Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2012

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  • EUREKA-shouted Archimedes!
    • Magdalena Sokół

    Artykuł promujący nowy projekt realizowany przez Zakład Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi dotyczący systemu szybkiego reagowania na zagrożenia wynikające ze skażenia powietrza atmosferycznego lub awariami przemysłowymi.

  • Europejskie i krajowe uwarunkowania transportowe w rozwoju przestrzennym województwa pomorskiego
    • Tomasz Parteka

    Artykuł prezentuje analizę aktualnych powiązań dokumentów europejskich, krajowych i wojewódzkich z uwypukleniem roli transportu w ujęciu spójności, dostępności i przestrzeni.

  • Evaluation of compression realization in diesel engine based on performance indicator changes
    • Jacek Rudnicki
    2012 Full text Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    In the article a method of evaluation of a diesel engine during the realization of processes of working cycle on the example of compression is described. The method is based on the use of the quantity called performance indicator in the description of the engine's work, which contains the information on the energy values, which may be disposed using the engine and the time at which it can be delivered. Theoretical information has been supplemented with information processed, in accordance with the proposed procedure, experimental results, which helped to illustrate the essence of this method.

  • Evaluation of energy efficiency of vehicles powered by different fuels
    • Jacek Kropiwnicki

    W pracy przedstawiono nową metodę oceny efektywności energetycznej pojazdów zasilanych różnymi paliwami. Analizę można wykonać na podstawie jednego przejazdu w regularnym ruchu miejskim z rejestracją podstawowych parametrów silnika i pojazdu. Warunki eksploatacji identyfikowane są przy użyciu energochłonności jednostkowej, która uwzględnia zarówno wpływ warunków zewnętrznych jak również styl jazdy kierowcy.

  • Evaluation of inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro with different berries and correlation with their antioxidant level by advanced analytical methods
    • Sylwia Flis
    • Zenon Jastrzebski
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Patricia Arancibia-Avila
    • Fernando Toledo
    • Hanna Leontowicz
    • Maria Leontowicz
    • Milan Suhaj
    • Simon Trakhtenberg
    • Shela Gorinstein

    W pracy opisano wyniki badań:- właściwości przeciwutleniających ekstraktów rozpuszczalnikowych (DMSO) uzyskanych z różnych gatunków owoców jagodowych- zdolność do infibizacji proliferacji komórek rakowych.W badaniach wykorzystano testy (DPPH) oraz zaawansowane techniki analityczne (spektroskopia FTIR oraz fluoroscencja 3D)Wyniki badań wskazują, że spożywanie owoców jagodowych może zredukować zagrożenie procesu proliferacji komórek rakowych

  • Evaluation of multimedia applications in a cluster oriented environment
    • Henryk Krawczyk
    • Paweł Czarnul
    • Tomasz Dziubich
    2012 Full text Metrology and Measurement Systems

    In the age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Web and the Internet have changed significantly the way applications are developed, deployed and used. One of recent trends is modern design of web-applications based on SOA. This process is based on the composition of existing web services into a single scenario from the point of view of a particular user or client. This allows IT companies to shorten product time-to-market. On the other hand, it raises questions about the quality of the application and trade-offs between quality factors and attributes. Services are usually hosted and executed in an environment managed by its provider that assures the quality attributes such as availability or throughput. Therefore, in this paper an attempt has been made to perform quality measurements towards the creation of efficient, dependable and user-oriented Web applications. First, the process of designing service-based applications is described. Next, metrics for evaluation of efficiency, dependability and usability of distributed applications are presented. These metrics will accurately assess the efforts and trade-offs in Web-based application development. As examples, we describe a pair of multimedia applications which we have developed in our department and executed in a cluster based environment. One of them runs in the BeesyCluster middleware and the second one in the Kaskada platform. For these applications we present results of measurements and conclude about relations between quality attributes in the presented application development model. This knowledge can be further used for rapid and quality development of new service-oriented distributed applications.

  • Evaluation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr stainless steel for solid oxide fuel cells at high temperature
    • Magdalena Karpińska
    • Katarzyna Dunst
    • Jakub Karczewski
    • Sebastian Molin
    • Piotr Jasiński

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań korozji stali Fe22Cr w wysokich temperaturach.

  • Evaluation of solid phase extraction for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broth
    • Dariusz Witt
    • Piotr Barski
    • Janusz Kowalczyk
    • Agnieszka Lindstaedt
    • Joanna Puzewicz-Barska

    Glycerol is mainly a by-product of fat splitting and biodiesel production. This study examined the use of chemically modified silica gels for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broths obtained through the glycerol fermentation process. The developed method was found to be simple and efficient for the isolation and purification of butan-1-ol from the other components in the fermentation mixture. However, in the case of the separation of propane-1,3-diol from fermentation broth, the silica gel sorbents were ineffective.

  • Evaluation of the fast impedance spectroscopy method in the laboratory measurement system
    • Michał Kowalewski
    • Grzegorz Lentka
    • Jerzy Hoja

    In this paper the method for fast impedancespectroscopy of technical objects with very high impedance(|Zx| ≥ 1 GΩ) is evaluated by means of simulation and practicalexperiment. The method is based on excitation of an object, witha square pulse and measurements of voltage and currentresponses with DAQ card. The object impedance spectrum isobtained with use of continuous Fourier transform. Someimprovements of the method concerned on sampling momentsoptimization are discussed. The method is evaluated in Matlab bymeans of simulation and then practically verified on constructedlaboratory impedance spectroscopy measurement system.

  • Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Layers in Comparison with TSRST Test Results
    • Marek Pszczoła
    • Józef Judycki

    The paper presents the results of calculations and laboratory determination of thermal stresses at low temperatures. The modified Hills and Brien's method was used to calculate the thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements and the results were compared against the values obtained at a laboratory with the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) method. The laboratory investigations were conducted using plain grade bitumen, modified bitumen with SBS elastomer modification and multigrade type bitumen. It was found that the type of bitumen binder in asphalt concrete is of significant importance to the value of the calculated thermal stresses. For the cooling rate of 10ºC/h the lowest value was obtained for asphalt concrete produced with the use of multigrade type bitumen. This fact can be an indication of a better resistance to low temperature cracking. The thermal stresses were had the highest values for asphalt concrete produced with plain bitumen. A good correlation was obtained between the thermal stresses calculated with the Hills and Brien's procedure and the values of thermal stresses determined with the TSRST method.

  • Evaluation of Workflow Runtime Platforms in Service Composition
    • Paweł Kaczmarek

    Typically, workflow applications are constructed from basic functionalities that may be realized by alternative services deployed in heterogeneous runtime platforms. Depending on workflow structure and selection of services, the applications differ in attributes such as price, Quality of Service (QoS) and others. In the paper, we propose a method of evaluation of workflow runtime platforms using Data Envelopment Analysis. We present calculation rules and algorithms that enable conversion of workflow data to values applicable for DEA modeling, which concerns workflow structure, interoperability constraints of heterogeneous systems and QoS attributes. Then, we model runtime platforms as Decision Making Units that intend to optimize their performance in terms of the final price and QoS.

  • Event Infrastructure - Short-lived or Forever?
    • Małgorzata Kostrzewska
    • Magdalena Rembeza

  • Evolution of chemotaxis in single-cell artificial organisms
    • Joachim Erdei
    • Michał Joachimczak
    • Borys Wróbel

    The model of a liquid two-dimensional environment, which is based on physics of diffusion, allows us to simulate the diffusion of morphogenes. Artificial organisms move using a chemotaxis reacting to concentration difference. Organisms are controlled by a gene regulatory network coded in a linear genome and reproduce by division. We made a lot of experiments presenting organisms’ behaviour in various environment conditions. We analyzed the adaption change in function of time and compared different types of organisms.

  • Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
    • Rafał Szłapczyński
    2012 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    The paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International Maritime Organization. In brief, the ships navigating within a TSS all sail in the direction assigned to a particular traffic lane or they cross at a course angle as close to 90 degrees as possible. This and other TSS rules largely affect the evolutionary method. The paper presents a proposal of the extended evolutionary method, with a focus on changes that have to be made to obey TSS rules, especially the changes in the phases of evaluation and specialised operators of the evolutionary cycle.

  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals
    • Rafał Szłapczyński
    • Joanna Szłapczyńska
    2012 Full text TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

    The paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the authors decided to use real maps instead of a simplified polygon modelling and also to focus on better handling of COLREGS. The upgrade to the method enforced re-designing the evaluation phase of the evolutionary process. The new evaluation is thoroughly described and it is shown how evaluation affects final solutions returned by the method.

  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories Within Traffic Separation Schemes
    • Rafał Szłapczyński

    The paper presents the continuation of the author's research on Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories (ESoSST) methodology. In an earlier paper (Szlapczynski, 2011) the author described the foundations of this methodology, which used Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) to search for an optimal set of safe trajectories for all the ships involved in an encounter. The methodology was originally designed for open waters or restricted waters when only the standard Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS, 1972) rules apply. However, within Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS), where additionally Rule 10 of COLREGS applies, the problem is much more complex and a new solution is needed. This paper introduces the extended ESoSST methodology, with a focus on changes that have to be made to obey Rule 10 and fully support TSS. These changes include detecting and penalizing TSS violations, as well as the pre-processing phase (generating theinitial population, which includes predefined TSS-compliant tracks). The methodology has been designed for possible application in Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) centres. Its new mechanisms are presented with details. The examples are included of the results of the computer simulation tests carried out for the Gulf of Gdansk TSS to illustrate the methodology's effectiveness and functional scope.

  • Example of utilization of permeabilized microbial cells
    • Olga Pietrow-Tobiszewska
    • Anna Panek
    • Józef Synowiecki

    The benefits of using whole bacterial cells not only exclude expensive, laborious protein isolation and purification but also stabilize enzymes by cytosol components. Increase in activity of the cells can be achieved by cells permeabilization.

  • Existence of positive solutions to third order differential equations with advanced arguments and nonlocal boundary conditions
    • Tadeusz Jankowski

    Praca dotyczy warunków dostatecznych na istnienie dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z wyprzedzonymi argumentami i warunkami brzegowymi zawierającymi całki Stieltjesa.