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Ground anchors diagnostic process based on elastic wave propagation method
- Beata Zima
The paper is focused on analysis of elastic wave propagation in the context of diagnostics of ground anchors. Numerical simulations were performed to assess the possibility of evaluation of the anchorage quality. It was assumed that the quality and the load capacity of the anchor system directly depend on the length, on which mortar and steel cooperate.
Grunty słabonośne – odciążenie zamiast wzmacniania
- Grzegorz Horodecki
Posadowienie nasypów drogowych, zwłaszcza pod autostrady i drogi ekspresowe, wymaga bezpiecznych rozwiązań, gwarantujących trwałość i spełnienie warunków dopuszczalnych osiadań długookresowych. Najczęstszą metodą rozwiązania przyjmowaną przez projektantów jest wzmocnienie podłoża lub – w przypadku płytko zalegających warstw gruntów słabonośnych – ich wymiana. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości alternatywnych rozwiązań, wykorzystujących metodę odciążenia podłoża uwzględniających również aspekt ekonomiczny. Przedstawiono przykłady realizacji.
Grupy banków w skoncentrowanym środowisku – analiza porównawcza grup dużych, średnich i małych banków w Macedonii i Chorwacji
- Katarzyna Kubiszewska
Cel - przedstawienie sytuacji w chorwackim i macedońskim sektorze bankowym odnośnie zmian będących skutkiem procesów konsolidacyjnych oraz analiza porównawcza zmian zachodzących w 3 grupach banków: dużych, średnich i małych w omawianych krajach Metoda badania – Wykorzystane metody badawcze obejmują studia literatury, głównie zagranicznej, oraz analizę danych finansowych oraz raportów Banku Centralnego w Chorwacji i Macedonii. Wyniki – Dwie małe gospodarki transformują swoje sektory bankowe. Zmiany zachodzące w ich strukturze są odmienne – wskaźniki koncentracji w Macedonii spadają, co wpływa na zwiększenie roli banków średnich i małych w gospodarce (rosnące udziały w rynku kredytów i depozytów), ale nie skutkuje lepszymi wynikami finansowymi. Grupa banków średnich i małych w Chorwacji może pochwalić się lepszymi wynikami (mierzonymi ROA) mimo zmniejszającej się ich roli w gospodarce. Oryginalności/Wartość – Chorwacja jako najmłodszy członek Unii Europejskiej, podobnie jak inne kraje regionu Bałkanów Zachodnich, w tym Macedonia, nie jest częstym podmiotem badań w Polsce.
Haemocompatibility Of Non-Functionalized And Plasmachemical Functionalized Detonation Nanodiamond Particles
- Katarzyna Mitura
- Małgorzata Szczerska
- P. Ceynowa
- M. Dudek
- M. Cicha
- I. Kotela
- S. Mitura
The purpose of this paper is to present the innovative design of microwave plasma system for modification of detonation nanodiamond particles (DNP) using a special rotating drum placed inside the reactor. Nanodiamond particles manufactured by detonation method reveal the biological activity depending on surface functionalization. Plasmachemical modification of detonation nanodiamond particles gives the possibility of controlling surface of nanodiamonds particles in biological tests. In this paper we would like to compare detonation nanodiamond (the grain sizes from 2 to 5 nm) with modified detonation nanodiamond in rotary reactor chamber, by microwave plasma activated chemical vapour deposition (MW PACVD) method in materials research (Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy) and in vitro examinations with full of human blood. The results indicate haemocompatibility of non-modified detonation nanodiamond and modified nanodiamond by MW PACVD method in rotary reactor chamber (modified ND-3) and the presence of haemolysis in commercial detonation nanodiamond.
Hałas emitowany przez samochody z napędem hybrydowym i elektrycznym
- Wojciech Owczarzak
- Sławomir Sommer
- Piotr Mioduszewski
- Ryszard Woźniak
Stale rosnąca ilość pojazdów samochodowych skutkuje zwiększeniem emisji hałasu, co wpływa negatywnie na środowisko naturalne jak i zdrowie człowieka. Jednym z możliwych sposobów zredukowania poziomu hałasu drogowego może być rozpropagowanie pojazdów z napędem elektrycznym oraz hybrydowym, a co za tym idzie wzrost ich udziału w ruchu drogowym. Artykuł ma celu przedstawienie porównania poziomu hałasu emitowanego przez pojazdy z napędem hybrydowym przy obu trybach pracy oraz napędem elektrycznym.
Hardened Steel Surface Waviness Created by Rolling Burnishing Process
- Stefan Dzionk
- Bogdan Ścibiorski
The surface of the finishing machined parts is defined mainly by roughness parameters. Growing demands on the part, especially mating sliding or rolling, require the specification of additional parameters, such as waviness parameters, particularly when there is significant resistance to seizing or noise reduction. This paper presents surface waviness characteristics of hardened burnished steel.
Has EGNOS its own place in maritime navigation?
- Andrzej Felski
- Aleksander Nowak
GNSS (in fact it usually means GPS) is at the moment the fundamental means of positioning for any variants of navigation. However some attributes of it can be not sufficient for every users or in some tasks, so there are any cases when this system needs support. From the mariner point of view pure GPS properties perfectly fulfils expectations of sailors at the open sea, however there are lot of cases, when accuracy of the system are not sufficient. Besides of accuracy other performance characteristics, for example availability, risk of jamming etc. are important. As the “medicine” for this, differential version of GPS is suggested. At the moment hundreds of DGPS reference stations exist all over the world, but simultaneously other augmentation systems provide services for example European overlay for GPS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service - EGNOS). But over 30 years of DGPS use at sea causes that sailors prefer it than EGNOS. At the moment as EGNOS is fully operational, it is time for evaluation of pro and cons of both services in the maritime context. As it was mentioned, at the open waters there is no doubt about GPS usability and in fact DGPS as well as EGNOS are not necessary. In real situation this is anyway impossible because of limited coverage of DGPS. It is truth that EGNOS is accessible on all the seas around Europe, however seamen do not see so far need of such high accuracy of the fixing. However on restricted waters, on approaches to harbours and on river navigation both systems seem to be indispensable, especially because their accuracy. On the other hand observation made with AIS over accuracy of ships’ position on Gdanska Bay suggest that problem is not clear. In these waters two DGPS reference stations are available aside from EGNOS. Observation of AIS messages shows, that on the some leg of the route some ships’ positioning data are changeover on DGPS when other one DGPS is switched on GPS, and other one does not change accuracy at all. From the other side positions fixed with DGPS at different locations but at a similar distance from Reference Station have noticeable different accuracy. The location of these places suggests the influence of the signal propagation over land on the fixes accuracy. In the paper analysis of different aspects of both systems work are presented as well as their usefulness and limitations are analysed.
- Tomasz Muszyński
- Rafał Andrzejczyk
In the paper authors presented their own constructions of shell and tube heat exchangers with intensified heat transfer. The shell and coils heat exchangers are in common use in heat ventilations and air conditioning systems. Those types of recuperators are quite simple constructions, the low value of pressure drops and good conditions of heat transfer. The present study shows an experimental investigation of the heat transfer in a shell-and-coil heat exchanger. Data are reported for various Reynolds numbers, and various surface modifications. The purpose of this article is to assess the influence of the surface modification over the performance coefficient and modified effectiveness of vertical helical coiled tube heat exchangers.
Hedging Strategies of Derivatives Instruments for Commodity Trading Entities
- Piotr Giruć
Hedging as an outcome of risk management arises to account several questions. Mentioned aspect of size of the hedging is one of them. Latter questioning refers to whether producer of manufacturer are willing to secure entire exposure, when the hedging should start, now or later in the future, what is the vision on market like direction of market, time of interest, magnitude of exposure, what would be the preferred instruments of security, and whether entity is ready to pay for the protection. Many hedgers tend to express their opinion about the future movement of the market, however sometimes with accentuation that they are not qualified to do make their own judgments. Their anxiety and fears can be shattered in a very simple manner that is creation of different scenarios. This piece of work is on applying hedging strategy in the commodity trading.
Heinrich Rickert als Danziger, Deutscher und Denker
- Andrzej Lisak
Die zalreichen deutschen Denker auf dem Gebiet heutigen Polens, wie Heinrich Rickert aus Danzig bilden der Geschichte, die Tradizion der Platze, eine Geschichte mit der man sich auseinandersetzen sollte. Diese Beitrag zeigt wie sich die polnischen Geschichte Philosophen bemuhen, die Auffassungen ausgewahlter deutscher Denker, nach Beispiel Rickerts,und das Verstandnis ihrer Ansichten im Bezug zu deren Weltanschaungen und politischen Praferenzen zu interpretiren von allem solchen Philosophen, die aus den heitigen polnischen Gebiten wie Danzig stammen, wo die Frage der Relation zwischen der polnischen und der deutsczen Identitat der Stadt bis heute noch weitergehend unentscheden ist. Rickert prezentierte eine typischr Kombination der Uberzeugungen, die sich aus den Werten entwickelt haben, welche in Zweiten Reich augestellt wurden: ein radikaler Nationalismus, die Uberzeugung von der Universalitat und Uberlegenheit deutschen Kultur, die Uberzeigung dass die Synthese der Kulturlebens der Neuzeit nur durch Autoritat moglichsei.
Heterogeneity of quaternary structure of glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from Giardia lamblia
- Karolina Kwiatkowska-Semrau
- Justyna Czarnecka
- Marek Wojciechowski
- Sławomir Milewski
The oligoHis-tagged versions of glucosamine-6- phosphate deaminase from Giardia lamblia (GlmNagB-HisN, GlmNagB-HisC) were constructed and purified to hear homogeneity, and their kinetic and structural properties were compared to those of the wild-type enzyme (GlmNagB). Introduction of the oligoHis tag at the GlmNagB C-terminus resulted in almost complete loss of the catalytic activity, while the catalytic properties of GlmNagB-HisN and GlmNagB were very similar. The recombinant and wild-type enzyme exhibits heterogeneity of the quaternary structure and in solution exists in three interconvertible forms, namely, monomeric, homodimeric, and homotetrameric. Although the monomeric form is prevalent, the monomer/dimer/tetramer ratios depended on protein concentration and fell within the range from 72:27:1 to 39:23:38. The enzyme is fully active in each of the oligomeric structures, efficiently catalyzes synthesis of D-glucosamine- 6-phosphate from D-fructose-6-phosphate and ammonia, and its activity is not modified by GlcNAc6P, UDPGlcNAc, or UDP-GalNAc. GlcN6P deaminase of G. lamblia represents a novel structural and functional type of enzyme of the NagB subfamily.
- Tomasz Kowalczyk
- Paweł Ziółkowski
- Sebastian Kornet
The aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several different sources of energyjointly, like nuclear energy, coil, natural gas or biomass. Combination of different kinds of energy conversion cycles can provide number of advantages like higher exergy efficiency, better cooperation with fuel and exhaust gases cleaning systems or carbon capture and storage systems, correlated high efficient production of synthetic fuel or hydrogen. The subject is particularly important in modern power systems where high flexibility of generating units is necessary to meet the power grid requests. Hierarchical power cycles are in this field unique. On the one hand their maintenanceis complicated, because change of each parameter of each machine in the cycle influence onto whole cycle. On the other hand this creates an opportunity to select the most suitable parameters and lead themaintenance under partial loads in way that will provide better efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle and is more proper in meaning of safety of the machinery.
Hierarchical random models in road transport safety
- Joanna Wachnicka
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Leszek Smolarek
In this paper multilevel approach to the issue of road safety level on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS 2 in statistical databases of the EU, has been presented. The risk calculated as the number of death casualties in road accidents per 100,000 inhabitants of a given region has Poisson distribution. Therefore, generalized Poisson model has been assumed in the modelling process. Multilevel stochastic analysis was performed for the studied factor. Then a model was created that took into account the impact of different characteristics available on different level of aggregation, which may be helpful in the actions aimed at improvement of road safety in respective regions.
Hierarchiczny system sterowania siecią wodociągową z zastosowaniem radiowej infrastruktury komunikacyjnej
- Tomasz Karla
- Jarosław Tarnawski
- Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz
W artykule przedstawiono proces budowy hierarchicznego systemu sterowania ilością i jakością wody w sieci dystrybucji wody pitnej miasta Chojnice. Do badań wykorzystano model szkieletowy opracowany w środowisku Epanet. Dokonano dekompozycji, zaproponowano strukturę systemu regulacji, w warstwie bezpośredniej sprawdzono różne rodzaje regulacji: zdarzeniowo-regułowe, PID oraz MPC. Zaproponowano bezprzewodowe metody komunikacji pomiędzy punktami monitorowania i sterowania. Dokonano badań symulacyjnych poprawności działania zaproponowanego systemu sterowania.
High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification (HTAC; HTAG)
- Włodzimierz Błasiak
- Jan Stąsiek
Combustion and gasification technology utilizing high-cycle regenerative air/steam preheater has drawn increased attention in many application areas. The process is to be realized at temperature level above ash melting point using highly preheated agent. The use of highly preheated media above 900oC provides additional energy in to conversion processes and results in considerable changes to the design of combustion and gasification equipments and their performance. This work report the results from experimental and numerical studies of HTAC and HTAG of solid fuels, biomass and municipal wastes for syngas production performed in Sweden at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.
High Temperature Air/Steam Conversion of Biomass and Wastes Into Fuel Gas for Heat and Electricity Production
- Jan Stąsiek
- Włodzimierz Błasiak
- Weihong Yang
- Marcin Jewartowski
Paper present principle of high temperature air/staem gasification as well as some results of research using this technology for conversion of biomass and wastes into fuel gas.
High temperature corrosion and corrosion protection of porous Ni22Cr alloys
- Jakub Karczewski
- Katarzyna Dunst
- Piotr Jasiński
- Sebastian Molin
In this work corrosion kinetics of the porous IN625 alloy is studied in the temperature range of 700 °C – 800 °C in air and humidified hydrogen for up to 1000 hours. Moreover, an effective and simple method of reducing corrosion rates of porous alloys by the infiltration of the rare earths elements is shown. Modification by the yttrium containing precursor reduces the corrosion rate by a factor of 50 in air at 700 °C so that the lifetime of the infiltrated alloy is greatly extended.
Highly porous nanoberyllium for X-ray beam speckle suppression
- Alexander Goikhman
- Ivan Lyatun
- Petr Ershov
- Irina Snigireva
- Paweł Wojda
- Vladimir Gorlevsky
- Alexander Semenov
- Maksim Sheverdyaev
- Viktor Koletskiy
- Anatoly Snigirev
The speckle suppressor device containing highly porous nanoberyllium is proposed for manipulating with the spatial coherence length and removing undesirable speckle structure during the imaging experiments. We report a special device called the speckle suppressor, which contains the highly porous nanoberyllium plate, compacted from both sides by two beryllium windows. By insertion the speckle suppressor in the X-ray beam it allows to manipulate with the spatial coherence length, changing the effective source size and to remove undesirable speckle structure in the X-ray imaging experiments walmost without a beam attenuation. The absorption of the nanoberyllium plate is below 1% for 1 mm thickness at 12 keV. The speckle suppressor was tested at the ID06 ESRF beamline with X-rays in the energy range from 9 to 15 keV. It was applied for the transformation of the phase-amplitude contrast to pure amplitude one in the scheme of full-field microscopy. The device was also used to eliminate holographic fringes of the phase object like a boron fibre.
Histogram of Gradients with Cell Average Intensity for Human Detection
- Marek Wójcikowski
The modification of the descriptor in human detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and support vector machine is presented. The proposed modification requires inserting the average cell intensitiesresulting with the increase of the length of the descriptor from 3780 to 4200 values, but it is easy to compute and instantly gives 14-26% of miss rate improvement at 10^-4 False Positives Per Window (FPPW). The modification has been tested on two versions of HOG-based descriptors: classic Dalal-Triggs and the modified one, where, instead of spatial Gaussian masks for blocks, an additional central cell has been used. The proposed modificationis suitable for hardware implementations of HOG-based detectors, enabling to increase the detection accuracy or toresign from the use of some hardware-unfriendly operations, such as spatial Gaussian mask. The results of thetests of the influence on the intensity changes of test images are also presented.
Historia polskich uczelni technicznych ilustrowana medalami
- Dariusz Świsulski
Przedstawiono historię polskiego szkolnictwa technicznego.