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Sterowanie z wykorzystaniem rachunku niecałkowitego rzędu reaktorem wodnym ciśnieniowym elektrowni jądrowej
- Bartosz Puchalski
Celem rozprawy doktorskiej było rozwiązanie problemu naukowego zdefiniowanego jako sterowanie szybkimi procesami reaktora wodnego ciśnieniowego elektrowni jądrowej typu PWR. Wielkością sterowaną była średnia moc cieplna reaktora przy szerokim zakresie zmian punktu pracy. Podstawowe nowe podejście do sterowania rozważane przy rozwiązywaniu problemu sterowania to połączenie nowoczesnych technik związanych z rachunkiem różniczkowo-całkowym niecałkowitego rzędu oraz modelowaniem rozmytym. W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono charakterystykę procesów reaktora jądrowego PWR ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów szybkich takich jak, generacja ciepła (kinetyka neutronów) i jego odbiór (wymiana ciepła pomiędzy paliwem jądrowym a chłodziwem). W rozprawie zaprezentowano dwie grupy modeli wymienionych procesów. Pierwsza grupa została wykorzystana do opracowania metod syntezy układów automatycznego sterowania wykorzystujących postulowane zaawansowane metody związane z rachunkiem różniczkowo-całkowym niecałkowitego rzędu oraz modelowaniem rozmytym. Natomiast druga grupa została wykorzystana przy testowaniu symulacyjnym zaproponowanego układu sterowania. Opracowana metoda syntezy bazuje na optymalizacji funkcji kryterialnej, w której skład wchodzą wybrane całkowe kryteria jakości sterowania. W rozprawie podjęto również analizę jakościową opracowanego układu sterowania mocą cieplną elektrowni jądrowej.
- Alicja Sekuła
Publikacja poświęcona jest zagadnieniu mechanizmu wyrównywania poziomego na szczeblu regionalnym. Celem artykułu, oprócz przedstawienia przesłanek i zasad regulujących jego funkcjonowanie, jest ocena wpływu na sytuację dochodową budżetów województw, zwłaszcza że tylko na tym szczeblu wprowadzono od 2015 r. istotne zmiany, zarówno po stronie naliczania, jak i rozdziału środków. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że po modyfikacji reguł jednostki- beneficjenci uzyskują nawet 6 razy mniejsze wpływy z tej części subwencji ogólnej w stosunku do lat wcześniejszych. Po nowelizacji ustawy globalna kwota części regionalnej uległa redukcji o blisko 2/3, a poziom zmniejszenia wpłat w przypadku mazowieckiego (jako dominującego regionu w systemie wpłat, zwanym także "janosikowym") w przeliczeniu na osobę sięgnął blisko 50%. Zakres czasowy badań objął lata 2004-2017
Strategia analizy niecelowanej w metabolomice i lipidomice – aspekty praktyczne cz.2
- Weronika Hewelt-Belka
- Mariusz Belka
- Dorota Garwolińska
- Tomasz Bączek
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Agata Kot-Wasik
Strategia analizy niecelowanej jest powszechnie wykorzystywana do analizy różnego rodzaju próbek biologicznych, takich jak tkanki czy płyny ustrojowe, w celu otrzymania „odcisku palca” oraz określenia różnic w składzie jakościowym oraz ilościowym pomiędzy badanymi próbkami. Wskazanie różnic w zawartości różnych biocząsteczek (peptydów, metabolitów, lipidów) pozwala na uzyskanie informacji na temat powiązania składu biochemicznego komórki czy tkanki ze stanem organizmu. W konsekwencji może to prowadzić do odkrycia biomarkeru o wartości diagnostycznej, prognostycznej czy terapeutycznej. W praktyce strategia analizy niecelowanej umożliwia wykrycie wszystkich biocząsteczek danego rodzaju obecnych w próbce powyżej granicy wykrywalności stosowanej metodyki analitycznej. W efekcie uzyskuje się ogromną ilość danych, wymagających odpowiedniego opracowania i zastosowania programów do przetwarzania uzyskanych wyników. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze aspekty dotyczące prowadzenia badań w oparciu o strategię analizy niecelowanej stosowanej w analityce lipidów i metabolitów, począwszy od etapu zaprojektowania badania do etapu wstępnego przetwarzania danych.
Strategic aspects in spatial planning - theory and practice in largest cities of Poland
- Jacek Sołtys
The rate of changes and the growing uncertainty rise to the need for a strategic approach to development planning, which is active and flexible in relation to the changing reality. Strategic planning, occurring in companies, was adapted by the social-economic development planning of self-government units. However, there are difficulties in applying the strategic planning in the spatial planning and integration of the two forms of planning rarely takes place. Scientific publications focus on strategic planning of socio-economic development rather than spatial development. The purposes of the study were: (1) to identify strategic planning features in the documents of spatial planning analyzed; (2) to identify constraints in achieving the strategic planning features in the spatial planning; (3) to explore the possibilities and how to overcome these constrains. The methods of the study included: analysis of literature on the theory of the strategic planning, analysis of documents of spatial planning in larger cities of Poland, and the methods of logical analysis. Based on the definitions and characteristics of the strategy and strategic planning taken from the literature, the author analyzed and assessed which features could and which could not be met in the spatial city planning. As a result of the study, the author stated that the spatial planning can become more strategic by applying variant scenarios of conditions and spatial development, formulation of vision in the participatory process and checking the possibility of achieving them through scenarios, analyzing sequences of changes, their factors and authors. In conclusion, the author stated that using the strategic approach to the spatial planning could make this planning more effective and in line with social values and expectations.
Strategie rozwoju byłych miast wojewódzkich w Polsce Wschodniej
- Jacek Sołtys
Przedmiotem opracowania są strategie rozwoju 9 miast należących do najsilniejszych ośrodków poza obecnymi miastami wojewódzkimi w najsłabiej rozwiniętych polskich regionach. Miasta te mogą dawać szansę aktywizacji swojego otoczenia. Przyczynić się do tego mogą dobre strategie zwiększające konkurencyjność miast i pobudzające rozwój. Celem badań było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania, czy i w jakim stopniu badane strategie: (1) zgodne są z definicją i metodyką planowania strategicznego; (2) dostrzegają i wykorzystują specyficzne kombinacje czynników rozwojowych; (3) mogą przyczyniać się do rozwoju otoczenia. Metodą badawczą była analiza tekstów strategii pod kątem powyższych pytań. Badane strategie nie w pełni zgodne są z definicją strategii. Zawierają błędy i usterki metodyczne powszechnie spotykane i w innych strategiach. Wykorzystują specyfikę czynników rozwojowych, lecz bez świadomego, metodycznego rozpoznawania ich kombinacji i bez eksponowania. Autor sygnalizuje problemy metodyczne specyficzne dla planowania strategicznego w jednostkach terytorialnych i wysuwa propozycje dla praktyki planistycznej.
Strącanie cząstek węglanu wapnia w układzie gaz-ciecz w obecności wybranych sacharydów
- Donata Konopacka-Łyskawa
- Natalia Czaplicka
Węglan wapnia strącano podczas karbonatyzacji roztworów zawierających chlorek wapnia i amoniak. Procesy prowadzono w roztworach o pH powyżej 9. Jako dodatki wpływające na przebieg precypitacji stosowano glukozę lub sacharozę o stężeniach 15, 30 i 60 mM. Najwolniej precypitacja przebiegała, gdy roztwór zawierał najniższe stężenie glukozy. Wzrost stężenia badanych sacharydów skutkował skróceniem czasu precypitacji. Otrzymane cząstki CaCO3 były mieszaniną waterytu i kalcytu, a dodatek sacharydów spowodował zwiększenie zawartości kalcytu w produktach.
Streaming Real-time Data in Distributed Dispatcher and Teleinformation Systems for Visualization of Multimedia Data of the Border Guard
- Marek Blok
- Bartosz Czaplewski
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Jacek Andrzej Litka
- Marcin Narloch
- Maciej Sac
Surveillance of the sea borders is a very important task for the Border Guard. Monitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. This task can be accomplished using a technology that allows to collect information from distributed sensors of different types, unify the collected information, and present the synchronized data. The system presented in the paper is an extension and enhancement of the previously developed distributed map data exchange system. The added functionality allows to supplement the map data with multimedia (telephone and radio calls, video (cameras), photos, files, SMS/SDS) and presentation of current and archival situation on a multi-display screen in the Events Visualization Post. In the paper, the system architecture, functionality and main system elements are described and supported with preliminary analysis and test results.
Strength parameters of deltaic soils determined with CPTU, DMT and FVT
- Lech Bałachowski
- Kamila Międlarz
- Jakub Konkol
This paper presents the results of soil investigation in soft, normally consolidated organic soil in the estuary of Vistula river. The analysis concerns clayey mud and peat layers interbedded with loose to medium-dense sands. Several Cone Penetration Tests with pore water measurement (CPTU), Dilatometer Tests (DMT) and Field Vane Tests (FVT) were performed on the testing site. The cone factor Nkt was estimated using the results of FVT and peak values of undrained shear strength. The proposition of Nkt change due to normalized Friction ratio (Fr ) has been given. The possible value of cone factor NΔu for organic soils was also suggested. The undrained shear strength of Jazowa clayey mud and peat have been compared with DMT estimates proposed by various researchers. Finally, the structural soil sensitivity of Jazowa deltaic soils was determined on the basis of residual shear strength obtained from FVT and the measurements of sleeve friction.
Stress analysis of the bridge hangers in terms of the fatigue verification
- Marek Szafrański
- Tymon Galewski
- Robert Łapigrowski
The paper presents the results of numerical stress analysis of the bridge rod hangers. Two types of hangers were taken into account, i.e. the bolted hanger and the welded hanger. A detailed FEM shell models of the connection area between the hanger and the bridge span have been developed. Local stress concentration effects have been investigated in terms of fatigue verification.
Stripe order and magnetic anisotropy in the S=1 antiferromagnet BaMoP2O8
- Jan Hembacher
- Danis Badrtdinov
- Lei Ding
- Zuzanna Sobczak
- Clemens Ritter
- Vladimir Mazurenko
- Alexander Tsirlin
Magnetic behavior of yavapaiite-type BaMoP2O8 with the spatially anisotropic triangular arrangement of the S=1Mo4+ ions is explored using thermodynamic measurements, neutron diffraction, and density-functional band-structure calculations. A broad maximum in the magnetic susceptibility around 46 K is followed by the stripe antiferromagnetic order with the propagation vector k=(12,12,12) formed below TN≃21 K. This stripe phase is triggered by a pronounced one-dimensionality of the spin lattice, where one of the in-plane couplings, J2≃4.6 meV, is much stronger than its J1≃0.4 meV counterpart, and stabilized by the weak easy-axis anisotropy. The ordered moment of 1.42(9)μB at 1.5 K is significantly lower than the spin-only moment of 2μB due to a combined effect of quantum fluctuations and spin-orbit coupling.
Structural and dynamic insights on the EmrE protein with TPP+ and related substrates through molecular dynamics simulations
- Monikaben Padariya
- Umesh Kalathiya
- Maciej Bagiński
EmrE is a bacterial transporter protein that forms an anti-parallel homodimer with four transmembrane helices in each monomer. EmrE transports positively charged aromatic compounds, such as TPP+ and its derivatives. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of EmrE in complex with TPP+, MeTPP+, and MBTPP+ embedded in a membrane. The detailed molecular properties and interactions were analysed for all EmrE-ligand complexes. Our MD results identified that Lys22, Tyr40, Phe44, Trp45, and Trp63 formed potential π interactions with all three ligands and further confirmed the essential role of Glu14. Moreover, distance analysis and structural changes in the EmrE translocation pathway suggest that ligand recognition and protein conformational changes depend on the structural properties of the substrate. Analysis of the movement of the ligand in the protein binding site and rotation of the ligand’s aromatic rings confirm that substrates with aromatic moieties, such as MBTPP+, exhibit relatively stable binding to EmrE. Interestingly, the aromatic rings of Tyr40, Phe44, Trp45, and Trp63 underwent parallel movements with the aromatic rings of TPP+. Based on the MD results, we propose that π interactions, as well as the mutual rotation of the aromatic rings in the protein and ligand, can be regarded as sources of ligand movement, and thus, the whole complex may work as a “molecular propeller”.
Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials
- Agnieszka Łącz
- Łukasz Łańcucki
- Radosław Lach
- Bartosz Kamecki
- Ewa Drożdż
Series of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery methods, respectively. The possibility of participation of Cr-doped strontium titanate in oxidation–reduction processes was analysed by temperature-programed reduction (TPR) and temperature-programed oxidation (TPOx) measurements. The changes of lattice parameters together with XPS analysis, the Seebeck coefficient measurements results and TPR profiles obtained for SrTi1−xCrxO3 materials prove the presence of chromium on +3 and +6 oxidation stages. Thus, chromium can be treated as both acceptor- and donor-type dopant in the SrTiO3 structure. The Cr3+/Cr6+ ratio strongly affects the electrical properties, as the change of conduction mechanism was observed. The results of performed stability test clearly indicate that incorporation of chromium into SrTiO3 structure results with decrease of chemical stability in CO2 atmosphere.
Structural and electrical properties of titanium-doped yttrium niobate
- Piotr Winiarz
- Aleksandra Dorota Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Sebastian Lech Wachowski
- Piotr Jasiński
- Agnieszka Witkowska
- Maria Gazda
In this work, the influence of the substitution of niobium by titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ on the structural and electrical properties is reported. Several experimental techniques, i.e. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), were applied to investigate the system Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ. Titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ is an acceptor-type dopant which charge is mainly compensated by oxygen vacancies, moreover, it may adopt different valence states, therefore, oxygen ion-, proton- and electronic-type conductivity are expected. Very interesting, non-monotonic changes in electrical and structural properties as a function of titanium content were observed. The competition between the increasing charge carrier concentration and structural phenomena such as short-range pyrochlore ordering and/or vacancy clustering was proposed as responsible for this non-monotonicity.
Structural and electrical transport properties of Pr-doped SrTi0.93Co0.07O3-δ a novel SOEC fuel electrode materials
- Bartosz Kamecki
- Tadeusz Miruszewski
- Jakub Karczewski
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOECs) are very promising electrochemical devices for the production of syngas (H2/CO) by H2O and CO2 co-electrolysis. The structure, microstructure and electrical properties of the fuel electrode material play a crucial role in the performance of the whole cell and efficiency of electrocatalytic reduction of steam into hydrogen. In the present work, a novel Co and Pr co-doped SrTiO3-δ material attracted attention as a potential fuel electrode for SOFC/SOEC. Materials with different praseodymium content were prepared by a solid-state reaction process. XRD confirmed cubic perovskite structure in all obtained samples. SEM results showed porosity in doped materials and EDX proved ABO3 stoichiometry. TEC values were about 1.17–1.26•10−5 K−1 very close to the YSZ electrolyte value. XPS studies turn out that a praseodymium can be multivalent and exist on mixed +3 and + 4 oxidation state. Electrical conductivity of samples was measured by DC 4-wire method in range of 100-800 °C. Highest value of total conductivity was achieved for Sr0.7Pr0.3Ti0.93Co0.07O3-δ and reached 23.7 S∙cm−1. The obtained results were discussed and analyzed in term of defect chemistry.
Structural and luminescent study of TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag glass system doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ for possible color-tunable phosphor application
- Tomasz Lewandowski
- Cezary Seweryński
- Michalina Walas
- Marcin Stanisław Łapiński
- Anna Synak
- Wojciech Sadowski
- Barbara Kościelska
Tellurite glass systems of 73TeO2-4BaO-3Bi2O3-1Ag:xEu2O3-(2-x)Dy2O3 (where x = 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 in molar ratio) composition have been successfully synthesized. In order to acquire Ag nanoparticles, materials have been heat treated at 350 °C in the air atmosphere. Structural properties of obtained samples were evaluated with various techniques. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements indicated that obtained materials are amorphous in nature. UV–vis results presented transitions characteristic to Dy3+ and Eu3+ ions. Additionally, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicated the presence of silver in metallic form. Photoluminescence measurements shown influence of Ag nanoparticles on emission characteristics. Simultaneous emission of Dy3+ and Eu3+ has been observed when samples were excited with λexc = 390 nm. Change of the emission color induced by heat treatment has been observed and described in case of x = 1 glass series. According to CIE results emission color changes as Eu/Dy ratio and heat treatment time are changed. Emission shifts from reddish-orange to yellowish white color. Obtained photoluminescence results confirm that synthesized materials are good candidates for color tunable phosphors.
Structural and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite coatings formed by ion-beam assisted deposition
- Anna Zykova
- Vladimir Safanov
- S. Dudin
- S. Yakovin
- N. Donkov
- Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi
- Marek Szkodo
- Michał Antoszkiewicz
- M. Szyfelbain
- A. Czaban
The ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) is an advanced method capable of producing crystalline coatings at low temperatures. We determined the characteristics of hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 target and coatings formed by IBAD using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The composition of the coatings' cross-section and surface was close to those of the target. The XPS spectra showed that the binding energy values of Ca (2p1/2, 2p3/2), P (2p3/2), and O 1s levels are related to the hydroxyapatite phase. The coatings demonstrate an optimal H/E ratio, and a good resistance to scratch tests.
Structural and physical characterization of NpPt2In7
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Alexander Shick
- S Khmelevskyi
- Agnieszka Kozub
- Kamil Kolincio
- J-C. Griveau
- Eric Colineau
- Rachel Eloirdi
- Roberto Caciuffo
A new neptunium intermetallic compound, NpPt2In7, has been synthesized in polycrystalline form and characterized by several macroscopic techniques. A Rietveld analysis of its powder x-ray diffraction pattern shows that NpPt2In7 crystallizes in a tetragonal lattice with I4/mmm symmetry and lattice parameters a = 4.58471(3) Å, c = 21.5065(3) Å. Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, Hall effect, and heat capacity measurements indicate a metallic character and the occurrence of antiferromagnetic order below a Néel temperature TN =23 K. The transition is exceptionally robust and TN decreases by 0.2K under a magnetic field of 9 T. A modified Curie-Weiss fit of the high-temperature magnetic susceptibility curve χ(T) gives an effective magnetic moment close to the value expected for trivalent Np. Low temperature heat capacity measurements give a reduced Sommerfeld linear coefficient close to 25mJmol−1.K−2 and a Debye Temperature ΘD=181 K. First principles, correlated-band electronic structure calculations suggest that the neptunium magnetic moment in NpPt2In7 is localized and that a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnetic structure could result from the competition of very weak interlayer interactions leading to very anisotropic properties.
Structural and physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber/GTR composites devulcanized by microwaves: Influence of GTR source and irradiation time
- Xavier Colom
- Marc Marín-Genescà
- Ramon Mujal
- Krzysztof Formela
- Javier Cañavate
Ground tire rubber from car and truck was modified using microwave irradiation at variable time. The irradiated ground tire rubber was used as filler in composites based on natural rubber. The composites, with high content of ground tire rubber, were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 160℃. The influence of the ground tire rubber source (car/truck) and irradiation time on structure, physico-mechanical behaviour, thermal properties and morphology of natural rubber/ground tire rubber composites was studied. The interfacial interactions between ground tire rubber and natural rubber as function of ground tire rubber source and irradiation time were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, tensile tests, swelling measurements and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that irradiation of ground tire rubber slightly enhanced tensile properties and cross-link density of natural rubber/ground tire rubber composites. This effect was more evident in the case of ground tire rubbertruck because of its higher content of natural rubber and was reflected in changes in the interfacial adhesion, which were confirmed by the results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis.
Structural changes of water caused by non-electrolytes: Volumetric and compressibility approach for urea-like analogues
- Jarosław Wawer
- Joanna Krakowiak
Hydration of thiourea (TU), hydroxyurea (HU, hydroxycarbamide), acetone (AC, 2-propanone) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been investigated with the help of the volumetric and compression measurement. The apparent molar volumes and the apparent molar isentropic (adiabatic) compression have been calculated from the density and speed of sound data at temperatures ranging from 288.15 to 308.15 K at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). From these data the standard partial molar volumes and the standard partial molar isentropic compressions have been calculated. The properties of the hydration spheres formed around investigated solutes have been characterised based on four parameters: (i) empirical slope for the dependency of the apparent molar volume on the concentration, (ii) difference between standard partial molar volume and van der Waals volume, (iii) standard partial molar compression, (iv) temperature dependency of the standard partial molar compression. The obtained results have been discussed and compared with the solvation properties of the N-alkyl derivatives of urea.
Structural, mechanical and thermal behavior assessments of PCL/PHB blends reactively compatibilized with organic peroxides
- Marta Przybysz-Romatowska
- Mariusz Marć
- Marek Klein
- Mohammed Saeb
- Krzysztof Formela
The efficiency of two commercially available organic peroxides, dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB), during reactive processing of poly (ε-caprolactone)/poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends was investigated. The changes in chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends, as a function of organic peroxide type (DCP/BIB) and content (in range: 0–1.0 parts by weight - pbw), were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis combined with infrared spectroscopy, and headspace analysis combined with gas chromatography with flame ionization detector. Performance properties of PCL/PHB blends was evaluated based on differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, tensile tests, gel fraction behavior and rheological measurements. It was found that, the tensile strength and elongation at break of PCL/PHB blend modified by 0.5 pbw of BIB improved significantly by ∼45% and ∼240%, respectively. Similar changes in the mechanical properties were observed for PCL/PHB blend with 1.0 pbw of DCP. This confirms higher compatibility between these two polymers supported by organic peroxides as free-radical initiators, while the lower concentration of BIB is a more efficient solution comparing to DCP. Moreover, the emissions of volatile organic compounds from reactively blended aliphatic polyesters were investigated. The results indicate that generated degradation products can react with the free radicals, which consequently affects the structural, mechanical and thermal properties of PCL/PHB blends.