Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2021

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  • Post-match recovery profile of leukocyte cell subsets among professional soccer players
    • Dorota Kostrzewa-Nowak,
    • Paweł Wityk
    • Andrzej Ciechanowicz
    • Robert Nowak
    2021 Full text Scientific Reports

    This study assessed the impact of cumulative match time on the distribution of CD45+ cell subtests in the capillary blood of professional soccer players. Twenty-two males (aged 18–30 years) took part in the 36-week study. Participants playing up to 540 in cumulative match time and less than 30 min in each single match during the observation period formed the control group. White blood cell (WBC) phenotyping and creatine kinase (CK) plasma activity analyses were performed. Also, counts for WBC subsets were determined. No significant differences in the hematological parameters or lymphocyte and NK cell percentages were observed between the control and study groups. Changes in the T cell percentage were significant during weeks 11 and 30 and in Th and Tc cell percentages during weeks 2 and 26. Significant correlations were found between the cumulative match time and Th, NK, and B cell percentages; monocyte counts; and CK activity in the control group. However, for the study group, correlations were found between cumulative match time and Th, Tc, and B cell percentages; CK activity; and the CK ratio. Our study suggests that the distribution of CD45+ cells might be a useful tool for monitoring the immune status of professional soccer players.

  • Potencjał energetyczny gmin województwa pomorskiego w kontekście możliwości budowy wysp energetycznych
    • Andrzej Szajner
    • Paweł Bućko
    • Katarzyna Grecka
    • Ludmiła Wach

    Przedstawiono analizę potencjału województwa pomorskiego w zakresie możliwości powstawania mikrosystemów energetycznych w celu wykorzystania lokalnych zasobów energetycznych. Przedstawiono przykłady funkcjonowania mikrosystemów energetycznych na świecie. Omówiono ich formy organizacyjne. Przedstawiono koncepcję funkcjonowania spółdzielni energetycznych i klastrów energii. Zestawiono lokalne zasoby energii odnawialnej. Omówiono problemy współpracy mikrosystemów energetycznych z systemem elektroenergetycznym.

  • Potential applications of by-products from the coffee industry in polymer technology – Current state and perspectives
    • Aleksander Hejna

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing, which can be expressed by almost doubling production over the last three decades. Cultivation, processing, roasting, and brewing coffee are known for many years. These processes generate significant amounts of by-products since coffee bean stands for around 50% of the coffee cherry. Therefore, considering the current pro-ecological trends, it is essential to develop the utilization methods for the other 50% of the coffee cherry. Among the possibilities, much attention is drawn to polymer chemistry and technology. This industry branch may efficiently consume different types of lignocellulosic materials to use them as fillers for polymer composites or as intermediate sources of particular chemical compounds. Moreover, due to their chemical composition, coffee industry by-products may be used as additives modifying the oxidation resistance, antimicrobial, or antifungal properties of polymeric materials. These issues should be considered especially important in the case of biodegradable polymers, whose popularity is growing over the last years. This paper summarizes the literature reports related to the generation and composition of the coffee industry by-products, as well as the attempts of their incorporation into polymer technology. Moreover, potential directions of research based on the possibilities offered by the coffee industry by-products are presented.

  • Potential of novel atomic emission techniques as a tool for investigation of the possibilities of using industrial waste as additives in construction materials
    • Aleksandra Liczbińska
    • Bartłomiej Cieślik

    Nowadays, due to the global ecological crisis and ways to prevent a climate disaster, more and more attention is paid to green techno-logies and green Chemistry, which are part of the so-called “The Green Deal.” The main assumption is the optimization of the processes of producing necessary goods and the implementation of methods of managing postproduction waste in the least environmentally harmful manner. In the presented research, the alternative bricks were made in “Brickyard Plecewice” from clay with 20% addition of wastes (by mass). As additive mineral wool from “Isoroc,” cellulose from ”Manufacturing Pulp and Paper” in Kwidzyn, filter ash, and hearth ash from “Brickyard Plecewice” were used. During the experimental work, the leachability of heavy metals, sodium, and calcium salts was evaluated. To perform the analysis, microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) were used. Based on the obtained results, the possibility of using bricks doped with the above-mentioned wastes in the construction sector without negative influence on the environ-ment was evaluated.

  • Potential of Silver Nanoparticles in Overcoming the Intrinsic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Secondary Metabolites from Carnivorous Plants
    • Marta Krychowiak-Maśnicka
    • Miroslawa Krauze-Baranowska
    • Sylwia Godlewska
    • Zbigniew Kaczyński
    • Aleksandra Bielicka-giełdoń
    • Natalia Grzegorczyk
    • Magdalena Narajczyk
    • Joanna E. Frackowiak
    • Aleksandra Krolicka

    Carnivorous plants are exemplary natural sources of secondary metabolites with biological activity. However, the therapeutic antimicrobial potential of these compounds is limited due to intrinsic resistance of selected bacterial pathogens, among which Pseudomonas aeruginosa represents an extreme example. The objective of the study was to overcome the intrinsic resistance of P. aeruginosa by combining silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with secondary metabolites from selected carnivorous plant species. We employed the broth microdilution method, the checkerboard titration technique and comprehensive phytochemical analyses to define interactions between nanoparticles and active compounds from carnivorous plants. It has been confirmed that P. aeruginosa is resistant to a broad range of secondary metabolites from carnivorous plants, i.e., naphthoquinones, flavonoids, phenolic acids (MBC = 512 µg mL−1) and only weakly sensitive to their mixtures, i.e., extracts and extracts’ fractions. However, it was shown that the antimicrobial activity of extracts and fractions with a significant level of naphthoquinone (plumbagin) was significantly enhanced by AgNPs. Our studies clearly demonstrated a crucial role of naphthoquinones in AgNPs and extract interaction, as well as depicted the potential of AgNPs to restore the bactericidal activity of naphthoquinones towards P. aeruginosa. Our findings indicate the significant potential of nanoparticles to modulate the activity of selected secondary metabolites and revisit their antimicrobial potential towards human pathogenic bacteria.

  • Potential Skyrmion Host Fe(IO3)3: Connecting Stereoactive Lone-Pair Electron Effects to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
    • Ebube E. Oyeka
    • Michał Winiarski
    • Artur Błachowski
    • Keith M. Taddei
    • Allen Scheie
    • Thao Tran

    Magnetic skyrmions, which are topologically distinct magnetic spin textures, are gaining increased attention for their unique physical properties and potential applications in spintronic devices. Here we present a design strategy for skyrmion host candidates based on combinations of magnetic spin, asymmetric building units having stereoactive lone-pair electrons, and polar lattice symmetry. To demonstrate the viability of the proposed rational design principles, we successfully synthesized a Fe(IO3)3 polycrystalline sample and single crystals by using a new simplified low-temperature pathway, which is experimentally feasible for extending materials growth of transition metal iodates. Single crystal X-ray and powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements demonstrated that Fe(IO3)3 crystallizes in the polar chiral hexagonal lattice with space group P63. The combined structural features of the macroscopic electric polarization along the c-axis stemming from the coalignment of the stereoactive lone-pairs of the IO3– trigonal pyramid and the magnetic Fe3+ cation residing on the 3-fold rotation axis were selected to promote asymmetric exchange coupling. We find evidence of a predicted skyrmion phase at 14 K ≤ T ≤ 16 K and 2.5 T ≤ μ0H ≤ 3.2 T driven by a Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction, a conclusion supported by the appreciable DM exchange and the zero-field spiral antiferromagnetic ground state of Fe(IO3)3 deduced from neutron diffraction experiments. The associated magnetic modulation wavelength of the putative skyrmions is expected to be short ∼18 nm, comparable to the period of the DM-driven incommensurate order. This work links stereoactive lone-pair electron effects to enhanced DM interaction, demonstrating a new approach for chemical guidelines in the search for skyrmionic states of matter.

  • Potential Toxic Effects of Airport Runoff Water Samples on the Environment
    • Anna Maria Sulej-Suchomska
    • Piotr Przybyłowski
    • Żaneta Polkowska
    2021 Full text Sustainability

    Despite the positive aspects of the intensive development of aviation, airports are considered large-scale polluters. Pollution caused by runoff water (stormwater) is one of the major problems related to airport operations. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential toxic impact on aquatic life from runoff water discharges from four international airports in Europe. Samples of stormwater were collected at airports with different capacities of passenger movement in four seasons of the year from 2011 to 2013. Within the ecotoxicological analyses, a battery of biotests incorporating organisms of different trophic levels (Microtox® test, Thamnotoxkit F™) were used. A relatively high number of runoff water samples collected at the investigated airports in Europe was recorded as having very high acute hazard (16.8%), acute hazard (27.7%), and slight acute hazard (18.1%) levels. The results of the research indicate that winter and autumn present a greater toxic threat than the rest of the year. The highest number of toxic samples was observed for samples collected in the de-icing area, the runway and the vicinity of airport terminals. The ecotoxicological assessment applied in this research can be used as a tool for assessing the environmental effect of airports.

  • Potentiometric sensor with lipid-polymer membranes for quality assessment of French red wines
    • Elwira Brodnicka
    • Maria Szpakowska
    2021 Desalination and Water Treatment

    The quality of wines resulting from vineyard management is important for consumers due to the taste and price of wines. In this work, the quality of red wines of three vintages has been investigated by potentiometric sensors with six all-solid-state electrodes. Two series of experiments were carried out. The first involved a qualitative analysis of wine of different vintages from freshly opened bottles. The second consisted of measurements on wine samples of different vintages that had been in contact with air for 15 min every day during 15 or 21 d. This sensor is characterized by good sensitivity to malic acid solutions of different concentrations. The polyphenol content and organoleptic acidity of red wines from different vintages have been established. The older the wine, the more polyphenol compounds it contains. The same sequence of polyphenol content can be observed in wine samples of different vintages that had been in contact with air for 15 min every day during 21 d. The samples of wine from freshly opened bottles from 2013 were more acidic than the wines between 2012 and 2014. The potentiometric results submitted to principal component analysis and cluster analysis have shown that wine samples from different vintages can be grouped according to their organoleptic acidity. The wine samples from freshly opened bottles and wine samples in contact with air belong to separate groups. It seems that the contact of wine with air influences its quality and plays the main role in wine grouping.

  • Potrzebujemy nowego języka rozmowy o mieście
    • Gabriela Rembarz
    • Ida Bocian

    Tekst jest dwugłosem specjalistów od kwestii poprawy jakości przestrzeni miejskiej widzących miasto jak przestrzeń społeczną osadzoną w zmiennych uwarunkowaniach zbudowanego środowiska życia. Aktorka/reżyser/animator kultury i architektka/urbanistka rozmawiają o sposobie komunikowania się wokół przestrzeni. W rozmowach na temat przyszłych miast blokuje nas w dużej mierze nasz język. Tu wizja podwórek i kamienic rodem z pozytywistycznych nowel, a tu spolszczone anglosaskie zapożyczenia, importowane z amerykańskich miast. To kiepska platforma budowania dialogu, a tym bardziej wzajemnego zaufania. Ogranicza nas to i nie pozwala na wzajemną empatię . Bez niej nie ma szans na autentyczna relację, w której rodzi się konstruktywny dialog.

  • Pounding between high-rise buildings founded on different soil types
    • Mahmoud Miari
    • Robert Jankowski
    2021 Full text

    Earthquake-induced pounding is a phenomenon that has been often experienced in previous earthquakes. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the soil type on high-rise buildings experiencing earthquake induced-pounding. Pounding between 7-storey and 9-storey buildings is examined under five soil types defined in the ASCE 7-10 code which are hard rock, rock, very dense soil and soft rock, stiff soil and soft clay soil. The results of this study indicate that higher displacements at all storeys, peak storey shears and pounding forces were experienced in buildings founded on the soft clay soil, then for buildings founded on the stiff soil, then for buildings founded on very dense soil and soft rock, and finally for buildings founded on the rock and hard rock. This means that considering the soil-structure interaction and the soil type in pounding studies is apparent rather than considering fixed-base building or considering SSI in general without giving attention to the soil type used.

  • Power System Stabilizer as a Part of a Generator MPC Adaptive Predictive Control System
    • Paweł Sokólski
    • Tomasz Rutkowski
    • Bartosz Ceran
    • Dariusz Horla
    • Daria Złotecka
    2021 Full text ENERGIES

    In this paper, a model predictive controller based on a generator model for prediction purposes is proposed to replace a standard generator controller with a stabilizer of a power system. Such a local controller utilizes an input-output model of the system taking into consideration not only a generator voltage Ug but also an additional, auxiliary signal (e.g., α, Pg, or ωg). This additional piece of information allows for taking oscillations into account that occur in the system and minimizing their impact on the overall system performance. Parameters of models used by the controller are obtained on the basis of the introduced black-box models both for a turbine and a synchronous generator, parameters of which are estimated in an on line fashion using a RLS method. The aim of this paper is to compare the behaviour of the classical generator control system with a power system stabilizer and a model predictive control with an additional feedback signal. The novelty of the paper is related to the use of the predictive controller instead of the classical controller/stabilizer system and its possibility of stabilizing the power system. Contrary to the solutions found in the literature, which are commonly-based on a fuzzy logic approach, the authors propose the use of an adaptive model predictive controller, which takes advantage of the knowledge concerning the plant in the form of a model and adapts itself to the operating point of the system using the model parameters estimation mechanism. Moreover, the adaptive predictive controller, unlike other solutions, automatically adjusts signal levels to changes in the plant. The proposed solution is able to calculate the best control signal regardless of whether these changes of the plant are caused by a change in the operating point, or resulting from operation, e.g., wear of mechanical parts.

  • Pozwolić odejść, czyli... Granice interwencji
    • Grzegorz Bukal
    2021 Full text Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego

    Celem tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem ostatecznej granicy interwencji konserwatorskich wobec zabytków architektury w kontekście holistycznej koncepcji ochrony dziedzictwa. Tekst adresowany jest do polskich czytelników ze względu na szczególne odniesienia do sytuacji polskiego systemu ochrony dziedzictwa. Choć architektura należy do sfery sztuk użytkowych, większość budynków nie powstawała jako dzieła sztuki. Racją ich bytu była i jest możliwość realizacji zadań technicznych w sposób ściśle odpowiadający oczekiwaniom użytkowników. Były w większości podporządkowane zasadom techniki i ekonomii. Ich cykl życiowy zakładał nawet estetycznie degradujące przekształcenia, zużycie oraz planowaną lub nieplanowaną śmierć. Koniec egzystencji zwykłego budynku jest tak naturalny, jak dążenie do „wiecznego”, w stanie oryginalnym, zachowania klasycznie rozumianego dzieła sztuki. Powinien być postrzegany jako naturalny, a w pewnych okolicznościach nawet z konserwatorskiego punktu widzenia. Polskie prawo umożliwia, poprzez bezkrytyczne przyjęcie koncepcji „dziedzictwa”, objęcie ochroną każdego budynku pochodzącego z niezdefiniowanej „ przeszłej epoki”. Bez względu na jego stan, bez pytań o techniczną wykonalność interwencji. Wobec braku systemu obiektywnego wartościowania prowadzi to do wzrostu liczby budynków uznawanych za zabytkowe oraz nieefektywności ochrony. Pogarsza także możliwości ochrony istniejących i bardzo zaniedbanych obiektów o rzeczywistej wartości.

  • Pozytywne doświadczenia zakupowe w kreowaniu lojalności nabywczej
    • Anna Dembicka
    2021 Full text Problemy Jakości

    Doświadczenie zakupowe to rodzaj mentalnej podróży, pozostawiającej niematerialne wrażenia, w postaci wiedzy i śladu emocjonalnego [69], będące kluczowym elementem w zrozumieniu zachowań konsumentów, jak również istotnych zmian zachodzących we współczesnym marketingu [10]. Cel: Celem głównym badań było ukazanie wpływu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych na kształtowanie satysfakcji i lojalności nabywczej oraz sposobów budowania pozytywnych, angażujących nabywcę doświadczeń. Cel pośredni objął systematyzację aparatu terminologicznego dotyczącego wzajemnych zależności pomiędzy pojęciami: doświadczenie zakupowe, satysfakcja i jakość postrzegana przez klienta. Projekt badania/metodyka/koncepcja: W publikacji zastosowano metodę analizy krytycznej literatury przedmiotu oraz metodę syntezy. Autorka odniosła się również do wniosków z badań własnych, przeprowadzonych w ramach dysertacji doktorskiej [13]. Wyniki/wnioski: Znajomość mechanizmów powstawania pozytywnych doświadczeń nabywczych wpływa na efektywność procesów biznesowych oraz utrzymanie przewagi konkurencyjnej. Ograniczenia: Wśród publikacji omawiających problematykę Customer Experience jedynie nieliczne z nich odnoszą się do kwestii doświadczeń klientów wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstw (pracowników), ponadto specyfika poszczególnych branż utrudnia wnioskowanie na temat całej populacji pracowniczej. Jednakże niezależnie od gałęzi gospodarki formułowanie strategii wspierających proces budowy pozytywnych doświadczeń klienta zewnętrznego uwzględniać powinno aspekt realizacji funkcjonalnych i emocjonalnych oczekiwań występujących w cyklu życia pracownika (kreatora doświadczeń nabywczych), na etapie doboru pracowniczego, w procesach motywacji, komunikacji wewnętrznej, rozwoju i derekrutacji. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Zaprezentowane w artykule wnioski posłużyć mogą firmom produkcyjnym i/lub usługowym, priorytetowo traktującym budowanie i umacnianie relacji między nabywcami a przedsiębiorstwem. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Publikacja ukazuje obecne oraz przyszłe kierunki badań nad rolą pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych, stanowiących czynnik popytu, poddawanej coraz szerszym analizom, gospodarki (ekonomii) doświadczeń.

  • Pożywki stosowane do oznaczania bakterii powodujących biokorozję metali
    • Edyta Malinowska-Pańczyk

    W rozdziale podano skład pożywek stosowanych do oznaczania mikroorganizmów powodujących biokorozję

  • Prace doktorskie, habilitacje oraz profesury o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej w 2020 r.,
    • Marek Biziuk
    • Żaneta Polkowska
    2021 Analityka: Nauka i Praktyka

    Zestawienie prac doktorskich, habilitacyjnych oraz profesur o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej w 2020 r.,

  • Practical Eco-Driving Strategy for Suburban Electric Multiple Unit
    • Aleksander Jakubowski
    • Leszek Jarzębowicz
    2021 Full text

    In this paper, a practical approach to velocity profile optimization for electric multiple unit was presented. The study focuses on a case of fast urban railway, which is a popular mean of transport across Tricity, Poland. Based on observations and measurements, a potential for improvement of energy efficiency by modifying the speed profile was recognized. In order to conduct necessary calculations, simulation model of railway vehicle was developed using Matlab/Simulink software. Accuracy of results provided by the model was proven against values registered during real train run. Various velocity profiles, including constant-speed and coasting were considered, indicating room for improvement of both vehicle drivetrain efficiency and total energy consumption. Next, velocity profile optimization algorithm was proposed, using Matlab Optimization Toolbox. Calculated optimal run was compared with the measured data, showing notable savings in both running time and energy. Applicability of the developed algorithm was discussed, underlining advantages of the presented approach.

  • Prawne aspekty gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego
    • Roksana Bochniak
    • Aleksandra Gołąbek
    • Paweł Dąbrowski
    • Dariusz Mikielewicz
    2021 Przegląd Komunalny

    Rozmaite organizacje od lat podejmują szereg prac mających na celu skierowania gospodarki na model o obiegu zamkniętym. Tego typu działania mają pomóc w ograniczeniu negatywnego wpływu przemysłu na środowisko. Jakie są słabe i mocne strony sytuacji prawnej w tym zakresie i jakie niesie to za sobą skutki? W ostatnich latach obserwuje się dynamiczny rozwój światowej gospodarki, który wpływa nie tylko na stale rosnący poziom życia, ale także na środowisko naturalne, którego degradacja gwałtownie postępuje. Aby spowolnić ten proces, na świecie zaczęto wprowadzać szeroko zakrojone zmiany legislacyjne oraz rozpoczęto prace nad rozwiązaniami technologicznymi przyjaznymi środowisku. Rosnące zużycie surowców i nieodnawialnych źródeł energii zmusza przedsiębiorców na całym świecie do poszukiwania nowych zamienników, najlepiej pochodzenia naturalnego. Organizacje takie jak Unia Europejska od lat podejmują działania mające na celu skierowanie gospodarki na model o obiegu zamkniętym, co mogłoby pomóc w ograniczeniu negatywnego wpływu przemysłu na środowisko.

  • Preconcentration and Analytical Methods for Determination of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether and Other Fuel Oxygenates and Their Degradation Products in Environment: A Review
    • Sayyed Hossein Hashemi
    • Massoud Kaykhaii
    • Majid Mirmoghaddam
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    Fuel oxygenates (FOs) are mainly ethers or alcohols which are added to gasoline either to boost the octane number or to make the fuel burning process more "cleaner" with increasing the oxygen content, or to obtain a combination of both effects. FOs are water soluble with high mobility in the environment which presence even at very low concentrations lower the quality of water making it unsafe or unpleasant due to their objectionable taste and/or odor. Thus, their determination at trace in environmental samples is of high importance because of their sparingly bio-degradability and their biological hazards. Instruments such as gas chromatography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and ion mobility spectrometry are mainly used for the determination of FOs. However, the main challenge for determination of such oxygenates relates to proper sample preparation. Dilute or complex samples often demand a specific treatment to ensure effective enrichment of FOs before their detection. The main techniques used for this purpose are purge and trap, membrane extraction, and solid phase microextraction. This review presents a comprehensive evaluation of extraction/preconcentration techniques and analytical methods for determination of FOs in environmental samples. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed in details along with critical evaluation of currently available methods.

  • Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
    • Seyed Mohammad Khatami
    • Hosein Naderpour
    • Alireza Mortezaei
    • S T. Tafreshi
    • Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • Robert Jankowski
    2021 Full text Journal of Physics : Conference Series

    The aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and stories stiffness have been selected and building vibration period has been automatically calculated. The ANN algorithm has been used to determine the limitation of the peak lateral displacement of the multi-story building with different properties (height of stories, number of stories, mass of stories, stiffness of stories and building vibration period) exposed to earthquakes with various PGA. Then, the investigation has been focused on critical distance between two adjacent buildings so as to prevent their pounding during earthquakes. The proposed ANN has logically predicted the limitation of the peak lateral displacement for the five-story building with different properties. The results of the study clearly indicate that the algorithm is also capable to properly predict the peak lateral dis-placements for two buildings so as to prevent their pounding under different earthquakes. Subsequently, calculation of critical distance can also be optimized to save the land and provide the safety space between two adjacent buildings prone to seismic excitations.

  • Predicting the seismic collapse capacity of adjacent SMRFs retrofitted with fluid viscous dampers in pounding condition
    • Farzin Kazemi
    • Benyamin Mohebi
    • Robert Jankowski

    Severe damages of adjacent structures due to structural pounding during earthquakes have emphasized the need to use some seismic retrofit strategy ‎to enhance the structural performance. ‎The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of using linear and nonlinear Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs) on the seismic collapse capacities of adjacent structures prone to pounding and proposing modification factors to modify the ‎median collapse capacity of structures considering the effects of pounding. The factors can be used ‎to predict the collapse capacity of structures in pounding ‎condition. A seismic retrofit strategy employs FVDs installed in ‎‎3-, 6- and 9-story Special Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs). The‏ ‏SMRFs‎‏‎ were assumed to have ‏different values of separation distance according to the seismic code. To ‎‏model pounding phenomenon, ‏linear viscoelastic contact elements were used in the OpenSees software. Furthermore, to determine the seismic collapse capacities of each structure, the proposed algorithm was applied to remove the collapsed structure during the incremental dynamic analysis. The results of the analyses illustrate that the ‎existence of FVDs can substantially improve the seismic behavior of structures having a significant influence ‎on the collapse capacities of colliding structures. Moreover, considering the ‎adjacent SMRFs in one or two ‎sides of the main structure can significantly affect the median collapse ‎‏capacity of the main‎ structure itself. ‎‎Finally, the proposed modification ‎factors can be successfully used to estimate the effects of pounding on the ‎collapse capacities of adjacent structures.