Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2024

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  • Hazards of a flooding event in the city of Gdansk and possible forms of preventing the phenomenon – case study
    • Roman Cieśliński
    • Michał Szydłowski
    • Izabela Chlost
    • Patrycja Mikos-Studnicka
    2024 Urban Water Journal

    The main objective is to examine the urban flood hazard in the city of Gdansk and to determine the possibilities of preventing this phenomenon. Hydrological and hydraulic modeling was used for the case study analysis of urban flood in Strzyża basin, applying the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS systems. The result of modeling with the assumption of torrential rainfall with a duration of t = 1 h (from 35 to 58 mm) is the probability of pluvial flood occurrence divided into low probability (p = 10%), high probability (p = 1%) and catastrophic probability (p = 0.2%). The normal flow of the Strzyża stream at the mouth is 0.175 m3·s−1, while the modeling results indicate an increase in the flow depending on the assumed flood flow probability from about 41.8 m3·s−1 to 54.7 m3·s−1. In addition, the article presents the basic elements of the policy of the city of Gdańsk in the field of reducing the hazards of urban flooding.

  • Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in the Casing Pipe
    • Romuald Masnicki
    • Janusz Mindykowski
    • Beata Pałczyńska

    The current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its ability to carry a specific current and is related to the efficiency of dissipation of heat generated in the cable laid in a specific environment. The studies were conducted in order to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature, and thus the ability of the cable to transmit electricity. The experimentation in the lab and real measurements of the temperature values at various locations in the casing pipe constitute the article's uniqueness. The article presents an innovative concept of a laboratory stand, designed to measure the dissipation of heat emitted by a cable in separated casing pipes with various filling materials. The assessment of heat removal is made based on the recorded distribution of temperatures and related voltage drops in individual casing pipes. It has been demonstrated for the instance under investigation that using the right fillers around the cable may reduce cable temperature, boost the cable's current carrying capability, and provide more efficient heat dissipation. Extended tests include measuring the temperature distribution in casing pipes: (i) filled partially with a heat-dissipating substance, (ii) with substances a year earlier and newly introduced into casing pipes, (iii) for extended values of the current flowing through the cable, as well as (iv) with additional measurements of voltage drops on the cable in individual segments of casing pipes. The obtained results can be used in diagnostics procedures to locate sections of the casing pipe not completely filled with the material that removes heat from the cable.

  • Heterogeneity of national accounting systems, world-class universities and financial resources: What are the links?
    • Alessandro Avenali
    • Cinzia Daraio
    • Simone Di Leo
    • Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
    2024 Full text Journal of Informetrics

    This study investigates the relationship between university financial resources, applied accounting systems, and the place of a university in the Shanghai Ranking. We find a strong relationship between the financial resources under the control of a world-class university and the position of that university in the highest tier of the global ranking. We propose a model (available online) to predict a university’s tier in the ranking through the financial resources it employs. A critical condition for making a university a world-class university could be to provide it with a sufficiently high level of financial resources, and its efficiency could play an important leverage role. In view of the results, policymakers are challenged with a drastic choice: to increase international competition among universities, it is necessary to concentrate a huge amount of resources on a few universities that are already in the ranking. In contrast, the policy of the proportional distribution of resources does not affect international competition and may be inefficient. Furthermore, financial data are not easy to gather homogeneously for universities across countries, due to the existence of different national accounting systems. Finally, we discuss several critical issues associated with the measurement of specific accounting data of universities.

  • Hey student, are you sharing your knowledge? A cluster typology of knowledge sharing behaviours among students
    • Małgorzata Zięba
    • Susanne Durst
    • Samuel Foli
    • Martyna Gonsiorowska
    2024 International Journal of Management Education

    Knowledge Sharing (KS) is crucial for all organisations to better face current and future challenges. It is justifiable to assume that after graduation, students will have to face the coming challenges at societal and business levels, and that they will need the adequate KS skills to do so. Though the importance of KS is established, the understanding of how students pass on their knowledge is still fragmented and underdeveloped. Therefore, a deeper understanding of students’ KS behaviour is crucial to identify and promote better actions. As different patterns of behaviour are very probable among students, this study aims to identify patterns that can be used to group students according to their KS behaviour. Drawing from a dataset of 124 Business and Management students, this paper empirically conceptualises a typology of KS behaviours among this group. The typology consists of three different types of student groups that emerged from a cluster analysis: new entrants with neutral KS behaviour, undergraduate students with strong KS behaviour facilitated by social ties, and mature students who share knowledge based on the perceived self-concept. By acknowledging the heterogeneity found among Business and Management students, this paper departs from viewing students as a homogeneous group.

  • Hidden Tensor Structures
    • Marek Czachor
    2024 Full text ENTROPY

    Any single system whose space of states is given by a separable Hilbert space is automatically equipped with infinitely many hidden tensor-like structures. This includes all quantum mechanical systems as well as classical field theories and classical signal analysis. Accordingly, systems as simple as a single one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, an infinite potential well, or a classical finite-amplitude signal of finite duration can be decomposed into an arbitrary number of subsystems. The resulting structure is rich enough to enable quantum computation, violation of Bell’s inequalities, and formulation of universal quantum gates. Less standard quantum applications involve a distinction between position and hidden position. The hidden position can be accompanied by a hidden spin, even if the particle is spinless. Hidden degrees of freedom are, in many respects, analogous to modular variables. Moreover, it is shown that these hidden structures are at the roots of some well-known theoretical constructions, such as the Brandt–Greenberg multi-boson representation of creation–annihilation operators, intensively investigated in the context of higher-order or fractional-order squeezing. In the context of classical signal analysis, the discussed structures explain why it is possible to emulate a quantum computer by classical analog circuit devices

  • High Efficiency Dual-Active-Bridge Converter with Triple-Phase-Shift Control for Battery Charger of Electric Vehicles
    • Shih-hao Kuo
    • Huang-Jen Chiu
    • Che-Wei Chiang
    • Ta-Wei Huang
    • Yu-Chen Chang
    • Serafin Bachman
    • Szymon Piasecki
    • Marek Jasiński
    • Marek Turzyński
    2024 Full text ENERGIES

    An optimal modulation scheme with triple-phase-shift (TPS) control could increase the efficiency in the entire load range for a dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter under wide output voltage range conditions. Therefore, this study proposes a convergent approach to TPS mode selection, coupled with an optimal modulation scheme, ensuring the circuit’s efficiency over the entire range in the realm of a high-power and high-efficiency battery charger for electric vehicles. The convergent approach to TPS mode selection also reduces the numerous cases for small-signal analysis through general average modeling. After verifying the small-signal models under various voltage transfer ratios and load conditions to verify the stability, a converter prototype with a rated power of 15 kW is built and tested. Thus, a peak efficiency of 97.7% can be achieved.

  • High frequency oscillations in human memory and cognition: a neurophysiological substrate of engrams?
    • Michał Kucewicz
    • Jesus Garcia Salinas
    • Jan Cimbalnik
    • Gregory A. Worrell
    • Milan Brazdil
    2024 Full text Brain: A Journal of Neurology

    Despite advances in understanding the cellular and molecular processes underlying memory and cognition, and recent successful modulation of cognitive performance in brain disorders, the neurophysiological mechanisms remain underexplored. High frequency oscillations beyond the classic electroencephalogram spectrum have emerged as a potential neural correlate of fundamental cognitive processes. High frequency oscillations are detected in the human mesial temporal lobe and neocortical intracranial recordings spanning gamma/epsilon (60-150 Hz), ripple (80-250 Hz) and higher frequency ranges. Separate from other non-oscillatory activities, these brief electrophysiological oscillations of distinct duration, frequency and amplitude are thought to be generated by coordinated spiking of neuronal ensembles within volumes as small as a single cortical column. Although the exact origins, mechanisms, and physiological roles in health and disease remain elusive, they have been associated with human memory consolidation and cognitive processing. Recent studies suggest their involvement in encoding and recall of episodic memory with a possible role in the formation and reactivation of memory traces. High frequency oscillations are detected during encoding, throughout maintenance, and right before recall of remembered items, meeting a basic definition for an engram activity. The temporal coordination of high frequency oscillations reactivated across cortical and subcortical neural networks is ideally suited for integrating multimodal memory representations, which can be replayed and consolidated during states of wakefulness and sleep. High frequency oscillations have been shown to reflect coordinated bursts of neuronal assembly firing and offer a promising substrate for tracking and modulation of the hypothetical electrophysiological engram.

  • High resolution optical and acoustic remote sensing datasets of the Puck Lagoon
    • Lukasz Janowski
    • Dimitrios Skarlatos
    • Panagiotis Agrafiotis
    • Paweł Tysiąc
    • Andrzej Pydyn
    • Mateusz Popek
    • Anna M. Kotarba-Morley
    • Gottfried Mandlburger
    • Łukasz Gajewski
    • Mateusz Kolakowski
    • Alexandra Papadaki
    • Juliusz Gajewski
    2024 Full text Scientific Data

    The very shallow marine basin of Puck Lagoon in the southern Baltic Sea, on the Northern coast of Poland, hosts valuable benthic habitats and cultural heritage sites. These include, among others, protected Zostera marina meadows, one of the Baltic’s major medieval harbours, a ship graveyard, and likely other submerged features that are yet to be discovered. Prior to this project, no comprehensive high-resolution remote sensing data were available for this area. This article describes the first Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from a combination of airborne bathymetric LiDAR, multibeam echosounder, airborne photogrammetry and satellite imagery. These datasets also include multibeam echosounder backscatter and LiDAR intensity, allowing determination of the character and properties of the seafloor. Combined, these datasets are a vital resource for assessing and understanding seafloor morphology, benthic habitats, cultural heritage, and submerged landscapes. Given the significance of Puck Lagoon’s hydrographical, ecological, geological, and archaeological environs, the high-resolution bathymetry, acquired by our project, can provide the foundation for sustainable management and informed decision-making for this area of interest.

  • Higher harmonics of the intensity modulated Photocurrent/Photovoltage spectroscopy response - a tool for studying photoelectrochemical nonlinearities
    • Adrian Olejnik
    • Katarzyna Grochowska
    2024 Full text MEASUREMENT

    In this work, a higher harmonic analysis (HHA) of the intensity modulated photocurrent/photovoltage (IMPS/IMVS) spectroscopy data is proposed as a potent tool for studying nonlinear phenomena in photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic systems. Analytical solutions of kinetic equations were constructed for cases of single and double resonance accounting for various sources of higher harmonics. These sources correspond to the physical sources of nonlinear effects in the response including intensity-dependent generation current, intensity-dependent recombination, and second-order recombination. Due to the fact that the solutions for those cases are different, a qualitative methodology for analysis of harmonics is proposed. The methodology is illustrated by two experimental examples – Si photodiode for IMVS and TiO2 nanotubes for IMPS. It was capable of distinguishing second order recombination in the first case and intensity-dependent transport rate for the latter.

  • Highly Integrable Planar-structured Printed Circularly Polarized Antenna for Emerging Wideband Internet of Things Applications in the Millimeter-Wave Band
    • Ullah Ubaid
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
    2024 Full text Scientific Reports

    This paper proposes a numerically and experimentally validated printed wideband antenna with a planar geometry for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This design tackles the challenges associated with deploying IoT sensors in remote areas or across extensive geographical regions. The proposed design exploits a coplanar-waveguide-fed modified microstrip line monopole for excitation of circularly polarized waves radiating in the broadside direction. The primary design is based on perturbations of the microstrip line protracted from a grounded coplanar waveguide. The capacitively coupled short rectangular stubs are periodically inserted alternately and excited asymmetrically on each side of the microstrip line parallel to the direction of the electric field vector. The sequential phase excitation of the periodic stubs generates a rectangular-cascaded electric field, which suppresses the stop band at the open end. As a result, the antenna radiates in the broadside direction. The impedance bandwidth of the antenna exceeds 8 GHz in the 28 GHz mm-wave band, i.e., it ranged from 25 GHz to 33.5 GHz. Additionally, an axial ratio below 3 dB is achieved within the operating band from 26 GHz to 33.5 GHz with the alterations of the surface current using straightforward topological adjustments of the physical parameters. The average in-band realized gain of the antenna is 10 dBic when measured in the broadside direction. These results indicate that the proposed design has the potential to improve the connectivity between IoT devices and the constantly varying orientation of satellites by mitigating the polarization mismatch.

  • Highly sensitive microwave sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator for sensing liquid materials
    • Chandu Ds
    • K.B.S. Sri Nagini
    • Rusan Kumar Barik
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    2024 Full text SENSORS

    This paper presents high-sensitivity sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator and modified open complementary split-ring resonator operating at 4.5 GHz and 3.4 GHz, respectively. The sensors are designed for the detection of multiple liquid materials, including distilled water, methanol, and ethanol. The liquid under test is filled in a glass container loaded using a pipette. Compared to the conventional OCSSRR, the modified OCSSRR with multiple rings exhibits a higher frequency shift of 1200 MHz, 1270 MHz, and 1520 MHz for ethanol, methanol, and distilled water, respectively. The modified sensor also demonstrates a high sensitivity of 308 MHz/RIU for ethanol concentration which is the highest among the existing microwave sensors. The sensors in this manuscript are suitable for multiple liquid material sensing applications.

  • Highly-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Waveguide Filter Based on Cross-Shaped Frequency-Dependent Coupling
    • Lubina Irum
    • Muhammad Yameen Sandhu
    • Adam Lamęcki
    • Roberto Gomez-Garcia
    • Michał Mrozowski

    This work reports the design of an original class of highly-compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-mode waveguide resonators inter-coupled through a novel type of frequency-dependent coupling (FDC). The devised FDC consists of a cross-shaped metallic structure placed in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. This FDC produces two additional poles and three extra transmission zeros (TZs). Specifically, each pole is surrounded by a pair of TZs, thus generating a dual-band bandpass filtering response. An equivalent lumped-element circuit model of the proposed FDC is provided to facilitate the filter synthesis process. For validation purposes, electromagnetic-(EM)-simulation results for a third-order dual-band bandpass filter design made up of two dual-mode rectangular waveguide resonators inter-coupled with a cross-shaped FDC are presented.

  • High-performance activation of ozone by sonocavitation for BTEX degradation in water
    • Kirill Fedorov
    • Lingshuai Kong
    • Chongqing Wang
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    This work presents a novel advanced oxidation process (AOP) for degradation of emerging organic pollutants – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEXs) in water. A comparative study was performed for sonocavitation assisted ozonation under 40–120 kHz and 80–200 kHz dual frequency ultrasounds (DFUS). Based on the obtained results, the combination of 40–120 kHz i.e., low-frequency US (LFDUS) with O3 exhibited excellent oxidation capacity degrading 99.37–99.69% of BTEXs in 40 min, while 86.09–91.76% of BTEX degradation was achieved after 60 min in 80–200 kHz i.e., high-frequency US (HFDUS) combined with O3. The synergistic indexes determined using degradation rate constants were found as 7.86 and 2.9 for LFDUS/O3 and HFDUS/O3 processes, respectively. The higher extend of BTEX degradation in both processes was observed at pH 6.5 and 10. Among the reactive oxygen species (ROSs), hydroxyl radicals (HO•) were found predominant according to scavenging tests, singlet oxygen also importantly contributed in degradation, while O2•- radicals had a minor contribution. Sulfate (SO42−) ions demonstrated higher inhibitory effect compared to chloride (Cl−) and carbonate (CO32−) ions in both processes. Degradation pathways of BTEX was proposed based on the intermediates identified using GC-MS technique.

  • HMSE: A tool for coupling MODFLOW and HYDRUS-1D computer programs
    • Mateusz Pawlowicz
    • Bartosz Balis
    • Adam Szymkiewicz
    • Jirka Simunek
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
    2024 Full text SoftwareX

    A new software HMSE has been developed to facilitate external coupling between two well-known programs for subsurface flow modeling: MODFLOW-2005 (saturated zone flow) and HYDRUS-1D (unsaturated zone flow). Two coupling schemes have been implemented. In the first case the groundwater recharge flux is calculated by HYDRUS-1D assuming a fixed water table position and then passed to MODFLOW input files. In the second case the water table position in HYDRUS-1D is updated periodically using the solution from MODFLOW. HMSE can be deployed in 3 modes: local, Docker and Kubernetes cluster. A web-based interface is provided to configure and run the simulation in all three cases. The software is applied to simulate groundwater table fluctuations observed in a shallow aquifer during three years.

  • Holistic collision avoidance decision support system for watchkeeping deck officers
    • Rafał Szłapczyński
    • Joanna Szłapczyńska
    • Mateusz Gil
    • Marcin Życzkowski
    • Jakub Montewka

    The paper presents a 3-stage synthesis-based Decision Support System for watchkeeping deck officers. Its functional scope covers conflict detection, maneuver selection, and maneuver execution, all phases supplemented by collision alerts. First, a customized elliptic ship domain is used for checking if both OS and TS will have enough free space. A survey-based navigators’ declarative OS arena is then used to determine the time at which OOW would like to take evasive action. Next, a safety level is assigned to the current situation based on the predicted violations of the ship domain and the declarative arena. The safety levels are also attributed to potential evasive maneuvers (single actions combining course alteration and rudder deflection). For a selected maneuver, Collision Avoidance Dynamic Critical Area (CADCA) is displayed, which informs OOW about the time window when the maneuver remains feasible. All of the above contribute to a holistic system of multi-level safety assessment utilizing: empirical ship domain, survey-based declarative arena, and ship dynamics-based CADCA. These, in turn, take into account navigators’ knowledge and preferences, ship maneuverability, and the impact of environmental conditions. The system is presented in three real-life scenarios located in the southern part of the Baltic Sea around the Danish straits.

  • How digital platforms support public values through government-citizen collaboration?
    • Grażyna Musiatowicz-Podbiał
    2024 Full text

    Digital platforms are becoming a popular means of multi-sided interactions between public institutions and their constituents. By enabling information sharing, consultation, and other forms of government-citizen collaboration, they facilitate co-decision-making and co-creation. Although digital platforms are not, the mechanism through which they can create public value, although important for government institutions and citizens alike, has not been systematically studied yet. This research aims at establishing a link between digital platform-based government-citizen engagement and how such engagement can generate public value. To this end, it employs the mixed method approach consisting of the systematic literature review and the analysis of 15 case studies of representative digital government platforms. The research delivers two main observations. First, digital government platforms produce three common public values: openness, government-citizen dialogue, and productivity gains. Second, unleashing the digital platforms’ public value creation potential requires infrastructural foundations, inducements for governments to engage, and mutual benefits for citizens, businesses and the government itself.

  • How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: Evidence from Europe
    • Aleksandra Parteka
    • Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
    • Dagmara Nikulin

    This paper uses a sample of over 9 million workers from 22 European countries to study the intertwined relationship between digital technology, cross-border production links and working conditions. We compare the social consequences of technological change exhibited by three types of innovation: computerisation (software), automation (robots) and artificial intelligence (AI). To fully quantify work-related wellbeing, we propose a new methodology that amends the information on remuneration by reference to such non-monetary factors as the work environment (physical and social), career development prospects, or work intensity. First, we show that employee wellbeing is related to the type of technological exposure. Employees in occupations with a high degree of software or robot exposure face worse working conditions – contrary to highly AI exposed occupations. Thus, we find that AI technologies differ from previous waves of technological progress - also in relation to workers' wellbeing. Additionally, we show that the relationship between digital technology and working conditions weakly depends on participation in global production chains.

  • How does the Relationship Between the Mistakes Acceptance Component of Learning Culture and Tacit Knowledge-Sharing Drive Organizational Agility? Risk as a Moderator
    • Wioleta Kucharska
    • Tomasz Balcerowski
    • Maciej Kucharski
    • Jari Jussila
    2024 Full text

    Changes in the business context create the need to adjust organizational knowledge to new contexts to enable the organizational agile responses to secure competitiveness. Tacit knowledge is strongly contextual. This study is based on the assumption that business context determines tacit knowledge creation and acquisition, and thanks to this, the tacit knowledge-sharing processes support agility. Therefore, this study aims to expose that there is a strong link between the tacit knowledge flow across the organization and its ability to respond agilely (timely, accurately, and creatively) to contextual changes. Based on the sample composed of 640 Polish knowledge workers and data analyzed with the structural equation modeling method (SEM), this study delivers empirical evidence that tacit knowledge flow is vital for organizational agility. The obtained results confirmed that tacit knowledge sharing mediates between the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture and agility. It means agility, understood asthe ability to respond agilely to contextual changes, requires being charged by new, contextual, tacit knowledge obtained thanks to trial-error actions (learning by doing) achievable thanks to breaking conventions and experimentation. Moreover, risk management skills have been proven to be one of the critical characteristics of agile organizations today.

  • How Integration of a Brain-Machine Interface and Obstacle Detection System Can Improve Wheelchair Control via Movement Image
    • Tomasz Kocejko
    • Nikodem Matuszkiewicz
    • Jakub Kwiatkowski
    • Piotr Durawa
    • Aleksander Madajczak
    2024 Full text SENSORS

    This study presents a human-computer interaction combined with a brain-machine interface (BMI) and obstacle detection system for remote control of a wheeled robot through movement imagery, providing a potential solution for individuals facing challenges with conventional vehicle operation. The primary focus of this work is the classification of surface EEG signals related to mental activity when envisioning movement and deep relaxation states. Additionally, this work presents a system for obstacle detection based on image processing. The implemented system constitutes a complementary part of the interface. The main contributions of this work include the proposal of a modified 10–20-electrode setup suitable for motor imagery classification, the design of two convolutional neural network (CNNs) models employed to classify signals acquired from sixteen EEG channels, and the implementation of an obstacle detection system based on computer vision integrated with a brain-machine interface. The models developed in this study achieved an accuracy of 83% in classifying EEG signals. The resulting classification outcomes were subsequently utilized to control the movement of a mobile robot. Experimental trials conducted on a designated test track demonstrated real-time control of the robot. The findings indicate the feasibility of integration of the obstacle detection system for collision avoidance with the classification of motor imagery for the purpose of brain-machine interface control of vehicles. The elaborated solution could help paralyzed patients to safely control a wheelchair through EEG and effectively prevent unintended vehicle movements

  • How Sport Innovations Can Shape Sustainable Cities: An Interdisciplinary Approach
    • Narek Parsamyan
    • Aleksander Orłowski
    2024 Full text Problemy Ekorozwoju

    Leveraging the potential of sport can play a significant role in shaping cities of tomorrow, generate environmental and social change. The integration of sport into city planning can provide multiple benefits, such as promoting physical activity, health, well-being, and enhancing social cohesion. However to date, there is a lack of research on the potential of sport innovations to enhance the sustainable development of cities. This study aims to explore the role of sport innovations in sustainable cities through systematic literature review, utilizing interdisciplinary approach that combines sport and urban management disciplines to understand how sport innovations affects the sustainable living. The findings of this study identify sustainable references in sport innovations literature, including best practices for integrating sport into urban planning and development, and thus verifying their contribution to the sustainable development of cities in areas of social inclusion, community participation, collaboration and networking, organizational strategy.