Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2021

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  • Relacja mistrz – uczeń – w jaki sposób kształtować doskonałość akademicką, na przykładzie postaci prof. dr. hab. inż. Romualda Kolmana
    • Piotr Grudowski
    • Małgorzata Wiśniewska
    2021 Problemy Jakości

    W niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na zagadnieniu fundamentalnym w kontekście edukacji i rozwoju badań naukowych – relacji mistrz – uczeń. W nawiązaniu do wielowiekowej tradycji instytucji akademickich przedstawiono istotę i znaczenie tych relacji, wskazując pożądane cechy mistrza jako osoby kształtującej oczekiwane ze względów społecznych postawy swoich podopiecznych. Jako przykład postaci mistrza w obszarze nauk o jakości zaprezentowano sylwetkę śp. Profesora Romualda Kolmana oraz wspomnienia niektórych z jego wychowanków. W nawiązaniu do obecnej sytuacji w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce autorzy pragną w ten sposób zwrócić uwagę na – ich zdaniem – zdecydowanie niewystarczające, a wręcz pomijane w różnego rodzaju regulacjach, wsparcie tej sfery aktywności akademickiej

  • Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies
    • Denise A. D. Bedford
    • Wioleta Kucharska

    Business and information managers have struggled to meet several challenges in aligning information strategies and business cultures. The consequences of a misalignment or misfit of strategy and culture are well known in business literature, and better guidance on how to better align strategy and culture is needed. This means expanding the puzzle to align business and information cultures, align business and information strategies, and ensuring that there is a good ongoing fit between information cultures and business strategies. It also means that awareness of the information capabilities of an organization needs to be raised along with the different levels and types of information cultures. Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies is a critical scholarly publication that provides a holistic picture of information cultures in order to help business managers understand those cultures and to provide a foundation upon which to ground and grow future information culture research. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as information culture, business strategies, and risk assessment, this book is essential for business managers, organizational executives, information managers, cultural experts, practitioners, academicians, managers, researchers, and students.

  • Relationships Between Geographical and Virtual Proximity in Cluster Organisations
    • Anna Lis
    • Adrian Lis
    2021 Full text Studia Regionalne i Lokalne

    The purpose of the paper is to explore the relationships between geographical and virtual proximity in cluster organizations (COs). The authors report the findings of a qualitative study conducted in four COs in Poland. The basic technique for collecting and analyzing data was an in-depth individual interview and qualitative content analysis. The research has shown that the relationships between geographical and virtual proximity depends on the cooperation level and the role of the CO. The findings presents a broader view on cluster cooperation as a phenomenon based in geographical proximity which facilitates personal interactions, but supported by various ICT tools.

  • Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification
    • Andrzej Cieślik
    • Aleksandra Parteka
    2021 Full text Structural Change and Economic Dynamics

    This paper analyses the effects of productivity and country size on the extent of trade structure diversification. Using a testable version of the Ricardian model, we show that relative export variety is an outcome of two forces: a relative productivity change (technological progress) and a relative country size change (labour force growth). The model predictions are validated empirically using product-level trade data for a sample of 132 countries (1988–2014), including 53 low-income countries. We find a robust positive relationship between export variety and the countries’ relative productivity, as well as a negative relationship between export variety and the expansion of foreign economies (i.e., the growth of the RoW). The effect of technology differences on export variety is driving diversification especially at the beginning of the development process. The results are robust to changes in the measurement of export variety (also in terms of economic complexity), in the set of control variables, or in the estimation methods.

  • Relay-aided Wireless Sensor Network Discovery Algorithm for Dense Industrial IoT utilizing ESPAR Antennas
    • Fjolla Ademaj
    • Mateusz Rzymowski
    • Hans-Peter Bernhard
    • Krzysztof Nyka
    • Łukasz Kulas
    2021 Full text IEEE Internet of Things Journal

    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applicationsrequire reliable and efficient wireless communication. Assumingdense Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) operating in a harshenvironment, a concept of a Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) based WSN enriched with Electronically SteerableParasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas is proposed andexamined in this work. The utilized antenna provides oneomnidirectional and 12 directional radiation patterns that can beelectronically switched by the sensor node. We introduce a relaydiscovery algorithm which selects those sensor nodes with anESPAR antenna capable to act as relay. The selection of the relaynodes is based on a certain link quality threshold that algorithmuses as input. The outcome is a reduction in number of layers orhops with a guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). To emphasizethe physical aspect of the wireless propagation, we introduce themeasured antenna radiation patterns and consider two differentpath loss propagation models representing blockage-free andblockage-prone industrial environments. A number of networksimulations were performed and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) as alink quality measure was examined with respect to the networkdensity and different measured radiation pattern settings. Themain outcomes show a trade-off between SNR per link and thepercentage of nodes that can serve as relays. As a result, wepropose network design guidelines that take under considerationthe QoS range with respect to SNR together with an optimalnumber of antenna radiation patterns that should be selected asa trade-off between latency, energy consumption and reliabilityin a network

  • Release Kinetics Studies of Early-Stage Volatile Secondary Oxidation Products of Rapeseed Oil Emitted during the Deep-Frying Process
    • Tomasz Majchrzak
    • Andrzej Wasik
    2021 Full text MOLECULES

    The research concerns the use of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer to track real-time emissions of volatile secondary oxidation products released from rapeseed oil as a result of deep-frying of potato cubes. Therefore, it was possible to observe a sudden increase of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions caused by immersion of the food, accompanied by a sudden release of steam from a potato cube and a decrease of the oil temperature by more than 20 °C. It was possible to identify and monitor the emission of major secondary oxidation products such as saturated and unsaturated aldehydes, namely acrolein, pentanal, 2-hexenal, hexanal, 2-nonenal and 2-decenal. Each of them has an individual release characteristic. Moreover, the impact of different initial frying temperatures on release kinetics was investigated. Subsequently, it was possible to approximate the cumulative emission by a second-degree polynomial (R2 ≥ 0.994). Using the proposed solution made it possible for the first time to observe the impact of the immersion of food in vegetable oil on the early emission of thermal degradation products oil.

  • Remarkable visible-light induced hydrogen generation with ZnIn2S4 microspheres/CuInS2 quantum dots photocatalytic system
    • Onur Cavdar
    • Anna Malankowska
    • Daniel Amgar
    • Paweł Mazierski
    • Justyna Łuczak
    • Wojciech Lisowski
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    A new and active material in the form of ZnIn2S4 microspheres decorated by CuInS2 quantum dots have been obtained by hydrothermal method for the first time. The optimum amount of CuInS2 quantum dots (1.13 wt.%) introduced into rection medium during ZnIn2S4 microspheres synthesis increased the photocatalytic H2 generation rate by 2.5 times than that of bare ZnIn2S4 photocatalysis under visible light irradiation. This sample exhibited strong photoactivity in the extended visible range up to 540 nm with 30.6% apparent quantum efficiency (λ = 420 nm).

  • Remote command and control capabilities for data acquisition systems provided by delay-tolerant network mechanisms
    • Michał Hoeft
    • Krzysztof Gierłowski
    • Marcin Wichorowski
    2021 Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata

    The paper presents an assessment of a remote device reconfiguration service employing a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) mechanisms. This service has been implemented as a part of a communication appliance dedicated to marine data transfer in off-shore and open sea areas. The service has been successfully deployed and validation test have been completed. The practical use-case has been defined as remote access to the equipment operating onboard RV “Oceania” during cruise on Southern Baltic Area. A summary of service characteristics is included, as well as simulation results of large scale deployment of the system in the south and central areas of Baltic Sea.

  • Remote communication in Scrum teams - a COVID-19 preventive measure or work time optimisation?
    • Kamil Brodnicki
    2021 Full text e-mentor

    The article presents the impact of remote work, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, on the functioning of Scrum teams. Attempts have been made to analyse the positive and negative aspects of remote work. The article also looks at the impact of remote work on the level of communication and efficiency of Scrum teams. For this purpose, the author conducted research on a sample of 40 organisations that declared to use Scrum methodology, using 187 questionnaires as the research material. The study was carried out at the turn of April and May 2021 and was carried out using the CAWI technique. The obtained results were analysed using the Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis methods, and enable defining a picture of an organisation's readiness to work remotely. In addition, they also allowed for an assessment of how the infrastructure used for remote work communication translates into the organisation of Sprint meetings. This paper presents conclusions aimed at counteracting the observed irregularities detected during the tests. At the end, the author proposes solutions that could improve communication within Scrum teams, with remote work in mind.

  • Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
    • Artur Janowski
    • Małgorzata Renigier-Biłozor
    • Marek Walacik
    • Aneta Chmielewska

    Rapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal anthropogenic components of urban environment thus become a subject of thorough multidisciplinary analysis in the field of data requiring spatial information systems. Recent advances in information technology, combined with the increased availability of high-resolution imagery from Earth observation, create an opportunity to use new sources of data that enable to identify, monitor, and solved many of urban environmental problem. The aim of the paper is to elaborate precise, complete and detailed property information with the use of remote sensing observations in a suitable numerical algorithm. The authors concentrate on providing one of the most important, and probably the most lacking, feature describing properties - building usable floor area (BUFA). The solution is elaborated in the form of an automatic algorithm based on machine learning and computer vision technology related to LiDAR (big data), close range images with respect to spatial information systems requirements. The obtained results related to BUFA estimation in comparison to the state-of-the-art results are satisfactory and may increase the reliability of decision-making in investment, fiscal, registration and planning aspects.

  • Removal efficiency of phenol by ozonation process with calcium peroxide from aqueous solutions
    • Zhila Honarmandrad
    • Neda Javid
    • Mohammad Malakootian
    2021 Full text Applied Water Science

    Phenol has been introduced as a priority pollutant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are one of the most efcient methods for removal of non-degradable organic pollutants in aqueous solutions. The removal efciencies of phenol and COD under optimal conditions pH=3, phenol concentration=5 mg/L, CaO2 concentration=0.025 mg/L, temperature 25 °C, 1 g/min ozonation rate and contact time=90 min in synthetic and real samples (Zarand coal washing factory in Kerman) were obtained 97.8%, 87% and 80%, 65.4%, respectively. The kinetics of phenol decomposition follows from the pseudo-frst-order equation. Thermodynamic studies show that phenol decomposition with ozonation and calcium peroxide is an endothermic process. The use of ozonation process with calcium peroxide is an efcient method and can be recommended as a coefcient method for the removal of phenol.

  • Removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in biotrickling filters inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii
    • Piotr Rybarczyk
    • Milena Marycz
    • Bartosz Szulczyński
    • Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • Agnieszka Rybarczyk
    • Jacek Gębicki
    2021 Full text Archives of Environmental Protection

    This paper presents investigations on the removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in polyurethane- -packed biotrickling filters, inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii fungal species. Results on process performance together with flow cytometry analyses of the biofilm formed over packing elements are presented and discussed. The results indicate that the presence of ethanol enhances the removal efficiency of cyclohexane from air. This synergistic effect may be attributed to both co-metabolism of cyclohexane with ethanol as well as increased sorption efficiency of cyclohexane to mineral salt medium in the presence of ethanol. Maximum elimination capacities of 89 g m-3 h-1 and 36.7 g m-3 h-1 were noted for cyclohexane and ethanol, respectively, when a mixture of these compounds was treated in a biofilter inoculated with C. subhashii. Results of flow cytometry analyses after 100 days of biofiltration revealed that about 91% and 88% of cells in biofilm remained actively dividing, respectively for C. albicans and C. subhashii species, indicating their good condition and ability to utilize cyclohexane and ethanol as a carbon source.

  • Removal of Siloxanes from Model Biogas by Means of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Absorption Process
    • Edyta Słupek
    • Patrycja Makoś-Chełstowska
    • Jacek Gębicki
    2021 Full text Materials

    The paper presents the screening of 20 deep eutectic solvents (DESs) composed of tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr) and glycols in various molar ratios, and 6 conventional solvents as absorbents for removal of siloxanes from model biogas stream. The screening was achieved using the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) based on the comparison of siloxane solubility in DESs. For the DES which was characterized by the highest solubility of siloxanes, studies of physicochemical properties, i.e., viscosity, density, and melting point, were performed. DES composed of tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr) and tetraethylene glycol (TEG) in a 1:3 molar ratio was used as an absorbent in experimental studies in which several parameters were optimized, i.e., the temperature, absorbent volume, and model biogas flow rate. The mechanism of siloxanes removal was evaluated by means of an experimental FT-IR analysis as well as by theoretical studies based on σ-profile and σ-potential. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that TPABr:TEG (1:3) is a very effective absorption solvent for the removal of siloxanes from model biogas, and the main driving force of the absorption process is the formation of the hydrogen bonds between DES and siloxanes.

  • Renewable Energy in the Pomerania Voivodeship—Institutional, Economic, Environmental and Physical Aspects in Light of EU Energy Transformation
    • Bartłomiej Iglinski
    • Karol Flisikowski
    • Michał Pietrzak
    • Urszula Kiełkowska
    • Mateusz Skrzatek
    • Anas Zyadin
    • Natarajan Karthikeyan
    • Bartłomiej Igliński
    2021 Full text ENERGIES

    In the era of globalization and rapid economic growth, affecting most world economies, increased production and consumption are leading to higher levels of energy production and consumption. The growing demand for energy means that energy resources from conventional sources are not sufficient; moreover, its production generates high costs and contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases and waste. In view of the above, many countries have opted to implement an energy transformation. The energy transition allows the transition from an energy system based on conventional fuels to an energy system based mainly on renewable energy (RE) and low-emission sources. In the EU, the development of a “green economy” has become a strategic goal in the fight against climate change. The development of RE offers the possibility to improve the energy security of a given country and the entire EU. New, innovative technologies of RE also increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the economies of the Member States. In line with the EU strategy, the activities carried out aim to achieve a situation in which, in 2050, the activities of economies will not endanger the environment. The main purpose of this article was the assessment of the RE sector in the Pomerania region in the context of energy transformation. To achieve this goal, PEST analysis regarding the functioning of the RE sector in the selected Polish region was used and the potential of the RE sector was determined using GIS tools on the basis of physical conditions. The article presents the research hypothesis that the RE sector within the Pomerania Voivodeship possesses appropriate energy potential, which will allow this Voivodeship to become an energy self-sufficient region based on the use of these energy sources (according to EU strategy). The implementation of the goal set in the article allowed for the verification of the research hypothesis, where the determined energy potential from the RE sector would cover the Voivodeship’s needs due to the use of electricity and heat. The conducted research shows that the RE sector in these regions has high energy potential to meet the criteria outlined in EU legal documents and to implement them successfully within the intended period.

  • Repeated Projectile Impact Tests on Multi-Layered FibrousCementitious Composites
    • G. Murali
    • Sallal R. Abid
    • Hakim Abdelgader
    • Y. H. Mugahed Amran
    • Mohammad Shekarchi
    • Krzysztof Wilde
    2021 International Journal of Civil Engineering

    This research aims to experimentally evaluate the behaviour of multi-layered fibrous cementitious composites withintermediate Glass Fibre Meshes (GFM) under repeated projectile load. The impact load was subjected through a convexedge projectile needle at a low velocity on cylindrical specimens of three-layered fibrous cementitious composites, whichhave two different steel fibre distributions. In series A mixtures, a constant steel fibre dosage of 2.5% by volume was used.On the other hand, the fibre dosage of the outer layers was 3.0%; while it was 1.5% in the middle layer of series B mixtures.The number of intermediate GFM was the variable that distinguishes the mixtures of each series. The resistance toprojectile impacts was evaluated on the basis of penetration depth, near surface distortion, weight loss, damage ratio andfailure pattern. The test results showed that due to the combined effect of steel fibre and GFM, significantly lower weightlosses were recorded for series A and B specimens compared with reference specimens. However, the different fibredistributions (series B) led to lower penetration depths and weight losses with less surface distortion compared with thefixed fibre distribution (series A). The reduction in the destroyed front surface area of series A specimens compared withreference specimens ranged from 27.8 to 38.1%; while that of series B specimens ranged from 34.8 to 53.4%. In addition, asimplified analytical model was introduced to predict the ejected composite mass. The model predictions were found to bein good agreement with the experimental masses.

  • Reprezentacja danych dźwiękowych w kontekście metod uczenia maszynowego
    • Tymoteusz Cejrowski

    Dźwięk odgrywa kluczową rolę w przekazywaniu informacji lub ostrzeganiu o niebezpieczeństwie. Do opracowania wydajnego cyfrowego asystenta głosowego zdolnego do efektywnej współpracy z człowiekiem niezbędne jest użycie algorytmów opisujących sygnał dźwiękowy w formie cyfrowej. W poniższej pracy skategoryzowano i opisano najpowszechniejsze metody opisu sygnałów audio używanych jako wejścia dla algorytmów uczenia maszynowego. Wskazano ich zastosowania i potencjalne problemy związane z ich wykorzystaniem.

  • Research and applications of active bearings: A state-of-the-art review
    • Łukasz Breńkacz
    • Łukasz Witanowski
    • Marta Drosińska-Komor
    • Natalia Szewczuk-Krypa

    Controllable/active bearings are mainly associated with active magnetic bearings (AMBs), whereas active bearing control is also found in many types of bearings, e.g. fluid, gas and hybrid bearings. The article presents a review of the literature describing the structure and results of studies of active bearings. Active control brings a number of benefits resulting in the fact that their use as a support for rotors becomes increasingly common. This article introduces readers to the different methods of controlling radial bearings and provides detailed information on various technical solutions. Furthermore, the paper presents the characteristics of bearings as well as the basic advantages, disadvantages and possibilities offered by active control of various types of bearings. The influence of active control on rotor dynamics as well as on bearing friction, temperature control, permissible operating time, the environment (possibility of using safer lubricants) and operating safety is presented. The final part of the article presents possible directions of development of active bearings (ABs).

  • Research of Emergency Modes of Wind Power Plants Using Computer Simulation
    • Mohamed Zaidan Qawaqzeh
    • Oleksandr Miroshnyk
    • Taras Shchur
    • Robert Kasner
    • Adam Idzikowski
    • Weronika Kruszelnicka
    • Andrzej Tomporowski
    • Patrycja Bałdowska-Witos
    • Józef Flizikowski
    • Marcin Zawada
    • Krzysztof Doerffer
    2021 Full text ENERGIES

    The aim of this study is to investigate changes in the wind power plant energy production parameters under the conditions of sudden wind changes and voltage drop. To achieve these goals, a simulation of operation of wind power plants was performed. Twelve wind turbines with variable rotational speed equipped with a Fuhrländer FL 2500/104 asynchronous double-fed induction generator (DFIG) were used, each with an installed capacity of 2.5 MW. A general scheme of a wind power plant has been developed using a modular-trunk power distribution scheme. The system consists of wind power modules and a central substation, which allows total power to be supplied to the power system at a voltage of 35 kV. The central substation uses two high voltage switchgears. Four modules were used, each of them consisting of three wind turbines, with a power of 7.5 MW. The simulation of the wind turbines was performed in the MATLAB® Simulink® software environment. The mode of response of the turbines to a change in wind speed, a voltage drop in the 35 kV voltage system, and a one-phase short circuit to the ground in the system of 10.5 kV voltage was explored. The results show that a sudden voltage drop and the appearance of short circuits influence the wind power plant (WPP) operation in a different way independent of regulation mode. The power generation from WPP will be limited when voltage drop occurred for both AC and Voltage regulation mode and during short circuits while WPP is set on AC regulation mode.

  • Research on the Use of Mobile Devices and Headphones on Pedestrian Crossings—Pilot Case Study from Slovakia
    • Miroslava Mikusova
    • Joanna Wachnicka
    • Joanna Żukowska
    2021 Full text Safety

    The topic of the use of mobile devices and headphones on pedestrian crossings is much less explored in comparison to the use of the mobile phone while driving. Recent years have seen many discussions on this issue, especially in foreign countries. The Slovak Republic, however, has not been giving it enough attention (and it is not mentioned in the National Road Safety Plan for the Slovak Republic from 2011 to 2020). This paper aims to draw attention to this issue. It presents basic outputs of a pilot study on pedestrian safety, with a focus on the use of mobile devices and headphones at selected non-signalized pedestrian crossings in three Slovak cities. Overall, 9% of pedestrians used headphones or mobile devices at observed pedestrian crossings (4% of them used headphones, 1% used headphones and at same time used their mobile phone, 2% made phone calls and 2% used their mobile phones). While these numbers can be considered relatively low, the study proved that during weekdays every 2 min someone was using the crossing without fully focusing on crossing the road safely. Another main finding was that although the safety risk at pedestrian crossings is increased by factors such as rush hour traffic or reduced visibility, pedestrian behavior related to the use of mobile phones and headphones does not change. A safety assessment was also carried out at the crossings. The results show that pedestrian behavior is not affected by the level of safety of the crossing (e.g., visibility of the crossing for drivers). The results of the presented analysis suggest that action is needed to change that. Due to the lack of information about accidents involving pedestrians using mobile phones and headsets when crossing the road, no relevant statistical data could be analyzed. The dataset collected can be used as a basis for further investigation or comparisons with other countries of the relevant indicators. In future work, we would like to include a pedestrian– driver interaction factor focusing on driver speed behavior in relation to pedestrians (who are on or are about to step onto a pedestrian crossing) and identify critical situations caused by improper behavior of drivers and/or pedestrians. This will help to understand speed adjustment problems related to pedestrian crossings.

  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal
    • Judith Schoßböck
    • Noella Edelmann
    • Nina Rizun

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters) of the journal, their evolution over time and how these were influenced by journal management factors. This kind of analysis helps editors to develop an editorial strategy, decide on the thematic development of the journal and address the expectations of future authors of the journal. It further can provide insights about research themes and trends within a scholarly community and their development over time.