Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2016

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  • Sensors for Rapid Detection of Environmental Toxicity in Blood of Poisoned People
    • Małgorzata Szczerska
    • Katarzyna Karpienko
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Valery Tuchin

    Recently, the diagnosis and treatment of poisoned person can be done only in specialized centers. Furthermore, currently used clinical methods of intoxication diagnosis are not sufficient for early detection. Conventional laboratory tests based on urine and blood require professional, high skilled staff, high cost equipment as well as they are arduous and lasting analytical procedures. There is a need to elaborate relatively cheap and easy to use tests, which can simplify and shorten the process of diagnosis of intoxicated patients as well as simply monitoring of patients from high-risk groups (firemen’s, miners, security, policemen, soldiers etc.) having contact with toxic gases. This chapter focuses on novel, early detection sensor for rapid diagnostics of environmental toxicity in blood of people intoxicated with carbon monoxide. Sect. 1 presents, a brief overview of physiological relevance of blood carbon monoxide levels on poisoning and overview of commercially available methods of CO detection in human blood. In Sect. 2 the optical properties of blood are presented. Section 3 shows optoelectronic systems, such as absorption spectroscopy and low-coherence interferometry designed to detect optical properties of blood, such as refractive index, absorption. In Sect. 4, the sensor for detection of environmental toxicity in blood is presented. The application of the sensor can shorten the time of analyses of poisoned patients. It will be dedicated to support diagnostics of all patients in bad clinical state, where anamnesis is difficult to obtain, intoxicated people or fire victims. We assume to use such method in the Emergency Departments, small clinics and doctors’ offices. In the Sect. 5 the hollow core microstructured waveguide biosensors for applications in biomedical sensors are presented. This waveguide can be used for investigation of optical parameters (scattering, refractivity and other) of many biological liquids. The last section focuses on our conclusion about optoelectronic method which can be used for rapid detection of environmental toxicity in blood of poisoned people.

  • Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise
    • Adam Kurowski
    • Karolina Marciniuk
    • Bożena Kostek
    2016 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    Music Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of selected types of vehicle-associated noise, i.e.: car, truck and motorcycle. Then, cross-correlation be-tween pairs of parameters is calculated. Parameters for which absolute value of cross-correlation factor is below a selected threshold, are chosen for fur-ther analysis. Subsequently, pairs of parameters found in the previous step are analyzed as a graph of low-correlated parameters with the use of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm. Graph is checked for existence of cliques of parameters linked in all-to-all manner related to their low correlation. The largest clique of low-correlated parameters is then tested for suitability for separation into three vehicle noise classes. Behrens-Fisher statistic is used for this purpose. Results are visualized in the form of 2D and 3D scatter plots.

  • Serial control of CNC machines
    • Paweł Kowalski
    • Robert Smyk
    2016 Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering

    In this paper a new method of the serial control of CNC machines is proposed. Actuators are controlled locally and the role of the central computer is limited to sending commands to the controller instead of sending it directly to actuators. It has been achieved with the use of the serial protocol with the use of the USB port. The taken approach leads to more reliable operation because commands are buffered and no synchronization between command stream and actuators operation is needed.

  • Shaping New Generations of Managers and Consumers: CSR Implementation and Higher Education System in Poland
    • Magdalena Popowska

    Considering the Corporate Social Responsibility as a significant research and education topic for university staff, students, graduates and the whole society, has become a sign of our times. Universities and other education institutions, including the third sector, play an important role, incorporating CSR as a crosscutting issue, in particular into the curricula of future managers and graduate students, no matter the country we focus on. This process is very important in countries under the transition process, but also for countries that just finished this process but still feel the burden of the previous centrally controlled economic system on their backs, and also for the well developed world economies. Poland has successfully managed to reach quite satisfactory economic parameters during the last 25 years of constant transformation but there is a lot of critics regarding the social aspects, which seem still to be inferior to the Western work and life conditions. This paper aims to present the Polish national background regarding the CSR implementation as well as the responsible education in the last 10 years. It provides also an educational and organizational picture of Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) and in particular, of its Faculty of Management and Economics, as an example of non-pioneering but at the same time quite dynamic Polish state university. Empirical data, provided by a survey conducted on 200 students of that Faculty, enrich the analysis, offering new elements for further researches.

    • Magdalena Rembeza

    The aim of a paper is to examine the role of creative placemaking in shaping urban environment. Art and artists have a long history of contributing and changing cities. Nowadays art and cultural activities become the revitalization tools, helping to start and sustain the process of change in the areas in crisis. The process of creative placemaking brings art to people and people to art, enhancing creativity in lives to transform communities. In creative placemaking, public, private, not-for-profit, and community sectors partner to strategically shape the physical and social character of a neighborhood, town, tribe, city, or region around arts and cultural activities [2]. Methods used in the research are based on multidisciplinary literature studies and detailed case study of the Mural Arts Program of Philadelphia, USA. The Program, that started in 1984 as a summer youth program, grew into one of the largest and most successful public art organization in the USA. Before the revitalization process the city was struggling with poverty, violence and racism. Due to the program more than 3,800 murals and public art projects were created as lasting imprints of transformed space. Mural Arts has engaged thousands of people of all ages from the city, empowered artists to be change agents and established new standards of excellence in the practice of public and contemporary art. The article examines the case and attempts to answer the following questions: - Can creative placemaking help to bulid the vision for an inclusive city?! - How art in urban environment can become a platform of citizens’ agreement?! The findings of the research shows that the Mural Arts in Philadelphia has significantly changed the appearance of the city and what is more important demonstrated how participatory public art can empower individuals.

  • Shaping the brand awareness of science and technology parks in Eastern Poland
    • Anna Lis
    • Ewa Romanowska
    2016 Full text Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy

    The main aim of the paper is the analysis of the effects of actions undertaken so far that have aimed at shaping brand awareness of the parks in Eastern Poland, supported under the OP DEP. The authors focused on the demand-side perspectiveand scrutinized two vectors of conscious branding: the surrounding environment and communication with customers. The group of potential customers underwent qualitative research (ITI interviews). The research in the group of the actual customers was conducted by means of quantitativemethods (CAPI and CATI interviews). The results of the study indicate the lack of knowledge of the parks’ functioning, the lack of awareness of the benefits that could be achieved while cooperating with parks, low effectiveness of the existing forms of promotion of the parks, but also the high needs for innovation support among entrepreneurs. On the basis of the study results, the authors formulated recommendations for improving the promotion of parks.

  • Shaping the spatial structures of post-socialist cities
    • Piotr Lorens

    This paper deals with issues and problems associated with transformation of spatial structures of post-socialist cities. The special attention is paid to the cases of Polish cities and towns and the analysis of their evolution – from the “post-communist structures” to the “cities in the age of globalization”. In the light of this the factors influencing the spatial transformation of these are analyzed. The paper is concluded with more general remarks regarding the outcomes of the discussed transformation processes

  • Sharp bounds for the complexity of semi-equitable coloring of cubic and subcubic graphs
    • Marek Kubale
    • Hanna Furmańczyk

    In this paper we consider the complexity of semi-equitable k-coloring of the vertices of a cubic or subcubic graph. We show that, given n-vertex subcubic graph G, a semi-equitable k-coloring of G is NP-hard if s >= 7n/20 and polynomially solvable if s <= 7n/21, where s is the size of maximum color class of the coloring.

  • Sharp transitions in low-number quantum dots Bayesian magnetometry
    • Paweł Mazurek
    • Michał Horodecki
    • Łukasz Czekaj
    • Paweł Horodecki
    2016 Full text Scientific Reports

    We consider Bayesian estimate of static magnetic field, characterized by a prior Gaussian probability distribution, in systems of a few electron quantum dot spins interacting with infinite temperature spin environment via hyperfine interaction. Sudden transitions among optimal states and measurements are observed. Usefulness of measuring occupation levels is shown for all times of the evolution, together with the role of entanglement in the optimal scenario. For low values of magnetic field, memory effects stemming from the interaction with environment provide limited metrological advantage.

    • Daniel Chuchała
    • Kazimierz Orłowski
    2016 Full text Trieskove a Beztrieskove Obrabanie Dreva

    In this paper values of the fracture toughness and of shear yield stress in the shear zone of Scots pine are presented. Tests of cutting were carried on samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These experimentally cutting tests were carried on the sash gang saw PRW-15M and the values of cutting power were obtained. The values of fracture toughness and shear yield stress based on Atkins’s model for cutting power and using a methodology developed by Orlowski were determined from the values of cutting power. The diversity characteristic properties of Scots pine according to the raw material provenance are shown. The obtained values of fracture toughness and shear yield stresses of Polish pine wood could be used in computations of energetic effects of sawing on sash gang saws, and bandsaw machines with higher accuracy because raw material provenance is taken into account.

  • Shielded coupled strip and slot guides with a thin omega pseudochiral medium layer
    • Wojciech Marynowski
    • Adam Kusiek
    • Rafał Lech
    • Jerzy Mazur

    A method of moments combined with mode matching technique is applied to analyze the shielded coupled strip and slot line structures containing a thin plate of Omega pseudochiral medium. The boundary problems are simplified by introducing for omega medium the approximate continuity conditions. Such mathematical model allows to examine the field displacement effect appearing in the considered guide resulting from the coupling between the omega medium and modal fields. This effect has different influence on the wave parameters of the modes propagating in the coupled strip and slot guides. The phenomena occurring in the investigated structure can be applied to the design of the novel devices such as couplers or filters.

  • Sieci w wymiarze sprawiedliwości - pożądany model przywództwa
    • Przemysław Banasik
    • Sylwia Morawska
    • Joanna Kuczewska

    Celem artykułu jest wypełnienie luki poznawczej dotyczącej lidera przywództwa w sieciach w sektorze publicznym na przykładzie sądów.

  • Sieci współpracy i sieciowanie – socjo-ekonomiczne ujęcie teoretyczne
    • Marzena Starnawska

    Celem opracowania, jest identyfikacja roli poszczególnych ram teoretycznych osadzonych w teoriach ekonomicznych oraz socjologicznych w wyjaśnianiu zjawiska i roli sieci w inicjatywach i przedsięwzięciach społecznych.

  • Sieć rozproszona. Zachowanie sprawności infrastruktury wodociągowo – kanalizacyjnej
    • Ziemowit Suligowski
    2016 Magazyn Instalatora

    Problemy związane z realizacja infrastruktury na obszarach o niskiej intensywności użytkowania. Nadrzędność zachowania akc eptowalnych warunków eksploatacji

  • Siedmiokryterialny miernik oceny niepotokowych procesów produkcyjnych
    • Alicja Kukułka

    Rosnące wymagania klientów związane z dostarczaniem produktów dostosowanych do ich indywidualnych potrzeb wymuszają rozwój procesów niepotokowych. Wykonano analizę literatury przedmiotu zapewniającą podłoże teoretyczne oraz przeprowadzono studium przypadków, podczas którego dokonano analizy przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjnego pod kątem sposobów pomiaru procesów produkcyjnych oraz możliwości stosowania oceny wielokryterialnej w praktyce. Studium przypadku zostało wzbogacone o obserwację uczestniczącą, obserwację nieuczestniczącą, wywiady oraz analizę danych historycznych.W wyniku prowadzonych prac opracowano miernik wielokryterialnej oceny procesu niepotokowego z wykorzystaniem zbioru mierników w ramach poszczególnych kryteriów. Opracowano model siedmiowielokryterialnej oceny procesu niepotokowego, w którym to pomiar procesu został oparty na kryterium: rynkowym, ekonomicznym, ekologicznym, społecznym, technologicznym, planistycznym oraz ogólno rozwojowym. Dla każdego z siedmiu kryteriów dobrano mierniki pomiaru służące ocenie procesu.Wybrane mierniki cechują się różną skalą wartości oraz różnymi jednostkami zatem opracowano funkcję normalizujące do poszczególnych mierników, dzięki czemu możliwe było porównywanie uzyskanych wyników. Opracowana koncepcja pozwoli dokonywać kompleksowej i syntetycznej oceny procesu niepotokowego.

  • Signal conditioning for examination of shallow-water acoustic noise correlation properties
    • Mariusz Rudnicki
    • Jacek Marszal
    2016 Full text HYDROACOUSTICS

    The article describes the process of signal conditioning for examination of acoustic noise correlation properties in shallow water. Knowledge of these properties is very important for the design processes of passive and active hydroacoustic systems. This paper focuses on the above issue from the point of view of passive sonar. In sonar systems, signal processing algorithms operate on both useful acoustic signals, and accompanying noise. Quantitative estimation of the correlation properties of acoustic noise enables an accurate determination of detection conditions. This will verify the validity of certain commonly used simplified models in simulations of hydroacoustic systems. The article presents how the measurement system was constructed, and the structure of files for storing measurement data. It describes the processing algorithm developed for the measured signal conditioning. Research results are presented and discussed.

  • Silicon oxycarbide ceramics as anodes for lithium ion batteries: influence of carbon content on lithium storage capacity
    • Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka
    • Paweł Puczkarski
    • Zofia Grabowska
    • Jan Kaspar
    • Magdalena Graczyk-Zajac
    • Ralf Riedel
    • Gian Sorarù
    2016 RSC Advances

    We report here on the synthesis and characterization of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) in view of its application as a potential anode material for Li-ion batteries. SiOC ceramics are obtained by pyrolysis of various polysiloxanes synthesized by sol–gel methods. The polysiloxanes contain different organic groups attached to silicon, which influence the chemical composition and the microstructure of the final ceramic product. The structure of the SiOC samples is investigated by XRD, micro-Raman spectroscopy, solid state 29Si MAS-NMR and TEM. All investigated samples remain amorphous. However, at the elevated temperature of pyrolysis a phase separation process begins. During this process the carbon clusters become more ordered, which is reflected in the higher intensity and narrowing of the D1 band and decreasing of the D3 band. Moreover, the elevated temperature of pyrolysis promotes consumption of mixed bonds units, SiO3C, SiO2C2, SiOC3, and increases the share of oxygen rich SiO4 and carbon rich SiC4 tetrahedra. Electrochemical studies show a clear dependence between free carbon content and lithium storage capacity. Carbon-rich samples exhibit significantly higher capacities (550 mA h g-1 recorded at low current rate after 140 charge–discharge cycles) compared to carbon-poor samples (up to 360 mA h g-1). Moreover, carbon-rich samples exhibit a lower irreversible capacity during their first cycles compared to low carbon samples.

  • Similarity Measures for Face Images: An Experimental Study
    • Maciej Smiatacz

    This work describes experiments aimed at finding a straightforward but effective way of comparing face images.We discuss properties of the basic concepts, such as the Euclidean, cosine and correlation metrics, test the simplest version of elastic templates, and compare these solutions with distances based on texture descriptors (Local Ternary Patterns). The influence of selected image processing methods (e.g. bilateral ltering) on image comparison results is also considered. Additionally, the new metric, in which differences between LTP histograms are weighted with alignment coefficients, is proposed.

  • Simple gait parameterization and 3D animation for anonymous visual monitoring based on augmented reality
    • Piotr Szczuko

    The article presents a method for video anonymization and replacing real human silhouettes with virtual 3D figures rendered on a screen. Video stream is processed to detect and to track objects, whereas anonymization stage employs animating avatars accordingly to behavior of detected persons. Location, movement speed, direction, and person height are taken into account during animation and rendering phases. This approach requires a calibrated camera, and utilizes results of visual object tracking. A procedure for transforming objects visual features and bounding boxes into gait parameters for animated figures is presented. Conclusions and future work perspectives are provided.

  • Simplified Distribution Grid Modelling for Connection Analyses
    • Paweł Bućko
    • Jerzy Buriak
    • Krzysztof Dobrzyński
    • Marcin Jaskólski
    • Piotr Skoczko
    • Piotr Zieliński
    2016 Full text Acta Energetica

    This paper considers the modelling of medium and low voltage grids for the purpose of connection studies by distribution grid operators. Possible simplifications in grid modelling are discussed, which are acceptable from the viewpoint of the final result. The main driver of the modelling simplification is the MS Excel environment used as the computation platform, and the limitation of time for grid modelling.