Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2021

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  • Synthesis, characteristics, and photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles stabilized on the stone surface for degradation of metronidazole from aqueous solution
    • Amir Naser Alibeigi
    • Neda Javid
    • Majid Amiri Gharaghani
    • Zhila Honarmandrad
    • Fatemeh Parsaie
    2021 Full text Environmental Health Engineering and Management Journal

    Abstract Background: The presence of antibiotics such as metronidazole in wastewater even at low concentrations requires searching for a suitable process such as advanced oxidation process (AOP) to reduce the level of pollutants to a standard level in water. Methods: In this study, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal method using zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) as a precursor, then, stabilized on stone and was used as a catalyst, in order to degrade metronidazole by photocalytic process. Effective factors on the removal efficiency of metronidazole including the initial metronidazole concentration, contact time, pH, and 0.9 gL-1 ZnO stabilized on the stone surface were investigated. Results: The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies showed that the synthesized nanomaterials have hexagonal Wurtzite structure. Also, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis revealed that the average crystalline size of the synthesized ZnO particles was in the range of 1.9-3.2 nm. The spectra represented a sharp absorption edge at 390 nm for ZnO nanoparticles corresponding to band gap of 3.168 eV. The BET-BJH specific surface area of the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles was 25.504 m2/g. The EDS spectrum of ZnO nanoparticles showed four peaks, which were identified as Zn and O. The maximum removal efficiency was 98.36% for the synthetic solution under a specific condition (pH = 11, reaction time = 90 minutes, ZnO concentration = 0.9 gL-1, and the initial concentration of metronidazole = 10 mgL-1). The photocatalytic degradation was found to follow pseudo-first-order degradation kinetics. Conclusion: Therefore, the ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by thermal decomposition are suitable and effective photocatalytic materials for degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants.

  • Synthesis of Phosphonated Carbon Nanotubes: New Insight into Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization
    • Małgorzata Nadolska
    • Marta Prześniak-Welenc
    • Marcin Łapiński
    • Kamila Sadowska
    2021 Full text Materials

    Carbon nanotubes were successfully functionalized for the first time in a free radical phosphonylation reaction. Three synthetic protocols were proposed. Carbon nanotubes and diethylphosphite reacted in the presence of known radical initiator, such as azobisisobutyronitrile, single electron oxidant—Mn(OAc)3, or under UV radiation. The functionalized material was fully characterized by means of spectroscopic methods, together with microscopic, surface area and thermogravimetric analyses. UV-illumination was found to be the most effective approach for introducing phosphonates onto carbon nanotubes. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis showed 6% phosphorus in this sample. Moreover, the method was performed at room temperature for only one hour, using diethylphosphite as a reactant and as a solvent. The functionalized carbon nanotubes showed an improved thermal stability, with a decomposition onset temperature increase of more than 130 °C. This makes it very promising material for flame retarding applications.

    • Martyna Jurczyk
    • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
    • Emilia Gontarek-Castro
    2021 Full text

    Membranes are becoming more and more popular in analytical chemistry, which is why they are used, among others, in extraction processes. Therefore, this work focuses on the process of synthesis PVDF membranes and its optimization. The obtained membranes were used as bags for the phthalate extraction in disposable diapers for babies. Extraction was accomplished by method ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous PVDF membrane packed solid samples. As a result of the research, it was found that the most optimal temperature for the synthesis of membranes was 40°C. The phthalates were extracted in this process. However, the reproducibility was insufficient.

  • System do diagnostyki dermatofitowych zakażeń powierzchniowych oparty na technice Real-Time PCR
    • Natalia Kobylak
    2021 Full text

    Dermatofity należą do blisko spokrewnionej grupy grzybów, które wykazują wysokie powinowactwo do skeratynizowanych tkanek. Cecha ta czyni je odpowiedzialnymi za powierzchniowe grzybice skóry, paznokci oraz włosów. Szacuje się, iż nawet do 20% ludzi na całym świecie dotkniętych jest infekcjami powodowanymi przez dermatofity. Ich leczenie wymaga długotrwałego zastosowania leków przeciwgrzybiczych. W celu dobrania odpowiedniego leczenia należy zapewnić prawidłową diagnozę, która przy zastosowaniu konwencjonalnych metod jest nie tylko długotrwała, ale również kosztowna, jak i wymaga wieloletniego doświadczenia diagnosty. Biorąc powyższe pod uwagę, niezmiernie istotne jest stworzenie szybkiego i prostego testu diagnostycznego, opartego na metodach molekularnych, który zapewni identyfikację gatunkową. Celem badań prowadzonych w ramach niniejszej pracy doktorskiej było opracowanie testu diagnostycznego, który w pierwszym etapie wykrywałby dermatofity, a w drugim etapie zapewniłby identyfikację gatunkową oraz co wydawało się największym wyzwaniem opracowanie jednoetapowej metody przygotowania DNA, które mogłoby być stosowane w technice Real-Time PCR. W pierwszym etapie pracy wykazano możliwość zastosowanie DNA wyizolowanego szybką, dwuetapową w reakcjach Real-Time PCR przy użyciu starterów wykrywających DNA wszystkich dermatofitów oraz starterów wykrywających DNA gatunku Trichophyton rubrum. Następnie, zostały zaprojektowane startery umożliwiające wykrycie DNA gatunków Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, Microsporum audouinii/Microsporum ferrugineum oraz kompleksu Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Zaprojektowane układy przetestowano na 246 izolatach oraz wstępnie potwierdzono możliwość ich zastosowania z użyciem próbek klinicznych. Na sam koniec opracowano nową metodę szybszej izolacji DNA dermatofitów, charakteryzującą się mniejszym ryzykiem kontaminacji w porównaniu z istniejącymi metodami.

  • Systematic Assessment of Product Quality
    • Radosław Drozd
    • Radosław Wolniak
    2021 Full text Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity

    The article describes an innovative metrizable idea for systemic assessments of product quality within the baking industry. Complex product quality analysis requires the employment of metrizability criteria for factors that impact the quality of the product, and these are called determinants. Therefore, such analysis is only possible with the use of systems engineering. A system represents the potential of a manufacturing process, of major impact on quality. Composites of the manufacturing process make up the determinants of bread quality, grouped into three sets: raw materials, manufacturing technology, and manufacturing organization and technique. This paper also contains methodological implications for the construction of algorithms for manufacturing process potential determinants. Metrizable product quality assessment is a very important issue in the context of its implementation in manufacturing companies. Its use allows for obtaining comprehensive data on the quality status of a product. It is an important tool for analyzing and forecasting modern quality trends. The method presented in the article is new, innovative, and practical; and its vector representation may prove useful in Quality 4.0. The method could be an important point of reference for managers, directors, and decision makers who must determine the best metrizability criteria for systemic product quality assessments, and could prove useful in Industry 4.0 in the bakery industry. The main value of the paper is the presentation of a new, extensive method for systemic assessments of product quality based on vector analysis in industrial organization. We trialed the method in the baking industry. We concluded that the method is a contribution to management science, especially in the field of quality management, because this approach is not used in business and is not described in relevant international literature.

  • Sztuczna inteligencja w onkologii - nowe narzędzia do diagnostyki i medycyny spersonalizowanej
    • Krzysztof Pastuszak
    • Michał Żuk
    • Anna Supernat

    statnie dekady doprowadziły do rozwoju zaawansowanych technologii badawczych, cechujących się wysoką przepustowością. Zmienia to oblicze medycyny, doprowadzając do generowania ogromnej ilości danych. Z każdym kolejnym rokiem przybywa pacjentów onkologicznych, a zebrane informacje o pacjentach przekraczają możliwości lekarzy i naukowców w zakresie samodzielnej analizy tzw. big data. Właśnie dlatego świat nauki coraz częściej zwraca się ku algorytmom sztucznej inteligencji (AI, ang. – artificial intelligence).

  • Święto Otwartej Nauki w Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej w ramach Open Access Week 2021
    • Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła
    • Agnieszka Szymik
    2021 Full text Pismo PG

    W dniach 25–31 października 2021 roku odbyła się kolejna edycja Open Access Week, imprezy w Polsce znanej jako Tydzień Otwartej Nauki. Biblioteka PG aktywnie włączyła się w promocję tego naukowego święta poprzez organizację webinariów, prezentacji i spotkań.

  • Tacit knowledge awareness and sharing as a focal part of knowledge production, Polish-US view on IT, healthcare, and construction industry
    • Wioleta Kucharska

    In the knowledge economy era, knowledge production and dissemination are of key interest to individuals, organizations, and economies. Tacit knowledge results from experience, leading to innovation. The learning culture can facilitate the transformation of errors into experiences. This study explores whether mistake acceptance facilitates tacit knowledge awareness and sharing in the information technology, healthcare, and construction industries in Poland and the United States. The findings show the influence of mistake acceptance on knowledge production and the differences between countries and industries. The US showed a higher level of mistake acceptance, which was similar across the three industries, than did Poland, which showed differences between sectors. In general, the higher the acceptance of mistakes, the greater the effect of tacit knowledge awareness on sharing. This study shows that there is no knowledge production without learning and no learning without mistake acceptance.

  • Tailoring properties of indium tin oxide thin films for their work in both electrochemical and optical label-free sensing systems
    • Petr Sezemsky
    • Dariusz Burnat
    • Jiri Kratochvil
    • Harm Wulff
    • Angela Kruth
    • Katarzyna Lechowicz
    • Monika Janik
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    • Martin Cada
    • Zdenek Hubicka
    • Paweł Niedziałkowski
    • Wioleta Białobrzeska
    • Vitezslav Stranak
    • Mateusz Śmietana

    This work is devoted to the identification properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films responsible for their possible application in combined optical and electrochemical label-free sensing systems offering enhanced functionalities. Since any post-processing would make it difficult to identify direct relation between deposition parameters and properties of the ITO films, especially when deposition on temperature-sensitive substrates is considered, the films were deposited using reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) at low temperature and with no post-deposition annealing. We focused mainly on the impact of reactive gases, such as oxygen or nitrogen introduced to the process chamber, on control over plasma parameters and subsequently properties of the films. The properties of the films were investigated using X-ray diffractometry, spectroscopic ellipsometry, four-point probe, and cyclic voltammetry. For presenting optical sensing capabilities, the tailored ITO films in addition to silicon and glass wafers were also deposited on the core of optical fibers to induce the lossy-mode resonance (LMR) phenomenon. The existence of specific deposition conditions resulting in ITO film properties offering both high-quality electrochemical and LMR responses has been experimentally proven. It has been found that the crystalline structure of ITO plays a key role in the determination of both the sensing capabilities. Finally, label-free sensing of antibody-antibody interactions in both optical and electrochemical domains for the sensor with tailored ITO film has been shown.

  • Tax Policy Tools of Selected European Countries as a Mechanism for Counteracting the Effects of the Crisis Caused by the COVID-19 Disease Pandemic
    • Piotr Kasprzak
    • Jerzy Frankowski

    Crises play an important role in a economics life. They are common and it is impossible to omit them. This following study investigates the concept of ‘crisis’ in the context of economic situation. This text describes the most important financial crises that took place in the past. After that authors passes on a detailed analysis of the actual corona-crisis and the way that it affects the economy globally. The main goal of this study is to show the European state governments reactions and action to this unusual crisis that were made in the context of tax regulations. In conclusion the target was reached what resulted in this study.

  • T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number
    • Robert Janczewski
    • Anna Maria Trzaskowska
    • Krzysztof Turowski
    2021 Full text Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

    Let T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) = ⌈d(χc(G) − 1)⌉, where χc(G) is the circular chromatic number of G. This result allows us to formulate several interesting conclusions that include a new formula for the circular chromatic number χc(G) = 1 + inf espd⊙{0} (G)/d: d ≥ 1 and a proof that the formula for the T-edge span of powers of cycles, stated as conjecture in [Y. Zhao, W. He and R. Cao, The edge span of T-coloring on graph C d n , Appl. Math. Lett. 19 (2006) 647–651], is true.

  • Technical and Economic Analysis of the Supercritical Combined Gas-Steam Cycle
    • Marcin Jamróz
    • Marian Piwowarski
    • Paweł Ziemiański
    • Gabriel Pawlak
    2021 Full text ENERGIES

    Combined cycle power plants are characterized by high efficiency, now exceeding 60%. The record-breaking power plant listed in the Guinness Book of World Records is the Nishi-Nagoya power plant commissioned in March 2018, located in Japan, and reaching the gross efficiency of 63.08%. Research and development centers, energy companies, and scientific institutions are taking various actions to increase this efficiency. Both the gas turbine and the steam turbine of the combined cycle are modified. The main objective of this paper is to improve the gas-steam cycle efficiency and to reach the efficiency that is higher than in the record-breaking Nishi-Nagoya power plant. To do so, a number of numerical calculations were performed for the cycle design similar to the one used in the Nishi-Nagoya power plant. The paper assumes the use of the same gas turbines as in the reference power plant. The process of recovering heat from exhaust gases had to be organized so that the highest capacity and efficiency were achieved. The analyses focused on the selection of parameters and the modification of the cycle design in the steam part area in order to increase overall efficiency. As part of the calculations, the appropriate selection of the most favorable thermodynamic parameters of the steam at the inlet to the high-pressure (HP) part of the turbine (supercritical pressure) allowed the authors to obtain the efficiency and the capacity of 64.45% and about 1.214 GW respectively compared to the reference values of 63.08% and 1.19 GW. The authors believe that efficiency can be improved further. One of the methods to do so is to continue increasing the high-pressure steam temperature because it is the first part of the generator into which exhaust gases enter. The economic analysis revealed that the difference between the annual revenue from the sale of electricity and the annual fuel cost is considerably higher for power plants set to supercritical parameters, reaching approx. USD 14 million per annum. It is proposed that investments in adapting components of the steam part to supercritical parameters may be balanced out by a higher profit.

  • Techniki wielokanałowe wykorzystywane w koncertach i nagraniach muzycznych na odległość
    • Bartłomiej Mróz
    • Bożena Kostek
    • Piotr Odya

    W czasie pandemii koronawirusa COVID-19 nowego znaczenia nabrały możliwości transmisji dźwięku z obrazem – zwłaszcza do pracy zdalnej, która w przypadku muzyków jest szczególnym wyzwaniem zarówno w kontekście wspólnych ćwiczeń i prób, jak i koncertów. Wynikła konieczność wieloźródłowego połączenia ujawniła potrzebę uprzestrzennienia dźwięku w celu łatwiejszej lokalizacji źródeł dźwięku. Tworzenie zdalnych nagrań muzycznych stało się obecnie niepowtarzalną okazją do produkcji wielokanałowych, przestrzennych, wykorzystujących techniki ambisoniczne i binauralne. Techniki te umożliwiają stworzenie nowych, immersyjnych doznań dla słuchaczy. W rozdziale przedstawiono zrealizowane nagrania ambisoniczne Akademickiego Chóru Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zawarto opis związany z warsztatem realizatora dźwięku i obrazu oraz omówiono problemy związane z synchronizacją dźwięku. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono krótko podstawy teoretyczne ambisonii. Podano również plan dalszych prac, które będą stanowić rozwinięcie wykonanych nagrań w kontekście ich oceny.

    • Jan Cudzik
    • Konstancja Olszewska
    2021 Full text Przestrzeń i Forma

    Nowadays, finding natural substitutes for mass-produced materials is one of the main tasks faced by scientists and designers. There is an increasing emphasis on the theme of ecology and the need for sustainability. Variants and methods are sought which will create environmentally friendly materials in a fast, relatively inexpensive and ecological way. The aim of this paper is to present different proposals of natural building materials and to demonstrate the research process in the search for an environmentally friendly facade material, analyzing it in terms of strength, durability and aesthetics. One of the reasons for this is the steadily deteriorating environmental conditions. Thus, architects strive to improve environmental safety.

  • Temperature Fiber-Optic Sensor with ZnO ALD Coating
    • Paulina Listewnik
    2021 Full text Engineering Proceedings

    This study presents a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating thickness of 100 nm for temperature measurements. Metrological properties of the sensor were investigated over the temperature range of 100 °C to 300 °C, with a 10 °C step. An interferometric signal is used to control whether the microstructure is whole. Spectrum shift of a reflected signal is used to ascertain changes in the measured parameter. With changing temperature, the peak position of a reflected signal also changes. The R2 coefficient of the presented sensor indicates a good linear fit of over 0.99 to the obtained data. The sensitivity of the sensor investigated in this study equals 0.019 nm/°C.

  • Tensile modulus of human orbital wall bones cut in sagittal and coronal planes
    • Krzysztof Żerdzicki
    • Paweł Lemski
    • Paweł Kłosowski
    • Andrzej Skorek
    • Marcin Zmuda Trzebiatowski
    • Mateusz Koberda
    2021 Full text PLOS ONE

    In the current research, 68 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls taken from 33 human cadavers (12 females, 21 males) were subjected to uniaxial tension untill fracture. The samples were cut in the coronal (38 specimens) and sagittal (30 specimens) planes of the orbital wall. Apparent density (ρapp), tensile Young’s modulus (E-modulus) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) were identified. Innovative test protocols were used to minimize artifacts and analyze the obtained data: (1) grips dedicated to non-symmetrical samples clamping were applied for mechanical testing, (2) non-contact measuring system of video-extensometer was employed for displacement registration, (3) ink imprint technique coupled with CAD analysis was applied to precisely access the cross-sectional areas of tested samples. With regard to a pooled group, apparent density for the coronal and sagittal cut plane was equal 1.53 g/cm3 and 1.57 g/cm3, tensile Young’s modulus 2.36 GPa and 2.14 GPa, and ultimate tensile strength 12.66 MPa and 14.35 MPa, respectively. No significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were found for all the analyzed parameters when comparing coronal and sagittal plane cut groups. These observations confirmed the hypothesis that direction of sample cut does not affect the mechanical response of the orbital wall tissue, thus suggesting that mechanical properties of orbital wall bone show isotropic character.

  • Tensile validation tests with failure criteria comparison for various GFRP laminates
    • Tomasz Wiczenbach
    • Tomasz Ferenc
    2021 Full text Archives of Civil Engineering

    The paper studies the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) with various types and orientation of reinforcement. Analyzed specimens manufactured in the infusion process are made of polymer vinyl ester resin reinforced with glass fibres. Several samples were examined containing different plies and various fibres orientation [0, 90] or [+45, –45]. To assess the mechanical parameters of laminates, a series of experimental tests were carried out. The samples were subjected to the uniaxial tensile tests, which allowed us to obtain substitute parameters, such as modulus of elasticity or strength. After all, results from experiments were used to validate the numerical model. A computational model was developed employing ABAQUS software using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The analysis was performed to verify and compare the results obtained from numerical calculations with the experiments. Additionally, the following failure criteria were studied, based on the index of failure IF Maximum Stress, Maximum Strain, Tsai–Hill, and Tsai–Wu. The results confirmed the assumptions made for the footbridge's design purpose, which is made using examined material. Moreover, comparing the experimental and numerical results found that in the linear-elastic range of the material, they are consistent, and there is no significant difference in results.

  • TensorHive: Management of Exclusive GPU Access for Distributed Machine Learning Workloads
    • Paweł Rościszewski
    • Michał Martyniak
    • Filip Schodowski

    TensorHive is a tool for organizing work of research and engineering teams that use servers with GPUs for machine learning workloads. In a comprehensive web interface, it supports reservation of GPUs for exclusive usage, hardware monitoring, as well as configuring, executing and queuing distributed computational jobs. Focusing on easy installation and simple configuration, the tool automatically detects the available computing resources and monitors their utilization. Reservations granted on the basis of flexible access control settings are protected by pluggable violation hooks. The job execution module includes auto-configuration templates for distributed neural network training jobs in frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Documentation, source code, usage examples and issue tracking are available at the project page:

    • Zbigniew Korczewski
    2021 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    The article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only for the owners of operating sea- going ships, but also for shipyards, maritime administration offices and environmental protection inspectors. For this reason, the article’s author is developing research issues related to the diagnosing the exhaust emissions of marine engines under operating conditions, i.e. with limited control (measurement) susceptibility. This is particularly important in the period of intensive implementation of a new category of marine fuel, so-called modified fuels with low sulphur content. As part of the problem, a computational model of the parameters characterising the exhaust emissions of a marine engine in operation is presented in this article. This model is based on the measurement of the engine’s control parameters, using a standard (stationary) measurement system and a portable diagnostic system, configured for the purpose of this research. Presented here are representative measurements and calculation results (both obtained by the author and provided by the manufacturer) from the chemical exhaust gas emissivity of one of the ship engines operated. These confirm the adequacy of the calculation model developed and the diagnostic effectiveness of the measuring equipment applied. The methodology developed for experimental testing may also be implemented for the operation of other types of marine engines, provided that the basic chemical composition of the fuel supply and the engine load characteristics and hourly fuel consumption are known. Moreover, there is the possibility of indicating the cylinders and measuring the chemical composition of exhaust gases in the high-temperature part of the exhaust duct.