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Organizational Wisdom: The Impact of Organizational Learning on the Absorptive Capacity of an Enterprise
- Agata Pierścieniak
- Monika Stelmaszczyk
Purpose: In this article, we analyze the concept of organizational wisdom, indicating its key elements and verifieng the relationships between them. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted at Vive Textile Recycling Sp. z o.o in Poland. Empirical data was collected from 138 managers using the PAPI technique. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was performed to test the research hypotheses. Additionally, the significance of indirect effects was checked, using the bootstrap method. Findings: Our findings show that organizational wisdom can, from the perspective of management sciences, be considered as a configuration of two elements: organizational learning and absorptive capacity. Our analysis shows that exploitative organizational learning plays an important role in shaping both potential and realized absorptive capacity. Exploratory organizational learning, in contrast, only affects the realized absorptive capacity. Practical Implications: Our research in practice will allow managers to understand that for the company to successfully achieve its goals, considering the changing environment, it should show organizational wisdom. To shape the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform, and make use of valuable external knowledge, they ought to rely on procedures (processes, databases, competences, etc.) that they know well. Their recent procedures or processes will only be capable of influencing their ability to transform and apply external knowledge. Originality/Value: The value of our research is drawing attention to the categories of organizational wisdom, which is not often analyzed in management sciences. The originality of our considerations consists in our attempt to describe the phenomenon not only by indicating its main elements, but also by establishing the relationship between them.
Oscylacyjna metoda oceny oporu toczenia opon samochodowych na nawierzchniach drogowych o różnej teksturze i sztywności
- Wojciech Owczarzak
Opór toczenia jest jednym z trudniejszych do wyznaczenia parametrów opon samochodowych. Jest to spowodowane tym, iż w przypadku nowoczesnych opon siła oporu toczenia odpowiada 0,5–1% obciążenia opony, dlatego pomiary bardzo małych sił muszą być wykonywane w silnie obciążonym układzie. Stanowi to ogromny problem, szczególnie w warunkach drogowych. Pomiary laboratoryjne są łatwiejsze do wykonania, ze względu na możliwość kontrolowania warunków otoczenia, jednakże w większości przypadków maszyny bieżne nie mogą być wyposażone w prawdziwe nawierzchnie drogowe. Zazwyczaj są to stalowe bębny lub w najlepszym wypadku bębny pokryte replikami nawierzchni. Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska opisuje laboratoryjną metodę oceny oporu toczenia, którą można zastosować do wstępnej oceny nawierzchni drogowych (na podstawie małych próbek nawierzchni) oraz opon. Metoda opiera się na pośrednim pomiarze strat energetycznych występujących w wyniku cyklicznego dociskania opony do nawierzchni, wymuszonego swobodnym spadaniem powodującym oscylacje układu zawierającego masę, sprężystość i tłumienie.
Otopy Classification of Gradient Compact Perturbations of Identity in Hilbert Space
- Piotr Bartłomiejczyk
- Piotr Nowak-Przygodzki
We prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient local maps into the space of all local maps from Hilbert space to itself induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps, where by a local map we mean a compact perturbation of identity with a compact preimage of zero.
Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego.
- Mateusz Muchlado
Celem badawczym, przyjętym w niniejszej pracy jest identyfikacja procesów zlecanych na zewnątrz w badanej populacji wraz z czynnikami warunkującymi ich skuteczność. Celem utylitarnym jest opracowanie narzędzia umożliwiającego dobór dostawców oraz ocenę procesów poddanych outsourcingowi. W rozdziale pierwszym pracy omówiono pojęcie outsourcingu oraz jego wykorzystanie w zarządzaniu procesami organizacji. Zidentyfikowano również czynniki wpływające na to, że organizacje decydują się na zlecanie procesów na zewnątrz. Przedstawiono również aktualne metody oceny skuteczności procesów. W rozdziale drugim przedstawiono charakterystykę podmiotu badań oraz wnioski z przeglądu literatury dotyczącej outsourcingu w podmiotach leczniczych w Polsce i za granicą. Zaprezentowano również i poddano krytycznej analizie istniejące już modele oceny skuteczności outsourcingu oraz odpowiednie uwarunkowania prawne i normatywne. W rozdziale trzecim opisano zastosowaną metodykę badań, w tym hipotezy sformułowane na podstawie studium literatury przedmiotu. Zawarto tu też wyniki badań ilościowych oraz jakościowych, które posłużyły do weryfikacji hipotez. Przedstawione zostały procesy zlecane na zewnątrz przez badane podmioty wraz z czynnikami warunkującymi skuteczność tych procesów. Przedstawiono również arkusz oceny dostawcy outsourcingowego, który jest wynikiem nawiązującym do celu utylitarnego niniejszej pracy. W podsumowaniu zawarto ujęte syntetycznie rezultaty przeprowadzonych badań, wnioski i rekomendacje oraz ograniczenia dotyczące wyników tej pracy.
Oversizing the photovoltaic generator capacity in a micro photovoltaic plant
- Zbigniew Lubośny
A significant part of photovoltaic micro installations in Poland is characterized by photovoltaic generator oversizing in relation to the inverter. The idea of oversizing, however, still raises doubts among some plant owners. In the paper, the energy yield of installation with an oversized and not oversized photovoltaic generator is presented on selected examples, showing the legitimacy of oversizing.
Overview of the three multicriteria approaches applied to a global assessment of analytical methods
- Paweł Mateusz Nowak
- Paweł Kościelniak
- Marek Tobiszewski
- Ana Ballester-Caudet
- Pilar Campíns-Falcó
Critical and global evaluation of analytical methods should be one of the primary goals in analytical chemistry. A holistic approach, however, requires a look at the varied features: commonly discussed validation criteria, often underrated practical and economic aspects, and typically overlooked compliance with the principles of green analytical chemistry. Carrying out such an assessment in a critical and transparent way is extremely difficult without special tools. The purpose of this work is to discuss and compare the three different approaches that seem to be potential candidates: multi-criteria decision analysis methods (MCDA), HEXAGON, and RGB model. The basic principles of each methodology, individual possibilities offered, and the results of the assessment of selected model methods will be presented. Ultimately, the potential compatibility of assessing the same group of methods using different tools will be examined. This contribution can help to select optimal tool and conduct more thorough and insightful assessments.
Oznaczenie rtęci w tytoniu cygarowym jako wyzwanie analityczne
- Paweł Hać
- Bartłomiej Cieślik
- Piotr Konieczka
Przed wybuchem pandemii COVID-19 obserwowano wyraźny i systematyczny wzrost rynku cygarowego, a co za tym idzie, również i grona cigar aficionado, czyli miłośników cygar. W pracy poruszono tematykę zawartości rtęci w cygarach i przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań. Z racji wielu podobieństw porównano ją z zawartością tego pierwiastka w tytoniu papierosowym. Stężenie Hg w tytoniu papierosowym na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu lat wyraźnie spadło. Analizując literaturę zauważyć można, że stężenie rtęci w cygarach jest większe aniżeli w papierosach, od czego odbiegają wyniki przeprowadzonych badań własnych. Większość uzyskanych stężeń mieści się w zakresie odpowiadającemu tytoniowi papierosowemu z przytaczanych prac, choć niektóre wartości są nawet kilkukrotnie wyższe. Przyczyny tego doszukiwać się można najprawdopodobniej w ewentualnym stosowaniu środków ochrony roślin lub nawozów zawierających rtęć.
Paenibacillus alvei MP1 as a Producer of the Proteinaceous Compound with Activity against Important Human Pathogens, Including Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes
- Magdalena Pajor
- Zirui Ray Xiong
- Randy Worobo
- Piotr Szweda
An emerging need for new classes of antibiotics is, on the one hand, evident as antimicrobial resistance continues to rise. On the other hand, the awareness of the pros and cons of chemically synthesized compounds’ extensive use leads to a search for new metabolites in already known reservoirs. Previous research showed that Paenibacillus strain (P. alvei MP1) recovered from a buckwheat honey sample presented a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. Recent investigation has confirmed that P. alvei MP1 (deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accession WSQB00000000) produces a proteinaceous, heat-stable compound(s) with the maximum antimicrobial production obtained after 18 h of P. alvei MP1 growth in LB medium at 37 °C with continuous shaking at 200 RPM. The highest activity was found in the 40% ammonium sulfate precipitate, with high activity also remaining in the 50% and 60% ammonium sulfate precipitates. Moderate to high antimicrobial activity that is insensitive to proteases or heat treatment, was confirmed against pathogenic bacteria that included L. monocytogenes FSL – X1-0001 (strain 10403S), S. aureus L1 – 0030 and E. coli O157: H7. Further studies, including de novo sequencing of peptides by mass spectrometry, are in progress
Paired domination subdivision and multisubdivision numbers of graphs
- Joanna Raczek
- Magda Dettlaff
The paired domination subdivision number sdpr(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where an edge can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the paired domination number of G. We prove that the decision problem of the paired domination subdivision number is NP-complete even for bipartite graphs. For this reason we define the paired domination muttisubdivision number of a nonempty graph G, denoted by msdpr(Cr), as the minimum positive integer k such that there exists an edge which must be subdivided k times to increase the paired domination number of G. We show that msdpr(Gr) < 4 for any graph G with at least one edge. We also determine paired domination multisubdivision numbers for some classes of graphs. Moreover, we give a constructive characterizations of all trees with paired domination multisubdivision number equal to 4.
- Aleksandra Laska
- Michał Bartmański
Metallic materials intended for bone implants should exhibit not only appropriate mechanical properties, but also high biocompatibility. The surface treatment modifications, for example acidic treatment, laser treatment, ion implantation and deposition of highly biocompatible coatings, are practiced. One of the most popular methods of surface modification is to deposit hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings. HAp naturally occurs in human body, but can be also synthesized in laboratory conditions. Among diverse deposition techniques, electrophoretic deposition (EDP) is a cost-effective method in which charged particles, dispersed in an organic medium, after applying voltage migrate to the counter charged electrode forming a thin coating. There are several parameters that can be controlled during the process and that directly affect the morphology of the surface. The zeta potential and pH of prepared colloidal suspension are closely related to suspension stability and affect the susceptibility for agglomeration of the particles. Electrical settings, especially applied voltage, affect primarily the mass of deposition, but also the porosity of the coating, as well as its homogeneity. One of the basic parameters of EDP method is time of process. With increasing process time, the thickness of the deposited coating increases. Importantly, its mechanical properties also decrease. Moreover, the particles shape and size also affect the morphology of the deposited coating. The analysis of many variables is necessary to choose the right parameters to obtain the coating with desired morphology. In this paper, the influence of each parameter on the morphology of hydroxyapatite coatings is discussed.
Parametric method applicable in assessing breakout force and time for lifting slender bodies from seabed
- Jan Michalski
The article presents a parametric method applicable in assessing the suction force of a slender body to the seabed, and prognosing the body extrication time. Along with the body weight in water, the information on the suction force is essential for assessing the force needed to lift the object from the seabed. Based on the Foda theory and the resulting integral equation, which relates the maximum suction force with basic parameters of the issue of concern, the parametric method has been developed which can be widely applied in engineering practice of lifting objects. A set of discrete values of parameters selected from the range of typical values for engineering practice was the basis for developing algebraic formulas approximating the integral Foda equation for slender bodies. The included results of tests present the variability of suction force characteristics and the envelopes of maximum forces needed to extricate the body from the seabed.
Parametric optimization of sandwich composite footbridge with U-shaped cross-section
- Tomasz Ferenc
- Tomasz Mikulski
Parametric optimization of sandwich composite footbridge was presented in the paper. Composite footbridge has 14,5 m long and has U-shaped cross-section with inner dimensions 2,6 × 1,3 m. The sandwich structure in made from GFRP laminate as a faces and PET foam as a core. The aim of analysis was to minimize the mass of the new footbridge that can lead to minimize the cost of structure. After optimization was conducted, the new structure was compare with the realized one. The results show that while mass can be decreased the state variables of structure like maximum displacement, strain or natural frequency do not change significantly. Moreover, results show that, although the mass is decreased, stiffness of the new structure is even higher. Optimization and sensitivity analysis, the divisions of theory of designing, provide the designer a significant support. Despite presented optimization, also sensitivity analysis can additionally be effectively used in issues related to strengthening or modernizing structures as well as in the process of identifying quantities describing the computational model.
Parametric Study on a Performance of a Small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine
- Michał Pacholczyk
- Dariusz Karkosiński
A small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine (CRWT) has been proposed and its performancehas been investigated numerically. Results of a parametric study have been presented in this paper.As parameters, the axial distance between rotors and a tip speed ratio of each rotor have been selected.Performance parameters have been compared with reference to a Single Rotor Wind Turbine (SRWT).Simulations were carried out with Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) solver and a Large EddyScale approach to model turbulences. An Actuator Line Model has been chosen to represent rotors inthe computational domain. Summing up the results of simulation tests, it can be stated that whenconstructing a CRWT turbine, rotors should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 D (where D is rotorouter diameter) or more. One can then expect a noticeable power increase compared to a singlerotor turbine. Placing the second rotor closer than 0.5 D guarantees a significant increase in power, butin such configurations, dynamic interactions between the rotors are visible, resulting in fluctuationsin torque and power. Dynamic interactions between rotor blades above 0.5 D are invisible.
Particle swarm optimization algorithms for autonomous robots with deterministic leaders using space filling movements
- Doina Logofătu
- Gil Sobol
- Christina Andersson
- Daniel Stamate
- Kristiyan Balabanov
- Tymoteusz Cejrowski
In this work the swarm behavior principles of Craig W. Reynolds are combined with deterministic traits. This is done by using leaders with motions based on space filling curves like Peano and Hilbert. Our goal is to evaluate how the swarm of agents works with this approach, supposing the entire swarm will better explore the entire space. Therefore, we examine different combinations of Peano and Hilbert with the already known swarm algorithms and test them in a practical challenge for the harvesting of manganese nodules on the sea ground with the use of autonomous agents. We run experiments with various settings, then evaluate and describe the results. In the last section some further development ideas and thoughts for the expansion of this study are considered.
Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży w opinii gmin polskich na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
- Krystyna Gomółka
- Izabela Borucińska
Celem badań było ukazanie partycypacji obywatelskiej młodzieży w opinii gmin polskich na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
Path Loss Analysis for the IoT Applications in the Urban and Indoor Environments
- Piotr Rajchowski
- Jarosław Sadowski
- Olga Błaszkiewicz
- Krzysztof Cwalina
- Alicja Olejniczak
The Internet of Things (IoT) networks concept implies their presence in a various and untypical locations, usually with a disturbed radio signals propagation. In the presented paper an investigation of an additional path loss observed in an underground environment was described. The proposed measurement locations correspond to the operation areas of rapidly growing narrowband IoT (NBIoT) networks, the ones using the Long Term Evolution (LTE) network resources. During the measurement campaign the received signal power (RSP) in an outdoor-to-indoor (OUT2IN) and outdoor-to-outdoor radio link was measured. After analysis of the measurement results obtained in the building floors and in a basement, it was possible to derive an assessment of the observed additional 11.4 dB - 18.3 dB attenuation of the RSP in the outdoor-to-basement communication regarding the typical signal reception on a building floor (OUT2IN).
Pathogenesis of psoriasis in the “omic” era. Part II. Genetic, genomic and epigenetic changes in psoriasis
- Bogusław Nedoszytko
- Aneta Szczerkowska-Dobosz
- Marta Stawczyk-Macieja
- Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek
- Adam Reich
- Joanna Bartosińska
- Aleksandra Batycka-Baran
- Rafał Czajkowski
- Iwona T. Dobrucki
- Lawrence W. Dobrucki
- Magdalena Górecka-Sokołowska
- Anna Janaszak-Jasiecka
- Leszek Kalinowski
- Dorota Krasowska
- Dorota Purzycka-Bohdan
- Adrianna Radulska
- Edyta Reszka
- Dominik Samotij
- Marta Sobalska-Kwapis
- Andrzej Słominski
- Dominik Strapagiel
- Justyna Szczęch
- Michał Żmijewski
- Roman J. Nowicki
- Michal Zmijewski
Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease in which genetic, environmental and epigenetic factors regulating gene expression play a key role. In the “genomic era”, genome-wide association studies together with target genotyping platforms performed in different ethnic populations have found more than 50 genetic susceptible markers associated with the risk of psoriasis which have been identified so far. Up till now, the strongest association with the risk of the disease has been proved for HLA-C*06 gene. The majority of other psoriasis risk SNPs are situated near the genes encoding molecules involved in adaptive and innate immunity, and skin barrier function. Many contemporary studies indicate that the epigenetic changes: histone modification, promoter methylations, long non-coding and micro-RNA hyperexpression are considered as factors contributing to psoriasis pathogenesis as they regulate abnormal keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation, aberrant keratinocytes - inflammatory cells communication, neoangiogenesis and chronic inflammation. The circulating miRNAs detected in the blood may become specific markers in the diagnosis, prognosis and response to the treatment of the disease. The inhibition of expression in selected miRNAs may be a new promising therapy option for patients with psoriasis.
Pathogenesis of psoriasis in the “omic” era. Part III. Metabolic disorders, metabolomics, nutrigenomics in psoriasis
- Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek
- Dorota Purzycka-Bohdan
- Bogusław Nedoszytko
- Adam Reich
- Aneta Szczerkowska-Dobosz
- Joanna Bartosińska
- Aleksandra Batycka-Baran
- Rafał Czajkowski
- Iwona T. Dobrucki
- Lawrence W. Dobrucki
- Magdalena Górecka-Sokołowska
- Anna Janaszak-Jasiecka
- Leszek Kalinowski
- Dorota Krasowska
- Adrianna Radulska
- Edyta Reszka
- Dominik Samotij
- Andrzej Słominski
- Radomir Słominski
- Marta Sobalska-Kwapis
- Marta Stawczyk-Macieja
- Dominik Strapagiel
- Justyna Szczęch
- Michał Żmijewski
- Roman J. Nowicki
Psoriasis is a systemic disease that is strictly connected with metabolic disorders (insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases). It occurs more often in patients with a more severe course of the disease. Obesity is specially an independent risk factor and it is associated with a worse treatment outcome because of the high inflammatory activity of visceral fatty tissue and the production of inflammatory me - diators involved in the development of both psoriasis and metabolic disorders. However, in psoriasis the activation of the Th17/IL-17 and the abnormalities in the Th17/Treg balance axis are observed, but this pathomechanism does not fully explain the frequent occurrence of metabolic disorders. Therefore, there is a need to look for better biomarkers in the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of concomitant disorders and therapeutic effects in psoriasis. In addition, the education on the use of a proper diet as a prophylaxis for the development of the above disorders is an important element of holistic care for a patient with psoriasis. Diet may affect gene expression due to epigenetic modification which encompasses interactions of environment, nutrition and diseases. Patients with psoriasis should be advised to adopt proper diet and dietician support.
Peptide dendrimers as antifungal agents and carriers for potential antifungal agent—N3‐(4‐methoxyfumaroyl)‐(S)‐2,3‐ diaminopropanoic acid—synthesis and antimicrobial activity
- Magdalena Stolarska
- Katarzyna Gucwa
- Zofia Urbańczyk-Lipkowska
- Ryszard Andruszkiewicz
A series of peptide dendrimers and their conjugates with antimicrobial agent FMDP (N3‐(4‐methoxyfumaroyl)‐(S)‐2,3‐diamino‐propanoic acid) were synthesized. The obtained compounds were tested for the antibacterial and antifungal activity. All novel dendrimers displayed much better activity against the tested strains than FMDP itself. Moreover, their conjugates with FMDP also exhibited antimicrobial activity. The most promising molecules were tested against a broad selection of fungal strains. The analysis of their antifungal properties indicates that the examined molecules are efficient growth inhibitors of fluconazole‐resistant hospital‐acquired strains. Moreover, an application of amphiphilic branched peptides such as FMDP carriers suggests that transport mechanism involves more likely the cell membrane perturbation than the mediation of the specific transport proteins. The activity of obtained compounds strongly depends on the specific structure of the molecule.