitor samples. The analyses are based on the suggested thermographic measurements as well as the technique of testing the inherent noise of the investigated element. The indicated assessment methods have been referred to the currently used parameters for the qualitative evaluation of supercapacitors. The approach described in this paper, which introduces additional parameters assessing worn out of supercapacitors, can be included in the so-called non-invasive measurement methods, which allow the assessment of the condition of the sample under test. This article presents the applied measurement stands and verifies of the applicability of measurement methods in relation to the currently used parameters allowing for the qualitative assessment of supercapacitors. The measurement method presented in this article was used to study prototypes of supercapacitors. The measurement results allow for more accurate characterization of the observed element. Conducted tests revealed, at the same time, that one of the proposed evaluation methods, based on measurements of inherent noise of tested supercapacitors, is a method predicting their degradation.