Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2018

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  • Architektura kontrastu w historycznych miastach Europejskich na przykładzie obiektów użyteczności publicznej z przełomu XX i XXI wieku
    • Agnieszka Malinowska
    2018 Full text Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN

    Powstawanie obiektów na wskroś współczesnych na styku z historyczną tkanką miejską może stanowić drogę do odnowy i rewitalizacji obszarów, które tego wymagają. Działanie takie może również być silnym i cennym katalizatorem transformacji funkcjonalnej i wizualnej danego fragmentu przestrzeni miejskiej oraz przyczyniać się do wzrostu aktywności społecznej w jej obrębie. Tworzywem architektonicznym dającym ogromne możliwości kontrastowania z architekturą historyczną są (ze względu na swą znaczącą skalę i rangę w przestrzeni miejskiej) obiekty użyteczności publicznej z przełomu XX i XXI wieku budowane przy użyciu innowacyjnych rozwiązań architektonicznych, technologicznych oraz konstrukcyjnych. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że słusznym rozwiązaniem jest projektowanie oparte na zasadzie kontrastu. Ważne jest aby uzupełnianie dawnej tkanki było przeprowadzane z zachowaniem tożsamości czasów, w których żyjemy, nie tworząc obiektów, które mogłyby w dosłowny sposób naśladować historizmy, czy też z nimi konkurować. Nowe fragmenty miast poprzez swoją odmienność mogą stanowić przeciwwagę, czy też tło, dzięki któremu wszystkie walory dziedzictwa kulturowego zostaną w pełni uwypuklone. Współczesne budynki osadzone w historycznym kontekście a jednocześnie silnie z nim kontrastujące są niewątpliwie niezwykle wdzięcznym elementem przestrzeni miejskiej pretendującym do bycia silnymi akcentami nowoczesności oraz innowacyjności w urbanistycznej skali miasta, podnosząc jednocześnie walory i wartości dziedzictwa kulturowego.

  • Architektura protestantów na Żuławach. Szkic problematyki
    • Piotr Samól

    Szkic problematyki budowy kościołów na terenie Żuław od przełomu XV i XVI w., po wiek XIX.

  • Architektura przyjazna seniorom w Polsce XXI wieku. Kształtowanie przestrzeni zamieszkania, pracy i rozrywki
    • Krystyna Pokrzywnicka
    • Jacek Poplatek

    Polska, podobnie jak wiele innych krajów, zmaga się obecnie z procesem starzenia społeczeństwa, który w najbliższych latach będzie przybierał na sile. Dlatego bardzo istotne jest, aby już teraz rozpocząć proces przystosowywania miast do zmieniającej się struktury społecznej, tak aby w przyszłości mogły być one miejscem, w którym ludzie starsi będą mogli swobodnie i bezpiecznie mieszkać oraz funkcjonować. W realiach polskich można z powodzeniem wdrożyć założenia, sformułowane przez profesora Jamesa J. Pirkle’a w 1986 roku w USA. Zbiór czterech zasadniczych wytycznych jest logiczny i przekonywujący w swej uniwersalności: po pierwsze – młodzi ludzie staną się z czasem starzy, po drugie – młodzi ludzie mogą stać się niepełnosprawni, po trzecie – ludzie starzy mogą, choć nie muszą, stać się niepełnosprawni, po czwarte – wszystkie osoby niepełnosprawne podlegają nieuchronnie procesowi starzenia. Nowoczesne polskie strategie myślenia projektantów architektury i wzornictwa przemysłowego powinny stawiać sobie za cel kształtowanie wygodnych i bezpiecznych mieszkań oraz zespołów różnorodnych mieszkań dla użytkowników w różnym wieku i o różnym stopniu sprawności umysłowej i fizycznej. Zadaniem architektów jest wypracowanie systemu programowania i projektowania w oparciu o doświadczenia zachodnie i polskie uwarunkowania kulturowe, wprowadzenie technologii inteligentnych, wspomagających bezpieczne i samodzielne funkcjonowanie osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych oraz twórcze kreowanie przestrzeni zamieszkania, wspomagające proces integracji osób starszych w społeczeństwie – jako alternatywy dla pobytu osób starszych w domach opieki.

  • Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design
    • Jan Cudzik
    • Kacper Radziszewski
    2018 Full text

    Tools and methods used by architects always had an impact on the way building were designed. With the change in design methods and new approaches towards creation process, they became more than ever before crucial elements of the creation process. The automation of architects work has started with computational functions that were introduced to traditional computer-aided design tools. Nowadays architects tend to use specified tools that suit their specific needs. In some cases, they use artificial intelligence. Despite many similarities, they have different advantages and disadvantages. Therefore the change in the design process is more visible and unseen before solution are brought in the discipline. The article presents methods of applying the selected artificial intelligence algorithms: swarm intelligence, neural networks and evolutionary algorithms in the architectural practice by authors. Additionally research shows the methods of analogue data input and output approaches, based on vision and robotics, which in future combined with intelligence based algorithms, might simplify architects everyday practice. Presented techniques allow new spatial solutions to emerge with relatively simple intelligent based algorithms, from which many could be only accomplished with dedicated software. Popularization of the following methods among architects, will result in more intuitive, general use design tools.

  • As- built inventory of the office building with the use of terrestrial laser scanning
    • Marek Przyborski
    • Paweł Tysiąc
    2018 Full text E3S Web of Conferences

    Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is an efficient tool for building inventories. Based on the red- laser beam technology it is possible to provide the high accuracy data with complete spatial information about a scanned object. In this article, authors present the solution of use a TLS in as-built inventory of the office building. Based on the provided data, it is possible to evaluate the correctness of built details of a building and provide information for further construction works, for example an area needed for Styrofoam installation. The biggest problem in this research is that an error which equals over 1cm could generate costs, which could be a problem to cover by a constructor. Based on a complicated place of the construction works (centre of a city) it was a challenge to maintain the accuracy.

  • Aspect-Oriented Management of Service Requests for Assurance of High Performance and Dependability
    • Paweł Lubomski
    • Paweł Pszczoliński
    • Henryk Krawczyk
    2018 Full text Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    A new approach to service requests management in case of insufficient hardware resources is proposed. It is based on wide aspects of requests analysis and it assures reliable and fast access to priority services. Requests are analyzed for, among others, time of occurrence, category of user who made the request, type of service, current system load and hardware utilization. Deterministic but dynamic rules help to manage system load very effectively, especially in terms of dependability and reliability. The proposed solution was tested on Gdańsk University of Technology central system, followed by the discussion of the results.

  • Assessing Acute Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Potential of Selected Packages Internal Layers Extracts
    • Natalia Jatkowska
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Galina Yotova
    • Stefan Tsakovski
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    2018 Full text

    The focus of the present study is migration of toxic substances from food contact materials and its actual influence on the health of the final consumer. Two food packagings (metal cans, TetraPack®) and five simulants medias (water, ethanol, acetic acid, DMSO, artificial saliva) were selected for simulation studies. For assessment of acute toxicity and endocrine disruption potential of extract samples, two biotests (Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS) were performed. Multi-factor analysis of variation (MANOVA) was used to evaluate the effects of the three main factors - solvent, temperature, contact time and their interactions on the respected dependent variable (acute toxicity or estrogen disruption potential).

  • Assessing ecotoxicity and the endocrine potential of selected phthalates, BADGE and BFDGE derivatives in relation to environmentally detectable levels
    • Natalia Jatkowska
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    There is no doubt that the subject area of plasticmaterials (e.g., production of epoxy resins or polyesters) is inherently connected to issues concerning bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues. Unfortunately, much less attention has been given to other compounds, which are also used for the production of these materials. Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) is a synthetic industrial compound obtained by a condensation reaction between epichlorohydrin (ECH) and BPA. Similarly, novolac glycidyl ether (BFDGE) is produced in thereactionbetween novolac and epichlorohydrin. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information on the combined effects of BADGE derivatives at environmentally relevant levels. In the current study, toxicity levels inMicrotox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS assayswere determined for several analogues alone, then the biological effects of compound pairs mixed in 33, 66 and 100% of each compounds' EC50 ratios were evaluated. The Microtox® test has been chosen as a relevant tool, and the results were referred to the Xenoscreen YES/YAS assay,which has been chosen for the fast determination of the endocrine potential of the compounds tested. The results obtained constitutes the basis for model studies, with Concentration Addition (CA) and Independent Action (IA), followed by Model Deviation Ratio (MDR) interpretation, to evaluate the possible interactions occurring between analytes when present inmixtures. The results indicate that the hydrochloric derivatives of BADGE and BFDGE are of the greatest toxicological and endocrine threat. Thus, their presence inmixtures under certain environmental conditions (including presence in the tissues of living organisms) should be strictly monitored and reported, especially in acidic environments. Strong evidence on the synergic behaviors of these analytes, which expressed high toxicity (EC50 2.69–117.49 μg/mL), is demonstrated with Model Deviation Ratio (MDR).

  • Assessing Effectiveness of Recommendations to Requirements-Related Problems through Interviews with Experts
    • Aleksander Jarzębowicz
    • Wojciech Ślesiński
    2018 Full text Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems

    Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis are known as very important to software project outcome but also difficult activities, coping with many problems and challenges. The work reported in this paper was preceded by a survey which revealed most common requirements-related problems in Polish IT industry. We addressed ten most frequently reported problems by reviewing the literature for recommen¬dations how to cope with those problems. The resulting set of recommendations is included in the paper. Next, we conducted interviews with three experienced IT analysts asking them to assess effectiveness of particular recommendations, based on their experience. The results show significant differences in assessments and indicate that effectiveness is dependent on contextual factors to a large extent. Our conclusion is that a follow-up work is required to document more recommenda-tions and to annotate them with guidelines about applicability, intended context of use and possible pitfalls.

  • Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method
    • Dawid Potrykus
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    • Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres
    • Adam Szymkiewicz
    2018 Full text

    Degradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine upland, which is situated at the eastern part of the Puck Isolated Morainic Plateau (north of Poland). Time of vertical seepage was estimated with four widely use in Poland equations and numerical modelling with HYDRUS 1D numerical code. The results were compared with major groundwater basin (MGWB) vulnerability classification. The calculations indicate variable results of migration times for conservative contamination, depending on the chosen equation. The conducted research is a part of a project which main aim is a development of groundwater contaminant transport model and detailed identification of a potential agriculture pollutant sources in the selected watersheds of the Puck Bay.

  • Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
    • Dawid Potrykus
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    • Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres
    • Adam Szymkiewicz
    • Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka
    2018 Full text

    In this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland. Increased class of aquifer vulnerability is also adopted to glacial valleys. The results of this research revealed that about 18.9% of the analysed area is highly vulnerable to seawater intrusion, 25.3% is moderately vulnerable and 55.8% is potentially at low risk. The simulated scenario of predicted sea level rise shows enlargement of high vulnerability areas.

  • Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
    • Dawid Potrykus
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    • Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres
    • Adam Szymkiewicz
    • Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka
    2018 Full text E3S Web of Conferences

    In this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland. Increased class of aquifer vulnerability is also adopted to glacial valleys. The results of this research revealed that about 18.9% of the analysed area is highly vulnerable to seawater intrusion, 25.3% is moderately vulnerable and 55.8% is potentially at low risk. The simulated scenario of predicted sea level rise shows enlargement of high vulnerability areas.

  • Assessing Highway Travel Time Reliability using Probe Vehicle Data
    • Piotr Olszewski
    • Tomasz Dybicz
    • Kazimierz Jamroz
    • Wojciech Kustra
    • Aleksandra Romanowska

    Probe vehicle data (also known as “floating car data”) can be used to analyze travel time reliability of an existing road corridor in order to determine where, when, and how often traffic congestion occurs at particular road segments. The aim of the study is to find the best reliability performance measures for assessing congestion frequency and severity based on probe data. Pilot surveys conducted on A2 motorway in Poland confirm the usefulness and reasonable accuracy of probe data for measuring speed variation in both congested and free-flowing traffic. Historical probe vehicle data and traditional traffic counts from Polish S6 expressway were used to analyze travel time reliability on its 24 road sections. Travel time indexes and reliability ratings for the whole year 2016 were calculated to identify segments with lower reliability and higher expected delay. It is concluded that unlike the HCM-6 method, travel times obtained from probe data should be averaged in 1-hour intervals. Delay index is proposed as a new reliability indicator for road segments. Delay map diagrams are recommended for showing how the congestion spots move in space and with time of day.

  • Assessing the Significance of Displacements Using Local Coefficients of Variance as an Alternative to the Classical Approach
    • Daria Filipiak-Kowszyk
    • Waldemar Kamiński
    • Karolina Makowska

    The safety of use of civil engineering structures remains an important issue that is approached by various sciences. Due to this fact, geodetic control measurements are conducted with the purpose of identifying threats connected with the potential displacement of structural elements. In this context, the authors discuss issues connected with determining the displacements of controlled points located in the studied object in a three-dimensional space. Accuracy analysis is crucial in the geodetic interpretation of a data set. Utilising the measurement results of local coefficients of variance specified for isolated subsets authenticates mean measurement error values, and, thereby, the accuracy of estimation results. The modified Henderson’s method (MHM) for determining local coefficients of variance was employed as a means of data adjustment. The authors also performed the analyses of the results obtained using the MHM with the results obtained on the basis of single global estimator of the coefficient of variance.

  • Assessing unsignalised pedestrian crossings
    • Marcin Budzyński
    • Piotr Tomczuk
    • Tomasz Mackun
    2018 Full text

    The lack of pedestrian safety on crossings is a complex problem and one that is influenced by a number of factors such as the law, road traffic culture, the road and traffic. This paper will focus on the last two by presenting a method for assessing pedestrian crossings for their geometry and roadside using data from 930 pedestrian crossings in Warsaw. The authors of this paper have attempted to systematise the process of assessment of the existing crossings safety. It should be noted that the actions taken in the field of safety assessments were carried out consecutively with a team of lighting experts whose task was to assess the impact of lighting elements on the level of pedestrian safety. The paper will describe the successive steps of the method: detailed safety inspection of crossings, identification of pedestrian hazards, including an assessment of the required sight distance in relation to actual vehicle speeds and safety improvement recommendations. Because not all data were available during the site inspection and seemed to be necessary for the assessment, efforts were made to obtain information about the road traffic volume (from a Warsaw transport model) and the traffic volume of pedestrians and cyclists by age group (own measurements conducted). In addition, the method of required visibility was developed by the authors, taking into account the position of a pedestrian at a distance of 1m from the edge of the road at drivers’ speed of V85. The authors will present the preliminary results of work on modelling the effects of selected road and traffic parameters on road safety. The authors will also present the results of analyses looking at the methodology of systematic studies of pedestrian behaviour and the pedestrian-driver relation for 70 locations: cities, small towns and outside built-up areas. The effect of the location of the measurement cross-section, type of cross-section and other selected parameters on driver and pedestrian behaviour at and around pedestrian crossings is demonstrated. Driver behaviour was analysed for pedestrians approaching the crossing, waiting at the edge of the road and in the absence of a pedestrian near the crossing.

  • Assessing vehicle restraint systems on horizontal curves
    • Marcin Budzyński
    • Dawid Bruski
    2018 Full text MATEC Web of Conferences

    Horizontal curves, an element of road infrastructure, have a statistically high number of accidents. Considering that horizontal curves in the last ten years have had app. 10% of all road accidents representing app. 14% of all fatalities on Polish roads, the issue is serious and requires more research and proper road safety treatments. Data for 2007 - 2016 show that in the case of accidents on horizontal curves app. 45% of the fatalities happened as a result of crashing into roadside obstacles such as signs and first of all trees. This shows that horizontal curves require road safety equipment, and specifically, safety barriers. Key to this is using the right equipment and the right parameters. To achieve that, full-scale crash tests should be conducted to be followed by numerical tests. The article will present a synthesis of the available research conducted in Poland and abroad. An assessment will be made of four crash tests of TB32 with barriers that have a steel and cable guardrail. They are the outcome of the RID 3A "Road safety equipment" project called RoSE. Building on these tests, numerical test results will be presented

  • Assessing Word Difficulty for Quiz-Like Game
    • Jakub Jagoda
    • Tomasz Maria Boiński
    2018 Full text

    Mappings verification is a laborious task. Our research aims at providing a framework for manual verification of mappings using crowdsourcing approach. For this purpose we plan on implementing a quiz like game. For this purpose the mappings have to be evaluated in terms of difficulty to better present texts in respect of game levels. In this paper we present an algorithm for assessing word difficulty. Three approaches are presented and experimental results are shown. Plans for future works are also provided.

  • Assessment of ecotoxicity and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) emissions from food and children's toy products
    • Natalia Jatkowska
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Vasil Simeonov
    • Stefan Tsakovski
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    The development of new methods for identifying a broad spectrum of analytes, as well as highly selective tools to provide the most accurate information regarding the processes and relationships in the world, has been an area of interest for researchers for many years. The information obtained with these tools provides valuable data to complement existing knowledge but, above all, to identify and determine previously unknown hazards. Recently, attention has been paid to the migration of xenobiotics from the surfaces of various everyday objects and the resulting impacts on human health. Since children are among those most vulnerable to health consequences, one of the main subjects of interest is the migration of low-molecular-weight compounds from toys and products intended for children. This migration has become a stimulus for research aimed at determining the degree of release of compounds from popular commercially available chocolate/toy sets. One of main objectives of this research was to determine the impact of time on the ecotoxicity (with Vibrio fischeri bioluminescent bacteria) of extracts of products intended for children and to assess the correlation with total volatile organic compound emissions using basic chemometric methods. The studies on endocrine potential (with XenoScreen YES/YAS) of the extracts and showed that compounds released from the studied objects (including packaging foils, plastic capsules storing toys, most of toys studied and all chocolate samples) exhibit mostly androgenic antagonistic behavior while using artificial saliva as extraction medium increased the impact observed. The impact of time in most cases was positive one and increased with prolonging extraction time.

  • Assessment of Road Restraint Systems in Polish Conditions
    • Marcin Budzyński
    • Kazimierz Jamroz
    • Łukasz Jeliński
    2018 Full text Journal of KONBiN

    Key to understanding the needs and tools of road infrastructure management is identifying the hazards and their sources involved in having no or faulty road restraint systems. Clarity is also needed on why the systems are wrongly designed, constructed, built and operated. To ensure that the problem is adequately understood, research and site observations were conducted and mathematical models were built to describe the level of roadside risk. To aid studies of road safety barrier and other road safety equipment functionality, it is vital to carry out field crash tests and crash test simulations. The main goal of the work is to develop a method for selecting optimal road restraint systems.

  • Assessment of TFP in European and American higher education institutions – application of Malmquist indices
    • Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
    2018 Full text Technological and Economic Development of Economy

    In this study we apply Malmquist methodology, based on the estimation of distance measures through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to a sample of 500 universities (in 10 European countries and the U.S.) over the period 2000 to 2010 in order to assess and compare their productivity. On average, a rise in TFP is registered for the whole European sample (strongest for Dutch and Italian HEIs), while the productivity of American HEIs suffered a slight decline. Additionally, we show that productivity growth is negatively associated with size of the institution and revenues from government, and positively with regional development in the case of the European sample, while American HEI productivity growth is characterised by a negative association with GDP and a positive one with the share of government resources out of total revenue.