Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2018

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    • Józef Haponiuk
    • Gopi Sreeraj
    • Ewa Głowińska
    • Janusz Datta

    The aim of this work was focused on good health products and polymer composites obtained with the use of natural origin micro- and nanofibers. Many different type of the natural plants are used in the production of good health products and polymer processing like curcuma, cellulose, microalgae and others. Often are used as a antioxidants and fillers. In this work the effect of algae and cellulose as a microfillers on the chosen polymer composites properties (with natural rubber and polyurethanes matrix) were investigated.

  • Gospodarka zużytymi modułami fotowoltaicznymi
    • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska
    2018 Energia i Recykling

    Fotowoltaika rozwija się na całym świecie niezwykle intensywnie od wielu lat, oferując energię elektryczną wytworzoną w technologii, pozbawionej wszelkich emisji. Wraz z rosnącym wykorzystaniem instalacji fotowoltaicznych do konwersji energii promieniowania słonecznego na energię elektryczną coraz większego znaczenia nabiera problem zagospodarowania odpadów, powstałych podczas produkcji, eksploatacji i po zakończeniu użytkowania modułów. Recykling materiałowy, zgodny z obecnie obowiązującym prawem oraz dostosowany do technologii produkcji, umożliwia osiągnięcie zysku ekonomicznego i ekologicznego, pozwalając na znaczną oszczędność energii i cennych surowców w wyniki powtórnego wykorzystania materiałów.

  • Governmental supported space internship programmes in new ESA member states - Polish perspective
    • Krzysztof Kanawka
    • Michał Moroz
    • Hamed Gamal
    • Adam Dąbrowski
    2018 Full text

    Over last 10 years ve new countries - Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Estonia - have joined the European Space Agency. These countries are currently experiencing a considerable increase of space activities aiming to take part in the European and Global space market. New companies, start-ups and consortiums have been created alongside oces of foreign entities have opened their premises in these countries. All of them are searching for a new workforce, including graduates and young professionals. However, there is a gap between expectations set by space sector companies and presumed capabilities of fresh MSc/PhD graduates. One way to overcome this gap is to create a government-supported internship programmes. The example presented in this paper is the "Rozwoj Kadr Sektora Kosmicznego - Space Industry Human Resources Development". This program is nanced by the Industrial Development Agency of Poland (ARP). It allows fresh MSc/PhD graduates to gain their rst work experiences in the space sector. In 2016 and 2017 the program had 20 recipients starting their work at several local space entities, where they usually continue their employments following the internship. This paved the way for many talented graduates to join the space sector gaining lots of experience and adding value to the workforce based in the new countries and strengthen their presence in the space market. At the moment this proposal was written the program is nishing its second round, with the third already announced for 2018. The goal of this work is to present rst results from two rounds of the internship programme organised by ARP. This will highlight the experiences gained and projects in which such a program contributed in developing connecting directly this kind of program's importance to the development of the space sector.

    • Maciej Łuszczek
    2018 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Recent advances in graphene-based supercapacitor technology for energy storage application were summarized. The comparison of different types of electrode materials in such supercapacitors was performed. The supercapacitors with graphene-based electrodes exhibit outstanding performance: high charge-discharge rate, high power density, high energy density and long cycle-life, what makes them suitable for various applications, e.g. in transport, electrical vehicles or portable and flexible electronic devices.

  • Green Chemistry in Higher Education: State of the Art, Challenges, and Future Trends
    • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
    • Aleksandra Kurowska-Susdorf
    • Muhammad Sajid
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    2018 Full text CHEMSUSCHEM

    Nowadays, there is increasing interest in global sustainability, and thus, university students would like to know how human actions affect the health status of our planet. This is mainly due to their basic knowledge of problems such as global warming and greenhouse gases. Students would like to gain knowledge on how to safeguard the earth for future generations. This must involve changes in education programs at interested institutions and universities. To ensure that future generations of chemists are equipped with proper knowledge, significant efforts are needed. Thus, this article aims to present the history of green chemistry, its milestones, and ideas on how to teach this subject. A discussion of awareness in the field of green chemistry and of existing teaching materials is presented. In addition, green chemistry metrics, which should be known and used by professors and students, are described. Teaching methods for green chemistry are also given, with special attention paid to organic and analytical chemistry education.

  • “Green” nature of the process of derivatization in analytical sample preparation
    • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
    • Muhammad Sajid

    Nowadays, the idea of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is of high importance what impacts on the rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on sample preparation simplification, miniaturization, and automation. Because the derivatization process is often an essential element of the analytical procedure, it should be important to focus on this issue from GAC perspective and conduct a series of experiments in order to develop the most favorable conditions. Application of microextraction techniques coupled with the derivatization perfectly meets the specified requirements. Other approaches to perform derivatization process in “green” way include the application of eco-friendly solvents/reagents, enhanced parameters such as microwaves or ultrasound and application of in-port, on-column/ in-capillary derivatization modes. This review describes factors that allow making derivatization process more green, different modes and ways of derivatization procedures involving less toxic, hazardous reagents/ solvents and more efficient forms of energy. Moreover, microextraction techniques that are often coupled to derivatization are described with examples.

    • Magdalena Olczyk
    • Aleksandra Kordalska
    2018 Full text Journal of Business Economics and Management

    The objective of this study is to test empirically the relationship between structural changes (changes in gross value added and employment) and economic growth. We used a panel Granger-causality analysis based on annual data for eight transition countries, covering the period 1995–2011. The main finding is that the causality relations analysed are heterogeneous processes and are identified more often when we measure structural changes by value added than by changes in employment. Among the countries analysed, we separate a subgroup of economies with very strong bilateral causality (small countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia), a subgroup in which no causal relationships are observed (e.g., Hungary in the case of employment), and a group with a one-directional relationship (e.g., Poland, where GDP changes cause employment changes, but not vice versa). The research results point to the necessity of taking into account different relationships, whether one- or two-directional, between growth and structural changes in government economic policy. The paper presents a verifiable methodology, which was originally used to identify the analysed relationship in transition countries.

  • Growth Orientation and the Profile of Micro-Entrepreneurs From the Pomorskie Province
    • Julita Wasilczuk
    2018 Full text Problemy Zarządzania

    The article begins with the presentation of the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Entrepreneurial Orientation assumes that some enterprises, regardless of size, behave in an entrepreneurial way and are proactive, innovative and willing to take risks. The relationships between Entrepreneurial Orientation and the results of enterprises are also subject to research, although its results are not clear – mainly due to the different measures used. On the other hand, the research on the relationship between EO and the enterprise growth is very rare. This prompted the author to develop a separate measure, Growth Orientation, which could be a predictor of growth of micro-enterprises. This tool was built on the basis of the previous research on the effectiveness and shortcomings of the Entrepreneurial Orientation measure, as well as the specifics of the functioning of micro-enterprises. On the basis of the constructed measure, an analysis of the Growth Orientation of 146 micro-entrepreneurs.

  • Grzebowiska dla zwierząt w Polsce
    • Anna Myślińska
    2018 Full text Architectus

    W niniejszym artykule podjęto tematykę miejsc pochówku zwierząt. Problem został omówiony w odniesieniu do terenu Polski na tle przykładów z zagranicy. Współczesne grzebowiska dla zwierząt powstają w naszym kraju od niedawna i mimo że cmentarze dla zwierząt są u nas stosunkowo nowym zjawiskiem, to już teraz można dostrzec ich typowe cechy przestrzenne. Autorka, na co dzień zajmująca się zagadnieniami z dziedziny architektury, starała się opisać i ocenić grzebowiska pod kątem zagadnień z interesującej ją problematyki: cech położenia, układu przestrzennego, wielkości parcel, z jednej strony unifikowania, a z drugiej – indywidualizowania grobów. W trakcie badania zjawiska, jakim są cmentarze dla zwierząt w Polsce, okazało się, że niezaspokojona potrzeba emocjonalna jest głównym motorem sprawczym ich powstawania, ważnym elementem pracy stało się więc omówienie ich genezy i formy własności.

  • Guided ultrasonic waves for detection of debonding in bars partially embedded in grout
    • Beata Zima
    • Magdalena Rucka

    This paper deals with theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in multilayered cylindrical bars with pre-existing debonding. The research focuses on a complex description of the nature of the wave phenomena occurring in a debonded specimen with a special emphasis on the influence of the location of damage on the wave conversion and diffraction. Experimental non-destructive and destructive tests are conducted on the laboratory models of ground anchors with a variable debonding length and location. Debonding is simulated by wrapping the bar in the cellophane film with very small thickness, providing indirect contact between steel and grout but reducing grout adhesion to steel. Guided waves are excited and measured at the free end of the bar with the use of piezo actuators. Characteristic reflections are identified in signals registered for anchors with three locations of debonding and five debonding lengths. The obtained results show that despite of such small thickness of debonding (60 micrometres), guided waves may be used as an effective method for detection of adhesive debonding at an early stage of its development.

  • Guided waves for nondestructive diagnostics of embedded waveguides
    • Beata Zima
    2018 Full text

    The thesis concentrates on comprehensive theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in bars embedded in concrete or mortar. The investigations are focused on a particular type of objects representing a laboratory model of a ground anchor. Complex description of wave propagation phenomena in partially embedded bars is given and its application in detection of various types of defects is analysed. The first part of thesis is focused on dispersive relations describing multimode wave propagation in free and multilayered bars of circular cross-section. Analytical solution in the form of dispersion curves is an important element of the analyses presented in the subsequent parts of the work regarding wave propagation in undamaged specimens, specimens with debonding and specimens with localized and surface damages. Experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation in undamaged anchors with variable bonding lengths allowed to derive relations enabling estimation of major geometric parameters on the basis of time -domain signals. Next, the influence of debonding length and its location on the wave propagation phenomena was described. The research carried out in the further part of the work proved thepossibility of using guided waves for detection of relatively small-size debonding, as well as corrosion and point damage located in both embedded and free parts. The last stage of non-destructive testing concerned the wave propagation in a real drill-hollow bar commonly used for execution of geotechnical facilities. The influence of couplers connecting individual bars on the wave attenuation was analysed. Additionally, drill-hollow bar was used for real small-scale anchor performed in the ground. The possibility of guided wave application in the monitoring of the hardening process of cement mortar forming anchor body was demonstrated. Comparison of the results for anchor placed in the ground and the anchor after excavation allowed to determine the surrounding ground medium impact on the registered time signals. Finally, the most important conclusions of the conducted research and future planswere pointed out.

  • Handel Polski z Kazachstanem, Kirgistanem Tadżykistanem, Turkmenistanem i Uzbekistanem w dobie przynależności do Unii Europejskiej
    • Krystyna Gomółka

    W artykule ukazano podstawy prawne wymiany handlowej pomiędzy Polską oraz pięcioma państwami Azji Centralnej, określono wartość importu i eksportu, wyliczono bilans handlowy w latach 2003-2016. Polska importuje z pięciu państw Azji Centralnej głównie surowce mineralne, eksportuje artykuły gotowe różnego typu. Bilans wymiany handlowej w latach 2003-2016 z Kazachstanem, Kirgistanem, Tadżykistanem, Turkmenistanem i Uzbekistanem był dla Polski dodatni. Przyszłe kierunki wymiany handlowej wskazują na jej rozwój w kolejnych latach.

  • Hard Lessons Learned: A Model that Facilitates the Selection of Methods of IT Project Management
    • Krzysztof Redlarski
    2018 Full text Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems

    The article presents the results of research conducted in an international enterprise responsible for IT project implementation. The carried out analysis of the case study with the use of surveys and data synthesis allowed the major factors causing problems connected with project management to be identified. The identified factors were aggregated and then, by using four key variables, a rhomboidal model adaptation was proposed to facilitate the choice of the best method of project management. The proposed solution may aid Project Managers choosing the most appropriate method of project management as well as measuring and monitoring risk indicators.

  • Harmonic Vibrations of Nanosized Magnetoelectric Bodies with Coupled Surface and Interphase Effects: Mathematical Models and Finite Element Approaches
    • Victor Eremeev
    • Andrey Nasedkin

    The harmonic problems for piezomagnetoelectric nanosized bodies with taking into account the coupled damping and surface effects are considered on the base of the generalized Gurtin-Murdoch model. In the development of previous investigations, the coupled mechanical, electric and magnetic surface effects with surface inertial terms are introduced into the model. For a homogeneous model, the composite material is considered as homogeneous with the suitable effective material properties. The weak or generalized formulation of the steady-state oscillation problem is given together with the suitable formulation of the modal problem. For numerical solution of these problems, the finite element approximations, leading to a symmetric structure of finite element matrices, are present. The procedures of homogenization of piezomagnetoelectric nanostructured composite materials with piezoelectric and piezomagnetic phases are described on the base of the methods of effective moduli and finite elements.

  • Hazard Control in Industrial Environments: A Knowledge-Vision-Based Approach
    • Caterine De
    • Cesar Sanin
    • Edward Szczerbicki
    2018 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    This paper proposes the integration of image processing techniques (such as image segmentation, feature extraction and selection) and a knowledge representation approach in a framework for the development of an automatic system able to identify, in real time, unsafe activities in industrial environments. In this framework, the visual information (feature extraction) acquired from video-camera images and other context based gathered data are represented as Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS), a formal decision event for reasoning and risk evaluation. Then, grouped sets of decisions from the same category are stored as decisional experience Decisional DNA (DDNA) to support future decision making events in similar input images. Unlike the existing sensor and vision-based approaches, that required rewriting most of the code when a condition, situation or requirement changes, our platform is an adaptable system capable of working in a variety of video analysis scenarios. Depending on the safety requirements of each industrial environment, users can feed the system with flexible rules and in the end, the platform provides decision makers with hazard evaluations that reuse experience for event identification and correction.

  • Hazardous material-related propagation of the effects of train accidents in the subgrade
    • Eligiusz Mieloszyk
    • Sławomir Grulkowski
    • Anita Milewska
    2018 Full text Przegląd Komunikacyjny

    A large part of the transport of hazardous materials is carried out by rail. Therefore, the security of these transports is becoming increasingly important. Every catastrophe involving dangerous materials has a negative impact on the participants of the incident and the surrounding environment, because its range is generally not local. It follows that in the event of a catastrophe, its effects should be minimized and remediation should be considered in further actions. This whole process of minimization is possible only when we know the mechanism of spreading the effects of a catastrophe involving hazardous materials in the track, subgrade and ground. It should be remembered that in an extreme case, a catastrophe involving hazardous materials may even lead to an ecological disaster. Dynamic systems, especially those with distributed parameters, can be used to describe the mechanism of the disaster's spread. Properties of phenomena accompanying the analyzed catastrophes are well reflected in their linear or non-linear mathematical models analyzed using various operator methods.

  • Health by Art: the Remedial Role of Artistic Installations in Public Space
    • Małgorzata Kostrzewska
    • Magdalena Rembeza

    Designing public spaces has become one of the most relevant issues in contemporary cities thanks to their integrating and inclusionary character. Public spaces are playing a far more important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging us to do different activities. Therefore, contemporary public spaces should enhance creativity, stimulate physical activity and influence mental health. The methodology used in the research includes literature survey, study visits and comparative analysis of some selected examples of contemporary art installations in public spaces from different European and American cities. The discussed case studies refer to different scales of urban space and diverse aspects of wellbeing and health in conjunction with art interventions. These are: Superkilen in Copenhagen and Porch Light Programme in Philadelphia as complex projects enhancing mental health and physical activity and contributing to community integration; Puckelball field in Malmö and a playground in Amsterdam in Potgieterstraat by Carve as triggers of creativity and physical activity; Flying Grass Carpet and the Rosa’s Passage in Lodz as acupuncture art projects changing the character of place and creating new bonds between neighbours and affecting the wellbeing of inhabitants. The case studies show that art used as a tool for enhancing people’s wellbeing and health is more effective when it is not limited only to the aesthetic role of art, but when it is interactive, inviting, and inclusive. The trend of designing multifunctional public spaces where art, architecture and urban design in a synergic way enhance the quality of life and public health can be observed. This leads to building healthy cities.

    • Monika Trojanowska
    • Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska
    2018 Full text Architecture Civil Engineering Environment

    This paper discusses the close relationship between the concept of health-affirming everyday landscapesand the idea of sustainable city design.The French National program of eco-neighborhood certification ÉcoQuartier is described and the correlation between the concepts of health-affirming landscapes,sustainable cities, and eco-neighborhoods is explained using the example of a selected eco-neighborhood in France.

    • Monika Trojanowska
    • Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska
    2018 Full text Architecture Civil Engineering Environment

    As cities and urban population continue to grow, causing serious threats to public health, the development of health-affirming urban landscapes becomes even more important topic than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question which qualities of urban landscape make it the health-affirming landscape. In the first part of the paper, a concept of health-affirming landscapes and a modern approach to sustainable city design are examined. In the second part, the qualities of health-affirming urban landscape according to theories and research are discussed. The tools, which might be applied to urban design to create health-affirming landscapes are reviewed. The conclusions concern the need and possibilities to create health-affirming landscapes. The need for further research on impact of such landscapes on health and well-being of city dwellers is indicated.

  • Heteroclinic solutions of Allen-Cahn type equations with a general elliptic operator
    • Karol Wroński
    2018 Full text Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis

    We consider a generalization of the Allen-Cahn type equation in divergence form $-\rm{div}(\nabla G(\nabla u(x,y)))+F_u(x,y,u(x,y))=0$. This is more general than the usual Laplace operator. We prove the existence and regularity of heteroclinic solutions under standard ellipticity and $m$-growth conditions.