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Uszkodzenia ścian konstrukcyjnych wielorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego spowodowane błędami projektowymi i wykonawczymi
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
- Tomasz Majewski
W artykule przedstawiono opis usterek i uszkodzeń wewnętrznych przegród pionowych wielorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego które powstały w wyniku popełnionych błędów projektowych i wykonawczych związanych z przyjmowaniem zbrojenia przeciwskurczowego. Przedstawiono koncepcję rozwiązania projektowego remontu ścian w celu doprowadzenia ich do właściwego stanu technicznego
Utilization of ionic liquids for the enrichment of biogas
- Bartosz Dębski
- Maciej Gadaj
- Andreas Haenel
This article discusses the dependence of biogas composition on organic feed material. High amounts of CO2 decrease the calorific value of biogas. Several technologies are reviewed which can be used to increase the calorific value. Special emphasis is laid on ionic liquids as a new absorbing material. ILs have a number of advantages due to their unique properties such as: low melting point, high thermal conductivity, no flammability, high decomposition temperature and low volatility. It has been proven that ionic liquids are compounds which act selectively, forming a stable liquid membrane. Furthermore, the structure of ILs can be modified in order to improve their CO2 absorption capacity by physical interaction and even by chemisorption.
Uwagi na marginesie artykułu Adama Moleckiego Rozwój autobusów elektrycznych w oparciu o istniejące sieci tramwajowe
- Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
- Marcin Połom
W numerze 12/2014 niniejszego czasopisma został opublikowany artykuł Adama Moleckiego pt. "Rozwój autobusów elektrycznych w oparciu o istniejące sieci tramwajowe" [4]. Autor w swoich rozważaniach sformułował tezę o zasadności rozwijania elektrycznego transportu mieksjiego - autobusów elektrycznych - w opraciu o istniejącą infrastrukturę tramwajową lub trolejbusową. W niniejszym artykule, na tle rozważań teoretycznych, rozszerzono zagadnienia prezentowane w przywołanym tekście.
Uwagi na marginesie projektów kanalizacji
- Ziemowit Suligowski
Podstawowe problemy rozbudowy kanalizacji w Polsce. Zasadnicze znaczenie procesu przygotowania inwestycji, podstawowy problem to zachowanie akceptowalnego poziomu cen przy spełnieniu wymagań w zakresie sprawności technicznej. Głównym problemem właściwej realizacji oraz późniejszej eksploatacji jest określenie warunków posadowienia (również ich przyszłych zmian) i dostosowanie do nich rozwiązań technicznych. Błędy procesu inwestycyjnego, poziom inwestora i niska jakość nadzoru inwestorskiego. Konieczność zaostrzenia wymagań. Specyfika współczesnych technologii, problemy odorów oraz bezpieczeństwa pracy pompowni.
Uwarunkowania polityki energetycznej województwa pomorskiego
- Krystyna Gomółka
Województwo pomorskie, leżące w północnej części Polski, ma charakter przemy - słowo-rolniczy. W 2013 r. zakłady przemysłowe położone na tym terenie wprowadziły do atmosfery 6900 ton gazów i 2800 ton pyłów. Największymi trucicielami są elektrociepłownie wytwarzające energię z wykorzystaniem węgla kamiennego i brunatnego. W dokumentach polityki energetycznej UE zapowiedziano zmniejszenie zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych o 20% oraz udział 20% energii z odnawialnych źródeł do 2020 r. w bilansie energetycznym. Założenia te znalazły odzwierciedlenie w dokumentach krajowych i regionalnych. Ich realizacja podjęta przez samorząd województwa polega na włączeniu biomasy do procesu wytwarzania energii cieplnej, zmniejszeniu jej zużycia przez termomodernizację budynków, rozbudowie alternatywnych źródeł energii w po - staci: elektrowni wiatrowych, wykorzystania paneli słonecznych, biogazu i energii geotermalnej oraz użyciu ekopaliw w transporcie. Dynamika przemian w polityce energetycznej w województwie pomorskim może przyczynić się do szybkiego osiągnięcia unijnych zaleceń.
Uwarunkowania rozwoju polskich firm shipchandlerskich. Analiza krytycznych czynników wzrostu w odniesieniu do Neptun Ship Service Ltd.
- Krzysztof Zięba
W ekspertyzie dokonano analizy krytycznych czynników wzrostu dla firmy Neptun Ship Service Ltd.
Uwarunkowania techniczne prac remontowych modernistycznych kamienic gdyńskich
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
W artykule przedstawiono opis rozwiązan konstrukcyjnych stosowanych podczas realizacji czynszowych, modernistycznych kamienic gdyńskich które w stanie istniejącym są powodem licznych problemów eksploatacyjnych oraz ograniczają w sposób istotny możliwości przebudowy budynków
Uwarunkowania techniczne prac remontowych modernistycznych kamienic gdyńskich
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
W artykule przedstawiono przykłady rozwiązań konstrukcyjno-materiałowych przedwojennych wielorodzinnych budynków mieszkalnych realizowanych w Gdyni na terenie dzielnicy Działki Leśne które obecnie, w czasie prowadzenia prac remontowo-modernizacyjnych powodują powstawanie znacznych utrudnień wydłużając czas robót budowlanych oraz generując dodatkowe koszty. Na przykładzie fundamentów, stropów oraz murów zewnętrznych omówiono koncepcje projektowe umożliwiające usunięcie części występujących usterek.
Uziemienia w zespołach elektrowni wiatrowych
- Stanisław Wojtas
W pracy jest omawiana problematyka budowy systemów uziemień na farmach elektrowni wiatrowych. Uziemienia poszczególnych elektrowni są wykorzystywane jako elementy systemu ochrony odgromowej oraz układu ochrony od porażeń otoczenia elektrowni wiatrowej. Farmy elektrowni są często umieszczane na gruntach o wysokiej rezystywności, co utrudnia realizację skutecznych systemów uziemień elektrowni. Trudność może napotykać zwłaszcza wykonanie uziemienia do celów ochrony od porażeń w przypadku znacznych spodziewanych prądów zwarć doziemnych po stronie sieci średniego napięcia wyprowadzającej energię z elektrowni. Uzyskana wartość rezystancji uziemienia spełniająca wymagania norm ochrony odgromowej może okazać się niewystarczająca dla skutecznej ochrony od porażeń. Przeprowadzone obliczenia symulacyjne wskazują, że w takich przypadkach pomocnymi mogą okazać się uziomy w postaci długich układów poziomych łączących poszczególne elektrownie farmy wiatrowej.
Valence and Ionic Lowest-Lying Electronic States of Isobutyl Formate Studied by High-Resolution Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoabsorption, Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Ab Initio Calculations
- Małgorzata Śmiałek-Telega
- Marta Łabuda
- Julien Guthmuller
- S.v. Hoffmam
- Nykola C. Jones
- M. MacDonald
- L. Zuin
- Nigel J. Mason
- P. Limao-Vieira
The highest resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of isobutyl formate, C5H10O2, yet reported is presented over the energy range 4.5−10.7 eV (275.5−118.0 nm) revealing several new spectral features. Valence and Rydberg transitions and their associated vibronic series observed in the photoabsorption spectrum have been assigned in accordance with new ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths. Calculations have also been carried out to determine the ionization energies and fine structure of the lowest ionic state of isobutyl formate and are compared with a newly recorded photoelectron spectrum (from 9.0 to 27.0 eV). The value of the first ionization energy was determined to be 10.508 eV (adiabatic) and 10.837 eV (vertical). New vibrational structure is observed in the first photoelectron band, predominantly resulting from C−O and CO stretches of the molecule. The photoabsorption cross sections have been used to calculate the photolysis lifetime of isobutyl formate in the upper stratosphere (20−50 km), indicating that the hydroxyl radical processes will be the main loss process for isobutyl formate.
Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of small esters studied by high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
- Małgorzata Śmiałek-Telega
- Marta Łabuda
- Julien Guthmuller
- Søren Hoffmann
- Nykola C. Jones
- Michael MacDonald
- Lucia Zuin
- Marie-Jeanne Hubin-Franskin
- Jacques Delwiche
- Denis Duflot
- Nigel J. Mason
- P. Limao-Vieira
Esters are an important class of oxygenated volatile organic compounds used in food flavorings, perfumes and other cosmetic products. They are present in fruits and pheromones and are emitted to the atmosphere naturally. Esters are also formed in the atmosphere as a product of the oxidation of ethers. Some of them form poly-molecule chains and are used in plastics. Phosphoesters form DNA backbone, while nitroesters are known for their explosive character. Some small ester molecules were reported to be found in the interstellar space. It was also shown that esters may be a product of hydroxyl radical-initiated oxidation of various ethers in troposphere.
Validation of atmospheric aerosols parallel sampling in a multifold device
- Cristina Maria Oliveira
- M.f. Camoes
- Paulina Bigus
- A.a. Fachado
- R.b. Silva
In this work, particulate matter was collected using an active sampling system consisting of a PM10 (<10 μm) inlet coupled to a multifold device containing six channels, connected to a vacuum pump. Each channel was equipped with a filter holder fitted with adequately chosen filters. The system was fixed on a metallic structure, which was placed on the roof of the laboratory building, at the Faculty of Sciences, in Lisbon. Sampling took place under flow-controlled conditions. Aerosols were extracted from the filters with water, in defined conditions, and the water-soluble fraction was quantified by ion chromatography (IC) for the determination of inorganic anions (Cl−, NO3 − and SO4 2−). Equivalent sampling through the various channels was validated. Validation was based on the metrological compatibility of the content results for the various filters. Ion masses are metrologically equivalent when their absolute difference is smaller than the respective expanded uncertainty.When this condition is verified, the studied multifold device produces equivalent samples.
Value of Age Diversity – Declarations and Practice in Polish Organizations
- Katarzyna Stankiewicz
The present article relates to management of age diverse teams in organisations and enterprises located in Poland. Managing diversity is an active and conscious process leading not only to a lack of discriminatory conduct but above all to making full use of the potential of the team. The potential resulting from the diversity of knowledge, skills and experience. The diversity of the age of the team members is in fact a differentiation of this exact type, which in addition allows for not only using but also transferring unique competences and rich experience. Past studies promoting age diversity management often emphasized the need to implement such solutions due to ‘demographic coercion’. Without denying the consequences of demographic changes, the present study focuses not on necessity (weak age management practices) but on the possibility to use the diversity of the team to achieve the goals of the organization (strong age management practices). The need for such research is often emphasized in the literature (Kunze, Boehm and Bruch, 2011, 2013; Bieling, Stock and Dorozalla, 2015) The main aim of the study presented in this article was to examine the awareness of the value of age diversity among the human resources management professionals employed by enterprises and organizations located in Poland, as well as to confront it with the actual activities related to management of age diverse teams in these organizations. The test results indicate that, while most respondents declare their awareness of the value of age diverse teams, they are definitely less likely to implement actual activities related to the management of such teams. It can therefore be concluded that the most common form of management in this area is weak age diversity management practice characterized by only fulfilling legal requirements related to nondiscrimination.
Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters
- Jarosław Guziński
- Haitham Abu-Rub
- Patrick Strankowski
The advance of variable speed drives systems (VSDs) engineering highlights the need of specific technical guidance provision by electrical machines and drives manufacturers, so that such applications can be properly designed to present advantages in terms of both energy efficiency and expenditure. This book presents problems and solutions related to inverter-fed electrical motors. Practically orientated, the book describes the reasons, theory and analysis of those problems. Various solutions for individual problems are presented together with the complete design process, modelling and simulation examples with MATLAB/Simulink on the companion website. A key focus of Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters is to examine the state variables estimation and motor control structures which have to be modified according to the used solution (filter). In most control systems the structure and parameters are taken into account to make it possible for precise control of the motor. This methodology is able to include modifications and extensions depending on specific control and estimation structures.
Variations of Ship’s Deck Elevation Due to Stochastic Process of Containers Loading
- Przemysław Krata
The stochastic process of container loading is described in the paper with special emphasis to ship motion when she is lying at a quay. The 3 DOF system was applied to describe rolling, pitching and heaving of a vessel which may cause a significant variations of momentary deck elevation. The realistic range of such variations are assessed for a variety of cargo locations on-board and a phase shift between two independent gantries engaged in cargo operations. The process is modeled with regard to random character of crucial variables affecting ship motion due to cargo loading.
Viability of fruit seed oil O/W emulsions in personal care products
- Olga Krasodomska
- Christian Jungnickel
The use of fruit seed oils in personal care products is of significance to both their function and image. Poland is an important processor of fruit products within the EU, and thus has a large availability of seeds from domestic fruits, which are normally considered to be a waste material or feed for livestock. Unfortunately, current literature is scarce of the suitability of these oils for topical dermatological use in the form of cosmetic emulsion. Published data on these oils is generally limited to their use in the food industry. The aim of this paper is the determination of the viability of domestic fruit seeds, such as apple, blackberries, blackcurrants and strawberries as sources of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) in personal care products, such as oil-in-water emulsions. To that end the seed oils were tested for the fatty acids composition. Moreover, the seed oils were used as an additive in the oily phase components in O/W systems. The systems stability, rheological properties and the sensory analysis were tested in order to state their influence on system parameters and features. The best emulsion obtained during the formulation optimization process had the composition 4% and 5% of seed oil with an o:w phase ratio 20:80. The best stability had the emulsions with ratio polar:nonpolar lipid 60:40, respectively.
- Natalia Lasowicz
- Robert Jankowski
Lighter and slender structural members of a typical grandstand leads to a significant reduction in the frequencies, that is why such structures are more easily induced to vibrations. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of our experimental studies and the numerical analyses, focused on the behaviour of a part of a typical temporary steel grandstand under dynamic loads. The peak values of accelerations of a steel scaffolding grandstand under human-induced excitation have been determined and compared with the limit values concerning the perception of vibrations by people. The results of the study indicate that the human-induced excitation may induce structural vibrations which substantially exceed the allowable limits.
Vibroflotation Control of Sandy Soils using DMT and CPTU
- Lech Bałachowski
- Norbert Kurek
Vibroflotation is a typical improvement method for the cohesionless deposits of high thickness. The compaction method was applied to densify sandy deposits in Gdynia Port. Compaction control was verified with CPTU and DMT tests. Some examples of interpretation of soundings in pre-treated and compacted sands are shown. The classification diagrams are given for pre-treated and compacted sand. The stress history of the deposits is analysed. For a given relative density a considerable increase of lateral stress index was recorded after compaction. Some acceptance criteria for compaction control are discussed. The sensibility of CPTU and DMT methods to compaction control is analysed.
Video Semantic Analysis Framework based on Run-time Production Rules - Towards Cognitive Vision
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Carlos Toro
- Cesar Sanin
This paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for video analysis which separates object detection from event recognition. Our aim is to introduce new tools to be considered in the pathway towards Cognitive Vision as a support for classical Computer Vision techniques that have been broadly used by the scientific community. In the article, we particularly focus in solving some of the reported scalability issues found in current Computer Vision approaches by introducing an experience based approximation based on the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS). In our proposal, object detection takes place clientside, while event recognition takes place server-side. In order to implement our approach, we introduce a novel architecture that aims at recognizing events defined by a user using production rules (a part of the SOEKS model) and the detections made by the client using their own algorithms for visual recognition. In order to test our methodology, we present a case study, showing the scalability enhancements provided.
Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0
- Syed Imran Shafiq
- Cesar Sanin
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Carlos Toro
This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated. The analysis of basic concepts and implementation method proves that VEO/VEP is a specialized form of CPS and it can play a vital role in the structure building of Industry 4.0. Integration of the two models may result in intelligent machines and advanced analytics.