Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2022

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  • Turbina wiatrowa jako element systemu radiolokalizacyjnego
    • Jacek Stefański
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    2022 Full text

    W referacie zaproponowano wykorzystanie turbiny wiatrowej do umieszczenia elementów systemu radiolokalizacyjnego do określania położenia obiektów latających. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie umożliwia osza-cowanie położenia obiektu w przestrzeni, zwłaszcza w ruchu, za pomocą sygnałów lokalizacyjnych nadawanych jednocześnie z wybranych punktów konstrukcyjnych turbiny. Przedstawiono matematyczną analizę metody oraz algorytm Chana (CA) do rozwiązywania układu nieliniowych równań pozycyjnych. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono analizę parametru rozmycia położenia (PDoP) dla zaproponowanej metody. Na koniec zaprezentowano wyniki badań symulacyjnych dotyczących efektywności estymacji położenia obiektów dla tej metody dla wybranych parametrów systemowych.

  • Two-photon perimetry utilizing picosecond laser
    • Marcin Marzejon
    2022 Full text

    Age-related impairments are becoming more and more severe for aging societies. The sensory organ diseases are particularly troublesome as they exclude seniors from their everyday activity. Therefore, maintaining good quality eyesight is essential for normal functioning. New medical therapies help restrain age-related changes, but still, monitoring is essential to the treatment process. Humans do not have the natural ability to see infrared radiation, but they can see ultra-short nearinfrared laser pulses. The visual system reacts as if one photon of visible radiation has been absorbed, instead of two photons of infrared radiation have been absorbed in the photoreceptors. Further research on the two-photon vision assumes the development of a new diagnostic method – the two-photon perimetry. The two-photon perimetry is a new tool for the investigation of the near-infrared perception of the human eye. Before the method will be introduced to ophthalmic clinics, it is important to understand its physical and technical limitations. Therefore, the measurement setup and software have been developed, and tests on volunteers and patients have been performed. All system modalities: eye stimulation, pupil imaging, and the patient interface were made from scratch. The obtained results will help to find optimal solutions applicable to clinical practice.

  • Tworzenie wartości wspólnej w uniwersytecie. Perspektywa trójkąta wiedzy
    • Elżbieta Karwowska

    Społeczną odpowiedzialność uniwersytetu definiuje się jako dobrowolne działania uczelni, wykraczające poza obowiązek kształcenia i prowadzenia badań, których celem jest poprawa jakości życia ogółu. Mimo że trójczłonowość misji uniwersytetu może sugerować, że jest on społecznie odpowiedzialny „z natury”, wyniki badań pokazują, że społeczna odpowiedzialność nie jest fundamentem, z którego wynikają działania uniwersytetu, lecz raczej dodatkowym elementem jego działalności. USR często jest traktowana przedmiotowo i bagatelizowana, co utrudnia jej rozwój. Jednocześnie otoczenie społeczne postrzega uniwersytet jako inkubator wiedzy i technologii oraz oczekuje, że przyczynią się one do rozwiązania ważnych problemów, takich jak: globalne ocieplenie, zubożenie i rozwarstwienie społeczne, migracje, starzenie się populacji i choroby cywilizacyjne. Uczelnie powinny rozwijać swoją działalność, tak aby sprostać oczekiwaniom i potrzebom swoich interesariuszy oraz zacieśniać współpracę z coraz bardziej zróżnicowanymi grupami reprezentującymi społeczeństwo. Zaadaptowanie CSV do potrzeb i realiów funkcjonowania uniwersytetu może być kolejnym etapem ewolucji obu omawianych powyżej koncepcji. Może też stanowić odpowiedź na wyzwania, z jakimi mierzy się współczesny uniwersytet – zarówno związane z pogłębiającymi się problemami cywilizacyjnymi i środowiskowymi, zwiększającą się świadomością społeczną oraz oczekiwaniami względem zaangażowania uczelni, jak i wynikające z globalnej konkurencji o studentów i środki finansowe, niezbędne uczelni do rozwoju. Monografia składa się z sześciu rozdziałów. Trzy pierwsze poświęcono analizie literatury dotyczącej społecznej odpowiedzialności organizacji (rozdział 1), tworzenia wartości wspólnej (rozdział 2) oraz społecznej odpowiedzialności uniwersytetu (rozdział 3). Metodyka badania empirycznego została opisana w rozdziale 4, a jego wyniki omówiono w rozdziale 5. Rozdział 6 poświęcono natomiast przedstawieniu rekomendacji opracowanych na podstawie badania.

  • Two-Stage Variable-Fidelity Modeling of Antennas with Domain Confinement
    • Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Łukasz Gołuński
    2022 Full text Scientific Reports

    Surrogate modeling has become the method of choice in solving an increasing number of antenna design tasks, especially those involving expensive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Notwithstanding, the curse of dimensionality considerably affects conventional metamodeling methods, and their capability to efficiently handle nonlinear antenna characteristics over broad ranges of the system parameters is limited. Performance-driven (or constrained) modeling frameworks may be employed to mitigate these issues by considering a construction of surrogates from the standpoint of the antenna performance figures rather than directly geometry parameters. This permits a significant reduction of the model setup cost without restricting its design utility. This paper proposes a novel modeling framework, which capitalizes on the domain confinement concepts, and also incorporates variable-fidelity EM simulations, both at the surrogate domain definition stage, and when rendering the final surrogate. The latter employs co-kriging as a method of blending simulation data of different fidelities. The presented approach has been validated using three microstrip antennas, and demonstrated to yield reliable models at remarkably low CPU costs, as compared to both conventional and performance-driven modeling procedures.

  • Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks according to the UNECE Regulation 117
    • Truls Berge
    • Piotr Mioduszewski

    Within the Polish-Norwegian research project ELANORE, a limited Round Robin Test has been performed on 3 ISO tracks in Northern Europe. The basic objective of the project is to improve the EU directive on labelling of tyres for noise and rolling resistance, and this directive is based on the measurement procedures defined in the UN ECE Reg.117. The same test car, test tyres and measurement equipment as well as personnel were used on all test tracks, to minimize the measurement uncertainties. All tracks were built according to the specification given in ISO 10844:2014. Five sets of C1 tyres were tested. They consisted of 2 sets of summer tyres, one all-season, one winter and one set of the SRTT tyres. Except for the SRTT tyres, the other 4 had labelled noise values from 67 to 74 dB. In addition to the test conditions specified in Reg.117, a modified test was also included, where the load and inflation pressure were adjusted to fit better the test vehicle specifications. Due to some adverse weather conditions at two of the test tracks, only a part of the test program was accomplished. The paper presents results from these measurements. Additional measurements are planned for 2022.

  • Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks using the modified CPX method
    • Piotr Mioduszewski
    • Truls Berge

    Tyre rolling noise test method specified in the UNECE Regulation 117 is directly used in the Tyre Labelling Directive. Noise level specified on EU Tyre Label of each new tyre available on the European market was determined based on vehicle coast-by noise measurements performed on the standard reference road surface proscribed in the ISO 10844:2014. Available data from investigations by the vehicle and tyre industry and results from the STEER project show that the effect of ISO test track is significant. To estimate the noise variation on existing ISO test tracks, a small Round Robin Test was conducted on 3 of them, as a part of the joint Polish-Norwegian project ELANORE. The modified CPX method was used for this purpose. Measurements were performed for 9 selected tyres of summer, winter and all-season type, with label noise values ranging from 66 to 74 dB. Additionally, 2 standard reference tyres, P1 (SRTT) and H1 (Avon AV4), specified in the ISO 11819-3:2017 were tested. The obtained differences in noise levels for the tested tyres were up to 3.7 dB depending on test track. The ranking of tyres regarding measured noise levels didn’t correspond at all to the noise values given on tyre labels.

  • Układ sterowania 5-fazową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi (PMSM)
    • Krzysztof Łuksza
    • Jarosław Guziński
    • Marcin Morawiec
    • Filip Wilczyński
    2022 Automatyka Elektryka Zakłócenia

    W pracy przedstawiono nowy układ sterowania bezczujnikowego 5-fazową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi zagłębionymi (IPMSM) . Zaproponowany układ wykorzystuje obserwator stanu dla zmiennych w pierwszym układzie współrzędnych (1 harmoniczna), jak i drugim (3 harmoniczna), w celu zwiększenia gęstości momentu elektromagnetycznego. Zaprezentowano schemat kompletnego układu sterowania, przebiegi zmiennych w stanie ustalonym, jak również podczas stanów przejściowych, zarejestrowane podczas badań laboratoryjnych z wykorzystaniem prototypowej 5-fazowej maszyny PMSM.

  • Ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent-based liquid–liquid microextraction for simultaneous determination of Ni (II) and Zn (II) in food samples
    • Fazal Elahi
    • Muhammad Balal Arain
    • Wajid Ali Khan
    • Hameed Haq
    • Asif Khan
    • Faheem Jan
    • Roberto Castro-Muñoz
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj
    2022 Full text FOOD CHEMISTRY

    A new approach was developed for the simultaneous pre-concentration and determination of Ni (II) and Zn (II) in food samples. This method is based on ultrasound-assisted liquid–liquid micro extraction using hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent (DES) and 1,10-phenanthroline as chelating agent. The effect of several parameters, such as pH, selection and volume of DES, amount of chelating agent, time of sonication and centrifugation, was studied. Under optimized conditions, the developed procedure offered exceptional sensitivity and linearity. The limit of detection was approximately 0.029 µg/Kg and 1.5 µg/Kg for Ni (II) and Zn (II), respectively. The proposed method was applied for the pre-concentration and determination of Ni (II) and Zn (II) in hydrogenated edible oils, fishes, and milk samples. The results of this study were compared with reported methods in the literature revealing its advantages.

  • Ultrasound-Assisted Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) for Neutral Red Dye Spectrophotometric Determination
    • Sana Ullah
    • Hameed Haq
    • Muhammad Salman
    • Faheem Jan
    • Faisal Safi
    • Muhammad Balal Arain
    • Muhammad Khan
    • Roberto Castro-Muñoz
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj
    2022 Full text MOLECULES

    Deep eutectic solvents (DES), which have low toxicity and are low cost, biodegradable, and easily synthesized, were used for the extraction of neutral red (NR) dye before its spectrophotometric analysis. DES, containing choline chloride as a hydrogen bond acceptor and phenol as a hydrogen bond donor with a molar ratio of 1:2, was used for the extraction of NR dye from aqueous media. The possible interaction of different DESs with NR was studied using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Experimentally, a UV-visible spectrophotometer was used for the quantitative analysis. The most important parameters affecting method performance, such as pH, extraction temperature, DES type, its volume, THF volume, sonication time, and centrifugation time, were optimized. The developed method provides exceptional sensitivity in terms of LOD and LOQ, which were 2.2 and 7.3 µg/L respectively. The relative standard deviation was 1.35–1.5% (n = 10), and the pre-concentration factor was 40. The method was found to be linear in the range of 2–300 µg/L (R2 = 0.9967). The method was successfully used for the determination of NR in wastewater samples. Finally, the DES-based method presents operational simplicity, high sensitivity, and rapid determination (<5 min) compared with other analytical procedures.

  • Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
    • Szymon Greś
    • Riccardo Riva
    • Cem Yeniceli Süleyman
    • Palle Andersen
    • Marcin Łuczak

    The uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty quantification methodology is validated for obtaining the uncertainty of the modal parameter and the modal indicator estimates in the context of several well-known subspace identification algorithms. The focus of this study is to validate the quality of each Delta method-based approximation with respect to the experimental Monte Carlo distributions of parameter estimates using a statistical distance measure. On top of that, the accuracy in obtaining the related confidence intervals is empirically assessed. The case study is based on data obtained from an extensive experimental campaign of a large scale wind turbine blade tested in a laboratory environment. The results confirm that the Delta method is, on average, adequate to characterize the distribution of the considered estimates solely based on the quantities obtained from one data set, validating the use of this statistical framework for uncertainty quantification in practice.

  • Unconventional and user-friendly sampling techniques of semi-volatile organic compounds present in an indoor environment: An approach to human exposure assessment
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    The commonly applied solutions used to assess the potential risk of human exposure to semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are based on the investigation of biological samples collected in an invasive or non-invasive manner. For SVOCs, which are typically introduced to humans through the respiratory system, dermal adsorption, or digestive system, sampling solutions generally used in the indoor environments are classified as active and passive. From the user's perspective, the most convenient method to assess the potential risk is the use of an analytical tool that combines the benefits of passive and non-invasive sampling techniques—use of an unconventional personal sampler such as a silicone wristband, brooch, dog tag, cotton gauze, or viscose wiper. Despite the advantages of this method, the aforementioned techniques require further analytical research owing to the differences in the results of human exposure assessment owing to the lack of standards and unified sampling protocols.

  • Uncovering the invisible barriers to women’s success
    • Agnieszka Lendzion

    In the area of science and higher education, as in business and politics, the job situation of women is improving, and the percentage of women on executive positions is increasing. However, there is still a serious underrepresentation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. Ladies also take part in the strategic institutional events less frequently. There are still serious disproportions in academic and management positions, and the research career of women in relation to men slows down and encounters various barriers. Universities and research institutions undertake various bottom-up and top-down, voluntary and forced gender equality initiatives. Nevertheless, women still face the phenomena of the glass ceiling, glass escalator, discrimination, violent behavior, income inequality and other barriers on their career paths. What makes barriers and stereotypes still present in a well-educated, aware academic and research environment? What can we do to overcome these problems? How to introduce changes effectively so that women climb (not only the scientific) career levels with a similar and the same impetus as men, so that research teams and decision-making bodies become diverse? During the discussion panel dedicated to uncover the invisible barriers to women’s success, we will try to answer these questions, share good practices and discuss potential solutions supporting women in academic environment.

  • Understanding ion–ion and ion–solvent interactions in aqueous solutions of morpholinium ionic liquids with N-acetyl-L-alaninate anion through partial molar properties and molecular dynamics simulations
    • Dorota Warmińska
    • Maciej Śmiechowski

    Amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) provide a low toxicity, biodegradable alternative to conventional ionic liquids, while also maintaining solubility in water. Densities and sound velocities of aqueous solutions of four amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs), based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-alaninate ([N-Ac-L-Ala]) anion were measured at T = (293.15–313.15) K and at atmospheric pressure. These data were used to derive the apparent molar volumes and the apparent molar compressibilities in the concentration range of (0.02–0.3) mol kg−1. Established extrapolation procedures were applied to estimate the values of the limiting apparent molar volumes and the limiting apparent molar compressibilities. The limiting apparent molar expansibility coefficients were obtained and the hydration numbers for AAILs in aqueous solution were calculated using Passynski’s method. The results indicate that ion–solvent interactions in the studied solutions are determined by the hydrophobic effect and the charge effect, which are both dependent on temperature. At low temperatures the ion–solvent interactions are determined by the hydrophobic effect which results in the decrease of the limiting apparent molar compressibilities with an elongation of the alkyl chain of the cation of AAIL. At high temperatures the charge effect is dominant due to the decreasing limiting apparent molar compressibilities. On the other hand, ion–ion interactions are dominated by the hydrophobic effect regardless of the temperature. Molecular dynamics simulations were also performed and applied in interpretation of experimental data at atomistic detail. Computed limiting apparent molar volumes correlate well with the values derived from experiment. The apparent hydration volume, obtained by subtracting the intrinsic volume contribution, is large and positive, indicating hydrophobic hydration and not electrostriction is the principal mode of ions’ influence on the solvent. Analysis of radial distribution functions confirms insignificant share of ion–ion interactions via contact ion pairing. The solvation shells signify predominantly hydrophobic hydration, with locally strongly hydrated functional groups.

  • Understanding the early-stage release of volatile organic compounds from rapeseed oil during deep-frying of tubers by targeted and omics-inspired approaches using PTR-MS and gas chromatography
    • Tomasz Majchrzak
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Andrzej Wasik

    During deep-frying, a plethora of volatile products is emitted with the fumes. These compounds could act as oil quality indicators and change the indoor air composition leading to health risks for occupants. The presented experiments focus on deep-frying of different tubers in rapeseed oil at different frying temperatures. Here, two scenarios for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) were proposed. The first, targeted, involved the application of gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The second, omics-inspired, involved the use of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) along with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and molecular networking algorithm as a complementary tool to the PTR-MS analysis. In a targeted approach, it was shown that the emission profile of pentanal and hexanal depends on the frying temperature and as the temperature increases, a sudden release of these compounds can be observed in the first minutes of frying. Meanwhile, using an omics-inspired protocol enables finding the relation between 1,4-heptadienal and 2-heptanone, octanal and limonene emissions. Using both approaches it was possible to record real-time changes in emission profiles of various oils’ degradation products. It was also observed that the emission profiles of VOCs are strictly related to the frying temperature and the type of fried tuber.

  • Understanding the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Vacancy-Ordered Double Perovskite A2BX6 for Optoelectronic Applications
    • Muhammad Faizan
    • Xinjiang Wang
    • Shaimaa A. M. Abdelmohsen
    • K. C. Bhamu
    • Subrahmanyam Sappati
    • Amel Laref
    • Nisar Muhammad
    • Muhammad Mushtaq
    • Ashraf M. M. Abdelbacki
    • Rabah Khenata
    2022 Full text ENERGY & FUELS

    Over the past few years, metal halide perovskite solar cells have made significant advances. Currently, the single-junction perovskite solar cells reach a conversion efficiency of 25.7%. Perovskite solar cells with a wide band gap can also be used as top absorber layers in multi-junction tandem solar cells. We examined the dynamical and thermal stability, electronic structure, and optical features of In2PtX 6 (X = Cl, Br, and I) perovskites, utilizing first-principle calculations. The stability is predicted using phonon dispersion spectrum and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation and also through the convex hull approach. The lattice constants and the optimized volume show an increasing trend with changing halide ions. The band structures computed for In2 PtCl6, In 2PtBr 6, and In2 PtI6 indicate their semiconducting nature with band gap values of 2.06, 2.01, and 1.35 eV, respectively. Halogens p and Pt d orbitals, respectively, play a prominent role in the formation of states around valence band maximum and conduction band minimum. The compounds, namely, In2PtBr 6 and In2PtI 6, exhibit high dielectric constants and small carrier effective masses. Furthermore, we found that In2 PtI 6 reveals a maximum theoretical efficiency owing to its optimum band gap and high optical absorption and is comparable to MAPbI3 in the studied range. Our results suggest that In 2PtX 6 (X = Cl, Br, and I) are suitable materials for single-junction and top absorber layers in tandem solar cells.

  • Underwater Processing of Materials
    • Dariusz Fydrych
    • Jacek Tomków
    2022 Full text Materials

    Editorial do SI

  • Underwater wet welding of S1300 ultra-high strength steel
    • Jacek Tomków
    • Michał Landowski
    • Dariusz Fydrych
    • Grzegorz Rogalski
    2022 Full text MARINE STRUCTURES

    Marine Structures Volume 81, January 2022, 103120 Underwater wet welding of S1300 ultra-high strength steel Author links open overlay panelJacekTomkówGrzegorzRogalski Get rights and content Under a Creative Commons licenseopen access Highlights • Technological method of S1300 steel underwater weldability improving was proposed. • Number of cracks and hardness of welded joints was reduced by Temper Bead Welding (TBW). • Thickness of the base metal does not affect the effectiveness of the TBW technique. • The highest TBW effectiveness was found for 50% beads overlap. Abstract An expected tendency in marine and offshore structures is an increasing share of steels with high mechanical properties. The necessity to perform the welding work under water leads to a decreasing of the weldability of the steel. It results from the increased susceptibility to form cold cracks, especially in welded structures made of high-strength steel. A potential method, which may improve the problem of limited weldability of steel under water is the use of temper bead welding (TBW) technique. In this paper, the possibility of underwater wet welding by covered electrode S1300 ultra-high strength steel of different thickness (4 mm and 10 mm) has been investigated. The visual, metallographic macro- and microscopic tests, and Vickers HV10 measurements of samples with two nonparallel beads were performed. On the basis of the performed tests, the effectiveness of TBW technique was quantitatively verified. It was proved that TBW leads to positive microstructural changes and reduces the number of cracks in different regions of welded joints. Moreover, it was found that the proposed technique allows to decrease the hardness of S1300 steel joint by 30–80 HV10 in the weld metal and 40–100 HV10 in heat-affected zone. Finally, it was stated that the thickness of the base material does not affect the effectiveness of the TBW technique.

  • Universal construction of genuinely entangled subspaces of any size
    • Maciej Demianowicz
    2022 Full text Quantum Journal

    We put forward a simple construction of genuinely entangled subspaces – subspaces supporting only genuinely multipartite entangled states – of any permissible dimensionality for any number of parties and local dimensions. The method uses nonorthogonal product bases, which are built from totally nonsingular matrices with a certain structure. We give an explicit basis for the constructed subspaces. An immediate consequence of our result is the possibility of constructing in the general multiparty scenario genuinely multiparty entangled mixed states with ranks up to the maximal dimension of a genuinely entangled subspace.

  • Unusual divergence of magnetoacoustic beams
    • Anna Perelomova
    2022 Full text PHYSICS OF PLASMAS

    Two-dimensional magnetosonic beams directed along a line forming a constant angle h with the equilibrium straight magnetic field are considered. Perturbations in a plasma are described by the system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. The dynamics of perturbations in a beam are different in the cases of fast and slow modes, and it is determined by h and equilibrium parameters of a plasma. In particular, a beam divergence may be unusual in the case of parallel propagation (h ¼ 0). Diffraction is more pronounced in the case of parallel propagation as compared to a flow without magnetic field, and less manifested in the case of perpendicular propagation. The beams propagating oblique to the magnetic field do not reveal diffraction. The dynamics of perturbations in a beam are analytically described in the cases of weak and strong nonlinearity compared to diffraction. Small magnitude perturbations at the axis of a beam in unusual cases propagate slower than that in the plane wave. Involving of thermal conduction leads to the coupling equations describing thermal self-action of a beam, which behaves differently in the ordinary and unusual cases. Self-focusing may occur in the presence of a magnetic field instead of conventional defocusing in gases

  • Up-to-date strategies and future trends towards the extraction and purification of Capsaicin: A comprehensive review
    • Roberto Castro-Muñoz
    • Emilia Gontarek-Castro
    • Seid Mahdi Jafari

    Background According to the current need of manufacturing healthier products, food companies are seeking specific biomolecules that may offer additional added value (i.e., biological activities) to the new food formulations. Capsaicin, as the pungent ingredient of chili peppers, has become so far one of the target biomolecules explored since the 1950s. There is evidence demonstrating that capsaicin exhibits important biological properties in human health including inhibits acid secretion, stimulates alkali and mucus secretion and particularly gastric mucosal blood flow contributing to the prevention and healing of gastric ulcers, thermoregulation, among many other reported bioactivities. Scope and approach However, one of the main bottlenecks deals with the proper protocol of extraction and purification of this compound since most of the conventional methods based on solvent extraction do not provide efficient yield, along with diminished bioactivity of the compounds. Therefore, this review comprehensively elucidates the current strategies proposed by researchers towards the sustainable extraction and purification of capsaicin from its natural source, and comparison over traditional extraction methods. Particular emphasis has been focused on the innovative extraction techniques and the relevant insights over the last five years. Key findings and conclusion A detailed discussion is provided on the advantages and drawbacks of the novel techniques, key interactions with target molecules and their effect on the bioactivity of capsaicin. To finalize, according to the findings of this review, the future trends, perspectives, and research gaps are also given.