Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2016

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  • Sub-regional service centres in reality and regional planning in Poland = Podregionalne osrodki obsługi w sferze realnej i planowaniu regionalnym w Polsce
    • Jacek Sołtys

    Sub-regional centres are defined as towns where the services of the sub-regional level are concentrated. In Poland these are such services that can be located in several towns in a voivodeship (region), but not in every capital of a poviat (county). The transformation of civilization has influenced changes in Christaller’s model of settlement network, but re-gularities are still valid. Models derived from Christaller's Central Place Theory have been used not only in describing reality, but also in planning, e.g. in Germany. In Poland, centres established in the spatial development plans for voivodeships are not used as a tool for the localization of services. The issue of sub-regional centres in Poland defined by sets of services has not been researched recently. Also, the role of a hierarchical service model in regional policy has not yet been researched. Thus, the objectives of the presented research were to verify: 1) whether any regularities of a hierarchical model for the localization of services exist at the sub-regional level in Poland, 2) to what extent regional planning in Poland operates according to a hierarchical model of service. Methods of research included: identification and classification of sub-regional centres (apart from metropolitan areas), which were examined on the basis of four kinds of services, and analysis of spatial development plans for voivodeships. Research shows that some towns can be identified as complete or incomplete sub-regional centres (depending on the extent of equipment provided), and that the levels of hierarchical centres established in the regional plans fail to specify whether those centres are in fact service centres.

  • Substancje złowonne powstające w oczyszczalniach ścieków i metody oceny ich uciążliwości zapachowej
    • Hubert Byliński
    • Jacek Gębicki
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    2016 Analityka: Nauka i Praktyka

    W artykule przedstawiono informacje o źródłach emisji substancji złowonnych z oczyszczalni ścieków do otoczenia. Ponadto opisano jakie substancje odpowiadają za występowanie uciążliwości zapachowej i które z nich mogą stanowić potencjalny marker emisji zapachowej. Scharakteryzowano techniki pomiaru stężeń substancji złowonnych zarówno sensoryczne jak i instrumentalne jednocześnie określając ich użyteczność praktyczną. W pracy przedstawiono również sposoby dezodoryzacji stosowane w oczyszczalniach ścieków.

  • Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) filter design using space mapping
    • Natalia Leszczynska
    • Mariusz Klinkosz
    • Michał Mrozowski

    In this paper, we present a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters in substrate integrated wave (SIW) technology. The proposed methodology combines the space mapping technique with a cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of filter’s transfer and reflection function and uses a rectangular waveguide as a surrogate model. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with an illustrative example.

  • Successive Iterative Method for Higher-Order Fractional Differential Equations Involving Stieltjes Integral Boundary Conditions
    • Tadeusz Jankowski
    2016 Full text TASK Quarterly

    In this paper, the existence of positive solutions to fractional differential equations with delayed arguments and Stieltjes integral boundary conditions is discussed. The convergence of successive iterative method of solving such problems is investigated. This allows us to improve some recent works. Some numerical examples illustrate the results.

  • Sukcesy studentów WILiŚ
    • Katarzyna Weinerowska-Bords
    2016 Pismo PG

    W artykule przedstawiono sukcesy studentów WILiŚ związane z badaniami współczynników oporów lokalnych przy przepływie w przewodach wielowarstwowych

  • Super capacitor energy bank MEDCOM UCER-01 in Gdynia trolleybus system
    • Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk

    Since 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. The installation of the supercapacity energy bank on substation Wielkopolska in 2014 year was one of them. It is the first such big stationary supercapacitor storage system installed in trolleybus supply system in the Middle - Eastern Europe. The results gained during more than one year exploitation are presented in the paper.

  • Superconductivity and ferromagnetism in Pd doped Y9Co7
    • Judyta Strychalska-Nowak
    • Joe D. Thompson
    • Robert J. Cava
    • Tomasz Klimczuk

    The ferromagnetic superconductor Y9Co7 was chemically doped to yield the solid solution Y9Co7-xPdx for 0 < x < 0.4. The lattice parameter a does not depend on x, whereas c increases with increasing Pd content up to x ¼ 0.2, the palladium solubility limit. The transition from ferromagnetism (TC ¼ 4.25 K) to superconductivity (Tsc ¼ 2.4 K) was observed only for the parent Y9Co7 compound. For the lowest tested Pd doping level (x ¼ 0.05), ferromagnetism is enhanced strongly (TC ¼ 9.35 K) and superconductivity is not seen above 1.8 K. The Curie temperature rapidly increases from 4.25 K to about 10 K for a Pd concentration of x ¼ 0.1 and remains almost unchanged for Y9Co6.8Pd0.2.

  • Superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism of Y9Co7 probed by ac susceptibility
    • R Gordon
    • M .d. Vannette
    • Judyta Strychalska-Nowak
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Robert J. Cava
    • R Prozorov

    The ac magnetic susceptibility of a single crystal sample of the compound Y9Co7 has been measured in applied dc fields ranging from 0–6.7 kOe by utilizing a tunnel diode resonator circuit. In agreement with previous measurements on this material, a superconducting transition has been observed to occur at TSC ≈ 2.5 K. A broad maximum has been observed in the zero field susceptibility measurements from 2.5 K < T < 8 K and its behavior with applied dc magnetic fields is consistent with that of the itinerant ferromagnet ZrZn2, which supports previous claims of itinerant ferromagnetism in this compound. The susceptibility has also been measured as a function of applied magnetic field and the results indicate that the actual Curie temperature for this system is higher than that suggested by previous reports based on Arrott plots constructed from dc magnetization.

  • Superconductivity in CaBi2
    • Michał Jerzy Winiarski
    • B. Wiendlocha
    • Sylwia Gołąb
    • S. K. Kushwaha
    • Piotr Wiśniewski
    • Dariusz Kaczorowski
    • Joe D. Thompson
    • Robert J. Cava
    • Tomasz Klimczuk

    Superconductivity is observed with critical temperature Tc = 2.0 K in self-flux-grown single crystals of CaBi2. This material adopts the ZrSi2 structure type with lattice parameters a = 4.696(1) Å, b = 17.081(2) Å and c = 4.611(1) Å. The crystals of CaBi2 were studied by means of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. The heat capacity jump at Tc is DC/gTc = 1.41, confirming bulk superconductivity; the Sommerfeld coefficient g = 4.1 mJ mol1 K2 and the Debye temperature YD = 157 K. The electron–phonon coupling strength is lel–ph = 0.59, and the thermodynamic critical field Hc is low, between 111 and 124 Oe CaBi2 is a moderate coupling type-I superconductor. Results of electronic structure calculations are reported and charge densities, electronic bands, densities of states and Fermi surfaces are discussed, focusing on the effects of spin–orbit coupling and electronic property anisotropy. We find a mixed quasi-2D + 3D character in the electronic structure, which reflects the layered crystal structure of the material.

  • Supervised model predictive control of wastewater treatment plant
    • Michał Grochowski
    • Tomasz Adam Rutkowski

    An optimizing control of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), allowing for cost savings over long time period and fulfilling effluent discharge limits at the same time, requires application of advanced control techniques. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a very suitable control technology for a synthesis of such a truly multivariable controller that can handle constraints and accommodate model-based knowledge combined with hard measurements. As it is impossible to efficiently control the plant by one universal control strategy under all possible influent conditions, it is proposed in the paper to on-line adapt the nonlinear MPC control strategy in order to best adapt the control actions to actual and predicted WWTP conditions. Adjusting the MPC control strategy is carried out by suitable manipulating the components of performance index and constraints. This process is supervised by Mamdani reasoning system. The supervised MPC controller performance was tested by simulations within large range of plant operating conditions and then compared with classic MPC without such mechanism. The simulation model of the benchmark WWTP utilizes ASM2d model.

  • Supervisory Control System for Adaptive Phase and Work Cycle Management of Sequencing Wastewater Treatment Plant
    • Piotr Hirsch
    • Robert Piotrowski
    • Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz
    • Michał Grochowski
    2016 Full text Studies in Informatics and Control

    The paper presents the design of the integrated control system applied to Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in a biological Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Swarzewo, which operates under activated sludge technology. Based on the real data records, ASM2d biological processes model and aeration system model, hierarchical control system for dissolved oxygen tracking and cycle management is designed. Internal Model Controller (IMC) was applied to control the air flow at the lower control level. Higher level dissolved oxygen controller is based on Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) method. The supervisory system performs management of reactor work cycle, determines the phase length, controls sludge age, calculates setpoint of dissolved oxygen and adapts parameters of the lower control layer. Proposed control system allowed to: increase the efficiency, improve the quality of outflow and reduce the cost of aeration and chemical treatment plant, in relation to existing solutions in case study plant.

  • Supramolecular Synthesis Based on a Combination of Se···N Secondary Bonding Interactions with Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds
    • Katarzyna Eichstaedt
    • Aleksandra Wasilewska
    • Barbara Wicher
    • Maria Gdaniec
    • Tadeusz Połoński

    Examination of the solid state structures of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole complexes with hydrogen or halogen bond donors has demonstrated that the 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole molecules preferably form centrosymmetric dimers with use of [Se–N]2 supramolecular synthon, whereas the two remaining nitrogen atoms not involved in the [Se–N]2 supramolecular interactions can act as acceptors of hydrogen or halogen bonds. Cocrystallization of selenadiazoles with monofunctional hydrogen or halogen bond donors like pentafluorophenol, pentafluorobenzoic acid, or pentafluoroiodobenzene results in formation of binary discrete complexes. One- or two-dimensional aggregates based on selenadiazole [Se–N]2 dimers as building blocks were prepared using bifunctional hydrogen or halogen bond donors like resorcinol, tetrafluororesorcinol, tetrafluorohydroquinone, and 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene. During the complexation of selenadiazoles with hydroquinone, anilic acid, or chloranilic acid a competition between Se···N and Se···O interactions resulted in breaking of the [Se–N]2 synthon.

  • Surrogate Modeling and Optimization Using Shape-Preserving Response Prediction: A Review
    • Leifur Leifsson
    • Sławomir Kozieł

    Computer simulation models are ubiquitous in modern engineering design. In many cases, they are the only way to evaluate a given design with sufficient fidelity. Unfortunately, an added computa-tional expense is associated with higher fidelity models. Moreover, the systems being considered are often highly nonlinear and may feature a large number of designable parameters. Therefore, it may be impractical to solve the design problem with conventional optimization algorithms. A promising approach to alleviate these difficulties is surrogate-based optimization (SBO). Among proven SBO techniques, the methods utilizing surrogates constructed from corrected physics-based low-fidelity models are, in many cases, the most efficient. In this paper, we review a particular technique of this type, namely, the shape-preserving response prediction (SPRP) technique, which works on the level of the model responses to correct the underlying low-fidelity models. The for-mulation and limitations of SPRP are discussed. Applications to several engineering design prob-lems are provided.

  • Symulacja odwróconego cyklu sprężarki zębatej
    • Karol Tyszkowski
    2016 Full text Mechanik

    Celem pracy jest określenie warunków występujących w komorze roboczej silnika pneumatycznego pracującego w cyklu odwrotnym do cyklu sprężarki zębatej. Wyniki uzyskano za pomocą symulacji w programie ANSYS CFX poprzez zamodelowanie przepływu powietrza przez komorę roboczą silnika.

  • Symulacje modelowe migracji zanieczyszczeń w okolicy składowiska odpadów w Gdańsku-Szdółkach
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    • Rostankowska Izabela
    2016 Full text Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika

    Przeprowadzone badania na wielowarstwowym modelu hydrodynamicznym i symulacje transportu masy w strumieniu zanieczyszczeń umożliwiły określenie kierunku i szybkości migracji odcieków ze składowiska w Szadółkach. Na podstawie rozkładu stężeń zanieczyszczeń oraz bilandu masy jonó chlorkowych stwierdzono, że zanieczyszczenie migruje do pierwszej i drugiej czwartorzędowej warstwy wodonośnej. Nie stwierdzono zanieczyszczenia trzeciego poziomu wodonośnego, który stanowi główny użytkowy poziom wodonośny.

  • Synchro-photogrammetry in the measurement of objects in motion - the case study
    • Artur Janowski
    • Aleksandra Jasionowska
    • Dominika Karpińska
    • Jakub Szulwic
    • Patryk Ziółkowski

    Synchronous photographs and digital photogrammetry methods in a measurement of objects in motion - the experiment. In the following paper, a case study example of a photogrammetric method based on synchronous digital photographs has been presented. This measurement method is an effective solution for tracking of moving objects, dynamic studies and dimensioning of geometry movements. Nowadays, the use of synchronous photography is present in reverse engineering (e.g., Aramis, Kinect, 3D imaging scanners). Authors present experimental results which were carried out and based on synchronous photographs system of Foucault pendulum. Experimental results and debate over errors should be warning about hasty treatment for rules of photogrammetry methods and putting confidence in a commercial system of calibration non-metric digital cameras. Experiment result proved that keeping of metrological rigor in engineering geodesy is not sufficient to get accurate results. In photogrammetry measurement, it is also important to have the correct calibration of cameras. If it is not verified, it will lead to unaccepted errors in measurement. Authors present debate over the influence of results photogrammetry measurement results on an outcome. In this paper errors of photogrammetry measurement, that can be estimated at millimeters, translate into inaccuracy for determining of geographical position.

    • Rafał Janowicz
    • Bogusława Konarzewska

    Podczas przebudowy obiektów budowlanych, zwłaszcza pomieszczeń ze stanowiskami pracy, projektant staje przed koniecznością rozwiązania wielu różnorodnych problemów projektowo-wykonawczych. Jednym z nich jest możliwość degeneracji tkanki budowlanej – zjawiska prowadzącego do powstawania wśród użytkowników budynku zespołu przypadłości opisywanych w literaturze jako syndrom chorego budynku. Nieprawidłowo funkcjonujący budynek jest poważnym zagrożeniem, stanowiąc środowisko szkodliwe dla jego użytkowników. Jest to zjawisko dość powszechne – w tkance miejskiej wielokrotnie można napotkać budynki, których zły stan techniczny jest spowodowany nieprawidłową eksploatacją, zużyciem tkanki budowlanej bądź błędami popełnionymi przy projektowaniu. To sprawia, że problematyka ta jako temat badawczy jest aktualna i wymaga uwagi specjalistów z różnych branż budowlanych. W poniższym rozdziale przedstawiono wybrane przyczyny i skutki „chorowania” budynków w kontekście doświadczeń zdobytych przez autorów podczas ich praktyki zawodowej.

  • Synergistic effects in micellization and surface tension reduction in nonionic gemini S-10 and cationic RTAB surfactants mixtures
    • Aleksandra Trawińska
    • Elżbieta Hallmann
    • Krystyna Mędrzycka

    Mixtures of nonionic gemini surfactant S-10 (α,α′-[2,4,7,9-tetrametyl-5-decyne-4,7-diyl]bis[ω-hydroxy -polioxyetylene] with cationic alkyltrimethylammonium bromides of different alkyl chain length (RTAB) were investigated. Basing on surface tension measurements the cmc values and other adsorption parameters were found. The Clint, Rubing’s and Rosen theories were applied for evaluation of the synergistic effects in mixed films and mixed micelles formation. The molecular interaction parameters have negative values in all investigated mixtures, which confirm attractive forces between components. The magnitude of this forces depends on mixtures composition and in mixed micelles was higher than that in mixed films. It has been documented that in the process of micellization strong synergy exists, while in mixed film formation it is not so evident and was stated only in surface tension reduction efficiency. The composition of mixed films is different than the composition of mixed micelles, because a molar fraction of S-10 in monolayers is much higher than its contribution in mixed micelles at the same bulk composition

  • Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu
    • Marcin Morawiec

    Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu stanowi cel niniejszej monografii. Praca zawiera podstawowe informacje na temat modelowania układu napędowego z maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono informacje na temat linearyzacji nieliniowych obiektów. Na pod-stawie metody syntezy strukturalnej opracowano nowe transformacje do postaci zmien-nych multiskalarnych, które umożliwiają sterowanie maszyną zasilaną z falownika prądu, przy czym zmiennymi sterującymi są napięcie na wejściu obwodu pośredniczącego oraz prędkość kątowa wektora prądu wyjściowego falownika. W układzie regulacji wykorzy-stano podejście klasyczne z regulatorami proporcjonalno całkującymi oraz adaptacyjne z regulatorem backstepping. W adaptacyjnym układzie regulacji moment obciążenia esty-mowano w sposób adaptacyjny oraz zaproponowano modyfikację tej formuły. Ze wzglę-du na fakt, że wielkości regulatora backstepping nie posiadają ograniczonych wartości za-proponowano sposób ograniczania uzależniony od maksymalnej wartości prądu stojana oraz kwadratu wektora strumienia wirnika. W bezczujnikowych układach regulacji za pomocą metody backstepping opracowano trzy struktury obserwatorów prędkości na-zwane Z, M i F. W celu uzyskania dużej precyzji sterowania opracowano obserwator mo-mentu obciążenia, który można wykorzystać w strukturach regulacji z regulatorami pro-porcjonalno całkującymi jak i regulatorze backstepping. Przeprowadzono analizę stabil-ności struktur obserwatorów Z, M i F oraz analizę zbieżności struktury Z i F polegającą na podaniu warunku o stałym wzbudzeniu estymatora. Zagadnienia teoretyczne zweryfikowano za pomocą badań symulacyjnych jak i eksperymentalnych.

  • Synthesis and biological activity of ester derivatives of mycophenolic acid and acridines/acridones as potential immunosuppressive agents
    • Grzegorz Cholewiński
    • Dorota Iwaszkiewicz-Grześ
    • Piotr Trzonkowski
    • Krystyna Dzierzbicka
    • Dorota Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes

    Improved derivatives of mycophenolic acid (MPA) are necessary to reduce the frequency of adverse effects, this drug exerts in treated patients. In this study, MPA was coupled with N-(x-hydroxyalkyl)-9-acridone-4-carboxamides or N-(x-hydroxyalkyl)acridine-4-carboxamides to give respective ester conjugates upon Yamaguchi protocol. This esterification required protection of phenol group in MPA. Designed conjugates revealed higher potency in vitro than parent MPA. Acridine derivatives were more active than acridone analogs and length of the alkyl linker between MPA and heterocyclic units influenced the observed cytotoxicity.