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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2016

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  • Computer-aided evaluation of the railway track geometry on the basis of satellite measurements
    • Cezary Specht
    • Władysław Koc
    • Piotr Chrostowski
    2016 Full text Open Engineering

    In recent years, all over the world there has been a period of intensive development of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) measurement techniques and their extension for the purpose of their applications in the field of surveying and navigation. Moreover, in many countries a rising trend in the development of rail transportation systems has been noticed. In this paper, a method of railway track geometry assessment based on mobile satellite measurements is presented. The paper shows the implementation effects of satellite surveying railway geometry. The investigation process described in the paper is divided on two phases. The first phase is the GNSS mobile surveying and the analysis obtained data. The second phase is the analysis of the track geometry using the flat coordinates from the surveying. The visualization of the measured route, separation and quality assessment of the uniform geometric elements (straight sections, arcs), identification of the track polygon (main directions and intersection angles) are discussed and illustrated by the calculation example within the article.

  • Computer-aided reconstruction of the railway track axis geometrical shape
    • Władysław Koc
    • Cezary Specht
    • Katarzyna Palikowska
    • Piotr Chrostowski
    2016 Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research

    In the paper a method of the railway track axis geometrical shape identification in a horizontal plane, directly from the continuous satellite measurements, is presented. In this method, an algorithm for the design of railway track sections located in the horizontal arc is used. The algorithm uses an analytical description of the layout by means of suitable mathematical formulas. The design procedure has a universal character and it creates a possibility of varying both the type and the length of transition curves. An identification of the existing horizontal arcs is made in a main directions reference system or without it in case of more complex layouts. The developed computer program is based on a calculation algorithm, which operates on the numerical representation of the railway track geometrical shape and uses a set of functions providing G2 joins between straight lines and circular arcs using transition curves. In the proposed algorithm the geometrical parameters of the horizontal layout are estimated in the optimization process. To solve the problem Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is used. A minimization of the distance between existing layout and the designed one is used as an optimization criterion.

  • Computing algebraic transfer entropy and coupling directions via transcripts
    • José Amigó
    • Roberto Monetti
    • Beata Graff
    • Grzegorz Graff
    2016 Full text CHAOS

    Most random processes studied in nonlinear time series analysis take values on sets endowed with a group structure, e.g., the real and rational numbers, and the integers. This fact allows to associate with each pair of group elements a third element, called their transcript, which is defined as the product of the second element in the pair times the first one. The transfer entropy of two such processes is called algebraic transfer entropy. It measures the information transferred between two coupled processes whose values belong to a group. In this paper, we show that, subject to one constraint, the algebraic transfer entropy matches the (in general, conditional) mutual information of certain transcripts with one variable less. This property has interesting practical applications, especially to the analysis of short time series. We also derive weak conditions for the 3-dimensional algebraic transfer entropy to yield the same coupling direction as the corresponding mutual information of transcripts. A related issue concerns the use of mutual information of transcripts to determine coupling directions in cases where the conditions just mentioned are not fulfilled. We checked the latter possibility in the lowest dimensional case with numerical simulations and cardiovascular data, and obtained positive results.

  • Concentrations of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in the air of the underground car park and individual garages attached to residential buildings
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Monika Śmiełowska
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    The paper describes the characteristics of a two-level underground car park and three individual garages attached to residential buildings, differing by the resident utilization habits, located in North Poland (Tri-City agglomeration area). The strategy of collecting the analyte samples from air in mentioned enclosed areas, concerning the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and p,m-xylenes (BTEX) concentrations was performed using passive sampling technique – Radiello® diffusive passive samplers with graphitised charcoal cartridge as a sorption medium. The stage of liberation and final determination of collected analytes was conducted with the use of thermal desorption-gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector (TD-GC-FID) system. As a result of the performed measurements in two-level underground car park, it was observed that the time-weighted average concentrations of BTEX in air were as follows: Level-1 – benzene – 5.2 ± 1.1 μg/m3, toluene – 12.3 ± 2.4 μg/m3, ethylbenzene 2.85 ± 0.80 μg/m3, o-xylene – 4.6 ± 1.4 μg/m3, p, m-xylenes – 8.8 ± 2,4 μg/m3; Level-2 – benzene - 5.2 ± 1.1 μg/m3, toluene – 12.9 ± 3.6 μg/m3, ethylbenzene – 2.73 ± 0.79 μg/m3, o-xylene – 4.2 ± 1.1 μg/m3, p, m-xylenes – 8.5 ± 2.3 μg/m3. As for residential garages, the time-weighted average concentrations of BTEX in air were in the following ranges: from 5.9 to 53 μg/m3 (benzene), from 7.1 to 195 μg/m3 (toluene), from 3.0 to 39 μg/m3 (ethylbenzene), from 5.6 to 44 μg/m3 (o-xylene) and from 6.3 to 99 μg/m3 (p,m-xylenes). Also, BTEX concentration ratios such as: tol/benz ratio and (m, p)-xyl/et.benz coefficient, were calculated based on the obtained results to assess the “freshness” of air mass and the influence exerted by vehicle movement on the concentration of BTEX in air in studied enclosed areas.

  • Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case
    • Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska
    • Magdalena Rembeza

    The aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented. City structures should create resilient organism, in terms of integrated space, environment, society and transport system. Unfortunately it is not always being considered in road planning. The space between the neighbouring city structures should connect them, not divide, even if it is road corridor. Complexity of planning, long-term thinking about the city environment in design and decision making, are the ways to improve road planning, to protect existing values and minimize negative impacts. Considering urban context should be taken into account to protect local identity, environmental values, and to meet social needs. Environmental Impact Assessment procedure may help minimize negative environmental and landscape impacts. Taking all these guidelines into account during road planning potential problems should be minimized and city structures should be improved. However these commonly known theoretical guidelines are not always obvious in practice. We can observe many examples of creating new concrete and technical road corridors inside urban tissue, with no respect for landscape and greenway planning and not using such possibilities like green and blue infrastructure. The presented case study will illustrate the issues arising during planning and construction of the part of road system in Gdansk, Poland.

  • Conductivity and viscosity changes of imidazolium ionic liquids induced by H2O and CO2
    • Robert Aranowski
    • Iwona Cichowska-Kopczyńska
    • Bartosz Dębski
    • Piotr Jasiński

    Several solutions of ionic liquids based on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation saturated and unsaturated with carbon dioxide were prepared and characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The in fluence of ILs saturation on its electrical conductivity was determined. Additionally, the in fluence of the water presence and variations of temperature on electrical properties of ionic liquids were investigated. Changes of conductivity due to saturation and water content are discussed. Obtained results show that the ionic liquids conductivity significantly depends on the water content. It was shown that the increase of the conductivity cannot be explained by partial conductivities of hydronium, bicarbonate and hydroxide ions.

  • Considerations of Computational Efficiency in Volunteer and Cluster Computing
    • Paweł Czarnul
    • Mariusz Matuszek

    In the paper we focus on analysis of performance and power consumption statistics for two modern environments used for computing – volunteer and cluster based systems. The former integrate computational power donated by volunteers from their own locations, often towards social oriented or targeted initiatives, be it of medical, mathematical or space nature. The latter is meant for high performance computing and is typically installed in a dedicated computing centre. While volunteer systems allow to obtain high computing power, they are not meant for dense computations and do not feature state-of-the-art hardware. Clusters offer best of the best at the cost of high purchase and maintenance cost. In the paper we give computational efficiency statistics for Atlas@Home, Asteroids@Home and BOINC cross-project and compare these to clusters such as Cray XC30, SuperMUC and TRYTON.

  • Container
    • Aleksandra Kuryłowicz-Cudowska
    • Katharina Heidkamp
    • Sandr Andersson
    • Vadim Klevan

     The main aim of the project is to improve interpersonal communication and promote better functionality in the City of Hamburg. An important element is to satisfy the needs of people living and working in diff erent districts. In our project, we sought to give people an outlet and enabled the possibility of creating landscapes. The unusual advantage of the city is that it allows the use of waterways, which in turn become a link for people...

  • Contemporary issues in production and utilisation of the common urban areas
    • Piotr Lorens

    This paper deals with issues in production and utilization of common urban areas within contemporary cities. Therefore, the main focus of it was put on the analysis of the possible models of development of spaces in the context of changing socio-economic environment of cities and evolution of their structure. This issue is discussed also in light of the changing definition of the contemporary public space, which no longer resembles the examples known from a few decades ago. In conclusion, it is argued that the value of contemporary public spaces is associated with their influence on site attractiveness – both in physical, social and economic meanings

  • Continuous Optimisation Algorithms
    • Krzysztof Tesch

    Książka poświęcona jest zagadnieniom optymalizacji ciągłej. Oprócz klasycznych algorytmów gradientowych omawiane są w współczesne algorytmy bezgradientowe, które stosowane są z powodzeniem w optymalizacji globalnej. Większość prezentowanych algorytmów określona może być mianem metaheurystycznych. Zaliczyć do nich można metody optymalizacji inspirowane procesami zachodzącymi w przyrodzie, które dalej można dzielić na inspirowane zjawiskami fizycznymi, procesami biologicznymi czy inteligencją roju. Osobny rozdziały poświęcono zagadnieniom optymalizacji z ograniczeniami i optymalizacji wielokryterialnej. Zawarte są również informacje o rachunku wariacyjnym. Większość omawianych algorytmów poddano analizie statystycznej dla przypadku minimalizacji skomplikowanych i wielowymiarowych funkcji. Wszystkie omawiane algorytmy opisane są w postaci pseudokodu, który z łatwością można zamienić na dowolny język programowania. W załączniku zamieszczono przykładowe listingi w wybranym języku programowania, które są krótkie i przejrzyste. Mogą one być łatwo modyfikowane dla indywidualnych potrzeb i zastosowań. Podręcznik przeznaczony jest dla studentów studiów magisterskich i doktoranckich wydziałów mechanicznych, informatyki oraz fizyki i matematyki stosowanej. Zainteresować może również specjalistów z przemysłu, którzy chcą wykorzystać nowoczesne metody optymalizacyjne w celu ulepszenia swoich konstrukcji i rozwiązań.

  • Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence
    • Andrzej Jedel
    • Jacek Marszal
    • Roman Salamon
    2016 Full text HYDROACOUSTICS

    A CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the object, and its speed. Sounding signal, as patented by the authors, is a combination of Pseudo-Random Sequences (PRS), and elementary signals of Hyperbolic Frequency Modulation (HFM) type. The structure of this signal is aimed at minimizing measurement error. The article presents the idea of a sounding signal of HFM+PRS type, and the results of computer simulations.

    • Bartosz Macikowski

    The presentation of the exhibition “Architect Gustav Oelsner – Light, Air, Colour,”, which took place in Gdynia 1.04-29.05.2011, showed the clinker architecture of Gustav Oelsner in Altona. As a contrast to the white-plastered architecture of Gdynia, it provided an interesting background for the comparison of two different faces of modernism. The most important feature of the aesthetics of modernism was its cosmopolitan character, which also determined the use of its mainstream name: “International Style.” Paradoxically, modernism aesthetically played a different role as it led to the manifestation of ideas sometimes related to really local, symbolic and political meaning. This fact illustrates the complexity of the époque called “Modernism” in general. There are many similarities between Gdynia and Altona. Both have grown close beside historically important cities (and harbours), i.e. Gdansk and Hamburg. In spite of their recognised independence as Free Cities, Gdansk and Hamburg were strongly related to Germany both politically and economically and hence to the northern German tradition of brick architecture. Gdynia and Altona tried to compete with their bigger neighbours, not only on economic grounds, but also in terms of architectural identity. Altona owes its modernistic image to the activity of Gustav Oelsner. The uniqueness of the architectural expression that combined multicoloured, horizontally articulated clinker façades with simple modernistic forms illustrates the international and social ideas of Oelsner’s work. This was in clear opposition to Fritz Hoeger’s brick expressionist architecture with its verticality, steep roofs and symbolism traced from the medieval German tradition. Nevertheless, these two different aesthetics with deep ideological content had occurred within the same period of Modernism. The city of Gdynia was built in the 1920s and 30s and gained its image by the use of clearly distinguishable materials as unlike as plaster, which was clearly opposite to the brick façades of Gdansk architecture. It was a manifestation of political and economic independence. It is interesting to note that the International Style was chosen by architects of Gdynia to qualify the political identity of the newly arising Polish city. Thus the International Style and its “white” aesthetics seemed to be the most appropriate declaration of locality and nationality.

  • Convenient and efficient synthesis of functionalized unsymmetrical alkynyl sulfides
    • Justyna Doroszuk
    • Mateusz Musiejuk
    • Dariusz Witt
    • Sebastian Demkowicz
    • Janusz Rachoń
    2016 Full text RSC Advances

    We developed a simple and efficient method for the synthesis of functionalized unsymmetrical alkynyl sulfides under mild conditions in good yields. The designed method is based on the reaction of 5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-disulfanyl derivatives with lithium acetylides. The developed method allows the preparation of unsymmetrical alkynyl sulfides bearing additional hydroxyl, carboxyl, or amino functionalities.

  • Cooperation areas between universities and industry - case studies in the area of civil engineering
    • Mikołaj Miśkiewicz
    • Romanika Okraszewska
    • Łukasz Pyrzowski

    The paper describes the areas of cooperation between universities and industry in the area of civil engineering. Presented examples are related to didactics, research grants and commissioned works. On the basis of the authors own experiences the mutual benefits of cooperation in different areas are described. As well as the assessment criteria of the areas of cooperation by the scientific community. The first area of cooperation is didactics during studies. It is the place where beyond the obvious learning process students know the specialization of individual teachers. This knowledge allows current students to acquire help to solve engineering problems in the future by research projects and commissioned works. It is well known that it is possible to obtain funding of research project from the government or other institutions. All what is needed, is a good idea and relatively small own contribution. On the other hand research projects usually require years of research and totally significant funds. In contrast, in the case of commissioned works the entrepreneur usually has limited time and financial resources and needs help to solve often very complex engineering problems. But in both cases the end of cooperation is the same. Everyone gains some profit. The difference is in evaluation by the scientific community. While areas of cooperation on the basis of didactics and research projects allow the development of all entities involved in the task by publishing the results the engineering activity of most scientist is not appreciated. That is why this article describes the examples of the experience gained from different areas of civil engineering resulting from the implementation of commissioned works, i.e. the construction of LPG tank roof, a large shopping mall loaded dynamically, load testing of cable stayed bridge and geotechnical monitoring. Each of the highlighted areas of cooperation has a significant impact on the development of both the scientists and practicing engineers. However, according to the Polish assessment parameter system the research and didactics areas are rated much higher than solving engineering problems in cooperation with industry. This can be considered as a certain inconsistency since cooperation between science and industry gives the possibility of development.

  • Cooperation in Creating Innovation in Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Studies
    • Maciej Zastempowski
    • Natalia Przybylska
    2016 Full text Journal of Competitiveness

    Nowadays, sources of competitive advantage and economic development are sought in the sphere of innovation. They are at the centre of interest of representatives of the world of politics, science, and business. Moreover, they have been incorporated into governmental and international strategic development programmes. This article attempts to characterize and evaluate cooperation in creating innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. Empirical research, a fragment of which is presented in this article, was conducted at the turn of March and April 2015 on a representative sample of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises. The subject of the analysis was business innovation expressed through the indicators of innovation and frequency of cooperation with different entities from the business environment to create new solutions, as well as forms of business innovation. The evaluation of the existing dependence was performed on the basis of the estimation results of the logit model. The objective of this study was to identify key factors related to cooperation and their impact on the innovativeness of Polish companies, using the tools of econometric analysis. The article presents a contemporary approach to managing innovative activity – open innovation, which is both widely reported and reflected in the results of research conducted. The logit model that was developed also indicates that companies that are open to cooperation with customers and academic institutions of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and are members of clusters are more likely to implement innovations of a radical nature.

  • Corporate Restructuring. The directions of Legislative Changes
    • Przemysław Banasik
    • Sylwia Morawska
    2016 Ekonomika i Organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa

    The aim of the paper is the presentation of new legal regulations regarding corporate restructurization and challenges of their implementation to avoid the regulatory risk.

  • Correlated Particle Motion and THz Spectral Response of Supercritical Water
    • Maciej Śmiechowski
    • Christoph Schran
    • Harald Forbert
    • Dominik Marx

    Molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical water reveal distinctly different distance-dependent modulations of dipolar response and correlations in particle motion compared to ambient conditions. The strongly perturbed H-bond network of water at supercritical conditions allows for considerable translationaland rotational freedom of individual molecules. These changes give rise to substantially different infrared spectra and vibrational density of states at THz frequencies for densities above and below the Widom line that separates percolating liquidlike and clustered gaslike supercritical water.

  • Correlation between the number of Pro-Ala repeats in the EmrA homologue of Acinetobacter baumannii and resistance to netilmicin, tobramycin, imipenem and ceftazidime
    • Nowak-zaleska Alicja
    • Miłosz Wieczór
    • Jacek Czub
    • Łukasz Nierzwicki
    • Roman Kotłowski
    • Agnieszka Mikucka
    • Eugenia Gospodarek
    2016 Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance

    Acinetobacter baumannii coccobacilli are dangerous to patients in intensive care units because of their multidrug resistance to antibiotics, developed mainly in the past decade. This study aimed to examine whether there is a significant correlation between the number of Pro-Ala repeats in the CAP01997 protein, the EmrA homologue of A. baumannii, and resistance to antibiotics. A total of 79 multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strains isolated from patients were analysed. Resistance to antibiotics was determined on Mueller–Hinton agar plates using the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion method. The number of CCTGCA repeats encoding Pro-Ala repeats in CAP01997 was determined by PCR and capillary electrophoresis. The 3D models of CAP01997 containing Pro-Ala repeats were initially generated using RaptorX Structure Prediction server and were assembled with EasyModeller 4.0. The models were embedded in a model bacterial membrane based on structural information from homologous proteins and were refined using 100-ns molecular dynamics simulations. The results of this research show significant correlation between susceptibility to netilmicin, tobramycin and imipenem and the number of repeated Pro-Ala sequences in the CAP01997 protein, a homologue of the Escherichia coli transporter EmrA. Predicted structures suggest potential mechanisms that confer drug resistance by reshaping the cytoplasmic interface between CAP01997 protein and the critical component of the multidrug efflux pump homologous to EmrB. Based on these results, we can conclude that the CAP01997 protein, an EmrA homologue of A. baumannii, confers resistance to netilmicin, tobramycin and imipenem, depending on the number of Pro-Ala repeats.

  • Cost-efficient design optimization of compact patch antennas with improved bandwidth
    • Adrian Bekasiewicz
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    2016 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

    In this letter, a surrogate-assisted optimization procedure for fast design of compact patch antennas with enhanced bandwidth is presented. The procedure aims at addressing a fundamental challenge of the design of antenna structures with complex topologies, which is simultaneous adjustment of numerous geometry parameters. The latter is necessary in order to find a truly optimum design and cannot be executed-at the level of high-fidelity electromagnetic (EM)-simulation models-using conventional numerical optimization procedures due to prohibitive computational cost. Here, we employ coarse-discretization EM simulations as faster representation of the antenna under design (referred to as a low-fidelity model). The low-fidelity model is enhanced using a combination of frequency scaling and response correction techniques. Frequency scaling is particularly suitable for reducing misalignment between EM models of various fidelities in case of narrowband structures. Iterative correction-prediction loop is capable to identify an optimum design at a reasonably low computational cost while adjusting all relevant geometry parameters at the same time. For the sake of illustration, we consider a modified patch antenna based on transversal signal-interference feed and additional slots in the radiator. Upon optimization, the antenna provided 29% bandwidth while maintaining a compact footprint of 645 mm2. Experimental validation is also provided.

  • Cost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
    • Adrian Bekasiewicz
    • Sławomir Kozieł

    Multi-objective optimization of antenna structures in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is investigated. For expedited design, variable-fidelity EM simulations and domain patching algorithm are utilized. The results obtained for a monopole antenna with 13 geometry parameters are compared with surrogate-assisted optimization involving response surface approximation modeling.