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Oznaczanie delta-9-tetrahydrokanabinolu
- Emilia Waraksa
- Andrzej Pokrywka
- Jacek Namieśnik
Marihuana, haszysz, olej haszyszowy- otrzymywany z konopi narkotycznych są najbardziej popularnymi nielegalnymi produktami na rynku narkotycznym. Material dowodowy trafiający do laboratorium kryminalistycznego powinien być jednoznacznie zidentyfikowany jako pochodna rośliny z rodziny Cannabis.
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
- Sylwia Dramińska
- Jan Biernat
- Renata Bilewicz
Monitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized biosensors of dioxygen, characterized by short response time, selectivity and utility in continuous monitoring of dioxygen. This trend can be seen in all fields where analytical methods are applied. The aim is to construct simple and, therefore, low cost devices and a good example of such device is the enzymatic biocathode sensitive towards dioxygen. The main issue in the construction of such electrodes is how to immobilize a redox enzyme on the conductive support in a way allowing to retain its full activity and to provide efficient transfer of charge between the electrode and the active centres of the enzymes. The difficulty in achieving suitable electrical contact can be solved by applying suitable carbon nanomaterials, increasing the working surface of the electrode and providing access to the active centres of the enzyme molecules.
Palisady – rozwiązania, realizacje i problemy
- Kazimierz Gwizdała
- Adam Krasiński
Zastosowania pali do obudów głębokich wykopów. Charakterystyka technologii wykonania i rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych. Przykłady realizacji z praktyki. Charakterystyka problemów związanych z wykonawstwem i zapewnieniem szczelności przed wodą.
Palladium versus Platinum: The Metal in the Catalytic Center of a Molecular Photocatalyst Determines the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Production with Visible Light
- M. Pfeffer
- Bernard Schaefer
- Grigory Smolentsev
- Jens Uhlig
- Elena Nazarenko
- Julien Guthmuller
- Christian Kuhnt
- Maria Wachtler
- Benjamin Dietzek
- Villy Sundstrom
- Sven Rau
To develop highly efficient molecular photocatalysts for visible light-driven hydrogen production, a thorough understanding of the photophysical and chemical processes in the photocatalyst is of vital importance. In this context, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) investigations show that the nature of the catalytically active metal center in a (N^N)MCl2 (M=Pd or Pt) coordination sphere has a significant impact on the mechanism of the hydrogen formation. Pd as the catalytic center showed a substantially altered chemical environment and a formation of metal colloids during catalysis, whereas no changes of the coordination sphere were observed for Pt as catalytic center. The high stability of the Pt center was confirmed by chloride addition and mercury poisoning experiments. Thus, for Pt a fundamentally different catalytic mechanism without the involvement of colloids is confirmed.
Parameter and delay estimation of linear continuous-time systems
- Janusz Kozłowski
- Zdzisław Kowalczuk
In this paper the problem of on-line identification of non-stationary delay systems is considered. Dynamics of supervised industrial processes is usually described by ordinary differential equations. Discrete-time mechanization of their continuous-time representations is based on dedicated finite-horizon integrating filters. Least-squares and instrumental variable procedures implemented in recursive forms are applied for simultaneous identification of input delay and spectral parameters of the system models. The performance of the proposed estimation algorithms is verified in an illustrative numerical simulation study.
Parametric analysis of Istanbul's Ring Road viaduct for three levels of seismic load
- Karol Grębowski
- Michał Hirsz
- Adam Nadolny
- Krzysztof Wilde
The paper presents a parametric analysis of the Istanbul's ring road viaduct that is currently under construction within the Northern Marmara Highway project. The structure, due to its location on seismic prone areas is exposed to seismic loads of different strengths and different return periods. The study is focused on concrete bridge supports that are design to work in nonlinear range. The parametric study, conducted in MATLAB and SOFISTIK environment, aim at detailed verification of the viaduct's supports performance due to three levels of seismic loads intensity. The research and analysis procedures will be used in recommendations' for development of slender bridge supports of variable geometry with stiffness chosen to achieve the best performance to weak and very strong earthquake.
Park Fryderyka Chopina Żelazowa Wola
- Daniel Załuski
Krytyka architektoniczna Parku Fryderyka Chopina w Żelazowej Woli
Park w metropolii – perspektywy i paradoksy
- Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie znaczenia parków miejskich w budowaniu wizerunku metropolii, oraz podkreślenie potrzeby przewartościowania poglądów dotyczących szeroko pojętego krajobrazu miasta. Na tle ogólnych rozważań o potrzebie i podejściu do ochrony otwartego krajobrazu miejskiego zaprezentowano kilka pozytywnych przykładów działań miast na rzecz przywracania świetności terenów zielonych i rekreacyjnych, lub ich tworzenia na terenach pełniących dotychczas inne funkcje. Ukazano też zagrożenia, jakie dla jakości życia w metropolii mogą nieść niewłaściwe decyzje przestrzenne dotyczące systemów zielonych miasta. Za przykład posłużył Pas Nadmorski w Gdańsku. Opisane przypadki dowodzą, że niezbędny jest rozwój strategicznego planowania krajobrazu miejskiego, oraz wiązanie go z procesami rozwojowymi miast, zwłaszcza w obliczu gwałtownych przemian technicznych i przestrzennych oraz narastania konsumpcyjnego podejścia do środowiska.
Partycypacja społeczna na rzecz odnowy przestrzeni publicznej
- Gabriela Maria Rembarz
- Agnieszka Lasota
- Anna Golędzinowska
- Marta Bednarska
- Natalia Cyrzon
- Monika Rudeńska
- Michał Leszczyński
- Agata Twardoch
- Łukasz Harat
- Weronika Maria Mazurkiewicz
- Agnieszka Jurecka
- Adam Popieralski
- Paweł Mrozek
- Maciej Szpilewicz
Rodział dotyczy różnych wymiarów planowania partycypacyjnego na rzecz rozwoju jakości przestrzeni publicznej w mieście
Path Loss Analysis in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environment
- Sławomir Ambroziak
- Luis M. Correia
- Ryszard Katulski
- Michał Maćkowiak
This temporary document describes an analysis of path loss in off-body channels in an indoor environment. The influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on path loss in off-body communications as well as of different bodies has been investigated. Five static scenarios, six distances between body and antenna and eight body orientations were analysed; moreover, two dynamic scenarios were investigated. The smallest values of mean path loss were obtained for the dynamic scenario, which involved walking in a fixed place with the transmitting antenna located on the right wrist. For a body with smaller dimensions mean path loss equals 45.5 dB (with a standard deviation of 7.8 dB), while for a larger body it is 47 dB (standard deviation of 9.3 dB). The lowest path loss exponent values are obtained also for this scenario. This exponent is 0.4 and 0.5 for larger and smaller bodies, respectively. The analysis of real walking scenarios have shown that, during body movement, a large difference of path loss values may occur – up to 33 dB in the time interval of 1 s.
Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems
- Karol Lisowski
- Andrzej Czyżewski
The idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis is tracking object within a single camera and between cameras' fields of vision. One of element needed to re-identify the single real object besides object's visual features and spatio-temporal dependencies between cameras is a behaviour model. The flow graph after some modifications, is a suitable data structure, which concept is based on the rough set theory, to contained as a behaviour model in it. Additionally, the flow graph can be used to predict the future movement of given object. In this paper a survey of authors research works related to employing flowgraphs in video surveillance systems is contained. The flow graph creation based on the paths of objects inside supervised area will presented. Moreover, a method of building a probability tree on the basis of the flow graph and a method for adaptating the flowgraph to the changing topology of the camera network are also discussed.
PCR and real-time PCR assays to detect fungi of Alternaria alternata species
- Milena Kordalewska
- Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska
- Tomasz Jagielski
- Bożena Dworecka-Kaszak
Fungi of the Alternaria genus are mostly associated with allergic diseases. However, with a growing number of immunocompromised patients, these fungi, with A. alternata being the most prevalent one, are increasingly recognized as etiological agents of infections (phaeohyphomycoses) in humans. Nowadays, identification of Alternaria spp. requires their pure culture and is solely based on morphological criteria. Clinically, Alternaria infections may be indistinguishable from other fungal diseases. Therefore, a diagnostic result is often delayed or even not achieved at all. In this paper we present easy to perform and interpret PCR and real-time PCR assays enabling detection of A. alternata species. On the basis of alignment of β-tubulin gene sequences, A. alternata-specific primers were designed. DNA from fungal isolates, extracted in a two-step procedure, were used in PCR and real-time PCR assays followed by electrophoresis or melting temperature analysis, respectively. The assays specificity was confirmed, since positive results were obtained for all A. alternata isolates, and no positive results were obtained neither for other molds, dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, nor human DNA. The assays developed here enable fast and unambiguous identification of A. alternata pathogens.
PCR detection of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis
- Milena Kordalewska
- Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis is known as a most common etiological factor of the mould toenail infections. There are also reports indicating that S. brevicaulis could cause organ and disseminated infections. Nowadays microscopic observations from the direct sample and culture are crucial for the appropriate recognition of the infection. In this paper is presented a PCR-based method for S. brevicaulis detection. The specificity of the reaction was confirmed, as positive results were obtained only for tested S. brevicaulis isolates and no positive results were obtained for other moulds, dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, and human DNA.
Pealizacija inicjatiw wostocznogo partnerstwa w Azerbajdżane
- Krystyna Gomółka
Azerbaijan established political relations with the EU during the implementation of TACIS Programme projects and signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in 1996. It joined the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2004 and the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009. Despite the sceptical attitude taken by Azerbaijan's government towards the Eastern Partnership initiative, the EU earmarked further funds for Azerbaijan for 2011 – 2014 as part of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. During the third Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Azerbaijan signed only an agreement concerning visa facilitations and readmission. However, it also undertook certain measures as part of the five Eastern Partnership initiatives. In the framework of the Integrated Border Management Programme, Azerbaijan implemented projects connected with improving the access of resettled people to the judicial system, creation of electronic border control systems, social protection, increasing public awareness to eliminate domestic violence, improving assimilation of asylum - seekers and immigrants, and supporting occupational health organisations. Activities aimed at supporting SMEs included training for entrepreneurs, promotional conferences and loans to the SME sector. Recommendations of the initiative promoting the creation of regional electrical and renewable energy markets were implemented by Azerbaijan in the form of 33 projects as part of the INOGATE Programme. With respect to environmental management, Azerbaijan developed a digital regional atlas of natural disasters, and with respect to natural disaster mitigation it planned population protection measures. Azerbaijan was ranked last but one in the evaluation presented in the annual report prepared by the EU. The transformation process in this country has been slow and illusory in certain aspects. Nevertheless, the EU has continued its Eastern Partnership initiative activities, allocating between EUR 252,000 and 308,000 for transformations in Azerbaijan
Peculiarities associated with testing polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in a model rolling contact
- Tadeusz Stolarski
- Rafał Gawarkiewicz
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) was investigated using a modified version of the four-ball tester in which the upper forth ball was replaced by a cone in such a way that kinematics of the four-ball configuration were fully preserved. Rotation of the cone enforced orbiting and rolling of the ceramic balls around the polymer cup. The results produced some unexpected peculiarities in the wear of ceramic balls which, in principle, should not take place. It is postulated that the wear of ceramic balls was due to the viscoelastic nature of the PEEK.
Peptydy penetrujące – rodzaje i mechanizmy przenikania przez błony komórkowe
- Marcin Kawczyński
- J. Kreczko-Kurzawa
- Z. Maćkiewicz
Peptydy penetrujące z pewnością są wyjątkową i ciekawą grupą związków peptydowych. Zostały odkryte ponad dwadzieścia lat temu, ale wiedza na ich temat wciąż jest rozbudowywana. Liczne badania nad mechanizmami ich przenikania do wnętrza komórek pozwalają zrozumieć jakie cechy strukturalne warunkują ich zdolność do penetracji komórek. Wiedza ta pozwala na projektowanie nowych, bardziej efektywnych peptydów penetrujących., które mogą być wykorzystane do konstrukcji kolejnych chemoterapeutyków przeciwdrobnoustrojowych lub przeciwnowotworowych.
Percepcja jakości usług zdrowotnych w ujęciu relacyjnym
- Grzegorz Zieliński
W artykule zostały zaprezentowane podstawowe aspekty dotyczące jakości usług zdrowotnych. Autor odniósł się do głównych grup interesariuszy tego typu usług, a nastepnie zaprezentował model powiązań pomiędzy tego typu grupami a pacjentem. Zaprezentowane zostały także badania związane z głównymi determinantami jakości usług zdrowotnych w percepcji pacjentów, odnosząc się jednocześnie do ich oczekiwań względem poszczególnych grup interesariuszy
Performance comparison of new modified gradient algorithm and Foy algorithm for iterative position calculation
- Agnieszka Czapiewska
In the paper a new position calculation algorithm is presented. It is proposed for indoor environments and is called modified gradient algorithm. This algorithm is compared with well-known Foy algorithm. The comparative analysis is based on real distance measurements conducted in indoor environment.
Performance Evaluation of a 650V E-HEMT GaN Power Switch
- Piotr Czyż
GaN power switches have better characteristics compared to the state-of-the-art Si power transistors. These devices offer high operating temperature and current densities, fast switching and low on-resistance. However, currently only a few producers offer technology of high voltage GaN transistors. Immaturity of this technology is the reason why experimental evaluation of GaN parameters must be performed to properly exploit their advantages. In this paper a prototype of synchronous buck converter with two 650 V GaN HEMT power switches from GaN Systems Inc. is presented. Alternative approach to cooling surface mounted transistors through the PCB is proposed. Paper presents a solution with copper stud attached directly to thermal pad of the device and shows results of thermal measurements. Also electrical power losses are measured depending on switching frequency and output current. Finally, guidelines for proper PCB layout design, including methods for suppressing overvoltages, are given.