Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2015

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  • Mowa nienawiści (hate speech) a odpowiedzialność dostawców usług internetowych w orzecznictwie sądów europejskich
    • Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk

    The article analyses the phenomenon of hate speech in the Internet contrasted with the problem of responsability of Internet Service Providers for cases of such abuses of freedom of expression. The text provides an analysis of jurisprudence of two European Courts. On the one hand it presents the position of the European Court of Human Rights on the problem of hate speech: its definition and the liability for it as an exception to the principle of the freedom of speech. On the other hand, the text contains an analysis of jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, where the responsability of entities allowing the hate speech to apear in the Internet is presented.

  • Możliwości adaptacyjne zabudowy gospodarczej zespołu pałacowego w Waplewie Wilekim
    • Michał Kwasek

    Zachowana zabudowa gospodarcza w Waplewie Wielkim zasadniczo powstała w XIX wieku. Stanowi ona dopełnienie pałacu i chociaż obecnie znajduje się w wydzielonej przestrzeni, to niegdyś, wraz z głównym budynkiem założenia, współtworzyła integralną, samowystarczalną jednostkę rezydencjonalno-produkcyjną. Po przekazaniu obiektów Muzeum Narodowemu w Gdańsku rozpoczęto starania o ratowanie cennego zespołu, zarówno jako całego układu, jak i poszczególnych budynków. Z uwagi na niematerialne wartości zespołu oraz pierwotny charakter zabudowy uzasadnione wydaje się podjęcie dyskusji na temat możliwości adaptacji zabytkowych obiektów do nowych celów. Przekształcenia zabudowy z zamiarem powtórnego ich wykorzystania są rozwiązaniem potrzebnym. Nowe funkcje tych budynków powinny uwzględniać mieszczące się w dworze Muzeum Tradycji Szlacheckiej oraz Pomorski Ośrodek Kontaktów z Polonią. Jednocześnie wysoce pożądane jest, aby działania te przeprowadzone zostały zgodnie ze współczesną doktryną konserwatorską oraz aby umożliwiały jak najlepsze wykorzystanie potencjału zabytkowego zespołu w Waplewie Wielkim.

  • Możliwości ochrony drewnianych zespołów miejskich w kontekście doświadczeń autorskich
    • Romana Cielątkowska

    Publikacja zawiera międzynarodowe doświadczenia autora dotyczące ochrony zespołów, obiektów architektury drewnianej w zakresie planów zarządzania, organizacji prac, kontekstu społecznego, działań konserwatorskich (ciesielskich) - w odniesieniu do osiedla Warburga w Brześciu

  • Możliwości usprawnienia zarządzania transportem zbiorowym z wykorzystaniem systemu zarządzania ruchem TRISTAR
    • Karol Żarski
    • Jacek Oskarbski
    • Krystian Birr

    W artykule zostały przedstawione możliwości usprawnienia zarządzania transportem zbiorowym z wykorzystaniem poszczególnych podsystemów Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania Ruchem TRISTAR. Opisane zostały elementy systemu które mogą w skuteczny sposób wpłynąć na uatrakcyjnienie transportu zbiorowego. Przytoczono przykłady pokazujące potencjalne wykorzystanie pierwotnie nie przewidzianych do tego celu podsystemów. Omówiona została specyfika modułu priorytetów dla pojazdów transportu publicznego. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność koordynacji działań pomiędzy zarządcą infrastruktury drogowej i organizatorem transportu zbiorowego w celu efektywnego zarządzania transportem.

    • Piotr Szweda
    • Katarzyna Magdalena Gucwa
    2015 Aromaterapia

    W artykule przedstawiono perspektywy wykorzystania olejków eterycznych w terapii i profilaktyce chorób infekcyjnych wywoływanych przez drożdże. Wyniki badań z ostatnich lat jednoznacznie potwierdziły, że olejki izolowane z wielu roślin wykazują znaczną aktywność przeciwgrzybową. W przypadku infekcji powierzchniowych mogłyby one stanowić cenną alternatywę, bądź czynnik wspomagający dla stosowanych aktualnie chemioterapeutyków przeciwgrzybowych. Ze względu na bardzo dużą zmienność składu chemicznego, który zależy od wielu czynników, każda partia olejku przeznaczonego do celów medycznych powinna zostać dokładnie przebadana pod względem aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej lub zawartości składników biologicznie czynnych.

  • Możliwości wyszukiwania dokumentów muzycznych utworzonych zgodnie z architekturą IODA
    • Adam Kaczmarek
    2015 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie zastosowania dokumentów muzycznych utworzonych zgodnie z architekturą IODA (ang. Interactive Open Document Architecture). Dokumenty w architekturze IODA składają się z wielu plików powiązanych ze sobą semantycznie. Zależności te definiowane są w tzw. grzbiecie (ang. spine) dokumentu będącym plikiem w formacie XML (ang. eXtensible Markup Language). Dokumenty muzyczne tworzone zgodnie z architekturą IODA zawierają ścieżki dźwiękowe utworów, słowa piosenek, zapis nutowy melodii i inne rodzaje danych. Zastosowanie dokumentów muzycznych IODA rozszerza możliwości wyszukiwania utworów muzycznych. Dzięki architekturze IODA utwory muzyczne można wyszukiwać między innymi na podstawie fragmentów tekstów śpiewanych w utworach oraz na podstawie zapytań QbH (Query by Humming), które są fragmentami melodii występującymi w utworach.

  • Możliwość oszacowania niezawodności silników o zapłonie samoczynnym z zastosowaniem teorii procesów semi-Markowa oraz podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych z uwzględnieniem wiarygodności diagnozy o stanie technicznym tego rodzaju silników spalinowych = Possibility of estimating the reliability of diesel engines by applying the theory of semi-Markov processes and making operational decisions by considering reliability of diagnosis on technical state of this sort of combustion engines/
    • Jerzy Girtler
    2015 Full text Combustion Engines

    The paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determining reliability of the engines. A possibility of application of a three-state model with a simplified matrix function, or even a two-state model, to determine reliability of the engines, has been described herein on examples of known from literature semi-Markov models, for the case when appropriate diagnosing systems (SDG) are used to identify technical condition of the engines considered as diagnosed systems (SDN)). A risk function and a renewal (restitution) function have been proposed to apply for developing a two-state model of engine state transitions. An opportunity of considering reliability of diagnosis while making operational decisions by applying the statistical decision theory, has also been presented. Conditional probability P(si/Ki) is recognized as a measure of reliability of diagnosis.

  • Możliwość redukcji emisji C02 dzięki zastosowaniu geosyntetyków
    • Angelika Duszyńska
    2015 Full text Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika

    Zastosowanie geosystemów jako rozwiązania zamiennego do konstrukcji klasycznych. Wybór geosystemu - względy techniczne, ekonomiczne i środowiskowe. Metodologia obliczania emisji CO2. Geosyntetyki wsparciem zrównoważonego rozwoju

  • Multi Parameter Sliding Test Result Evaluation for The Selection of Material Pair for Wear Resistant Components of a Hydraulic motor Dedicated for Use With Environmentally Friendly Working Fluids
    • Jacek Łubiński
    • Paweł Śliwiński
    2015 Solid State Phenomena

    In the paper the method and results are presented of the testing of tribological performance of a number of hard materials available commercially. The tests consisted in unidirectional sliding with liquid lubrication. The load and velocity regime chosen were similar to a standard four-ball lubricity test with constant velocity and load increasing over time. The regime was modified in such a way that over the initial part of the test both the velocity and load were linearly increased until a certain stable level of each input parameter was reached and the test was then continued till the termination due to chosen criteria. The materials used were high alloy tool steels and sintered carbides, normally used in working of metals by cutting. The lubricants environmentally inert or friendly fluids: water, mineral oil-in-water emulsion and vegetable oil. In the tests, typical sliding friction parameters were recorded, later evaluated on the basis of multiple parameters observable within the test such as e.g. maximum load and velocity reached, calculated maximum surface pressure or presence and amplitude of friction induced vibrations. In the group of material/material/lubricant combinations a ranking was created for each parameter in the assessment set by awarding points for performance. Best performance was granted the least amount of points. Overall performance was then judged by the accumulated number of points. The materials, which were evaluated as performing best have been chosen as input materials for the design and manufacture of a prototype motor for later laboratory and field testing.

  • Multi-Agent Signal Filtering for Electrical Energy Demand Management
    • Artur Opaliński

    Consumers participating in electrical energy Demand Response (DR) programs may be exposed to energy-use related decisions at instants of time which are generally hard to predict. This is especially cumbersome to residential consumers who are less capable of investing in special equipment, or devoting significant time to analyze information and take decisions. To ease residential consumer participation, a multi-agent system proposed in this paper filters DR dispatch signals based on participants’ periodic preferences. Thus dispatches appear to consumers in a possibly periodic manner, i.e. at more predictable instants of time from consumer point of view. Additionally, the probability of execution may increase as these instants are defined by consumers themselves. DR needs not matching any participant preferences remain to be covered by other, traditional means. When preference windows are expressed as periodic, DR dispatches appear to these consumers only in these windows, as if dispatches only happen periodically.

  • Multi-agent systems registration and maintenance of address mapping without agent self-registation
    • Artur Opaliński
    2015 Journal of Applied Computer Science

    Monitoring of dynamic multi-agent systems, here agents are allowed to appear and disappear, and can migrate between network nodes is a complex tasks. Applying the traditional monitoring methods is not effective, as little can be assumed in advance about such environments. It is necessary to track changes in addressing and availability of agents to create and maintain mapping between agents and their network addresses. The paper presents a novel method of monitoring, which creates and maintains the address mapping by scanning the network address pool, aided by reports fromagent monitors. The method deals with the dynamic environment offering more up-to-date information and less scanning than by using plain network address pool scanning.

  • Multicriteria decision analysis in ranking of analytical procedures for aldrin determination in water
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    • Aleksander Orłowski

    The study presents the possibility of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) application when choosing analytical procedures with low environmental impact. A type of MCDA, Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE), was chosen as versatile tool that meets all the analytical chemists – decision makers requirements. Twenty five analytical procedures for aldrin determination in water samples (as an example) were selected as input alternatives to MCDA analysis. Nine different criteria describing the alternatives were chosen from different groups – metrological, economical and the most importantly – environmental impact. The weights for each criterion were obtained from questionnaires that were sent to experts, giving three different scenarios for MCDA results. The results of analysis show that PROMETHEE is very promising tool to choose the analytical procedure with respect to its greenness. The rankings for all three scenarios placed solid phase microextraction and liquid phase microextraction – based procedures high, while liquid–liquid extraction, solid phase extraction and stir bar sorptive extraction – based procedures were placed low in the ranking. The results show that although some of the experts do not intentionally choose green analytical chemistry procedures, their MCDA choice is in accordance with green chemistry principles. The PROMETHEE ranking results were compared with more widely accepted green analytical chemistry tools – NEMI and Eco-Scale. As PROMETHEE involved more different factors than NEMI, the assessment results were only weakly correlated. Oppositely, the results of Eco-Scale assessment were well-correlated as both methodologies involved similar criteria of assessment.

    • Alicja Stoltmann
    • Paweł Bućko
    • Marcin Jaskólski
    2015 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    In this paper, the comparative analysis of two wind farm construction projects was presented. This particular type of analysis is commonly applied before purchasing investment project being in a planning phase by a company interested in its development. Conduction of this type of analysis is prompted by the necessity to take into consideration the requirements of Polish legislation. Comparison of wind farm construction projects was based on the analysis of their advancement and the priority of particular investment stages. In order to verify which stage is the most important for the implementation of the construction project, specified tasks should be performed in each particular stage. These tasks determine criteria utilized to compare wind farm construction projects. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) method, that allows simultaneous prioritization of criteria in terms of quality and quantity, was applied to perform the analysis. The method demonstrates that obtaining environmental decision for wind farm area is the most important criterion. The method indicate also by which criteria project FW2 has a greater chance of implementation than FW1 project.

  • Multidecadal (1960-2011) shoreline changes in Isbjornhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)
    • Anna Styszyńska
    • Piotr Zagórski
    • Jan Rodzik
    • Mateusz Strzelecki
    • Mateusz Moskalik
    • Michael Lim
    • Małgorzata Błaszczyk
    • Agnieszka Promińska
    • Grzegorz Kruszewski
    • Artur Malczewski
    2015 Full text Polish Polar Research

    Asection of a gravel−dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørn− hamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide−water glacier and protected by prolonged sea−ice conditions towards storm−affected and rapidly changing coast. Information derived from analyses of aerial images and geomorphological mapping shows that the Isbjørnhamna coastal zone is dominated by coastal erosion resulting in a shore area reduc− tion of more than 31,600 m2. With ~3,500 m2 of local aggradation, the general balance of changes in the study area of the shore is negative, and amounts to a loss of more than 28,000 m2. Mean shoreline change is −13.1 m (−0.26 m a−1). Erosional processes threaten the Polish Polar Station infrastructure and may damage of one of the storage buildings in nearby future.

  • Multi-fidelity robust aerodynamic design optimization under mixed uncertainty
    • Harsheel Shah
    • Serhat Hosder
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Yonatan Tesfahunegn
    • Leifur Leifsson

    The objective of this paper is to present a robust optimization algorithm for computationally efficient airfoil design under mixed (inherent and epistemic) uncertainty using a multi-fidelity approach. This algorithm exploits stochastic expansions derived from the Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos (NIPC) technique to create surrogate models utilized in the optimization process. A combined NIPC expansion approach is used, where both the design and the mixed uncertain parameters are the independent variables of the surrogate model. To reduce the computational cost, the high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is replaced by a suitably corrected low-fidelity one, the latter being evaluated using the same CFD solver but with a coarser mesh. The model correction is implemented to the low-fidelity CFD solutions utilized for the construction of stochastic surrogate by using multi-point Output Space Mapping (OSM) technique. The proposed algorithm is applied to the design of NACA 4-digit airfoils with four deterministic design variables (the airfoil shape parameters and the angle of attack), one aleatory uncertain variable (the Mach number) and one epistemic variable (β, a geometry parameter) to demonstrate robust optimization under mixed uncertainties. In terms of computational cost, the proposed technique outperforms the conventional approach that exclusively uses the high-fidelity model to create the surrogates. The design cost reduces to only 34 equivalent high-fidelity model evaluations versus 168 obtained with the conventional method.

  • Multi-headed chimera states in coupled pendula
    • Patrycja Jaros
    • Łukasz Borkowski
    • Błażej Witkowski
    • Krzysztof Czołczyński
    • Tomasz Kapitaniak
    2015 The European Physical Journal-Special Topics

    We discuss the occurrence of the chimera states in the network of coupled, excited by the clock’s mechanisms pendula. We find the patterns of multi-headed chimera states in which pendula clustered in different heads behave differently (oscillate with different frequencies) and create different types of synchronous states (complete or phase synchronization). The mathematical model of the network shows that the observed chimera states are controlled by elementary dynamical equations derived from the Newton’s laws that are ubiquitous in many physical and engineering systems.

  • Multi-layered tissue head phantoms for noninvasive optical diagnostics
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Alexey P. Popov
    • Alexsander Bykov
    • Matti T. Kinnunen
    • Małgorzata Szczerska
    • V.v. Tuchin
    2015 Full text Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences

    Extensive research in the area of optical sensing for medical diagnostics requires development of tissue phantoms with optical properties similar to those of living human tissues. Development and improvement of in vivo optical measurement systems requires the use of stable tissue phantoms with known characteristics, which are mainly used for calibration of such systems and testing their performance over time. Optical and mechanical properties of phantoms depend on their purpose. Nevertheless, they must accurately simulate specific tissues they are supposed to mimic. Many tissues and organs including head possess a multi-layered structure, with specific optical properties of each layer. However, such a structure is not always addressed in the present-day phantoms. In this paper, we focus on the development of a plain-parallel multi-layered phantom with optical properties (reduced scattering coefficient and absorption coefficient μa) corresponding to the human head layers, such as skin, skull, and gray and white matter of the brain tissue. The phantom is intended for use in noninvasive diffuse near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) of human brain. Optical parameters of the fabricated phantoms are reconstructed using spectrophotometry and inverse adding-doubling calculation method. The results show that polyvinyl chloride-plastisol (PVCP) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles are suitable materials for fabrication of tissue mimicking phantoms with controlled scattering properties. Good matching was found between optical properties of phantoms and the corresponding values found in the literature.

  • Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Compact Quasi-Isotropic Dielectric Resonator Antenna
    • Adrian Bekasiewicz
    • Sławomir Kozieł

    Multi-objective optimization of a quasi-isotropic dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is presented. Utilization of variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) DRA models, response surface approximations, and response correction techniques, allows us to obtain—at a low computational cost—a set of alternative antenna designs representing the best possible trade-offs between three conflicting objectives: antenna size, its reflection response, and quasi-isotropic capability.

  • Multi-objective Weather Routing with Customised Criteria and Constraints
    • Joanna Szłapczyńska
    2015 Full text JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION

    The paper presents a weather routing algorithm utilising a multi-objective optimisation with constraints, namely the Multi-objective Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA). In the proposed approach weather route recommendations can be made simultaneously e.g. for passage time, fuel consumption and safety of passage by means of Pareto optimisation. The sets of criteria and constraints in the optimisation process are fully customisable. The algorithm handles static (time-independent) and dynamic (time-dependent) constraints e.g. forecasted high wind speed regions or customisable areas to be excluded from routing (e.g. due to piracy). The paper includes a description of MEWRA as well as examples of its usage for finding Pareto-optimal transoceanic ship routes.

  • Multiple output differential OTA with linearizing bulk-driven active-error feedback loop for continuous-time filter applications
    • Stanisław Szczepański
    • Bogdan Pankiewicz
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Marek Wójcikowski

    A CMOS circuit realization of a highly linear multiple-output differential operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) has been proposed. The presented approach exploits a differential pair as an input stage with both the gate and the bulk terminals as signal ports. For the proposed OTA, improved linearity is obtained by means of the active-error feedback loop operating at the bulk terminals of the input stage. SPICE simulations of the OTA show that, for 0.35µm AMS process, total harmonic distortion at 1.36Vpp is less than 1% with dynamic range equal to 60.1 dB at power consumption of 276μW from 3.3 V supply. As an example, both single output and dual differential OTAs are used to design third-order elliptic low-pass filters. The cut-off frequency of the filters is 1 MHz. The power consumption of the OTA-C filter utilizing the dual output differential OTA is reduced to 1.24mW in comparison to 2.2mW consumed by the single output differential OTA-C filter counterpart.