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Globalized Simulation-Driven Miniaturization of Microwave Circuits by Means of Dimensionality-Reduced Constrained Surrogates
- Sławomir Kozieł
- Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
- Marzieh Mahrokh
Small size has become a crucial prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components. Miniaturized devices are essential for a number of application areas, including wireless communications, 5G/6G technology, wearable devices, or the internet of things. Notwithstanding, size reduction generally degrades the electrical performance of microwave systems. Therefore, trade-off solutions have to be sought that represent acceptable compromises between the ability to meet the design targets and physical compactness. From an optimization perspective, this poses a constrained task, which is computationally expensive because a reliable evaluation of microwave components has to rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. Furthermore, due to its constrained nature, size reduction is a multimodal problem, i.e., the results are highly dependent on the initial design. Thus, utilization of global search algorithms is advisable in principle, yet, often undoable in practice because of the associated computational expenses, especially when using nature-inspired procedures. This paper introduces a novel technique for globalized miniaturization of microwave components. Our technique starts by identifying the feasible region boundary, and by constructing a dimensionality-reduced surrogate model therein. Global optimization of the metamodel is followed by EM-driven local tuning. Application of the domain-confined surrogate ensures low cost of the entire procedure, further reduced by the incorporation of variable-fidelity EM simulations. Our framework is validated using two microstrip couplers, and compared to nature-inspired optimization, as well as gradient-based size reduction. The results indicate superior miniaturization rates and low running cost, which make the presented algorithm a potential candidate for efficient simulation-based design of compact structures.
Glossary [Intellectual Output 1] Glossary as a method for reflection on complex research questions
- Małgorzata Kostrzewska
- Justyna Borucka
- Bartosz Macikowski
- Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska
- Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen
Globalization and digitization are strongly influencing the process of shaping the built environment. The latter is causing the new design tools to emerge faster than ever before in history, while the former is speeding up not only the development, but also the broad roll-out of more agile and interdisciplinary methodologies and work approaches. The design process is also becoming more and more inter- and trans-disciplinary. This is leading to the formation of design teams, in which team members bring together not only very different backgrounds and experiences but also different sets of vocabulary, which is one of the causes impeding flawless cooperation and a lack of common understanding within the team. These trends call for a shared platform of understanding and clarification of professional terms and concepts in order to make the design process not only efficient, but also fully relatable and well-founded. In today’s highly specialized world, professionals and specialists immerse themselves deeply into their fields, using a highly specialized, often hermetic vocabulary that is becoming less accessible and comprehensible to the wider public. The BuildDigiCraft project explores what concepts and notions researchers and participants use who are involved in design processes aimed at a high-quality built environment. The question is whether engineers, architects, planners, builders, designers, craftsmen, artists, environmental engineers and other experts, regardless of whether they deal with digitally-driven or traditionally-based methods and tools, are actually able to understand each other today using a mutually comprehensible linguistic corpus. Therefore, the aim of this intellectual output is to create a foundation for a shared understanding of the main concepts explored within the BuildDigiCraft project. The aim of the intellectual output Glossary is to create a common foundation for shared understanding of the main concepts explored within the BuildDigiCraft project. Unlike classical glossaries based on jointly developed vocabulary definitions, the BuildDigiCraft Glossary offers a method for reflection on complex research questions by applying a Glossary Matrix Tool for a temporal and scale-oriented exploration of terms, concepts and ideas used in the project.
Glucose oxidase as an important yet overlooked factor determiningthe antibacterial activity of bee pollen and bee bread
- Karolina Pełka
- Marcela Bucekova
- Jana Godocikova
- Piotr Szweda
- Juraj Majtan
Bee pollen (BP) and bee bread (BB) have attracted great attention due to their biological activities including antibacterial activity. However, the mechanism of antibacterial activity is largely unknown. Therefore, we aimed to characterise the antibacterial effect of BP and BB aqueous extracts against bacterial pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Enterococcus faecalis) and identify the key compound(s) responsible for this effect. Here, we demonstrate that BP and particularly BB extracts display antibacterial activity which is significantly increased in the presence of glucose. Immunoblot analysis of extracts revealed the presence of MRJP1 in all analysed BP and BB samples and the enzyme glucose oxidase (GOX) in the majority of BB samples. Treatment of extracts with catalase resulted in the restoration of bacterial growth but only in those samples where glucose supplementation caused the enhancement of antibacterial activity. Our findings provide a deeper understanding of antibacterial activity of BP/BB which is mediated by the enzymatic activity of bee-derived GOX.
Glucosinolates from lepidium peruvianum as potential antiamnestic drugs
- Dominik Tarabasz
- Dominik Szwajgier
- Paweł Szczeblewski
- Tomasz Laskowski
- Wojciech Płaziński
- Ewa Baranowska-Wójcik
- Wirginia Kukula-Koch
- Henry O. Meissner
Lepidium peruvianum (maca) (Brassicaceae) is a naturally occurring plant mainly in the high Andes of Peru. In recent years, it has been intensively researched in terms of its influence on various diseases and towards health improvement. Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable disease that most often affects adults over the age of 60. As since 2003 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve any new drug for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) until 2021, there is still a need for new drugs to slow down the progress of the disease. The study focuses on glucosinolates that are present in different cultivars of L. peruvianum tubers and evaluates their inhibitory properties against two cholinesterases: acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). By comparing the HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS fingerprints of different extracts, the phenotypes that were the most rich in glucosinolates were selected. Qualitative analysis of the sulphur-containing metabolites in 50% ethanolic extracts confirmed the presence of ten major components that belonged to the groups of: aliphatic, indolyl, and aromatic glucosinolates, with glucotropaeolin being the leading one, detected at levels between 0–1.57% depending on phenotype, size, processing, and collection site. The PCA analysis showed important variations in glucosinolate content between the samples and different ratios of the detected compounds. The color and size of maca tubers have been shown to have a significant effect on the glucosinolate content. The applied in vitro activity tests confirmed inhibitory properties of extracts and single glucosinolates against AChE and BuChE. The molecular activity of glucosinolates has been explained in relation to both enzymes: AChE and BuChE showing that these metabolites most likely work by blocking the catalytic sites of the enzymes. Based on the obtained results and described mechanism of action, it could be concluded that glucosinolates exhibit inhibitory properties against two cholinesterases present in the synaptic cleft, which indicates that selected phenotypes of L. peruvianum cultivated under well-defined environmental and ecological conditions may present a valuable plant material to be considered for the development of therapeutic products with memory-stimulating properties.
Glutathione-mediated conjugation of anticancer drugs: an overview of reaction mechanisms and biological significance for drug detoxification and bioactivation.
- Agnieszka Potęga
The effectiveness of many anticancer drugs depends on the creation of specific metabolites that may alter their therapeutic or toxic properties. One significant route of biotransformation is a conjugation of electrophilic compounds with reduced glutathione, which can be non-enzymatic and/or catalyzed by glutathione-dependent enzymes. Glutathione usually combines with anticancer drugs and/or their metabolites to form more polar and water-soluble glutathione S-conjugates, readily excreted outside the body. In this regard, glutathione plays a role in detoxification, decreasing the likelihood that a xenobiotic will react with cellular targets. However, some drugs once transformed into thioethers are more active or toxic than the parent compound. Thus, glutathione conjugation may also lead to pharmacological or toxicological effects through bioactivation reactions. My purpose here is to provide a broad overview of the mechanisms of glutathione-mediated conjugation of anticancer drugs. Additionally, I discuss the biological importance of glutathione conjugation to anticancer drug detoxification and bioactivation pathways. I also consider the potential role of glutathione in the metabolism of unsymmetrical bisacridines, a novel prosperous class of anticancer compounds developed in our laboratory. The knowledge on glutathione-mediated conjugation of anticancer drugs presented in this review may be noteworthy for improving cancer therapy and preventing drug resistance in cancers.
Gospodarka ciepłem
- Tomasz Minkiewicz
Wymieniono zadania i wymagania stawiane scentralizowanym systemom zaopatrzenia w ciepło, scharakteryzowano nośniki ciepła i układy sieci cieplnych, opisano wybrane zagadnienia technologii i eksploatacji rurociągów ciepłowniczych oraz przedstawiono przykładowe układy wykorzystywane do skojarzonego wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła.
Gospodarka paliwami gazowymi
- Waldemar Kamrat
Przedstawiono problematykę gospodarowania paliwami gazowymi. Określono potencjał produkcji wodoru w Polsce. Przedstawiono aspekty ekonomiczne transportu rurociągowego.
GPU Power Capping for Energy-Performance Trade-Offs in Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
- Adam Krzywaniak
- Paweł Czarnul
- Jerzy Proficz
In the paper we present performance-energy trade-off investigation of training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition. Several representative and widely adopted network models, such as Alexnet, VGG-19, Inception V3, Inception V4, Resnet50 and Resnet152 were tested using systems with Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 as well as Nvidia V100 GPUs. Using GPU power capping we found other than default configurations minimizing three various metrics: energy (E), energy-delay product (EDP) as well as energy-delay sum (EDS) which resulted in considerable energy savings, with a low to medium performance loss for EDP and EDS. Specifically, for Quadro 6000 and minimization of E we obtained energy savings of 28.5%–32.5%, for EDP 25%–28% of energy was saved with average 4.5%–15.4% performance loss, for EDS (k = 2) 22%–27% of energy was saved with 4.5%–13.8% performance loss. For V100 we found average energy savings of 24%–33%, for EDP energy savings of 23%–27% with corresponding performance loss of 13%–21% and for EDS (k = 2) 23.5%–27.3% of energy was saved with performance loss of 4.5%–13.8%.
Grafo-ania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Drzewa Steinera
- Marek Kubale
Problem: na płaszczyźnie leżą 3 punkty. Znajdź czwarty, taki że jego sumaryczna odległość od 3 pozostałych jest minimalna, Pokazujemy jak rozwiązać ten problem i jego uogólnienie.
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Liczby Ramseya
- Marek Kubale
Zdefiniowano liczby Ramseya i wskazano na trudności obliczeniowe ich wyznaczania już przy niewielkich wartościach takich liczb.
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Problem 8 hetmanów
- Marek Kubale
W eseju spojrzano na problem 8 hetmanów na szachownicy z punktu widzenia teorii grafów
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Szybkie mnożenie macierzy
- Marek Kubale
Miniesej zawiera komentarz na temat zastosowania sztucznej inteligencji do problemu mnożenia macierzy.
Grafting and reactive extrusion technologies for compatibilization of ground tyre rubber composites: Compounding, properties, and applications
- Mapoloko Mpho Phiri
- Mohau Justice Phiri
- Krzysztof Formela
- Shifeng Wang
- Shanganyane Percy Hlangothi
Chemical modification of ground tyre rubber (GTR) to compatibilize it with the matrix is a well-known approach. Based on our recent review of the surface etching methods used in GTR modification, the purpose of the current work is to take a deeper look into more advanced methods such as grafting and reactive extrusion. While grafting is more efficient in achieving compatibility, however, it usually involves multi-step synthesis protocol and purification procedures making it very difficult to be applied in the industry. On the other hand, reactive extrusion is easy to apply in the industry as it uses the same equipment that is already employed in the rubber and thermoplastics industries. Furthermore, it is solvent-free and achieves compatibility via in-situ grafting of GTR and the matrix. The composites properties achieved via each of these processes and the resulting properties are highlighted in this work. For grafting, the initiation methods used to introduce an active centre onto the GTR are also highlighted.
Granie nie tylko na murawie! Zostań Lewandowskim pipety i termocyklera. Synergia nowoczesnych metod analitycznych opartych o wykrywanie DNA z nowymi formami nauczania (grywalizacja).
- Paweł Filipkowski
KOnkurs Innowacji Dydaktyznych PG: "Granie nie tylko na murawie! Zostań Lewandowskim pipety i termocyklera. Synergia nowoczesnych metod analitycznych opartych o wykrywanie DNA z nowymi formami nauczania (grywalizacja)."
Graphene Reinforced Phenolic Foams
- Michał Strankowski
Phenolic foams (PF) belong to the polymeric materials, which are very attractive from the point of many possible applications such as insulation or fire protection materials. This chapter attempts to explain the influence of graphene and graphene derivatives on the phenolic foams. This work briefly presents different graphene nanoparticles introduced to the phenolic foams matrix, in terms of impact on the thermal, mechanical, and cell structure (morphological) behavior. In particular, the characterization of the morphology of polymer systems reinforced with graphene derivatives has received considerable attention. Due to the correlation resulting from the influence of structure on the macroscopic properties of this group of materials. This study also focuses on the presentation of various (experimental) methods enabling the introduction of graphene nanoparticles into the phenolic matrix. The presented chapter summarizes the work carried out on the modification of phenolic foams with the graphene derivatives, which seem to be a promising nanomodifiers of these materials in connection with obtaining completely new valuable properties.
Graphene-Coated PVDF Membranes: Effects of Multi-Scale Rough Structure on Membrane Distillation Performance
- Emilia Gontarek-Castro
- Giuseppe Di Luca
- Marek Lieder
- Annarosa Gugliuzza
Graphene-coated membranes for membrane distillation have been fabricated by using a wet-filtration approach. Graphene nanoplatelets have been deposited onto PVDF membrane surfaces. Morphology and physicochemical properties have been explored to evaluate the changes in the surface topography and related effects on the membrane performance in water desalination. The membranes have been tested in membrane distillation plants by using mixtures of sodium chloride and humic acid. The multi-scale rough structure of the surface has been envisaged to amplify the wetting and fouling resistance of the graphene-coated membranes so that a better flux and full salt rejection have been achieved in comparison with pristine PVDF. Total salt rejection and an increase of 77% in flux have been observed for coated membrane with optimized graphene content when worked with NaCl 0.6 M (DCMD, ΔT ≈ 24 °C) over a test period of 6 h. The experimental findings suggest these novel graphene-coated membranes as promising materials to develop functional membranes for high-performing water desalination.
Graphical interface adaption for children to explain astronomy proportions and distances
- Kim García Martínez
- Jacek Lebiedź
- Andrés Iglesias Bustillo
Mobile Science Center is a Polish project that seeks to bring astronomy knowledge to wider social groups through various applications. In its development it is necessary to design a graphical interface that explains a concept that is difficult to assimilate such as spatial proportions and distances. This paper develops a framework to create graphical representations that explain this learning to the target audience of children. Important aspects of this interface are the inclusion of storytelling to guide the educational content, along with feedback and difficulty and accessibility adaptations. Regarding spatial representation, previous works highlight the use of shapes and geometric objects, cartographic tools, reference points, and comparison with known velocities and spaces. The graphical interface proposed is based on a decimal system scale that compares traveling at the speed of light with a person walking. There are 4 proposals that represent the units of this scale with different geometric shapes and interrelated structures, in addition to assigned colors and positions. Future development of this project will apply these ideas to identify the optimal graphical interface so children can learn spatial proportions and distances.
Green analytical chemistry metrics: A review
- Muhammad Sajid
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
Green analytical chemistry encourages reducing the use of toxic chemicals/reagents, using energy-efficient equipment, and generating minimal waste. The recent trends in analytical method development focus on the miniaturization of the sample preparation devices, the development of solventless or solvent-minimized extraction techniques, and the utilization of less toxic solvents. The twelve principles of GAC serve as a basic guideline for inducing greenness in the analytical procedures. Despite these guidelines, in many conditions, some undesired steps are unavoidable. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the greenness of analytical procedures to assess and, if possible, reduce their impact on the environment and workers. Several metrics have been developed for the evaluation of the greenness of analytical procedures. Analytical Eco-Scale, Green Analytical Procedure Index, and Analytical Greenness Metric are among some important tools for assessing the greenness of analytical procedures. All these metrics take different aspects of the analytical procedure into account to provide the green index of the procedure. This review covered these metrics, their principles, and examples of their application to selected analytical procedures. The advantages and limitations of these metrics with the perspective of common reader/user are presented. We believe that this paper will inspire many new perspectives and developments in this area.
Green, blue and energy in cities
- Katarzyna Weinerowska-Bords
The article refers to the implementation of blue-green infrastructure in cities, with particular emphasis on the aspect of rainwater and energy management. The article presents the advantages of water and greenery in the city and gives examples of engineering solutions used, both the more popular (including green and biosolar roofs), as well as experimental solutions, which are an interesting and necessary alternative in the era of energy transformation of cities.
Green capsule phase microextraction employing hydrophobic monolithic sol-gel octadecyl siloxane platforms for the monitoring of organophosphorus pesticides in environmental water samples
- Natalia Manousi
- Antonio Ferracane
- Abuzar Kabir
- Kenneth G. Furton
- Peter Q. Tranchida
- George A. Zachariadis
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Luigi Mondello
- Victoria F. Samanidou
- Erwin Rosenberg
In this study, a novel, facile and green capsule phase microextraction (CPME) method is presented for the extraction and preconcentration of organophosphorus pesticides (i.e., chlorpyrifos, disulfoton, ethoprophos, fenchlorphos, prothiofos, and parathion-methyl) from environmental water samples. Monolithic sol-gel octadecyl siloxane (sol-gel C18) sorbent encapsulated within porous polypropylene capsules was synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for its efficiency towards the adsorption of the target organophosphorus pesticides. CPME was combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the monitoring of the target analytes. The method was optimized to ensure high method sensitivity and it was fully validated. The limits of detection of the CPME-GC-MS method for the OPPs were 0.02–0.15 ng mL−1. The relative standard deviations were 1.5–8.7% for intra-day study and 5.4–9.6% for inter-day study, demonstrating satisfactory precision. Moreover, good method accuracy was obtained, since the relative recoveries were within the range 92.6–107.0% and 90.8–107.6% for intra-day and inter-day (c = 5.00 and 20.0 ng mL−1), respectively. The absence of interferences in the blank samples demonstrates that the proposed method is selective. The sol-gel C18 sorbent encapsulated CPME media could be reused for at least 25 adsorption/desorption cycles. In addition, the methodology presents advantageous features in comparison to existing methods. The final protocol was used for analyzing four different water sample types (i.e., lake water, river water, pond water and tap water sample).