Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2023

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  • Reactivity of triphosphinoboranes towards H3B·SMe2: access to derivatives of boraphosphacycloalkanes with diverse substituents
    • Anna Ordyszewska
    • Jarosław Chojnacki
    • Rafał Grubba
    2023 Full text DALTON TRANSACTIONS

    Triphosphinoboranes activated the B–H bond in the BH3 molecule without any catalysts at room temperature. Hydroboration reactions led to boraphosphacyloalkanes with diverse structures. The outcomes of reactions depend on the size of the phosphanyl substituent on the boron atom of the parent triphosphinoborane, where derivatives of boraphosphacyclobutane and boraphosphacyclohexane were obtained. Furthermore, the precursor of triphosphinoboranes, namely bromodiphosphinoborane, also exhibited high reactivity towards H3B·SMe2, yielding bromo-substituted boraphosphacyclobutane. The obtained products were characterized by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, single crystal X-ray diffraction, and elemental analysis.

  • Reaktory elektrochemiczne w przemyśle - konstrukcja i zastosowania
    • Dominika Parasińska
    • Grzegorz Skowierzak
    • Tadeusz Ossowski
    2023 Full text Wiadomości Chemiczne

    Z biegiem lat reakcje elektrochemiczne przestały być postrzegane jedynie jako eksperymenty laboratoryjne lub proste baterie. Chociaż mechanizm reakcji i budowa prostych reaktorów znana jest ludzkości już od ponad 100 lat w ostatnich latach można zauważyć największy wzrost zainteresowania tą dziedziną. Nowy stale opracowywane są lepsze projekty budowy reaktorów. Modyfikacje to nie tylko rodzaje i formy materiałów, z których wykonane są elektrody są wykonywane, ale także metody rozdzielania, postać elektrolitu czy metodę przepływu prądu. Tak szeroki zakres innowacji pozwolił na rozwój nowe, coraz ciekawsze zastosowania tych procesów. Obecność Metody elektrochemiczne można spotkać w przemyśle w procesach otrzymywania odczynniki chemiczne, metale i bardziej złożone związki, takie jak leki, a także rafinacja metali poprzez galwanizację. Ponadto w wielu przypadkach stosuje się elektrochemię przyrządy analityczne jako czujnik, na przykład przy pomiarach pH. Aspekt wykorzystanie reaktorów elektrochemicznych do celów energetycznych jako źródła energii elektrycznej generacji, która nie emituje szkodliwych substancji zanieczyszczających i nie wymaga dalszego wykorzystania paliwa kopalne również zyskują coraz większe znaczenie. Ponadto dzięki elektrolizie istnieje także możliwość wytwarzania wodoru, który oprócz wielu innych zastosowaniach, zaczyna także odgrywać coraz większą rolę jako nowe, nieszkodliwe paliwo. Nie należy również zapominać o rozwijaniu możliwości oczyszczanie ścieków z większą efektywnością niż dotychczasowe metody oczyszczania, zwłaszcza małych ilości związków. Ten artykuł ma na celu przegląd obu ostatnich opracowane metody budowy reaktorów elektrochemicznych, a także ich zakres zastosowań i możliwości dalszego rozwoju tych metod.

  • Recent advancements in molecularly imprinted polymers for the removal of heavy metal ions and dyes
    • Muhammad Khan
    • Shan E Zehra Syeda
    • Anna Skwierawska
    2023 Desalination and Water Treatment

    Contamination set off by highly toxic metal ions and dyes is a big threat to the environment and living beings. Various industries like metal plating, mining, pesticides, battery manufacturing, and dyeing release metal ions and toxic dyes directly into the water. It is necessary to remove these toxic substances from the environment. Molecular imprinting technology (MIT) got a lot of attention in the last two decades because of several advantages over conventional adsorption technologies. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are compatible with natural antibodies having the highest selectivity due to specific recognition sites for the template molecules. Selectivity is the major advantage of MIP, any targeted heavy metal ions and dyes can be separated efficiently. Various polymerization procedures can be used for the MIP preparation started by self-assembled monomers surrounding the molecules of the template because of the “monomer functional groups and template” interchange. Various studies have been made for the removal of metal ions and dyes from water and excellent results have been attained. Continuous research developments are being done for real applications of MIPs to remove toxic environmental substances that are not only harmful to humans and other organisms but also disturb the ecological balance. This review represents the development of current MIPs, advantages as well as disadvantages exhibited from various angles to complete a roadmap towards industrial and commercial use of MIPs.

  • Recent advances in 3D bioprinted tumor models for personalized medicine
    • Przemysław Gnatowski
    • Edyta Piłat
    • Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Michael R. Hamblin
    • Masoud Mozafari
    2023 Full text Translational Oncology

    Cancerous tumors are among the most fatal diseases worldwide, claiming nearly 10 million lives in 2020. Due to their complex and dynamic nature, modeling tumors accurately is a challenging task. Current models suffer from inadequate translation between in vitro and in vivo results, primarily due to the isotropic nature of tumors and their microenvironment's relationship. To address these limitations, hydrogel-based 3D bioprinting is emerging as a promising approach to mimic cancer development and behavior. It provides precise control over individual elements' size and distribution within the cancer microenvironment and enables the use of patient-derived tumor cells, rather than commercial lines. Consequently, hydrogel bioprinting is expected to become a state-of-the-art technique for cancer research. This manuscript presents an overview of cancer statistics, current modeling methods, and their limitations. Additionally, we highlight the significance of bioprinting, its applications in cancer modeling, and the importance of hydrogel selection. We further explore the current state of creating models for the five deadliest cancers using 3D bioprinting. Finally, we discuss current trends and future perspectives on the clinical use of cancer modeling using hydrogel bioprinting.

  • Recent advances in electrochemically surface treated titanium and its alloys for biomedical applications: A review of anodic and plasma electrolytic oxidation methods
    • Balbina Makurat-Kasprolewicz
    • Agnieszka Ossowska
    2023 Materials Today Communications

    Nowadays, titanium and its alloys are widely used materials in implantology. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge is still its appropriate surface treatment in order to induce optimal properties, which facilitates formation of a permanent bond between the implant and human tissue. The use of electrochemical treatment such as anodic oxidation or plasma electrolytic oxidation allows for the production of porous coating that mimics the bone structure and accelerates the osseointegration process. The literature shows that the morphology, thickness, crystallinity, chemical composition, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of coatings, as well as their bioactivity, strongly depend on the parameters of electrochemical processes (voltage, duration, composition and temperature of the electrolyte). The purpose of this study is to review, summarize, and analyze the latest accomplishments and trends in the development of coatings used in implantology, produced with the use of electrochemical oxidation and micro arc oxidation. Recent progress and future challenges associated with the surface modification of titanium and its alloy for biomedical applications have been discussed.

  • Recent Advances in Nanocomposite Membranes for Organic Compound Remediation from Potable Waters
    • Jose R. Aguilar Cosme
    • Roberto Castro-Muñoz
    • Vahid Vatanpour
    2023 ChemBioEng Reviews

    Water treatment is one of the main approaches for producing drinking water from contaminated water sources which is challenging due to the presence of a variety of substances requiring removal. The fabrication of nanocomposite membranes relies either on filling nanomaterials into polymeric phases before membrane fabrication, or coating of nanomaterials on the fabricated membrane surface. The removal of organic compounds from potable waters requires processes such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis. Since most nanomaterials display interesting organic compound uptakes from aqueous systems, nanocomposite membranes have been tested in the removal of various substances from potable waters. Currently, many membrane processes necessitate more advanced and well-designed selective barriers that may guarantee both permeation and separation efficiency. The progresses and breakthroughs on nanocomposite membranes in remediating potable waters are reported, highlighting novel composite formulations and emphasizing recent advances and outcomes in the field.

  • Recent advances of selected passive heat transfer intensification methods for phase change material-based latent heat energy storage units: A review
    • Michał Rogowski
    • Rafał Andrzejczyk

    The following article overviews recent studies regarding heat transfer enhancement methods, explicitly focusing on fins and coils utilization, in phase change material-based latent heat thermal energy storage systems. It discusses the influence of various geometrical and material parameters on the melting and solidification processes, as well as the orientation of the heat transfer surface within the storage tank. Additionally, the article examines the use of a range of phase change materials regarding their melting temperature. Results show that there are research gaps regarding a few ranges of phase change materials of certain previously studied melting points. This paper's main goal was to detect possible research gaps within the phase change studies field. It should be highlighted that a vast amount of numerical studies of both finned and coiled geometries is in need of experimental verification. More than 62% of analyzed studies were performed numerically, while only 37% were performed experimentally. What is more, there were only a few studies concerning experimental investigations for melting temperatures higher than 60 °C. Furthermore, the majority of experimental as well as numerical studies were concerned only with melting phenomena. This paper also advocates for more standardized studies regarding coil geometries using non-dimensional parameters.

  • Recent applications and future prospects of magnetic biocatalysts
    • Rafael Leandro Fernandes Melo
    • Misael Bessa Sales
    • Viviane de Castro Bizerra
    • Paulo Gonçalves de Sousa Junior
    • Antônio Luthierre Gama Cavalcante
    • Tiago Melo Freire
    • Francisco Simão Neto
    • Muhammad Bilal
    • Teofil Jesionowski
    • João Maria Soares
    • Pierre Basílio Almeida Fechine
    • José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos

    Magnetic biocatalysts combine magnetic properties with the catalytic activity of enzymes, achieving easy recovery and reuse in biotechnological processes. Lipases immobilized by magnetic nanoparticles dominate. This review covers an advanced bibliometric analysis and an overview of the area, elucidating research advances. Using WoS, 34,949 publications were analyzed and refined to 450. The prominent journals, countries, institutions, and authors that published the most were identified. The most cited articles showed research hotspots. The analysis of the themes and keywords identified five clusters and showed that the main field of research is associated with obtaining biofuels derived from different types of sustainable vegetable oils. The overview of magnetic biocatalysts showed that these materials are also employed in biosensors, photothermal therapy, environmental remediation, and medical applications. The industry shows a significant interest, with the number of patents increasing. Future studies should focus on immobilizing new lipases in unique materials with magnetic profiles, aiming to improve the efficiency for various biotechnological applications.

  • Recent progress in ultra-low formaldehyde emitting adhesive systems and formaldehyde scavengers in wood-based panels: a review
    • Lubos Kristak
    • Petar Antov
    • Pavlo Bekhta
    • Muhammad Adly Rahandi Lubis
    • Apri Heri Iswanto
    • Roman Reh
    • Jan Sedliacik
    • Viktor Savov
    • Hamid R. Taghiyari
    • Antonios N. Papadopoulos
    • Antonio Pizzi
    • Aleksander Hejna
    2023 Wood Material Science & Engineering

    Traditional wood-based panels are produced with synthetic, formaldehyde-based adhesives, commonly made from fossil-derived constituents, such as urea, phenol, melamine, etc. Along with their numerous advantages, such as chemical versatility, high reactivity and excellent adhesive performance, these adhesives are characterized by certain problems, connected with the hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mostly free formaldehyde in the adhesives and the formaldehyde emission from the finished wood composites, which is carcinogenic to humans and harmful to the environment. The growing environmental concerns and stringent legislative requirements to the formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels have posed new challenges to researchers and industrial practice, related to the development of sustainable, eco-friendly wood-based panels with close-to-zero formaldehyde emission. The most common methods to reduce the formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels have been to decrease the free formaldehyde in the adhesive by modifying the adhesive (like lowering the molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea in UF resin) or by using formaldehyde scavengers, one group of scavengers being for adhesives by mixing or reacting and the second one scavengers for wood-based panels as post-treatments. Another way is to use alternative bio-based adhesives, however, there are still substantial challenges for the complete replacement of formaldehyde-based adhesives with bio-based adhesives, mainly because of their relatively low bonding strength, poor water resistance, etc. This article presents a review and analysis of the current state of research in the field of low formaldehyde emission wood adhesives and formaldehyde scavengers for manufacturing low-toxic, eco-friendly wood composites.

  • Reception of Terrestrial DAB+ and FM Radio with a Mobile Device: A Subjective Quality Evaluation
    • Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski

    Nowadays, terrestrial broadcasting enables to receive content anytime and everywhere. People can obtain information both with a portable or desktop receiver, which include pocket-sized devices as well as high-end Hi-Fi equipment, not to mention car audio systems. Numerous manufacturers include FM-compatible chipsets in a variety of user equipment (UE), including mobile phones. However, digital radio signal processing modules, such as, i.e., Digital Audio Broadcasting plus (DAB+), are not that popular. Currently, only one smartphone available on the market offers such possibilities This paper examines the reception quality of terrestrial digital DAB+ and analog FM radio with the use of a mobile device. The study was carried out on a number of broadcasts simulcasted in both standards, and involved a group of 30 listeners aged between 20–25 years old. Next, results were compared with subjective scores obtained using a high-end desktop radio receiver. The aim of this work is to determine whether small size mobile UE can offer high-quality reception, and whether a smartphone can compete with a traditional indoor receiver. Results of carried out studies may aid and inspire devices manufacturers as well as content and service providers, speeding up the whole digitization process.

  • Rectangular Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
    • Michał Baranowski
    • Łukasz Balewski
    • Adam Lamęcki
    • Michał Mrozowski

    In this paper, a novel design for rectangular waveguide filters with deformed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators is demonstrated. The new resonant cavity shape is a result of applying shape deformation to the basic rectangular cavity to enable its dual-mode operation. Internal coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is realized by geometry deformation, eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The designs are developed within the constraints of 3-D printing to allow their fabrication in one piece. In addition, the design method used results in models with smooth surfaces, which is highly desirable for high-power and low-loss applications. A deformed DM cavity is analyzed and a single cavity second-order filter is designed and presented. Finally, two types of fourth-order filters with transmission zeros are designed by combining two deformed DM cavities and their performance is verified experimentally by a 3D-printed prototype.

  • Recycling of photovoltaic modules - legal status, technology, market prospects
    • Jakub Łukasik
    • Jan Wajs
    2023 Rynek Energii

    The increase in the number of manufactured and installed photovoltaic modules and the growing concern about the insufficient supply of pure silicon imply the need to take action to develop infrastructure for recycling PV modules. The article presents a multifaceted analysis of the current state of development of the photovoltaic module recycling sector from a global and national perspective. The essence of the issue was introduced in the context of the rapid growth of the solar energy sector in recent years. Various technologies for the production of PV cells were presented, categorized according to their generations. The available methods of recycling the most popular on the market silicon crystal modules (I generation) and thin-film modules (II generation) were presented, as well as innovative techniques that are currently in the stage of laboratory research. The current legal status dedicated to recycling processes and requirements for effective waste processing are discussed. In the face of the ongoing energy transformation and forecasts on the increase in installed capacity in photovoltaics in Poland and worldwide, the prospects for the development of this market in the future have been outlined.

  • Red Kale (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. acephala L. var. sabellica) Induces Apoptosis in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro
    • Kamila Rachwał
    • Iwona Niedźwiedź
    • Adam Waśko
    • Tomasz Laskowski
    • Paweł Szczeblewski
    • Wirginia Kukula-Koch
    • Magdalena Polak-Berecka
    2023 Full text MOLECULES

    This article presents the results of studies investigating the effect of red kale (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. acephala L. var. sabellica) extract on cancer cells (HT-29). The cytotoxicity of the red kale extract was assessed using MTT and LDH assays, while qRT-PCR was employed to analyze the expression of genes associated with the p53 signaling pathway to elucidate the effect of the extract on cancer cells. Furthermore, HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS was applied to identify bioactive com- pounds present in red kale. The obtained results indicated that red kale extract reduced the viability and suppressed the proliferation of HT-29 cells (the IC50 value of 60.8 μg/mL). Additionally, mRNA expression analysis revealed significant upregulation of several genes, i.e., casp9, mapk10, mapk11, fas, kat2 b, and ubd, suggesting the induction of cell apoptosis through the caspase-dependent path- way. Interestingly, the study revealed a decrease in the expression of genes including cdk2 and cdk4 encoding cell cycle-related proteins, which may lead to cell cycle arrest. Furthermore, the study identified certain bioactive compounds, such as sinigrin, spirostanol, hesperetin and usam- barensine, which could potentially contribute to the apoptotic effect of red kale extracts. However, further investigations are necessary to elucidate the specific role of these individual compounds in the anti-cancer process.

  • Rediscovering Automatic Detection of Stuttering and Its Subclasses through Machine Learning—The Impact of Changing Deep Model Architecture and Amount of Data in the Training Set
    • Piotr Filipowicz
    • Bożena Kostek
    2023 Full text Applied Sciences-Basel

    This work deals with automatically detecting stuttering and its subclasses. An effective classification of stuttering along with its subclasses could find wide application in determining the severity of stuttering by speech therapists, preliminary patient diagnosis, and enabling communication with the previously mentioned voice assistants. The first part of this work provides an overview of examples of classical and deep learning methods used in automated stuttering classifications as well as databases and features used. Then, two classical algorithms (k-NN (k-nearest neighbor) and SVM (support vector machine) and several deep models (ConvLSTM; ResNetBiLstm; ResNet18; Wav2Vec2) are examined on the available stuttering dataset. The experiments investigate the influence of individual signal features such as Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), pitch-determining features in the signal, and various 2D speech representations on the classification results. The most successful algorithm, i.e., ResNet18, can classify speech disorders at the F1 measure of 0.93 for the general class. Additionally, deep learning shows superiority over a classical approach to stuttering disorder detection. However, due to insufficient data and the quality of the annotations, the results differ between stuttering subcategories. Observation of the impact of the number of dense layers, the amount of data in the training set, and the amount of data divided into the training and test sets on the effectiveness of stuttering event detection is provided for further use of this methodology.

  • Reduced-Cost Microwave Modeling Using Constrained Domains and Dimensionality Reduction
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
    • Ullah Ubaid
    2023 Full text Scientific Reports

    Development of modern microwave devices largely exploits full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Yet, simulation-driven design may be problematic due to the incurred CPU expenses. Addressing the high-cost issues stimulated the development of surrogate modeling methods. Among them, data-driven techniques seem to be the most widespread owing to their flexibility and accessibility. Nonetheless, applicability of approximation-based modeling for real-world microwave components is hindered by a high nonlinearity of the system characteristics, dimensionality issues, and broad ranges of operating parameters the model should cover to make it practically useful. Performance-driven modeling frameworks deliver a partial mitigation of these problems through appropriate spatial orientation of the metamodel domain, which only encapsulates high-quality designs and not the entire space. Unfortunately, the initial model setup cost is high, as defining the domain requires database designs that need to be a priori acquired. This paper introduces a novel approach, where the database designs are replaced by random observables, and dimensionality of the domain is reduced using spectral analysis thereof. The major contributions of the work include implementation of the explicit dimensionality reduction of the confined surrogate model domain and introducing this concept into a complete cost-efficient framework for modeling of microwave components. Comprehensive benchmarking demonstrates excellent performance of the introduced framework, both in terms of predictive power of the rendered surrogates, their scalability properties, as well as low computational overhead associated with the model setup.

  • Reducing nighttime light exposure in the urban environment to benefit human health and society
    • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • Eva S. Schernhammer
    • John, P. Hanifin
    • George Brainard
    2023 SCIENCE

    Nocturnal light pollution can have profound effects on humans and other organisms. Recent research indicates that nighttime outdoor lighting is increasing rapidly. Evidence from controlled laboratory studies demonstrates that nocturnal light exposure can strain the visual system, disrupt circadian physiology, suppress melatonin secretion, and impair sleep. There is a growing body of work pointing to adverse effects of outdoor lighting on human health, including the risk of chronic diseases, but this knowledge is in a more nascent stage. In this Review, we synthesize recent research on the context-specific factors and physiology relevant to nocturnal light exposure in relation to human health and society, identify critical areas for future research, and highlight recent policy steps and recommendations for mitigating light pollution in the urban environment.

  • Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
    • Jacek Skibicki
    • Andrzej Wilk
    • Władysław Koc
    • Roksana Licow
    • Jacek Szmagliński
    • Piotr Chrostowski
    • Sławomir Judek
    • Krzysztof Karwowski
    • Sławomir Grulkowski
    2023 Full text SENSORS

    The article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning of objects is required, especially in motion. The article proposes a new method to determine object’s location using geometric constraints of a number of GNSS receivers arranged in symmetric configuration. The proposed method has been verified by comparing signals recorded by up to five GNSS receivers during stationary and dynamic measurements. The dynamic measurement was made on a tram track within the framework of a cycle of studies upon effective and efficient methods to catalogue and diagnose tracks. A detailed analysis of the results obtained with the quasi-multiple measurement method confirms remarkable reduction in their uncertainty. Their synthesis shows the usability of this method in dynamic conditions. The proposed method is expected to find application in measurements requiring high accuracy, and in case of deterioration of the signal quality from satellites by one or more of GNSS receivers due to the appearance of natural obstacles.

  • Reduction in Errors in Roughness Evaluation with an Accurate Definition of the S-L Surface
    • Przemysław Podulka
    • Wojciech Macek
    • Ricardo Branco
    • Reza Masoudi Nejad
    2023 Full text Materials

    Characterization of surface topography, roughly divided into measurement and data analysis, can be valuable in the process of validation of the tribological performance of machined parts. Surface topography, especially the roughness, can respond straightly to the machining process and, in some cases, is defined as a fingerprint of the manufacturing. When considering the high precision of surface topography studies, the definition of both S-surface and L-surface can drive many errors that influence the analysis of the accuracy of the manufacturing process. Even if precise measuring equipment (device and method) is provided but received data are processed erroneously, the precision is still lost. From that matter, the precise definition of the S-L surface can be valuable in the roughness evaluation allowing a reduction in the rejection of properly made parts. In this paper, it was proposed how to select an appropriate procedure for the removal of the L- and S- components from the raw measured data. Various types of surface topographies were considered, e.g., plateau-honed (some with burnished oil pockets), turned, milled, ground, laser-textured, ceramic, composite, and, generally, isotropic. They were measured with different (stylus and optical) methods, respectively, and parameters from the ISO 25178 standard were also taken into consideration. It was found that commonly used and available commercial software methods can be valuable and especially helpful in the precise definition of the S-L surface; respectively, its usage requires an appropriate response (knowledge) from the users.

  • Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Offshore Combined Cycle Diesel Engine-Steam Turbine Power Plant Powered by Alternative Fuels
    • Wojciech Olszewski
    • Marek Dzida
    • Van Giao Nguyen
    • Dao Nam Cao
    2023 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    Diverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions the realisation of its 2050 targets through a suite of strategies encompassing deliberate reductions in vessel speed, enhanced ship operations, improved propulsion systems, and a transition towards low and zero-emission fuels such as LNG, methanol, hydrogen, and ammonia. While the majority of vessels currently depend on heavy fuel or low-sulphur fuel oil, novel designs integrating alternative fuels are gaining prominence. Technologies like exhaust gas purification systems, LNG, and methanol are being embraced to achieve minimised emissions. This study introduces the concept of a high-power combined ship system, composed of a primary main engine, a diesel engine, and a steam turbine system, harnessing the energy contained within the flue gases of the main combustion engine. Assumptions, constraints for calculations, and a thermodynamic evaluation of the combined cycle are outlined. Additionally, the study scrutinises the utilisation of alternative fuels for ship propulsion and their potential to curtail exhaust emissions, with a specific focus on reducing CO2 output

  • Reduction of exceeding the guaranteed service time for external trucks at the DCT Gdańsk container terminal using a six sigma framework
    • Karol Moszyk
    • Mariusz Deja
    2023 Full text International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

    Purpose The purpose of this research was to investigate ways to reduce the average amount of exceeded guaranteed service time for external trucks at Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk Sp z o.o. (DCT Gdańsk) via dosing the gate activities, in particular IN-Gate entry process of trucks carrying import/export/transit containers. Design/methodology/approach A Six Sigma methodology with the DMAIC methods along with the SIPOC chart, cause and effect diagram, scatterplot, benchmark and brainstorming and finally multi-voting tool are used as analyses tools in this research. Findings Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk Sp z o.o. (DCT Gdańsk) reorganized and modernized the Gate Operations. Gate reorganization and modernization includes streaming line traffic at the gates, external parking lot optimization, implementation of dedicated supporting software and installation of dedicated CCTV cameras to provide 24h life view. During gates development, the external truck service times data were collected and analysed. The obtained materials concerned the measurement of the average truck turnaround time before and after the implementation of the improvements. Originality/value The proposed approach of reducing the average amount of exceeded guaranteed service time of external trucks at the container terminal is unique and relatively cheap mainly due to organisational changes with some widely available low-cost investments and can be applied on a different scale to other container terminals or to transport and logistics companies.