Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2018

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  • Modification of quaternary structure of Candida albicans GlcN-6-P synthase and its desensitization to inhibition by UDP-GlcNAc by site-directed mutagenesis
    • Karolina Kwiatkowska-Semrau
    • Marek Wojciechowski
    • Iwona Gabriel
    • Sara Crucho
    • Sławomir Milewski

    Site-directed mutagenesis of the CaGFA1 gene encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from Candida albicans was performed. Desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by UDPGlcNAc was achieved upon T487I and H492F substitutions at the UDP-GlcNAc binding site, exchange of D524, S525 and S527 for Ala at the dimer:dimer interface and construction of the tail-lock array (L434R and L460A) at the C-tail region. The first two sets if mutageneses but not the last one resulted in conversion of the tetrameric enzyme into its dimeric form. Evidence for links and communication between the UDP-GlcNAc binding site and the imer-dimer contact areas are presented. The CaGfa1-T487IH492F and CaGfa1-KHSH-D524AS525AS527A muteins are the first examples of the successful conversion of eukaryotic GlcN-6-P synthase into its prokaryotic-like version upon rational sitedirected mutagenesis.

  • Modifications of total synthesis of mycophenolic acid
    • Grzegorz Cholewiński
    • Magdalena Małachowska - Ugarte
    • Agnieszka Siebert
    • Michał Prejs
    • Krystyna Dzierzbicka
    2018 Full text Current Chemistry Letters

    The total synthesis of mycophenolic acid (MPA), a potent immunosuppressant, was modified. The obtained mycophenolic acid was suitable for further preparation of new prospective immunosuppressants with improved therapeutic properties.

  • Modulation of UDP-glucuronidation by acridinone antitumor agents C-1305 and C-1311 in HepG2 and HT29 cell lines, despite slight impact in noncellular systems.
    • Anna Bejrowska
    • Monika Pawłowska
    • Anna Mróz
    • Zofia Mazerska
    2018 Pharmacological Reports

    Background Among the studied antitumor acridinone derivatives developed in our laboratory, 5-dimethylaminopropylamino-8-hydroxytriazoloacridinone (C-1305) and 5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311) exhibited cytotoxic and antitumor properties against several cancer types and were selected to be evaluated in preclinical and early-phase clinical trials. In the present work, we investigated the impact of C-1305 and C-1311 on UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) activity. Methods Enzyme activity modulation was studied using HPLC by analyzing standard UGT substrate metabolism in the presence and absence of antitumor drugs. The investigations were performed in two model systems: (i) under noncellular conditions, including human liver microsomes (HLM) and recombinant UGT1A1, 1A9 and 1A10 isoenzymes and (ii) in tumor cells. Results There was observed a slight impact of studied drugs on enzyme activity. Only UGT1A1 action was altered by both compounds. The modulatory effects of UGT activity in cellular systems depended on the tumor cell type. In the case of HepG2, C-1305 and C-1311 strongly induced UGT activity, particularly for C-1311, at concentrations significantly lower than the EC50. This effect contradicted irinotecan mediated UGT inhibition. HT29 colon tumor cells were less sensitive than HepG2 to enzyme modulation in the presence of the studied compounds, particularly C-1305, where enzymatic inhibition similar to that of irinotecan was observed. Conclusions The results demonstrated that UGT activity modulation should be expected in the case of antitumor therapy with C-1305 or/and C-1311. Analysis of the results indicated that these modulations would occur via cellular regulatory pathways not by direct drug-enzyme interactions.

  • Modułowe konstrukcje narzędzi tarczowych do szlifowania na docierarkach
    • Adam Barylski
    2018 Technologia i Automatyzacja Montażu

    Przedstawiono nowe konstrukcje tarczowych narzędzi jednolitych i składanych do obróbki powierzchni płaskich na docierarkach jedno- i dwutarczowych. Szlifowanie z kinematyką docierania to jedna z obecnych tendencji rozwoju bardzo dokładnej obróbki powierzchni płaskich i płasko-równoległych.

  • Modyfikacja kompozytów elastomerowych NR za pomocą ligniny i glicerolizatu
    • Paulina Kasprzyk
    • Janusz Datta
    • Urszula Ostaszewska
    • Renata Kucner
    2018 Full text Elastomery

    Przedmiotem opisanych w niniejszym artykule badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu ligniny oraz glicerolizatu na wybrane właściwości kompozytów zawierających kauczuk naturalny. Strukturę chemiczną przygotowanych materiałów potwierdzono, wykorzystując analizę spektroskopową w podczerwieni (FTIR). Zbadano również właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu, twardość, ścieralność oraz odbojność przygotowanych wulkanizatów. Metodą dynamicznej analizy mechaniczno-termicznej (DMTA) wyznaczono wartości modułu zachowawczego, modułu stratności oraz współczynnika stratności. Udowodniono, że dodatek ligniny powoduje poprawę właściwości mechanicznych przygotowanych wulkanizatów, natomiast dodanie glicerolizatu powoduje zwiększenie plastyczności materiałów

  • Modyfikowane materiały węglowe do efektywnego usuwania jonów metali ciężkich z wody.
    • Małgorzata Nadolska
    • Bartłomiej Cieślik
    • Diana Sobota
    • Kamila Sadowska

    Spośród wielu zanieczyszczeń przedostających się do wód szczególnie niebezpieczną grupę stanowią metale ciężkie, takie jak: rtęć, ołów i inne. Problemem jest nie tylko ich toksyczność, ale także trwały charakter zanieczyszczeń oraz zdolność do akumulowania się w organizmach. Już niewielkie stężenia metali ciężkich mogą powodować nieodwracalne uszkodzenia organizmu, dlatego konieczne jest poszukiwanie skutecznych metod ich usuwania. Jednym z dostępnych sposobów oczyszczania wody z jonów metali ciężkich jest adsorpcja. Z uwagi na wysoką powierzchnię (kilkaset m2/g) i budowę chemiczną, w roli adsorbentów świetnie sprawdzają się materiały węglowe. Ich powierzchnia może być dodatkowo modyfikowana, powodując tym samym poprawę wiązania adsorbatu do powierzchni. W prezentacji przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań dotyczące wykorzystania materiałów węglowych do adsorpcji jonów rtęci z roztworów wodnych. Jako sorbenty wykorzystano nanorurki węglowe, tlenek grafenu a także stosowany powszechnie węgiel aktywny. Sprawdzono czy wprowadzenie na ich powierzchnie grup fosfonowych wpływa na skuteczność adsorpcji. Materiały scharakteryzowano za pomocą metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, Raman) i mikroskopowych (SEM). Przeprowadzono również analizę termograwimetryczną i zmierzono powierzchnię właściwą materiałów. Badania adsorpcyjne wykonano dla różnych początkowych stężeń jonów rtęci w roztworze, ilości adsorbentu oraz pH roztworu. Połączenie wyników badań fizykochemicznych i badań adsorpcji pozwoliło na określeniu wpływu funkcjonalizacji na zdolności adsorpcyjne materiałów. Wyniki badań wykazały, że materiały po funkcjonalizacji charakteryzują się wyższą zdolnością sorpcyjną. Wysokie powinowactwo grup fosfonowych do jonów rtęci oraz rozwinięta powierzchnia właściwa materiałów sprawia, że ich zdolność adsorpcyjna sięga nawet 99%.

  • Moisture content during and after high- and normal-temperature drying processes of wood
    • Jacek Barański

    The aim of the article is to present the results of moisture content of wood during and after the high-temperature steam and air–steam mixture drying processes and after an open air-drying process. The knowledge of moisture content changes of wood in the process of its drying is one of the important parameters to economy drying process and to keep the quality of dried wood. Wood samples, namely, spruce (Picea abies K.) and beech (Fagus silvatica L.) from the northern part of Poland, were subject to steam, air–steam mixture and, air-drying, respectively, with a temperatures about 105, 80, and 25°C. The samples of thickness 70 mm and length about 1,050 of spruce, and about 1,500 mm of beech were used. They were machined by the modern narrow kerf frame sawing machine. Temperature of the cross section of dried wood was measured by thermocouples, wood moisture content was determined during process using moisture sensors. Measurements of moisture content for steam-dried and air-dried samples, as reference, allowed to reveal the effect of drying process on moisture content of wood. It has been recognized that steam wood drying causes almost constant amount of moisture in treated material in comparison to air-drying one.

  • Molecular dynamics study on the role of solvation water in the adsorption of hyperactive AFP to the ice surface
    • Joanna Grabowska
    • Anna Kuffel
    • Jan Zielkiewicz

    Using computer simulations, the early stages of the adsorption of the CfAFP molecule to the ice surface were analyzed. We found that the ice and the protein interact at least as early as when the protein is about 1 nm away from the ice surface. These interactions are mediated by interfacial solvation water and are possible thanks to the structural ordering of the solvent. This ordering leads to positional preference of the protein relative to the ice crystal before the final attachment to the ice surface takes place, accompanied by the solidification of the interfacial water. It is possible because the solvation water of the ice-binding plane of CfAFP is susceptible to the overlapping with the solvation water of ice and is mostly changeable into ice itself. These remote interactions significantly increase efficacy of the adsorption process by facilitating the geometric adjustment of the active region of the CfAFP molecule to the ice surface. Because of the ordered nature of the water molecules at the ice-binding plane, the energy of their interactions with the ice-binding surface of the protein does not change upon the ongoing solidification of solvation water. However, the structure of the solvation water is not strictly ice-like and the growth of ice in the interfacial water is not initiated at the side of the protein. On the contrary, we find that solvation water of CfAFP solidifies slower than solvation water of ice – the solidification of interfacial water starts at the surface of ice. Moreover, in the presence of the CfAFP molecule, also solvation water of ice solidifies slower compared to the situation when the protein is not present next to the ice surface. Additionally, the presence of the protein molecule shifts the ratio of cubic to hexagonal ice that spontaneously forms at the ice surface, by introducing another layer of ordered water molecules – opposite to the ice lattice, at the other side of the crystallizing layer of water.

  • Molecular identification and genotyping of Staphylococci: genus, species, strains, colnes, lineages, and interspecies exchanges
    • Beata Krawczyk
    • Józef Kur

    Staphylococci are increasingly recognized as etiological agents of many opportunistic human and animal infections, emphasizing the need for a rapid and accurate identification, even to a genotypical level of these bacteria. In the recent years, there has been a significant progress in typing and phylogenetic study of Staphylococcus species. Here, we describe molecular methods used in taxonomy as well as staphylococci characterization. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, the gap gene (coding for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), the hsp60 gene (encoding the heat shock protein Hsp60), the dnaJ gene (encoding the heat shock protein Hsp40), the tuf gene (encoding the elongation factor Tu), the sodA gene (encoding the superoxide dismutase), and the ropB gene (encoding the β subunit of the RNA polymerase) is used as a tool for identification of Staphylococcus isolates. Moreover, the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of core genes (16S rRNA, gap, hsp60, dnaJ, tuf) is described, and attention is paid to new molecular methods such as real-time PCR and among non-genome-based assays, mass spectrometry. We are also presenting methods relying on whole genome analysis, including random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), ligation-mediated PCR (LM PCR), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, that are crucial to determine genotypical relatedness among strains of a same species. This is of paramount importance to define whether a local outbreak is due to a single or diverse strains, to investigate characteristics of unrelated bacterial isolates, as well as to compare isolates from a certain region or area with those collected worldwide. Finally, in phylogenetic research, genome-based comparisons are necessary to study relationship among strains. In addition, current knowledge of SCC (Staphylococcus Cassette Chromosome) mec classification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates and selected SCCmec typing methods are discussed.

  • Molecular Umbrellas Modulate the Selective Toxicity of Polyene Macrolide Antifungals
    • Andrzej Stanisław Skwarecki
    • Kornelia Skarbek
    • Dorota Martynow
    • Marcin Serocki
    • Irena Bylińska
    • Maria Jolanta Milewska
    • Sławomir Milewski

    Antifungal polyene macrolide antibiotics Amphotericin B (AmB) and Nystatin (NYS) were conjugated through the ω-amino acid linkers with diwalled “molecular umbrellas” composed of spermidine-linked deoxycholic or cholic acids. The presence of “umbrella” substituents modulated biological properties of the antibiotics, especially their selective toxicity. Some of the AmB-umbrella conjugates demonstrated antifungal in vitro activity comparable to that of the mother antibiotic but diminished mammalian toxicity, especially the hemolytic activity. In contrast, antifungal in vitro activity of NYS-umbrella conjugates was strongly reduced and all these conjugates demonstrated poorer than NYS selective toxicity. No correlation between the aggregation state and hemolytic activity of the novel conjugates was found.

  • Monitoring and efficiency assessment of biofilter air deodorization using electronic nose prototype
    • Bartosz Szulczyński
    • Jacek Gębicki
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Biofiltration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype for monitoring and efficiency assessment of air biofiltration. The study was conducted using model gas mixtures containing representatives of three groups of chemical compounds: n-hexane (alkanes), acetone (ketones) and toluene (aromatic hydrocarbons). Based on the proposed linear models it has been shown that the determination of concentrations of these substances in the ternary mixture is possible at relatively low concentrations. It was also shown that the used filter medium (pine bark) had the highest removal efficiency of acetone.

  • Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line
    • Krzysztof Karwowski
    • Mirosław Mizan
    • Dariusz Karkosiński
    2018 Full text Transport

    Proper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating conditions. The detection procedure is based on the monitoring and analysis of contact wire uplift caused by the pressure of the current collector, as the train passes through the measuring point located on the railway line and is designed with the aim of detecting collectors with incorrect values of a contact force.

  • Monitoring of n-butanol vapors biofiltration process using an electronic nose combined with calibration models
    • Bartosz Szulczyński
    • Piotr Rybarczyk
    • Jacek Gębicki

    Malodours, by definition, are generally unpleasant, nuisance smells that are a mixture of volatile chemical compounds which can be perceptible even at low concentrations. Due to the more frequent occurrence of odour nuisance associated with the odour sensations, and thus the need to remove them from the air, deodorization techniques are commonly used. Biofiltration is one of the methods of reducing odorants in the air stream. In the presented studies, the possibility of using the electronic nose instead of gas chromatography for on-line monitoring and the efficiency evaluation of the nbutanol vapors biofiltration process in a transient state was shown. Three calibration models were used in the research: Multiple Linear Regression, Principal Component Regression and Partial Least Square Regression. The obtained results were compared with the theoretical values.

  • Monitoring of single-side lap grinding with electroplated tools
    • Mariusz Deja
    • Dorota Truchanowicz

    The results presented in the paper show that utilising microphones as audible sound sensors is a suitable approach for monitoring a single-side lap grinding process due to the low levels of noise generated by the drives of a machine tool. The results confirm that sound signal analysis is a feasible and relatively simple method to monitor a lap grinding process with the use of an audible sound sensor. Proposed method can be used to predict the surface roughness of the workpiece during single-side lap grinding and can be implemented in other manufacturing processes.

  • Monitoring Steel Bolted Joints during a Monotonic Tensile Test Using Linear and Nonlinear Lamb Wave Methods: A Feasibility Study
    • Magdalena Rucka
    2018 Full text Metals

    The structural integrity of steel bolted joints may be compromised due to excessive loading. Therefore, condition assessment and the detection of potential defects before they cause a failure have become a major issue. The paper is focused on the condition monitoring of a bolted lap joint subjected to progressive degradation in a tensile test. The inspection used Lamb waves propagated through the overlap area. Wave propagation signals were registered automatically by means of piezoelectric transducers. Two damage indices were defined based on linear and nonlinear features of Lamb waves. The use of a network of piezoelectric transducers and the analysis of multiple signals instead of single ones was proved to effectively monitor the state of the bolted joint. The obtained results showed that the method enabled to detect selected stages of the degradation process and to characterize the reduction of the contact area between the plates in the overlap area.

  • Mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles decorated KTaO 3 photocatalysts with improved Vis and UV–Vis light activity
    • Anna Krukowska
    • Grzegorz Trykowski
    • Michał Jerzy Winiarski
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Wojciech Lisowski
    • Alicja Mikolajczyk
    • Henry P. Pinto
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    New mono- and bimetallic nanoparticle-decorated perovskite-type KTaO3 photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal reaction followed by photodeposition of MNPs/BNPs. The effect of noble metal type, amount of metal precursor as well as photoreduction method on the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of MNPs- and BNPs-KTaO3 have been investigated. Photocatalytic activity under Vis light irradiation was estimated in phenol degradation in aqueous phase and toluene removal in gas phase, while under UV–Vis light irradiation was measured amount of H2 generation from formic acid solution. The absorption properties of O2 and H2O molecules on KTaO3(1 0 0) surface supported by Au or Au/Pt NPs was also investigated using density-functional theory (DFT). The experimental results show that, both MNPs-KTaO3 and BNPs-KTaO3 exhibit greatly enhanced pollutant decomposition efficiency under Vis light irradiation and highly improved H2 production under UV–Vis light irradiation compared with pristine KTaO3. The 0.5 Au/1.5 Pt-KTaO3_both and 2.0 Rh-KTaO3 reveal the highest Vis-induced activity among prepared samples in aqueous phase (14.75% of phenol decomposition after 90 min of irradiation) and gas phase (41.98% of toluene removal after 60 min of irradiation), respectively. The theoretical calculations confirmed that adsorption energy of O2 and H2O molecules was increased after loading of Au or Au/Pt NPs on KTaO3 (100) surface. Control tests with scavengers show that O2− radical is significantly involved in phenol oxidation under Vis light irradiation, which proposed mechanism is based on direct electron transfer from MNPs/BNPs to conduction band of KTaO3. The highest amount of H2 evaluation is obtained also by 0.5 Au/1.5 Pt-KTaO3_both after 240 min of UV–Vis light irradiation (76.5 µmol/min), which is eleven times higher than for pristine KTaO3 (6.69 µmol/min). Moreover, the most photocatalytic samples for each model reaction present good repeatability and stability after subsequent three cycles. Summarized, MNPs- and BNPs-KTaO3 are promising material in advanced applications of photocatalysis.

  • Monocykl elektryczny – projekt i realizacja
    • Seweryn Hołysz
    • Michał Muża
    • Robert Piotrowski
    2018 Full text Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka

    W ostatnich czasach zaobserwować można rozwój pojazdów elektrycznych. Czynnikami, które pozytywnie wpływają na to zjawisko jest redukcja emisji spalin oraz hałasu, które emitują standardowe pojazdy. Przy mniejszych, mobilnych konstrukcjach elektrycznych, dodatkową zaletą jest zmniejszenie problemu związanego z zatłoczeniem ulic. Artykuł przedstawia projekt oraz wykonanie monocyklu elektrycznego. Uwzględniając założenia projektowe, opisano konstrukcję mechaniczną i elektroniczną. Elementy składowe pojazdu połączono w całość, tworząc spójną konstrukcję.

  • Monometallic nanoparticles decorated and rare earth ions doped KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 photocatalysts with enhanced pollutant decomposition and improved H2 generation
    • Anna Krukowska
    • Grzegorz Trykowski
    • Wojciech Lisowski
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Michał Jerzy Winiarski
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    New, monometallic nanoparticles (MNPs) decorated surface and rare earth (RE) ions doped lattice of perovskite-type (KTaO3)/pyrochlore-type (K2Ta2O6) photocatalysts were successfully prepared by facile hydrothermal incorporation of RE ions into KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 lattices followed by photodeposition of MNPs. The impact of noble metal type (MNPs = Au, Pt, Rh) and rare earth dopant type (RE = Er, Pr) on the physicochemical properties correlated with photoactivity of MNPs/RE-KTaO3 and MNPs/RE-K2Ta2O6 has been examined. All as-prepared photocatalysts were systematically characterized by UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, fast Fourier transform, powder X-ray diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The crystal structure was presented using VESTA software. Photocatalytic activity of samples under visible light irradiation was determined by pollutant decomposition, while UV–vis induced activity was estimated by H2 generation efficiency. The experimental results suggested a synergistic effect between MNPs and RE-ions-modified KTaO3/K2Ta2O6, which resulted in greatly improved photocatalytic performance compared with that of pristine KTaO3/K2Ta2O6. Inclusion of RE ions into KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 lattices probably leads to formation of RE4f states below the conduction band levels to electron transition by lower photon excitation energy, while photoreduction of MNPs on the RE-KTaO3/RE-K2Ta2O6 surface causes localized surface plasmon resonance and activates surface by adsorption for both O2 and H2O molecules. The highest visible-light-induced photoactivity was observed for the Au/Er-KTaO3 sample (16.48%) in phenol solution degradation and for the Pt/Pr-K2Ta2O6 photocatalyst (36.13%) in gaseous toluene removal, respectively. Active species-trapping tests indicate that O2− radicals are meaningfully involved in phenol oxidation under visible light irradiation. The largest amount of H2 evaluation was observed for the Pt/Pr-K2Ta2O6 sample (93.16 µmol/min) under UV–vis irradiation, which also showed a relatively good lifetime in recycling. The present study describes noble- and rare-earth-metal-modified KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 as an advanced material in photocatalysis.

  • Morphology, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets
    • Michał Strankowski
    • Piotr Korzeniewski
    • Justyna Strankowska
    • A.s. Anu
    • Thomas Sabu
    2018 Full text Materials

    Polyurethane/graphene nanocomposites were synthesized using commercial thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU, Apilon 52DE55), and two types of graphene derivatives: graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy, TEM, and SEM microscopy and XRD techniques were used to chemically and structurally characterize GNP and RGO nanofillers. The properties of the new TPU nanocomposite materials were studied using thermal analysis techniques (Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG)) to describe the influence of graphene nanofillers on polyurethane matrix. Our investigation describes the comparison of two types of graphene derivatives, commercial one (GNP) and synthesized (RGO) on thermoplastic polyurethanes. These nanofillers provides opportunities to achieve compatibility with the TPU matrix. The property enhancements are attributed commonly to high aspect ratio of graphene nanoplatelets and filler–polymer interactions at the interface. The obtained nanocomposites exhibit higher thermal and mechanical properties due to the good dispersion of both nanofillers into TPU matrix. It was found that the addition of 2 wt % of the nanofiller could lead to a significant reinforcement effect on the TPU matrix. Also, with high content of nanofiller (GNP and RGO), the Payne effect was observed.

  • Możliwości aplikacji teoretycznych modeli obiektów transportowo-logistycznych współpracujących z morskimi terminalami kontenerowymi portów Trójmiasta
    • Marta Tankiewicz
    • Karolina Krośnicka
    2018 Full text Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika

    W pracy zgromadzono i zestawiono informacje nt. struktury przestrzenno-funkcjonalnej ośmiu europejskich obiektów transportowo-logistycznych współpracujących z morskimi terminalami kontenerowymi. Przeanalizowano przypadki studialne pod kątem ich zagospodarowania, struktury funkcjonalnej, wielkości powierzchni, obrotów oraz dostępności komunikacyjnej. Na tej podstawie wypracowano trzy modele teoretyczne opisujące intermodalne obiekty transportowo-logistyczne, mogące współpracować z morskimi terminalami kontenerowymi Trójmiasta.